lubei' lti, 1928 T.n-i Ypnrc Arm 4 1 W A JtW In Prince Kupert m-.ober 16, 1918 .Kiniiic of Spanish In-v. )) u h is sweeping the I,. now become very in J'riiice Rupert, there '. more ease than can , iih 'fluted in the Jiospital. :. Rhmi jd tf lzefls of V:i'vihfd frflHher and i(i .AlicBAJph 'recently to tin- completion of the i mi n Railway to Camp i -t.itlono'on the Queen ,?. Ni.iiuls are being clos-li winter. Rose Harbor I ,i the blij'mammalg and . iImi- 110. v : z 4 I INCK RUPERT TIERS 'ii f'ay, .October 16 . . 2.54 a.m. 19.8 ft. 14.48 ..m. 21.5 ft. H.47 u.m. G.6 ft. 21.20 p.m. 3.7 ft. , Im -day, October 17 j 3.30 a.m. 19.0 I 15.14 p.m. 20.9 . ... 9.19 a.m. 7.G 21.55 p.m. 4.5 j T;o:im!;iv. October 18 ... 4.09 m m. 18.1 j 15.46 p.m. 20.0 .... 9.58 a.m. 8.7 I 22.23 p.m. 5.5 1 by. October 19 4.5-1 a.m. 17.0 10.21 p.m. 18.9 j 10.31 .m. 10.0 23. 18 p.m. 6.5 (K-diiy. October 20 i j . 5.52 a.m. 1G.1 I 17.06 p.m. 17.8 . 11.20 a.m. 11.1 I - and;iv. October 21. I 7.18 a.m. 15.6 ; 18.28 p-m. 16.8 0.16 a.m 7.4 12.26 p.m. 11.8 October 22 . 8.27 a.m. 16.0 20.02 p.m. 16.7 1.29 a.m. 7.9 13.54 p.m. 11.8 So Sudden ... . . ,' your (lkem..a .t t! 'twi. Thia i. la so mtA Md- What do you mr . vou see that' our' c!tnel service I cf I The Three Important Points I ing an engine, there are to look for : Reliability, y f Operation, and Dur Lxce corporation, who nycrs, are user of Fair M sn Diesel Engines, and t very satisfactory service. : panics al the Laurentlde i l- .pcr Co . the Canadian jonal Paper Co., Kt New ;l Power & Paper Co., uie ig boat Kmce; the largest ii i'.inic on the Atlantic i.c them exclusively, and numerom owner on the" Crut. When coniidering u k til for a Hit of Installs y.ur vicinity. 1 Afiirn- Mallnt Dltttl Enllnrt Ji In munv n rem i. tu toe ii. r )Faef K en J . n vanaaian FAIRBANKS MORSE -wmpany Limited -1. It.K n r I . i . , I r" .ii K. j ' "" oilm, ' i uw" "'. nina. I..,, "V tdmnnlim. i vicnis ' ns CLASH THE 1AILY NtfWS PaG2 SEVFiv Vim SAW. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT notice' of .i'i'i.if,,iio ran Hmu licence .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thttt on &mir,l.B:,,u',d for a kn 'a reAejt of premise being pert of th building! " known a Queena Hotel. Manet:, omiia i Island, altuate at Uassett, Graham Is-1 JJfv "A06.11 Un described as Lot ! Queen Charlotte Islands, Plan No. 848. Maroett Townslte, Prince Rupert Land Kegistratlon District, In the Province or British Cnlitmfeia ....... r t.. .u, vlw skiv v veer SLih2. g.Y? or bT th open bottle tor Consumption on the premises. DATED thli 1st day of October 192S. 253 PORTER SINGER. KING BECOMES A MECHANIC Mntir.v Krui-RiEi wiikx ciiAfrrru who mxrKii tiikm RECEIVES HOWS OK COt X. TUYSIIlE SOFIA, Oct - Two professor ai the American college at Bamokov, 10; Mile from here, were returning from! the earthquake tone by auto when; their eriflne broke down 30 Utile from! Son. They spent three hour in alr; ! :attnpu to make repair, while day-; light rapidly faded. They had reconciled themaelves to aleeptng In the field over night, when another auto approached. "Can I help your the chauffeur of the aecMHl ear Mid In Bugartan aa he Crew up beaUk the stranded American. Tea, but we are afraid you cannot do much We have worked with the engine for three hour without much Thowlng aalde his coat, the friendly young chauffeur, whom the Amertoan tMtleed had a itriklngly studious and refined face .nioeeoded to raise the jhood covering the engine aad to ex- amine the carburetor, magneto and spark ptug. Within ten mlnutt he bad put Ms tinier oA the e4 ft the trouble. Try it now" he said, bis face and hands bewnlrched with grease. One of the' Amerteans pat his foot ' the starter and tfce sex started. 8HMenly sjue of the professor re-measbered uiu e did not give that Ipoor feneNr a rest for his trouMe." Ten minutes later fhe second car came up with thssn and the Americans were amsrd to see the whole countryside jearutlng and bowing homage to the , young man who had extricated them. They were stupefied later when they food that he was King Boris of Bulgaria. , . i ' ., i A Foolish Fellow Wffe That wretch next door throw a atone through the window , pUyinif . on the piano. Husband-Foolish fellow! Now hnT hear you all the plainer. - - BRINGING UP D ADVERTISEMENTS REAL MTATE FOR SALE Howe jn TlH$ class condition wittfoath vtif fruutvy . Term. PfciM .Uhft 258. W f FOR SALE--tot o". Third Ave n ue fjpj.oiiitu Firrt Street. $2,KV term. l!ox 137 Dai .Vev Office. , WANTED TO PURCHASE S: or eUrhtroomed modern hous with three bedrooms. Close ii On to lots. State terms t Box 14 i, Daily News Office. 24 WANTED Two level buildin; lots, in Sections five or six be tween Fourth and Seventl Av;.ues. Write giving prici and terms to Box 147, Dail; NYws Office. 24' FOR SALE Special. Lots 20, 2 22. 23, b'ock 7, Section fronting on McBride Stree Price $1,000.00; $400 cash ; ba rice $200 yearly at 7 per cen Apply owtr, W. Arnett, Da' phin, Han. 24 FOR PALE Seven roomed mo ern house on Fifth Aveni West, at corner Emmersr Place. S8.6O0.00. Small cat payment with balance month' like rent. Phone Black 291. V. FOR RENT FOR RENT furnished hous. keeping rooms by the day, weet or month. Phone, Red 607. t FOR RENT House 893 Borde Street. Phone Black 512 aft 5 oYlfx-k. t FOR RENT Six roomed Hous 1730 Atlin Avenue, Section : Phone Blue 435. FOR RENT Piano, Playei Pianos. Phonographs and Sew ing Machinea. Walker's Must Store. FOR REN'T -Three roomod apar? ment, Fourth Avenue East. M- affery and Gibbons. Ltd. 24 , 24: FOR RENT Heated room, fur nlshed. In private residence Fire minutes from City Hall Phone Blue 505. 24t FOR RENT In a ouiet home three room partly furnished, also twq housekeeping rooms. Apply 609 Sixth Avenue Wei or Phone Black 443. 244 FATHER WANTED WANTED Man.-fto div out foi basement, and 8wer in exchange f Or joiner or curpentel work. Write to P.O. Box 554 or Phone Black 44:?. 24 VANTED Side line salesman to sell or. commission, Counter Sales Books juiu Business Forms in northern British. Columbia from Prince Kupert to Prince George. State line ear ried, and how frequently territory covered. Splendid opportunity. 247 FOR SALE OR SALE Ourney ntn-re, beti. complete, bureau, parlor table two linoleum rugs. Phon.' Illaci 560. 241 OR SALE Bedroom lumitUre Phone Black 714. 247 OR SALE 45 h.p. Universal marine engine with re luetion gear. Apply Dr. Larjfe. Port Simpson. B.C. 249 OH SALE or ..-harter -Work and Tow Boiit "Ogopogo." Atl-ts H I). Engine, Cheap. Cruiser 'era S. Fr-" Atlas Ii. D. Engine. Sleeps five. Suitable for hunting or survey parties. ,M. M. Stephens. tf )R SALE Uiipt :-.: -ties in used r Fisher Fast Fren1 . ton truck: 1926 Day-!: W ,h Drive 2 ton truck: 1 i Re- Speed Wagon; 1 Vi ' ; ' inee; 1 Patriot- ' h i oast terms arrant complete particula s Anilerson MotoT i ' " '-! 1256 Gram-ille St)'. ' ver, B. C. -M Form No. 16 (Sect U' LAND ACT. OTiri: OF I.NTENTIOX Tt Wrl X roll or roRKtiii ' tice In the S'eena Land i and situate. front;n; - 30 Rnn'e 5. Coast -uph Psse TAKE NOTICE that :he ! mbla Fishing Ac Pack::? ncouver. BC occupn-.:on .' acklryr. ir.tendr to apply 1 ' the fol'owlng desrrlbtd foi Commencing at post plan i.XHi' enty chains nortnf!oriy :r :n i Uthwest corner ot Mid Lot 9 ce St. ten chains: ther nortlvi--.'r:' 'srsJlel to the genersi run of tlx :e rte. fifteen chains: '..vnre east t' high water mark, ten chains, mert 2a: thence sou:hefctrly, following inean h!rh wa'er mark o point of commencement, containing rlfteen acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO It PrKTNO CO.. LTD. By James Henry Bushnell. Agent. Dated August 24. 1928 368 FilR RENT LOST & FOUND IS FtTLL OP HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. 4 SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage &'Tiiwinis Co.' Ltd. BARGAINS IN GAS BOAT'S Agents for Easthope Engines. Coolidge Propellers and Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charter Salt Lakes Ferry Service Weel Days on the hours 1 p.m. till p.m. Sundays and Hotldtrjrs, t' till 8 p.m. 5Cl-Phone 561 CHIMNEY SWKEt II. J. Zumkehr 1 General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned an' Repaired J'hone 3 Prince Rupert, B. ( HOWE'S SHEET JHETAL WORKS (Established t09) - Furnaces, Pipes, Tanks. Pave rough Down Pipes. Special attention to out-of-tow jrdera. Ph one 310; Hat m AUCTIONEERS PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Federal Block ir- ure of all kinds Bought Sold or Exchanged f rating and Packing done ' i . "Is sold on Commission G. J. DAWES Wtioneer. Black 121 THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue ' 'ndc- new management. Clean -ngk and double hokrselnepin rooms Mrs. John Dalberg P. - tlflcate of TUle No 144396-1 to I it 6. Block 8, Subdivision of Lot ' 08. Range S, Ccast District, Map 122 (ViiSJUtAS proof of loss ot (tie boe fleets of Title Issued In the name ' HARLSS OORDOK has been filed I lis office, notice Is hereby given that ' 111. at the expiration of one month ' jca the date of the nrst mibtlcation nereof. :ssue a provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of the said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made tn me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 2nd dav of October. A.D. 1923. H. F MACLEOD. 268 Reglstiar CHIROPRACTia- Dlt "V. C .ArtPtNvAtlr'' Chiropractor and Electrg ' Therapeutist. ' ' Exchange Block' All . Diseases Successfully Treated Phone Green 211 or Ilfack 283. CHIROPRACTOlit DR. IL E. EYOLFSON 623 Third Avenue The right adjustment at tht right time produces the best re suits. Our new ANApYTE Indi eates the right adjustment. Phone Blue 85 Residence Phone, Black 232 Form No. 16 (Section 86) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOB LEASE OF FOKBSMORE In tnc Skeena Land iteoording D-trldt. and altuate. fronting on Lot 127 Range 5, Coast District. Inverness Pas- TAKE NOTICE that the British Colombia Fishing 4i Packing C Ltd., of 'ancouver. B.C., occupation Fishing and 'acking, intends Ut apply for a le t the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the ortheaat corner of. said Lot 124; theues vest, twenty chulna. more or leal, tc n intersection with the west oouo-ary of Lot 127 produced north: thence sllowlng aald production of the west lundary ot Lot 131 south to mean hlg'-ater mark: thence easterly, following ie mean high water mark to point of .mmencement. and eontalnlng ten -res. more or less. BRITISH COLLbQUA-FieHINO PACK1NO CO.. ITD. By James Henry ausnn',, Agent. Dated August U. 12. 26 PRINCE RUPEOT AUCTION MART Auction Sale Jf Very Exclusive English Walnut Furniture Instructed by the owner, who Is leav m town I will sell tar ALCTION 'BIltHB.tY. urt. lg. and Fftnav, (X-) 9. at the hour of 2.30 peg-, at "THE MANSE," Fourth Avenue East e foUowlng articles of furniture, eon istlne of : :rhard Hetntcnun Plane (VValsnt). 'lertuird He In tarn an Oahlnat Oramo- cr? ar(d records. Ottcman seat In ie slid walnut chesteeflelA suite With . -:t quality mcqu"!. stoo! to match scat, beautiful bridge amp line standard lamp, rose and blue had. large piano mirror, walnut sec-retalr and chair. 7-ptece dining room lite in walnut, tea room set with latge . uded glass cabinet 2 mohair ruga. 'Vllton n:gs. bookcase and books, rattan -hairs, enk desk and chair. 0x9 Axmln-ater rug. 2 ferneries in lnut, walnut -ivaI table, walnut bedroom lulte, Hoover, electric plate, dinner service, linoleum. rce valcur hangings, bearskin rug, beds, tables, kltsben Utensils, oil painting, and rniscellansous articles. NOTS These gosds are In eaiceOMit condition and can be viewed day previous to tfcte. For further particular phone G. J. DA WHS, Auctioneer. Black 120.1 r , Z ( H6.Y- Til rsJZ? . II FrTTTHl tiw. I 'l c-p - 1 I Zjgj f iTfp '), i. .Portn .No.' 16 I Section 8GJ j . LANJMCT, ,,. ,. vofirti oniTErirti-TO iSlpnV'rOlj , .LE.IME OFlRJESIjlBK .v,.. In the Bksena Land r.e::ordlng Dls--lct. slttiate and fronting on ixt 11, '.nge 6, Qpaat District, Oxt.-ill River: TArfl!NOnCE thilf the British Colombia Fishing & Paclt:iig C. Ltd., of ncouver, B.C.. occupation Fishing and-inUng. intends to apply for a leant t (M fSHoWlng described tureshare Ccmmenclng at a post planted at the ttthwest corner of said Lot 11: thence est, . test- chains; thence south forty :ialrik. mere or Mm, to an lntrreection vith the MUth boundary of Lot 11 reduced west: thence east following V.i production of the south boundary Lot It, f.X Ciklns, mere cr less, to .ean high water mark: thence northerly, -'lowing the mean high water mark to Int of commencement, and' conta:n-thirty acres. m-r or less. BRITIBH COLUMBIA FISHING A FACtTJNU CO.. LTD. By James Henry Bushnell. Agent. (kited August S.lS Form No. 16 I Section 86) LAND ACT. WTICE OF IWTFXTlb.V TO APFI.V T . LEASE OF FOUESIIOHE - In the Skeena Land, Becoming Dls---tet, situate, anK fronttog on Lot 2, tange 4 Ooaat District, Lew Inlet. TAKE NOTICE thst the British Col-snhlt Fiehlag it Staking C. Ltd.. of '.'ancouvef, B C.. occupation Fishing and IMk1ng, intends to apply for a lei'-n '-'T-'-'ruT. aesenseo lorwnore: -OeanmeBctne at a boat ptajiteB at the southeast coiner of said Lot 3; thence .. ..... -j ,:utin; tusnce west rciy chains, mo -x leas, to an intersec tion with the west boundary jf Lot a roducsd south: tnenoe north seven chains, mere or less, to the southwest comer of Lot 2: thence easterly, follow- ng the mean high water mark to the :cin: oi coar.msnsement, and contam-'ag eighteen, acres, more or lea. - BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING PACKINO CO.. LTD. By James Henry bushnell Agei::. Dated August 38, 1HB. 206 Form No. 16 (Ssctloc LAND ACT. VOflCB OF IXTENTIOS TO AFPLT FOR ixakk or roRBHitoni: la the Skeena Land Recording D's-tMct. altuate- and fronting on Lot of tbfr, British Oolumbla FMhmg A Pacl:-ittg Ooa Cannery Site. Townette ot Part Srtngton. Skeena River. TAKC NOTICE u at the 3riUsh Col- ihto nanlnc & Pecking c Ltd . of IneoureTj B.C.. occupation Fishing and racking.' Intends to- -apply for a h-nse f- the frllowlnj described fore-ri-re: - Commencing at s po-t planted at the oortbeast corner of the oald Caruvry site; thence northerly, following the production of the easterly tounda-y of the B.C. Fishing tc Packing Co 's pro-oerty. six hundred feet: thence westerly, st right angle to the said easterly boundary four hundred and fifty feet, more or lea, to an Intersection wth the westerly boundary of the B.C. Fishing 3c Packing Co.'s property produced northerly; thence southerly, follow ng stud' westerly ooundary produced six hundred feet, more or Mm, to mean high water mark: thence easterly, following be mean high water mark to point of commencement, and containing six acres, snore or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING as PACKING CO., LTD Br James Henry Bushnell. Agent. Dated Aueust 21, 1938 MS By George McManus