f.. Oi tobcr 16, 1928 Prince Bupert m Northern Pacific Terminus of the Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert has three of the greatest things in the world Ik Largest Fish Cold Storage Plant The Luges Fresh Halibut Market The Largest Undeveloped Hinterland Tlte City of Prince Huperl has a payroll of considerable p .'I'lence, derived from: KAIMVAY SHOPS RAILWAY OFFICES DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARDS GRAIN ELEVATOR PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OFFICES COLD STORAGE : v FISH PACKING HOUSES ' 5 PISH MAltKKT 4 OILERY AND FISH RI (EDUCTION PLANT SALMON AND HALIRUT FISHERMEN SALMON CANNERIES LUMRER MILLS , V --,f f MINING , ' , TRAPPING AND FURS nn- The grain export business of Prince Rupert is steadily developing. Last year about eight million bushels of grain was shipped through the terminal elevator and this year promises to greatly exceed that mark. ... The City owns its Power, Lifllfj, WaterkSuppIy'. and Tclc-f phones. ..' The schools arc excellent. Roads arc paved and concrete sidewalks arc being laid. I PRINCE RUPERT IS ONE OF THE COMING COMMERCIAL CENTRES OF THE PACIFIC COAST, THE PRO-RAiiLE OUTLET OF THE GREAT PEACE RIVER COUNTRY, AND SURROUNDED KY A RAPIDLY DEVELOPING TERRITORY Prince Rupert is the lotficnl site of a customs smeller which would serve the mines of Portland Canal, the Rulkley and Skeena Valleys and coast points. THE DAILY NEWS V is Prince Rupert's recognized Daily Newspaper y fc't Hffiffiffi? fine THE? DAILY NEWS PAGE FIYI SUPERANNUATION AGAIN ASKED FOR BY MEMBERS CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT vork of th dock. The most of the men now employed, will be kept on for the major, part of the cotnkng winter. conUnutd from page 1) fore th,e Grand Jury. It was said by the Crown that Turner was i a. T i T1:.t In tUon ad Colds Vapors inhaled quickly clear head V8CKS VapoRup HALIBUT TODAY 189,500 LBS. In a petition to the city council Am,ra n. it members of the fire, last night, 168c and gc and Canadian .department renewed request ag gh a9 lUc and gc maue auuui a year njsu uai uic ; necessary steps be taken whereby ! Halibut sales here this morn-they might receive the benefits ing totalled 189,500 pounds, nine under the Superannuation Act. 'American vessels gelling 172,000 The communication suggested that pounds at from 12c and 6c to there was enough money left over 1 16.8c and 8c while three Canadian from the 1928 estimates of (he, boats disposed of 17,500 pounds department to cover the costs of at 13.4c and Jc to 14.4c and 8c. putting the superannuation meas- Arrivals and sales : ure into force this year. American Aid. Brown understood that Explorer, 20,000 pounds, Booth the city had no option but to Fisheries, 14.7c and 6c. grant the request, the city solid-1 Pioneer, 39,000 pounds and Yu- 4 t r iUin n;Mfn ' i OA a . i. i. 'cut. tor concurring in this opinion, Moneys left over from the year's estimates, Aid. Brown pointed out, referred to, a sum of $600 which had been Allowed for repairs to machinery which had not been used. On motion of Aid. Brown, sec onded by Aid. Prudhomme, the matter was referred to the finance kon 30,000 pounds, to Seattle. Doric, 31,000 pounds, Pacific Fisheries, 14.7c, and 6c. Nordby, 30,000 pounds, Cana dian Fish and Cold Storage Co., 12c and 6c. Daily, 24,000 pounds, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., 14.1c1 and 6c. Arctic, 19,000 pounds, Canadian committee and the city solicitor ' Fish and Cold Storage Co., 14c for report. SCHOONER OVERHAUL WILL SOON BE DONE "Sffie M. Morrissey Will Be ready to Leave Dry Dock In Two or Three Days The auxiliary schooner Effie M. Morrissey Capt. Robert Bart-lett, which has been on the pontoons at the dry dock for the vast few days undergoing cleaning, painting and propeller repairs following her summer ruise to the Arctic Ocean with he Stoil-McCracken expedition, vill be urtdock'id r.nd ready to ail within the next two or three and 6c. Excel, 21.000 pounds, Atlln Fisheroes, 14.3c and 6c Rainier, 5,000 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 16.3c and 8c. Lumen, 8,000 pounds, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., 16.8c and ec. ' Canadian Edward Llps'ett, 4,000 pounds, Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., 13.6c and 8c. Ternen. 7.500 pounds, Atlin Fisheries. 13.4c and 8c. . liken. 6,000 Pounds, Atlin i Fisheries, 14.4c and 8c. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert r ! Hncrora rtv: Mr). YV lays It is expected. The vessel; Payne; Dominion Cannery; Vm ill proceed from here to New t( Mundle Vancouver; S. Price. ork via the ronana unai. ,Fort Graham; Mrs C. A. Moore mere are aooui lou men em-and gon port Essington: M. H Moved at the dry dock just now.;Mo, Petersburg; Mrs. T 100 re employed in con-,p Sunnvside: Mrs. J. lection with the constrvctior i of jDrown uth Cav: S. r. Tvson .av hinrii fnr thai I nnflHlnn I .. . . ' . . V " II 7 balance , 1 Ketchikan; ti. llusiey.- reiers National Railways, the Drew, Watrous, Sask. MiinK CDKIWVU III W1C UIUINOI J Savoy Charles Reddech. Houston; Mr and Mrs. E. Dudoward and J. D Sweeney. Port Simpson; MacV Orr. Pacific: H. Franks. And! . I ir TL.n.. PVn Jnh PRINCE RUPERT ASSIZES """ " - OPENED THIS MORNING; THREE CRIMINAL CASES. F. Murray. James Aivanchopi and Mr. and Mrs. J. Stone, Jap Inlet. Royal Raymond Watson, Digby Is iisr.ing at napnoe iuhu m un"'- - - Channel and got into some kind of l tins, C.N.K.; K. a difference with another man, i M. Carlsen, city, Kriianan. who was lishinK Lcnirai from another boat, and became so annoyed, probably in regard to nets and so-called "corking," that he took a rifle and saot the man dead. In the second case, a man named Priia, a Finlander from Anyox, wa chanted. In the evening, according to the crown's case, several men were wrestling and challenging each other and, in the midst of this, the accused was said to hava drawn a knife and stabbed another man, the doctors being able to save his life only by an apparent miracle. The charge was "wounding with intent to murder." Iakr Case "The third case," stated His Lordship" is one which we would have much preferred to have seen disputed of in police 'court." However, it was the privilege of accused to put himself ur-oh a jury for trial if he so desired. The Incident occurring in a house of Ill-fame, the accused Contois was charted with netting in an alter cation wi.h a woman, ' Mabel lllnes, and striking her on the head with a beer bottle. The charge was assault occasioning actual bodily harm. . . In asking the Grand Jury.;tQ re- ... i i : n i o on tire ana bring dbck a oirm -.ou. if ,voMii.ia tha inrW anhounced- that it was the desire of the court to take up the murder case first. I Owing to a hitch in connection with the empanelment, the list of i petit jurors for the session of the assises is not to v announced un-1 til this afternoon Up I lot land; C. Watson, Port Simpson II. Meyer. Edmonton, A. E. Olt S. McCuaig am W. Bird and Jack Johnson, city; R. McRae, A. McLeod and Rov Fisher. E. W. Lockwood, - Ketchikan. STOCK QUOTATIONS Argenta Rufus 30'; 31 V. Bayview 5; 5Vt. B. C. Silver. 1.25; 1.40. Big Missouri 56; 561 Cork Province 284: 29. Cotton Belt, nil; 85. Dunwell, 16Va; nil. Duthie, nil; 1.00. George Copper 5.25; 5.75. Georgia River 36; 37. Glacier, IV; nil. Glasiar 70; 81. Gladstone 5; 5H. Golconda 76; 79. "' Grandvicw 63; 64. Independence 11; lint Indian 5!-; 6Vi. Kootney Florence 18, 19. ' Li L 8Vi: 9. V Lakeview l'v, 2'i, Lucky Jim 25; 26. Marmot Metals 9V; 10. Marmot River Gold lOVt ; U Mohawk 7V4; 7'j. National Silver 13; 14v. Noranda 46.60. nil. Pend Oreille 11.50; 11.85. Torter Idaho 62; 64V. Premier 2.28; 2.29. Ruth Hope 61 VsT 62. Noble Five 35; 36. Sherrit Gordon 6.15; nil. Sliver Crest 10; 11. Silverado 70; 75. Silversmith Wit', 12. SloCnn King 6Vi; nil. Sunlock 2.30; 2.50. Snowflak 92; 95. Terminus 18; 19. Topley Richfield 54; 55. Toric nil; 2.50. WHIte Water 1.65; 1.70. ' Woodbine 13M,; 144 Fnhyon nil; 11. V WBHUJI'lKljnHii At the meeting last night of the Young People's Society of irst United Church. Mrs. W. J. irkpatrick . gave a very inter-ling account of the recent meet- nga of general council in Win- lipeg which she attended as a ommissioner from Prince Ru pert presbytery. In the course POLAR BEAR Is Able to Put up With CODE INSTALLED Thil lymhol It the Idenrifrlng mark f Wrm tit hndog Mm ImuHeJ aecwJ. In lo iha tpcdlcaiiwu f iha SianJard CJ. A k(cCbrr 'W UacrOoJainMalUaV guaranlc TO of ktat for trtrj room la aero wralhtr. FREE This Handsomt 8-Cup Size. TEA POT Will be given away absolutely fret to each purchaser of 1 lb. BRAID S BEST TEA AND 1 lb. BRAID'S BEST COFFEE Braid's Best Tea Is packed In two grades: Red Label Oranie Pekoe and Blue Label. The most popular tea on the market This offer obtainable nt the following-Grocers: 3IUSSALLEM GROCERY MUNRO BROS. BUSH'S GROCETERIA SEAL COVE GROCERY BRAID, TUCK & CO., LTD. GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING UNITED CHURCH DESCRIBED VANCOUVER of her address; Mrs. Klrkpatrick read extracts from speeches of leading church men of Canada, Great Britain and other parts of the world who were in attendance at the council. Her re-maks were touched with many witticisms and, at the conclusion of the address, Mrs. Klrkpatrick answered many questions which were put to her. G. H. Stocks, president of the Young People's Society, occupied the chair. After the address, the members epaired to the gymnasium where Badminton games were played. BUI CAN YOU ? is fine for Polar Dears, COLD but not so good for human beings ! A chilly or poorly heated home, for example, ti a menace to the health of everyone in the household. There is only one answer McClary "Sunshine" Warm Air heating. For real home comfort, for mellow, healthful warmth, no other heating system can compare with it. Like the balmy breath of a June day, the air is kept con stantly recirculated, properly moistened. So unlike the dry heat from iron radiators 1 Burns any kind of fuel, the famous "Ventiblast" ring making thorough combustion a certainty. Saves money in actual use and it costs much less to Install this guaranteed McClary Warm Air System than hot water or steam systems. joa Furnace J GENERAL STEEL WARES Product AUTHORIZED DEALERS Ratchford & Shentoii ft ,. 1