January 21, 1923 HE AC Schick V7 loniinut's with an unabated flow of tin Illxtfent Itarjiain In H.C. MEN'S DKKSS SHIRTS ! Pi-chh Shirts in Knjflish BrowlVloth, Derby Cords, .ml other fine materials in a ry fine selection of v,n.s. All ii7w from 14' to 17. Ik-re is a spec ial , which you can afford to stock u on these. S"f QJf .,'ioii Sale Price i ; lor $5.00. 31 EN'S CAIS . I i mired Caps to choose from. The famous Wolfe Cap, r'l with unbrenkuble peak. In all shades and Hiiett. , ;.lue up to $1.60. 4 94 QC ,i,um Sale Price VA.fM MEN'S OVERCOATS :. lot of Men' Overcoats, only cijrht in the lot, which i cleared out before atocktakinif an we do hot want to in -f over. These are of fine materials and very well Kt-trilar values up to $10. 4 C i)A Mi nn Sale Price iHDsWU MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS . : imoua (J.W.G. Shirts in all wool flannel These come hecks and in sizes from 15 to lT'. Kexular uiues $2.95 ,'...,, Sale Price HOYS' STOCKING'S iumnua St. Margaret's brand .-Uoekinir with the '.. specially suitable for boy's hard wear. These .i k only and in all sizes. Regular value to $1.75 OKf i n Sale Price Acme :: u 0,1); Order Strtrtly Cash ' " Sh Ckir& ArVrHrnta Mail Orders Forwarded Express Prepaid SchicL Repeating Razor ! I . KeKeatinv Razor that makes shaving easier. i rt'load. like a pump gun 20 marvellous blades in each clip It saves shaving time no drying, no fussing IT SHAVES LIKE A HEAD BARBER smoothly, quickly, comfortably Simple as A. B. ('. 11 i'UUmI Ra?or, with blades !jWI.50 lips of 2(1 blades Sl. mes IM yfic Pitjnv.cr DrttQfisls a rMinOAVE.tr SIXTH ST -Tr:LtPMONr:$ H?u200 JANUARY Clearance SALE Special Bargain Tables 25c 50c 95c DKKHSKS AT COST MMCE ltargalna in all Llnett H. S. Wallnr.fi Co.. Ltd. Il Phone 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton Thor Johnson COBS OUT OF TUB SHOE 11USINKSS DRASTIC KE1MKTIONS Oa every Shoe in th.' Si civ UKEAT HAKGAINS COM K AND CET EM! 1 H Church Notices tit. ANDItKW'H CATIICItll.il, Archdeacon O A. Hlx, rector. s&orning worship n a.m. Evening service at 730 p.i.i. Sacrament of the WWQJ supper. Un.t Bunetay of the month at 11 a.m. Third Sunday of the month at 8 a.m. Sunday School at 230. . Baptisms by arrangement. 'irVaflih'l.tX M'lKXf'K MM'IKTY Jarvlce every Sunday morning In the Hay1 block. 24S Second Avenue. Subject' on Sunday "Truth." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. I'ltKMIVTI Itl.W ( III Itt ll. Minister, Bev. J. R. Fri-atll, B.A. LLJ., Bnldence. The Manee. Phone 463. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sub ject: "no One to Help Me." Sunday school at 13.15. Evening service at 7 20. Subject: 'The Tears of a King. The annual congregational meeting will be held on Monday evening at 8 pm. ll.tlUKT III lt( II Milliliter. Rev. W. V. Price. Morning worship at II o'clock. Su'o Ject: 'The Power ol His Resurrection.' Saunday School t 2 lu. Oman Recital at 7.15. Evening woisblp at 7.30. Ser mon Topi'. "nathema Maranatha." Siiigirir by lhr tiolr Solos by Mrs. P. W Allen and F Dibb. Monday at 8 o clock the Ph enlde Club Social Even ing. Young people especially welcome. UKMT CMTKO (WHICH. Rev. A. Wilson, pastor Miss I. Haddock, deaconess Morning worship at 11 o'clock. "ftnlsrumt AiirHn " Aunri.w Daily Uving " Monde y at 7.30 p m. t MT. P.tl L'ft M TIIERtN lilt KTH. I Rev. John Hiinon. pastor. I Residence. Cla;j Building. HI HULK IttPlHtr. Phone ! Red 361. Morning worship at 11 o'clock (Kng-iliah.i Sunday School. Bible class, oon- flrmatlon class at 13 noon. Be and In -) avian aervirc at 740 p.m. Solos by Mrs. Kordenstrom A cordial welcome lis extended to all. S ua. I I DIOBT ISLAND. Part cloudy, cairn; barometer, 80.08; temperature, S3; set-smooth: 10 15 p.m. spoke motoranlp aMtorhip Aoiaul. 32iij miles from Vic toria, southbound. QEAb Ts. POINT Clear. . ealmi barametcr, 30 00; tetitperalure. 3a, sea smooth I BULL HARBOR O'irrast, fresh SE j wind: barometer. 20 70; temperature. 1 40. sea moderate; 8 pm. spoke steamer Ai.yca. Anycx for Tcoma. 384 miles from T scorns; p.m spoke stcauic. i.c enprxji. Prince Rupert for Comox, loo ui.Us uorthwcsi ui Bull Harbor; 8 p m spoke steamer Admiral Borers. 412 n.;lt Irom Seattle. m inbound; 8 ajn sp.ke tug St. Faith, in Loughborough Inlet, bound tor Powell River. NOON DIOBT ISLAND Clear, calm; barometer. 10 10, temperature. So: sea smooth. DEAD TRSZ POINT Clear, calm Urometer. 29 JK. temperature. 40: sea smcoth. BULL HARBOR Ovtrcul, frtih SJI ulnd: baroiiKrUr. 3I.84. temperature. 40; . e moderate. Ernest Woodworth. bi:di;e forrn.an for for the provincial department oi public wirks In thl district, returning to Sm It hers following a holiday trip to Vancouver and Victoria, arrived in the ity on th Cardena last night from the south. IIIR1II. ' There was boni to Mr. and Mr. 8. Haudenschlld at their home. Eleventh Avenue. Friday. Janumv M. a 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS 4'T4'' Legion Novelty Dance January tt. Prince Rupert Olrls' Drill Team dance February 3. CNR Annual Ball I v'it;i, Febrary 17. ELEVEN BOILS ON HER ARM AT ONE TIME Mr. S. Perua, Fisher Horns, Alttu, writo: "1 was troubled with bolls and kail eleven of them on my arm at une time. "I tried all kinds of medicine, but got no relief. "T tonk two liottlos .,f and liavi' iiir Ihmmi trotililrd stneo," 11 II It 'km., ho N nn, nil other M.in.l ,ti i . I.' r ; chii u '"nrl iirt'tl only ,y I I'.r T. Mi'l"iiu ''.. l.imitij, Toroiito. Oat. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Local and Personal BO. Ouaeriateia. Pnone il Dentist;, Dr. 3. It. 0's Phone 888 Skating dally, 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. tf Tommy' Tail. Ptkme 790. Zenith Cafe. tt 0t the Big 4 hlbitt When thinking Of a Taxi, phone 4. tt James 8ca salMd ty the Cardena Uils morning for Vanoouaar KffreUre) Jiiiniary 93. t'nlnn gusollne will lr rrlnTl t ! iht gallon. 19 Scandinavian dance in Metropole Halt Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Oood music. Admission 7c and 25c. Tou axe Invited to the afternoon tea and aale of boot cooking at Mrs. Le-Pine's. MS PUtta Avenue East, on Thurs-day, January 38, from 3 to 5JQ. Charles Reddech. who brought a carload of Bulkley Valley stock to the city this week lor P. Burns Co.. Ltd., left by this morning' train on his return to Houston. A. X. Klncald. Bavelstoke Insurance man, who ha bean a visitor in the city on business .for the past few day, sailed aboard the Princess Beatrice this m0rnta tm VnO0UYeT hoot at I JO. Evening worship at 7.30. j Subject "Adequrte Sustenance forj Passengers sailing this morning on the Princess Beatrice for the south included A I. Klncaid and John Bok-steln tor Vancouver, and George Wilson tor 8Ua Bella. Arthur M. Pryee, engineer of the V -.:, lW.-. Society' ThtnWat '..JL" from th Prince 5: . U p.m. Annual congregational meeting and social. ynsterday Rupert Gn eral Hospital, fully recovered from Injuries sustained in a recent accident. Motorshlp Beningham. Capt. J. B. Anderson, arrived in pert at 8 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan with two carloads of frosaSk fish for transshipment last over th Canadian National Halrway. Business at the regular montnry meeting of Prlne Rupert Assembly, Native Sons of Canada, last night r: merely of a routine nature. AM. A. J. Prudhomms, pre! Bent of the Assembly, occupied ttoe chair. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jones, who have been In the city lor a brief time. Mr. ! Jones having been identified with th OllndaCrg lor Petersburg. 40 mile. Ntt!oD&1 ,uff .eturn to Winnipeg. R. P. UcNaugntdn. district passenger agent for the Canadian National Rail ways, will return to the city on tomorrow afternoon train from a trip to Montreal where he attended a meeting of railway tramc department officials. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A Johnstone, arrived at 10 o'clock la evening from the south and. making her calls In th Bkeena River during the night, called from hare at 8 o'clock this morning on her return to Vancouver and wayports. Mlaa Catherine H Robblns of the Anglican Church Ho nan (China I mission field who has beta In. Prince Rupert lor two or three days In the course of a lecture tour of thf Dominion, left in this morning's train for Terrao whence she will procase further eaat. John Bo k tain. Stewart miner and prominent In athletic circles of that town, sailed by the Princes Deatrlct this morning for Vancouver enroute to Naw York where on Mutuary 4 he will embark upon the Ssdrah-Amsrtean liner Drottnlngholm for a visit to hi rorraer bom In Finland. A meeting of salmon trailers la being held thl afternoon in aba hall of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union far the purpose of electing delegates to a convention to be held in Fabruary whan the situation of th flabery In thl district win be discutwd with a view to making reoommeiuiation to th government a to its regulation. FOURTH ROUND-UP TIES NEXT WEEK IN ENGLISH FOOTBALL LONDON. Jan. 21 Tha draw for the fourth round of the Rngllah Football Association Cup competition Is announced a follows: Bury va. Main-hestcr Dnlted. Exeter City vs. Blackburn. Cardiff v. Liverpool. Portvale vs. New Brighton. Swlndun vs. The Waabisaslay. Bouthport vs. MlddvaaCiaro, Derby County vs. afattg rarest. Wrexham vs. BlnningJaaoi. Sutherland vs. Maiajlteatar City. HudCersfield va. Was Aston villa vs. Crer Atatandra. Suikr vs. Qolron. Tottenham vs. OldhBn. Ar-rnal vs. Kverton'. Shemeld United vs. VMverhiunpton. Heart lug vs. Lelcestar. The games will be played on the mvmnds of the first-named clubs. January 38 JOSI.IVS KKTATK. SKATTUE. Jan -'0 Fsjouu Josliu, the Alaska pioneer who dttd January la. left mi ontate of 150.000, much of It In Ali'-kit" piiicity in process of developing hi B RITISHCQLU Has produced Jlinerals as Silver, $80,787,003; tea4,l$10G,07G Coke. $28-199.133: Structural Md DUE SUNDAY ISritiVh Freighter Homer City, Substantial Chunk of Vessel, to Load Here The British steamer Homer City, Prince Rupert's thirteenth grain ship of ; the season, is now expected to arrive in port tomorrow from Barry Dock. South Wales, to load a full cargo of grain at the Alberta Wheal Pool's Prlnoe Rupert elevator for the United Kingdom or Continent. Capt. R. W. McNeill of the Federal Pilots of British CaituubUi arrived on the Prince Beatrice this morning from Vancouver to handle the Hoo.er City and is awaiting reselpt of a wireless message before proceeding out to Triple Maud to meet the vessel. A substantial chunk of a vessel, the Homer City Is a ship of 4814 tons gross and her length is 38S feet with beam o! 63. She was built st 8toekton-on-Tee in 1814 by Ropner at Son and her owner are W. R Smith ft 9cn, Ltd The port of registry of the vessel, which has been used extensively in the coal carrying trade, la Bide ford, Devon. Sng-land. During the paat twenty-four hour, fifty carload of grain have arrived from the prairies for the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. Railway offices this morning reported 375 cars on :he. division west of Jasper Park bound here. GROTTO LEADS IN j BILLIARD MATCH' . i j The Gyro Club and Orotto played to an aggregate score of 788 to 711 In favor of th latter in four out of five game of last night's billiard fixture, i The high break of the evwning was 31 which was turned In by B. Young. Individual score were as follows: Oearge Waugh (Oratto). 800: C. P. Balagno (Oyro Club). 181. Don Brown. 178; W i. Nelson. 200 , Jack Judge v P. Tinker postponed. R. Young. 300; O. A. Woodland. 138 C. L. Youiiinun, 107: A. Donald. 30u. Individual averages to date are as follows: Played Total Av. J. May ICS. I a 300 300 F. William I li t,. I 1 300 800 F. O. Pyle (O.T.I 5 883 188 Ben Self (O.T.i 4 D. Brown (Orotto I 5 O. Howe (ML i S A. Murray iC.B I S W. J. Kelsjn IQC.I 5 O. Waugh (Orcttoi 6 A. Mardouald iCS l S W. H. Long (8.8 I 5 7. Youngman 1C1.1 .... 4 U. M. MrLachLin (ML.) 4 J. Beesley (O.T I 3 Mayor MoMordle (ML i .. S C. Balaguo lOX'.i 8 ''Andrea's (M.I.l 4 V Dmald i OX', i 3 J Judge (Orotto I 4 J. Hamilton (ML.) 4 O. A. Woodland lOC.I .. 8 W. I. Wllllscroft (O.T.). . 3 B. Morgan (O.S.I 5 J. Brown (O.l 1 J. Hamilton (ML ) 3 P. Zleman (O.T.) a J Andrew (O.T l 5 O. IP. Tinker iO.C ) S R. Young (Orotto) 4 John Bulger (C.S ) 8 O. K ran (OT.i a 788 884 888 878 874 871 (33 83 787 746 383 885 1081 884 348 881 88 1011 481 888 188 788 317 773 ,764 616 400 371 300 183 187 185 185 1D4 180 IBS 187 187 186 183 174 174 173 173 16S 168 167 163 159 169 154 153 153 160 136 To the end of December, 1926. DEMAND masssnsem MMA The Mineral Province of Western Canada lopjer,Gpld $78,018; Lode Gold. JJISO.'J??!, , rtlo4perf.?209,567,008; ZYAc, WfiliMtfti Co!' arflr flirt 'Atl.AollnTionM. ' M nim RIVM 7H AlT- AiiVtrtW its mineral production to the end 3JlsVhW an ' AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,103,170. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 1926. $67,188,812 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province In the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations arc granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.li. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. GRAIN BOAT "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST HUH A KP AST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Storage Co., L. I'rlnce Kupert. ILC To Every Woman who is eager for new idea in home decoration new color combinations for the aun porch, new color schemes for baby's room, new color beauty everywhere in the house "61" Brushing Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 JACK HIGNALL IS ACQUITTED Shooting Affair Last Fall on Lakeke Iake Shown to Have Keen Entirely Accidental The circumstances of the incident having been ehown to be entirely accidental, Judge F. McB. Young in County Court yesterday afternoon dtambuad a charge against Jack Hlgnali of Terrace of causing grievous bodily injury to Joseph Cook through negligence. The charge arcs out of an affair on Lake lac Lake early In th hunting Mason last fall whan Cook "was Injured through the discharge of a shotgun in th band of m Hign.ll. wi inane in the case ware Joseph Cook. Arthur Vanderllp, J. Frank and Dr. W. T. Kergln for the prosecution and the accused. Capt, Paul Armour and Capt. Robert Oammon for the defence. Taking of evidence occupied about an hour' time L. W. Patmor appeared for the crown If. the caae while hlgnali was defended! by Milton Oonaale BIRTHDAY PARTY AT COMMODORE CAFE WAS ENJOYED LAST NIGHT I A moat enjoyable time was spent last evening at th Commodore Cafe in honor of Miss Margaret McKay, it being the occasion of ber seventeenth blrthdjy81:x)f,g a sumptuous banquet ffiajBfnd iiMtsdsagaMg the tunW thjBlxg olaktV singing A cjgtfj. Pnfc-iwlanrs m the gamlP wewlflaW Belyn Tierce, Lucy and Mary O'Brien and Ruth ' amies. Among those present were Misses Lucy Oaln, Kathleen Bunu. Norma Menzgohr. Edna Unger. Oladya Kenny. Dorothy Ross, Rose Coulture. Evelyn Pierce. Kllua-beth Lett. Molly Lawrence. Nellie Lawrence. Nalda HUdltrh. Kuth Olllles. , Dorothy Slevert. Margaret Slevert. Edna Ollker, Lury O'Brien. Mary O'Brien. Mrs. Jnnirs Parsons. ...rs. Robert McCarthy ' M'l M' KMx'il McK.ij. No Miracles JUST lots of pure soap and plenty of filtered rainsoft water to wash and rinse your clothes. Plus the last word in equipment and the "know-how" to use it. Laun dry-washed clothes last longer. The lauihdiy: Does it best anadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners l'hone 8