Save Money Boston Grill ( Hippest way to buy the New i to subscribe by the TU0 (-ut 1 15.00 and your delivered to yur address :i,ni!! Just figure out the ,'.t u ydu for this dally , lor twelve months I Will . N. 17- Wberta Farmers Favor Diplomatic Relations with Russian Soviet lir olution l'astcd by Substantial Majority Favoring Iteopcning of Diplomatic delations With Republics i U.'.AIiY, January 21 A demand on the Federal Government negotiation with Soviet Russia with a view to the im- i i !i sumption of diplomatic and trade relation) between the un rii-s, condemnation of the Dominion immigration policy 1 1 1 . . t -iition of a resolution tailing upon the Dominion (lovern-n lake over the railways itt present controlled by the province , - .Hiding acts of the United Farmers of Alberta at the clos-i in of the annual convention yenterday. I hi resolution dealing with the recognition of Soviet Russia - - -shd bK shelvtd the early stage of FIRST ROUND SCOTTISH COP SOCCER TODAY : a ' :i 21 The Unit round . .-'i Cup soccer game was .,:,ou part of the country . I , :.e today, with the follow- Ksiuiliswpt ported. . irifon lasts 4. . i. 4. Aberdeen 3. .' f erourgh 0. . "ii I. Leith a. ri 3. OUigow University 1. "ithgate 1 Loehgeliy 1. f i k a. Arthur.! o. .i 0. lunger e. ...rk 10. Claehmannou 0. s Johnstone a Dykaheaa. dil suited PAYNE WINNER CHAMPIONSHIP Heals rry Hodgson In Milliard 1 inals nt Vancouver for Provincial llonorw 'v AM oirvKR, Jn. ai. Cul Payne.l the convention but was revived on a m.ti'n tj reconsider by O. Johnson of Cu'-gary. At the eloae of a lengthy bkie the resolution arm approved by a substantial majority. ! i a. Buses o. Morton 1. Mldanandale 3 e Stroller o; King'a Park S 1 Berwick Ranger 1. !) -nth ia. Johnston 0. ' Queen of South 1 . : - o. Stenhousemuir S. o. Dunfermline 3. '.' Inverness Caledonian 1. : M K)l a, Hawtjuatcwart 1. ' 3. NlthsSel Wanderer 3 ' Meilianlca I. Elgin City I. 3. Dundee 4 Dalbtattt eur 3 ' i St Bernards 1. M-n.-n 6. Clyde 1. Vhletirs a. Kilmarnock 3. ' Mnherwell 3. i ' I. Dundee United 1. C'OCKT AII.N OllOtV ON THEE IN IMllA N.WH A LONDON lBMI.T(ll - Either someone la letting a fortune slip through bis fingers, or else the Bhopal coriespoodsnt of the Indian Um Service at an optimist. iay a London writer In Thf New York Herald Tribune rrom October. IBI." flat ear-respondent writes, "the Stale of Bhopal has loat. over 100.000 run every yaai1 in lta effort to enlorce Prohibition, and at Im: ha bad to put a aop to thi roKtly nperlment. It wa (ound that the alobva trees, which abound in the slate, are up;d by those who dsatre al-i- liotio drink " If thl Mohva tree la all that la rlalmrd for It. and If It wUl function properly In the American climate, the "plant a tree" movement aught to boom exceedingly But London hortl-culturlaU haven't any Mohwa treea in tock. and aeem doubtful of their ability to get any. ENGLISHMAN WINNER FAMOUS ADMIRAL AMATEUR RACKETS AT MONTREAL YESTERDAY MONTREAL. Jan af -England won a signal victory over the United State when the vouthtul star H W. Kemp Welch, defeated the United Btatea champion. C C. Pett. in the Canadian nnateur racquet championship 15-4; 14-12; 15-10 Canada was successful when A. B. Casalla of Montresl defeated T. C. Clarue of BoMon 15-10; 18-18: 15-8. DIES IN BRITAIN ' "". Eugiiah Billiard champion., Jan. ai. lr Jofcn Michael ' ' Hum Hodeon I iuiI nloht In . . . i ih. flwt . . , . Idc RoljicK. agea w, uiu... "l for the provincial champion-1 commlded the Britten Medlter-I' the right to travel east to . ,0,. .hi memorable i hi. crown. The score was .0 , o( the un(UcceMlul attempt to VICTORIA WINS HOCKEY GAME iieni r Amnleur foniawi n Vfc. t ia (Joes to Home Tenm and ' the nnctmver Mnlch Tied VANtouvBR. Jan. at. -The senior '"" i hockey gam, puyed last night ' vi.-iuriH ended in a victory for the "m. I,.,,,,, M,lnilt Vancouver Towers v .i h.-ore of I to I 1 '"' KlIIIIC at Vlnraiivir uiu. t: Km.: cuxrKe i, Monarclvs 1. rnirs; or wiiimt. (orce the Dardanelles, i o. VANCOUVEK BXCHANdB Big Missouri . Coart OoPr Cork Province Oeorue Opper Olarlstnne Oolconilu IndeiM'mlonre . Indun L. and L iLeadsmllh Lucky Jim . Marmot Premier ! Porter Idaho . I Sllveicrest Surf InU't Sunlocli Torlc uuver. Jan. ai Tlte price of .Whitewater " "' to' ay was for Number 1 i. Ml) .. Bid. Asked- M " 54 00 60.00 .39 5 00 15 1.34 t34 33 .08 13 .36 .06 ' .07 . m 3.10 .81 .10 V, "4 01 4 70 3.00 S00 340 Advertise to the Dally News Consolidated Company. The new organisation will be capitalised at a million dollars. The terms give the Premier Company the option to purchase STOCK SALES MAKE RECORD So Much UuMineaa Done at Vancouver That Kxchange Clutwti Today V.X H VKR, Jan. 31. !e In the Mark rarluuige ester Oa) totaU leil W73.00S. creating a rewird fee ! tlie amount of fcn-lne tranxuird-lleeaaae f Ihe rtih. tto) ' aea-alMt of I he eKrlwnge ha been ran-iWlel to altaw broker time In whleh to rieaa up the aernmU IIihi of buMnw, lllg StlkMHirl which open) yea-tentay at II Juiniie.l t Its and I hen alumiKxl to 1" ul the eloae. DELANEY WON FROM BELGIAN BOSTON, Jan. 31. - Jack Delaney scored a technical knockout last night over Jaak Humbeck. the Belgian heavy weight, when the referee stopped the bcut ,!A the sixth round to aave the Belgian rom furthen punisluntnt. NORTHWESTERN OFFICERS EXONERATED FROM BLAME SKATTtJC. Jan. 31 That the wreck of Northwestern near Cape Mudgc on December 11 was cauaed by driving snow. Ion "il ireacheroua current.i. the dcriMon of CBpUiln Donald Ames and Thamua Short, kteamboal inspec-the Northwestern, near Cape Mudjtc on flier- were excKcratcd. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ntlNCE KUPKKT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1928 'SALE Ot THE SIL VERADO M WE AT STEWART TO MiatawnBM -mmwiii h mmm MtBMaawawa A WOltl.D'S SHIPPINC RKCOKl) ban lieen made by the Canadian Pacific Railway when within two months it launched tun linri ;uul live f irnt-claK caiyo liners haviii; a total tonnage of 72,000 tons. The of these ships were the Out he. - of Atholl for the p;t-.seng;r kit vice on the Montreal route and the Beaverbrae. The lower picture show.-, the Duchess of Atholl after LeiiiK launched, and be ide the real Duchess of Atholl who christened the ship bearing her name. Above and at the ri'ht are the shin Reaverbrae just about to slip into the sea and Lady McLaren Brown who christened it. With her is seen Sir George McLaren Brown, European general manager o the C.P.R. Premier Gold Miiies Ltd. Will Buy Silverado Mine at Stewart for Half a Million in Shares Shot by Police for Putting Hands in His Pocket When Told Raise Them as Robbery Suspect VICTORIA, January 21. The Silverado mine at Stewart has; MONTREAL, January 21. Armand Robillard, manager of the been sold to the Premier Gold Mining Company. Ratifications will ; St. Denis Street branch of the Banque Canadienne National, which be given by the shareholders of the Silverado Mines Ltd. on Febru- j was robbed of $10,000 Thursday, was driving with the police when ary 1 at a meeting here. j he pointed to two men on the sidewalk and shouted "There are the Under the terms of the tentative agreement, it is planned to j men." y . form a new company under the suggested name of the Silverado ; The men held up their hands on police orders but one of them named Yartnui lowered his, putting his hand in his pocket. Constable Yoldu, thinking he was pulling a ftun, shot at him, stating he intended to shoot at his feet but the bullet entered the JWS0.OO0 shares of the million authorized. The pri :e to be paid by the groin and the man wan killed. company is half a million dollars, the remaininr shares In the new The companion of the dead man was released, the authorities company to pans to the present holders of stock in Silverado. 'being satisfied that he had no connection with the crime. Local Wireless Station is Making Long Dhtance Records Communicating with Aorangi By means of its short wave Met, the Digby Island wireless station here hopes within the next few days to be the first commercial station on this coast to communicate direct with Sydney, Australia, a span of some 8,000 miles. Since m.s. Aorangi left Vancouver about two weeks ago for the Antipodes, Digby Island baa been in daily communication with the vessel and last night at o'clock spoke her :t.295 miles from Victoria outbound. It ia hoped to keep in such communication with the Aorangi until she reaches her destination at Sydney. Local radio amateura. have frequently reported receiving musical programs from Australia. COSGRAVE ARRIVES IN NEW YORK TODAY CHICAGO. Jnn It. President Cos- CHINESE CASE ENDS ABRUPTLY grave of the In-.1 nee Bute, who ia visiting the Untud States and Canada. KAMLOOP8 Jan 31 -The Mah Chong arrived here today sad was given n , . ,kJ MUr. ,teht ln connection i official welcome. Prince Riipci-; Part cloudy, calm; 1 temperature. M Haysport.-Part oloudy. light wind, tenp. 30. Port Simpson North wind. temp. 33. Anyox.- Clear, calm, temp. 34. Alice Arm Clear, calm, temp. 33. Roaawood 'lmidy, calm. temp. 33. Terrace Cloudy, calm, temp. 34. Hareltun Cloudy, oalm, temp 16 9m It hers Cloudy, calm, temp. 18. Burns Luke Cloudy, temp. 13. C'.l: ?leur, culm. :xto. ! with the Market Act, ended abruptly " i when C. H. Dunbar, counsel for the KATIIKIl KEPOIIT. ;cM.,.nlitee of control, obtained Wi JiuIl'c ewaii.Hin an order lor coals aaalut Chong hen an Sppskl e forced to the ground for non-peosecu- tlon. SEPPALUEADINr 1 IN DOG TEAM RACE LAKE PLACID. Jan. 81 Leonardo I'lir-K MILL MIT LKM) :rn it ttiEMtjvr to LFtOHTK TU.IUI1 IMON ROMB. Jan. 31. Reaffirmation mat any attempt at resumption ot the "M&lne Conversation" with a view to arranging a union of the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England or any similar effect would be undertaken without the Pope's consent or encouragement. Is contained In Friday's Ohservstore. Romano, the official organ of the Vatican. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL i:oi.ikii i.i;.ttu t IIUIxliill I. Arsenal 0. Aston Villa 3. Birmingham 3. Ever ton 2. Bolton 3, Bury 1. Burnsley 5, Sheffield 3. Leicester 4, Derby County 0. Llverpcol 3, Buudeilaud 6. Huddersfleld 4. Tottenham a. Mlddlosboru 1. Cardiff 3. Newcastle 4 Win-liestr tJnlteo: 1. Portsmouth 3. West Hani 1. The Wednesday 4. Blackburn 1. IlitlolOA II. Bristol City 0. Orlmshy 0. Chelsea 3, Fulham 1 Cl ipton 3, Blackpool 5. Hi.ll Clty,. Portvale 0 Manchester City 3. South Shield 0. Notts. Forest 3. Leeds 3 , frreton North Kud 5. Wolverhampton. 4. Southampton 8. Notta. County 1. Stoke 3, Oldham 0. Swansea 3. Barnsley 0 West Bromwlch S. KratlltiK 3. Mr Fred H Srephens arrived in tlw Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dam-inn floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Kive Cent PREMIER NEARLY THREE HUNDRED CARS INTHIS CITY Provincial Government IleporU Total Number of HeRutra-tions in District as 410 Local government cfflee report that. 'during the year 1837, there wyre 380 I motor cara l'.cenaed In the city of 'Prince Rupert which, with 137 rejts-j tratlons for the remainder of the I electoral district makes a 'otal of 418 I car. Registration claaclfied were as I follows: I New Keg lt rations 87 1 Free 10 Dominion Government 2 Substitutional L:osnsos 3 Renewals 811 418 Other licenses lasued Included: Dealers 0 Sale -man' Licensee 8 ITrallera S i Motor Cycle 4 jchaffeur License 308 I Driver' Licenses 233 Tranafers Issued 83 Permit to minora 11 PRAYERBOOK , ISSUEOXODAY sy Many Agree With IJlshop 1 La men That Revised Version Oravely Inadequate LONDON. Jan. 21 - The newly revised Church cf England prayer book made public lust night makes It clear that the consecrated bread and wltte aet apart for the communion of the sick la to be for uo other purpose. The majority of the opponents of the present revlalon indorse the views of Bishop Barnes of Birmingham that the book Is gravely inadequate. GROWERS FAVOR MARKETING ACT VANCOUVER Jan 31 "While certain recommendations doubttaes will be received from the fruit grower relative to amendments to the Market Control Act. these will not affect the general principle underlying the legislation." Hon. B. D. Barrow said today. "At least 30 per cent of the growers In British Columbia are In favor ot the act." he eald. :THREE CRUSHED BOILER SHOP MONTREAL. Jan. 31. Three men were crushed to death In the Canadian Vlckers' boiler shop when a steel beam atn-.c v ; of the large circular platea and sent It against others Jamming them together. Robert Thornton. Arthur Taylor and Robert Shields were crushed almost to pulp. ENGLANDlNS IN RUGBY GAME i - I SWA'.-HEA Jan. 31. Tii interna -' llonal coaicst played here today under 'Rugby Union rules between teams r-I preeeutiiuj England and Wales retulted in a win tor England, afk a erase struggle for supremacy, the snore being , ten points to eight. TENDLER BEATEN BY NEBMSCA WILDCAT NEW YORK. Jh 31- Ace IlUdklrvs, the Neinka wiicii'Ht. won a mauUng ten ruuncl bout from Lew Tendler, the Sr;:pnla of Nome wltft his dOi( team city on tbo Cardenu la.t niglu from PluUdelphta veteran, bar last night, mi'dc the best tune on the first day in Seattle to join her husband and son Trr.dler lasted the two last rounds with he t.'-li '1I derby Sere. 1 1 :n. 'dutuult;'. , .