,,.,:,. 21, 1028 WATER NOTICE nlVKIIHlON ANI I'SB viiH'E that Robert M. 1((lr-i I 1410 -Bth Ave ,., D.C., will apply f jr u , ,. 'and use 20.000 gallon-. , ,n i' out of small creek. ,ll''ii down southerly and iumton Inlet, Q.C. Ulunds i.ii wste.iy from li.er ,. , l ,i ip.iuton Inlet. The .'. ,1'verted from the stiesrr. ,i,ut 200 fen from shore .'iiroiiRh twenty-four acres , r.dri leuw, and will l.e ml purpcs upon tne i:ld In aid NOTICE I.- my nanc t city Hal! .iv en uec ecember. 1037. E. r. JONBS. Returning Officer. LAND ACT. II I - . Kn;ert Land Recording Dis- LAND ACT of Telegraph Creek, apri Waterfront Whiffs Preparations for KeopeninK of Halibut Season Now fiencral-No Sign of Herring yet Reveille Hack From Seattle Preparations for the openinjr of the 1928 halibut fishlmr applied ipr io iea n j,-eijrilltP 1R nro nnu, ,,,, , tlii.Hon . ,,f ull hand.s the ran nf the 'i.'utiw and un application will he in readings bv , ,. nnri tn tiie "Water Act." , ... they had agreed not to buy flab until Maul. 1C. Cold storage atocka are heavy and It U poaalble that thla may NOTICE la hereby given to hint um adverse effect on .he opening , of uie Municipality of the .. , "Mon ,:llnn ichi. Prlo- nevertheless, the moat , Rupert that I require if the aald elector at City 0( the boya have decided to take a . Ninth day of January, 1828, chance on that. , kick noon, for the purpose I Thon to represent them I Aldermen, or School Truv Bringing In two fifty-foot pole for . ,, Mil Nikcri'.n'.i radio station out In if nomination of candl- ... k rollr.wa: We i n . u- Tuelina H. Capt Bill Hiall be nominate'! K:.i!oti. arr:vd In port on Wednesday o!lt tnemulc: r mid seconder, and shap float lo dock and nroiind the circuitous ;, fie Returning Officer at rurvea and r .men of the west end of ween the date of the no- , . . PM of the day of nomin- th Cow ta ,tl" ubject of .Hid writing may be In the wonder. Nevertheless. It was handily i rid :) in the 8-hedule of aoae Election Act." and ahall iineh. remdence, and occu- r:p'icn each peraon pro- Oali freighter Salvor, Capt. W. W. nu-'h 'nsl ""er atedy contract -nH.'e.BdMw! -nd'm"1.!!1 11 bf ini; neceaaary such jo!l 1,1 I01 Intereata, I due next week I u:i the Twelfth day of lruin Vancouver with a cargo consisting vert; hlmaelf accordliitilv and M.00O fe$ of lumber for Albert & McCaflery. The Prank Waterhouse motorshlp Ar-lan Flnh Is also due in port with coal lor local delivery and will load out a 1 carifj -! eottosiwood logs from Terrace III n t: W INTKN'TION TO tPI'I.V lur tw Utminated Ms crisis mill at New TO I.KAHE I.AM Wefctminater 'ii!e on the vmthweat to:- rnc only towo-.at oi the Rupert .mumed bay on the aotith Marine Pr ducts llect Ui rervice at the r 't chanal. Oraham Islund ... . liT 0 " i P" tu UT e Island, in theprovime i nubia. .;- , Ur-ei) is making steady deliver lea '' , E ,hi Tihur RoJertfor' :-f jumber laden acows from Oeorgaiown. lie, occupation a lumber- . 1 apply for a lease of of wliirri lumber a the present rte-rrlbed land: t.nje is be!nij used in construction of the .' ' i P"t planted about ' , . u'-'' . ,, , SeaI r Cjv 1Ml . The .Merly from mouth of r. ck flowinf w4 an uti- Other bc;au of the R HP. fleet are :i 'he south bank of port mt m stiape In anticipation of i .in southerly; thence 10 o? tlie fishing industry. . thence 4 rhalm n x- h rellne; thence follow! . . to point of eommenc. Boa on the Ward way recently have mining 3 arres. more or a. imlcl the lullbut boaU U A B. and 8 ,m- ,,d th IUer W and F -ned. A. ROBERTSCW. 1 - Applicant " 1T I liKTTIMi ZAHm ItRtllV LAM) A(T I Capt Lars Vnge and hi men are busy in the loft of the Neleon Tiwdirur Co. ITU E 01 ISTf.MION TO APPLY TO n .. .... w . the halibut boat Zapora L.M) u llliClpllt,0 0f tht openlnc of the cnarlotte Islands Ora- ,ea .n While originally purposed for 0 d Recording Dutrlct of h :i!ibui llshmg. the opening of the " ' and situnte on t!e wet 1 Harbor at the Hr.id ol " tn P" making i Queen Charlotte Islands her 'irst trip In thW trad. All last i. i'mh Columbia ,ui"n ,h. n' .,. ' wu WM tnaaaed "- uua uuder U K thai British Columbia : K ng company LUnlUd ol rharter. in packing and seining. Ii'. i rcupatlon Salmon Can- A&'.aod.' ' Capt. W Sa.ni and Capt. Han, .a a pott planted on the numai are at present engaged in In- : .i rteek called Twin Bsrer; ., ,. " tne f,tlttn horae power Avanoe . est, thence twenty-one ,. i thence 4 cha'na east -:iil-dleel engine, which recently ar- o.ntour of thore line riV(.d. m the aelneboat K and 8. Ac- i rummeneetnent. and con- rre more or law ' IIIINO ft PACKING CO LTU ApplieaVit U If. English. Agent -! ') t,,her 33. 1911. ',ulreU y the Prince Rupert Boat House !iileret lant fall after having been praf.Kally tturiied to the water edge -tin Lr.we Inlet, the K and 8 ha been impleieiy rebuilt and will be ready for t.oerstlon anain on the opening of the o INTKNTinX TO APPLY :i8 lm3n aeaaon. TO I.KHE ,ANT . T7T . - W""k of rederkinx that part of the 'i i.aiiu uiinci, uina unuiw- CNK what! on which Shed No 1 waa ' the northwest end of Oladys ae.tr.jvcd by lire last fall I proceed - . 40, m'!T ."VlSf"1,' th n n snd "u u.v iM charred plank, having Van in about lSSdeg. 10 w-v J and about Mas. M' north heen d.sposed it. war being carted away thf week. The ahed itself will not be 'XVZftJi. Krebullt although the d.,k will be put In TMsn have in the smelling. sea- imei. aaoresny i V unuci wuv ai I Tine KUpeN. UI1 iatgrSi, !"k,ot.bad eather wil1 be taken many boats in their effort to i wi r'.,m11tlV)ller the office of the lanrer boats at least thai mmer-ls to be heard and the rattle of h "'Vm the lookg of thing everything et Uflfc and there will be few of the rnot get away on time. Once ajrain the fater f order or , be first on the grounds and first back to port with the openinjr of Victoria. P" B.O ! catches of the season. Local fish buyers, on beinir consulted, all Ru'idlnci. . r'y days after th first ap- state that they will be open to buy .,. . 22. 1927. rfKl y doubts that might have been ROBERT It. CURRIE, : ei tertalned through recent report that , XO SIOX OK IICKKIVO There U no sign yet of the herring run in water adjacent to Prince Rupert. OutllU are now standing ready to start operation at a moment's notice and the f!h are ejtpected momentarily to put In an appearance. There 1 a big demand for bait purpoaea and the Rupert Marine Products plant at Tucks Inlet is ready to use a large quantity in the production of oil and meal, so fishing will probably be as Intensive as It ha been during any season of the past. In their recent voting at Prince Rupert, Ketchikan and Seattle, halibut fishermen favored the changing of the closed season from November 1 to February 1 Instead of from November 19 to February 16 by a total vote of 192 tor and 92 against. On the proposal to close the Tim-bxn-ed Island. Cape Adding ton and Mas-sett chicken banks for a period of five yean, there were 188 vote) for and M against The seine and halibut boat Reveille of the Bradbury As YeU fleet, with Capt. A. Watt In command, returned to Prince Rupert on Wednesday from a trip to Seattle for which port she left here in Desember. In spite of winter, weather was ainplclou and a speedy Ulp north was mad, much better, a a matter of fact, than the piagr south proved to be. A aoon a the herring ran commence, the Reveille, with other boats of the fleet, will be ccmmfaloned in this fishery, turning her attention later in the season to halibut flatting or salmon arlnlng. Claud KsTkendall, Btanager of the Prince Rupert branch of the Booth fisherie. ha returned to the city after spending the Christmas and New Tear holiday season at Seattle. He was ac cjmpanied home by lira. Klrkendall and family. Aboard the halibut boat Sea MaM Capt. P. Dorreen. a hunting paetr In cluding Oeorge Bryant, Ben Self and four or five others left last night tor a week rlp to Khutae Inlet or Naden Harbor, the esaet destination having not been decided upon at time of departure. With good weather apparently in the offing, a number of other parties are planning going out today or COURT PRESENTATION REGULATION CHANGED tVlirs of High rimtllener Will Pre en I Women from Dominion st Ciiilu ettin LONDON, Jan. 1- The women who hope to secure the privilege ol being presented at court during the coming aMwon will be Interested In the legulaUons which the Lord Chamberlain lias already issued roncernlng the pro Umlnarie. The applications of those) from the Dominion who desire to .be presented are usually passed throug tk el flee of the High Commission tr of the Dominion in question. Altboucjv.ru : urn Trapper. Intend to apply .ahlueriap again. A goad site for those . sjuunsnced UMiLbaMwM. . of the lowing wrfiard , l3MUoB wUI thus be ZSSJSSJBT ng at a port planted at the tiered ; wnj be held in MT and two In June. nd of Oladya Lake, about ! AnBlicsnTS from the Dominions would -rMSTSlS Jo- . local member of the I Z south: thence one mile eaat: Biological B ard of Canada, left yesterday praMllUHoI either at the second QeSUt , "" "'W wmm"iii", r T Vdiicouvet to atteno a mmui oi v. M tfte tlnt f;0UIt ln Juse I JOHN ALFRED UmtRUX. Pscillc eoai sub-romnuiMsr on u; Appiloant n i w;ich w.-rk i he taken up during 1 !2nlr,nbir ;ll be outltived. Also , .f c mlr.n ynr LAND ACT .ntc'idlng the meeting will be D. B. Finn. ' 1 ..;,!... ,.f me Prince Rutiert FUherle P"H. : Ol' INTENTION TO APPLY TO . .'.n,ntll Statl.m. who !iaa been ab- PI ItfTIANK I.AN1I for several months engaged in re- , ' " ui e a Land Reoordlnf DUtrlet of ,,nu work at Winnipeg and who will . '-'-v' .V'i'Tv."1 nd of 'tuJ? " "S-return return n me city , Immediately upon the Telegraph Passage. Skeens r,livmi hi .f this conference. M i AKK NOTICE that J. H. Todd Sons i r' ,,:::,rtB-,liLonV-i . . Br xkiesby. scting director of II ii ..... !h,. foilowlne daaertbed lands: 1 th. Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental It ii ' ""' -nring at s post planted at the ,..,. ,,Hnew.ed the pupils of the . I rnrna, t f n t-M S fi.i 1 wi uuh t, raiiiB w. "ire 3S chain eaat; thence 30 An Interesting departure will be made thla year in regard lo presentaUesta hom the Dominion They wUI In fu ture be presented by the wive of tr.tf respective High OommlssloneM, sad not, a formerly, by the wife of the Secretary for the Dominion and Colonies. The Lord Chamberlain announce that a person presented for the first time can only present her daughter or daughter-in-law on the occasion when ah is presented. Wive must be accompanied to court by their husbands if the lata have ki. ltd ward HlKh School on Thurs. nreumted. Those who wish to be more or leaa an blah water . ..... ..ummn on the aubieoi oi viwiiuw. k. tKir hiihanK Kntiii 'lience acmtherlv alonn hlah . . . iv. tnin nmved i ......... '".rk to the no nt of commence- The lecture. state the iset in tneir sppucouona. ano n containing SO acres, more or ' pmb'y more intereiting tnan i j they ,noui nkn aute If the wunen J H. TODD SONS. LTD. I Itaied Dernber lath, 1997 P-nVKKNMENT LIQUOR ACT , v''lln: ok APPLICATION FOR IIKKU I LUIATi: I rncK 18 HBREBY OIVKN thSt on; I ' V n: iL'jiUi.iy nexv tile miUi- II imimuIs to apply to the LUiuot" 1 i U.ird fur a licence In respect , being part of the building, i- (nmmerclal Hotel" ettuate at1 ; ' """I- of Pirat Avenue snd Eighth I'r , ? ( Pfnce Rupert. In the i of British Columbia upon the K' ;;.7nlr'l as Lot Thirteen (IS)! It in ," '' Nine (91. oer- llv' i "' MP Prluca Rupert ' I it- iv rat(m Di-trlci m the Pro-It, ,. ""'d. for the siile of beer by , "y me open bottle tor , , " "" l'ie premlne. 1 ' I'ntice Runert. B.C.. this " '""la-v A.n. 102-. IDA H "", Applicant. r for i they desire to present wish t6 be accom pan led by their husbands. It Is ewten til that the husbands full title and designation be given. Once the sum- mont ha been Issued the amending of a summons esrd In order to Include the husband can only be permitted under the most Mcepttonal circumstance. Summonses; are Ksvied snout three week before the date on which attend ance Is required. Any person who has attended Court within the last three years should state when applying the year she lsst attended, and whether she was presented on that occasion or m tended to nwike a presentation .1 c Brady. MP for Skeena, left on ihib wornlne'a trfln for Ottawa where .i- ... end the session of Purlu mcui u;uiUK UtM week. fpTg DAILY NEWB MAGNUS HANSEN ! AND HIS CREW Heroic Exploit of Halibut Schooner "Kxplfjrer" Told About in Seattle Journal The following, write-up from the "Pacific Fisherman" describing the heroic work of Capt. Magnus Hansen and hi crew, all of whom are well known her el In removing passenger from the wrecked steamer Northwestern on Cape. Mudjf recently with the halibut schooner Kiplorer should prove of interest to the! many friend: The fine spirit atl asamanshln prr valent In the PaeUle halibut fleet were eUlkingly UftisftBitefl In the service performed by ipt. Magnus Hansen and crew Of the j?ieau halibut schooner "Explorer,' In removing the passengers from the strahdeel steamer "North w eels-rn" off Cape Mudge December II. In a heavy gale and Minding snowstorm, and under conditions which made ths work not mere dU moult but truly heroic. Cspt. Hansen toot, off all the paaaen- sjers and many cf tlx crew with their baggage, and leased them safely In the nelgbborlng port of Campbell River, on the east side of Vancouver Island some 900 mils north of Seattle. In s bllntard which obscured sll lights ashore. Use Northwestern, bound from besttl to Alsska. was carried Ughtly off her oouree by the treacher-Qua U4l ourrrnts which sweep through the nsrrow southern entrance to Sey mour Narrows, for which she was head- Vl, and want aground about s s.m.. go ing bard and fast on a bed of oulder. A Una eras put aetytre at daylight, but It waa impossibW to make a safe land-In?, as the bsseh was lined with heavy driftwood whssh the waves were throw ing high In the air. At the call for help tugs wart seat to the rescue, but were unable to eoniis alongside because of the sbnal water and rocks, over which tsvy seas were aonsuntly breaking. By noon the lew- bold went floe aid. with waves rsssblng the decks; and tew pasaengers. though not enniiasrsrl la Immediate dinger, had put on lifebelts when. bU 1 fun-, the Etplorwr hov n sight. While no real alarm had been left, her Useiy afgsseraae waa halted by those on board a providential. Wiab sdatfraMe courage snd si snahip. Capt. Hansen brought his vessel to the lee aide of the steamer and mad fast. Down s rope ladder with the sld of Ufa lines, woman and children war lowered to the deck ot the fishing schooner. The man of to pasaangers followed, wltb s number cf the steamer craw. The work was much hampered by ley wind and stinging snow, as well aa the movement of the vessel; but by 2:46 the transfer ws completed, snd sll were landed at CsmpbeU Rlvsr about an hour later. Ta passenger atone numbercsl lit and, ss It waa deemed' unsafe for thssn on deck, they were placed below In the forecastle, fish-hold and engine room sf the U-rt schooner: young children being accommodated in the captain's cabin. There was no doubt some dls- -emfort, but It I to the great credit of all concerned tha nobody was hurt, and none of the passengers were even wet. A second trip was made to take off food for the passengers, and the Ex plorer then returned sod stood by the Northwestern sll night and most of the neat dsy. On Monday, with the weather moderating and other help at hand, she quietly iSanajKd her home ward voyage, reachinj Juneau on the 16i. MPT. IIWMjys AfTOl-XT At the time of ta WHek th achouo- er waa homeward bound tram Seattle, .vbsre abe had landed aer last far (wr ha season. 41.000 sound of halibut. She ran into the storm early Sunday morning; slewing down to last baariug in the bad stretch oi water near Can Mudge.: v soot? ! Slttltstl and issmtaai.Nertawesterfa tastes through trie etafifj JflMj ttalkH Oi share with Usrse iff kmg on Jief; sou sjtuidlg uoiM fMii:ntKINi 'v.' got a close aa we could." say Cant. Hansen, "but while several hun dred yards sway took ssundlags and found only three fathom of water under us. When wd were close enough to make them hear us we asked how much water there was alongside and they told us there was three fathoms. It waa a dangerous undertaking to get alongside, but it was ths only thing we could do. "Driftwood waa floating about every-wheie. and, an extremely strong tide waa running. The wind waa driving huge breakers in. while beneath us were only three fatboins of wster. Ahead and astern of the ship wars reeks projecting and we did not know when we might be trapped on one of thn and wrecked We finally made the laa side of the vessel and tied up That waa the end of the worst part. 'Everybody was In ssorlient apt r Its when I readied ths desk, snd Capt. Livingston of the Northwestern certainly deserve credit lev the way in wtUoh he had calmed the passengers. Earlier In the dsy a tin had bean put tsbor. but It was Impossible to fat a lifeboat through the driftwood and breakers. Wster was running low. ths lights were sll out and. (bete waa no heal to eook with on the steamer. We decided thst ws oouid take everybody to Campbell River except those who PAIN from Bladder Irritation ess ttssd by 8ANTAL miDY Bswars ef Imitations Lok fee Iks word "MIDY" r!4 hv m drilSSIIl Asliatss s i e a auaky hmg liner, built on ruget tqulpment aprsTrW lnHelr 'MSJIH man far October last year. Hsr power plant is a 135 h p. Western-lnterprlse dleetl engine, which 1 served by a De Level fuel oil purifier, the first Installed for that purpoa on a Pacific Coaat fishing vessel The engineer I Jo-hannea Hansen, brother of the skipper. Capt Hsasen state thst the vessel has given excellent service, snd ha landed 14 trips of halibut since leaving Seattle, September 4. 193d; the quantity landed totalling 490.000 lbs., giving th nine men aboard ebare at M.718 each. Capt J. Llvlnxaton of the Northwestern snd officials of the Alaska Steamship company give unstinted praise to Capt. Hansen snd the member of hi crew, all oi wnom anoweo we giewMsu courage and loyalty. The nerve, sea-manship and helpful spirit displayed are valued even more highly than ttte actual service rendered: and the comment la made that "whan th big ships get in trouble in ouHf-tbe-way places it is the fishermen, especially the hail-but fishermen, who csn be counted on to get there and stand by k ths last, and give all help in their power under all conditions." liom AltltlVAlA Prlnre Rupert E. F. Jonas, Prince Rupert: A. Flak, Prince Oeorge; A. O. Annan, Endako; E. Wood worth. Bmithers. SAVOY Victor Nlman. Purcher; A. M. Pryce. city. Central j Pnrtelanee. Vsncouver. AdrtrUM la tu Bally Ktss SJ of your copy of Th am news every niglit by having it delivered to your address by carrier 00 paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year ' Keep Yourself Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS IT WILL PAY YOU! were to remain with the ship. We loaded appreslmateiy 144 persons, besides sll the hand baggage and what mall had been saved. "At 4 pjn. w arrived at Campbell River, discharged our passengers and headed back for th scene at the wreck We stood by that night and by Monday morning the storm had subsided snd the skies were atsartng. Monday after- roou two i snd a barge were trans ferring mail uid freight: and that evening, as they Intended to ramsln st ths wreck, we left for Juneau, our work being completed." ENPIOIIKH A XKW IMIAT The Bspsarer. M by 1V by s feet, la Buy Robin Hood Guaranteed to please you better. For Sale by all Good Grocers. "TRY A NIP TONIGin- snsjsgzjgjgs3gjj(aBBfj I BEST PROCURABLE I & , I M "'"tl (. MMveansM. eu" tesswn H Tbe Original Label look for It at tho Vendor's anj Insist on noAMT'a fnrT vnnc iiraIiLC" Thl advertisement Is not published or displayed hy trie Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia