specials! yfio Pioneer THIRD AVE. t SIXTH niTLi r--w ST Local and Persona! News A fifty cent package of Klenzo Shaving CrearA &ntl and aTiIty cent package of Gillette Razor Blades lMth for 60c Witli each $1,00 box of LaClaire Fontaine writing paper, a package containing 134 Xmas seals and tagB given free. HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 580 JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3 j)(J Double load $6.50 Larjfe sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pemltoi Petri lw i!. . . ; . . . . $12.00 Pemffl Watted Nuts. . . . ?.!&r:.. . . . .$11;25. AJtrt: Bootless Large Egg : $12.50 AUM'Sootta Egg ,-$12.00 Alftetto Lump $13.00 Also all other claago of coal. i Piano awl Furniture Moving. Express and Baggag, tony1 Ad NffKf Service ' r 139 Second Avenue- Canadian National THt Largeft Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SERVICE iiiinink mm I'Misri: Kt rt:nr for vam'OI'VKH. VIi toiiia. skattI.E. ml Inurmrritiilr anU. rurh l ltlKW. H:wt a.m. I hi HTKWAHT 4 ASVIIX. Ml HKilNKKItAV. i.W im. tor MHtTN AMU MM TH il KKN CIIAKl.ttTTl: lUMw, IMnlfHitly. p.i:nkc tkmnm i.:a i: i-him i: hi i-kkt Urh MHilAV. HKINI. Hiiri HATI HDAV t lltfH a.m. fr I'KIM'i: ftKOItOt:. KhUONTHN. HINMI'KO. all winN IMnn Caiuu, Auri-v aij. im i:an mtkamxiiii ux City rnV4 Office. 52H Third Ave, Prince Rupetl Phone 200. IcanadianI B.C. Coast Sailings from Prince Runert 1 To KrlrhHun nHll anU WiaiKav IHwmlirr I. M, W. To VuiMrttm. Vtrlarw ami hrtllle Novemlw l. Hrewler . 19. PHIM'KMH IVr lislrtlnlt, liaH nla Mf. raniiiMII lilver and Vaiwufi AtriH-jr ti all smmhli Uhm. W. . OHI'llum. I'mnn f 4th Htrwt a'm S1 Amiu. UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED HalllnM from Itlnre KuptrU -lur VANCIlUXKU. VlCrouU, Swao-on llay, HutUI, Alert Hay, He. t,r "NtlVr!?l.,'vinTOIttA. Iiule lair, 1lv'!y KrWay VW"'h'- I in AI.K'K A KM. ANYOX. MTI'.' t.UAKT. NA AH lllVKK.rlllnU), K PJU. . I.l and Atrnur. K. M. BMI HI. Thruiijh tlrkrti aulil ui Vlrtufla mU I'miiibii in.lrntinatlur. City Meat Specials! Jruooists II rr. TELEPHONES M t, 20Of ',1 Steamship -Services HOVAI. falL. Namn, Alt lUy, rrj tnunj. IB urn. ITiU liilormallon from inrrai irnr PTlnr ltiirt. IK". Kionf SI li.tr r-i DMiinun, . rnntv Itui rrt. ILU. Hraltlr. il baftarr rlrrkrl Market (SELVIU imtis.) iri Avenue 1 hone 765 MEAT. FISH, VEGETABLES and , . ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and Immediate delivery Observe! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely frjah. I "i , hLALE ?rAiF nv OF niinrt-o CHARGES The following is the scale mde for read,ne nottr ! Girth Notices GOc. Cards of Thanks, $2. FuneraJ Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c P-'r name. IT.. I j n J anu nnsraeement i , 0 J "Big Parade" at Capitol tonight. 4 a, Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. IL Gosse. ?hone G86. Butter 45c . Hi, ...... Milk $8.25 ense. II fli a" "r.ands "Uj-TO&ROOS. tf. d T. II. IIardieis,8MM1 d In the from the ifrteHBf on yesterday hrPV,i)ty ad will' nil hif .rffteiai!,, t)lf. Prh,ce 111 pert for Vancouver. - 4. ANNOUNCF.MBNTS 4 Women of Meoae,iart Leaion Whist Drive and Danea. tirt Friday of every month. Mooe Whist Drive and Dante. yriday, November 2S. Ru)ert East United Clyjrch Bataar, "NoVenuW 28. St. Andrew's pay Scottish Dancei Mome Hall, November 0. Sii Andrews Bociety AttalHarr Hale or Work. DeeiHitber 4 Unrted Church Basaar Decem- hr B. IVInce Rupert Payera Club presents "The Saving Grace" at the Capitol Theatre; Deeerafeer 10 nnd 11. Canadian Legion Gftrfotmaa iTiee Saturday, December Tt from ,2.30 to fi p.m. EWART LYNE (Pianist. Capitol Tl-ire) Teacher of Pianoforte f'undidiitew prepared for Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music Examlna-tions. 100 per rent lire fir during t(H' past thirty yvan. Studio: 2nd floor Federal Blk Phone Red 701 FUR AU VUZflU! H. S.Wallace citv!inirBr l Government Wharf -V , Westholme tonight Come and enjoy laughing at "Cinders," with local amateur cast. j Thoaws McMeekin returned to th C,t wu ruui u imsiness trip to in-.terior points. . Rf tnil M. A T r . i i mi. . jv. noruon. wno have len on a trin in th !,.. lot returned to the city on yes- .... , ww oiicrnimn irain. Udmrket haa.r mediain tar vek mm., fomjtfm- nuar aviald og haare begynder at gro. Mange kunder tilfrestillet Tellefon Red 1 7SQ. 298 l Rev. W. H. Pierce, United C,,urch n"ni"ter at Port Essing - ion, arrived in the city on yester - day afternoon's train from the Skeena. River for a brief visit. George Smith, It ia reported, is lor tne tIOBi)n or whar- ... i ' eueceedinfr II. M. Daggett, who has resigned. T. J. Shenton, ' inspector of mines, returned to the city n yesterday afternooa'a train from a brief trip to the Tonlev ll- trjet on official duties. A. R. Iloltby, superintendent of the B. and K lnar-inon at Canadian National Railways, re - 1 itumad ti, Hu-.tt. n . aiienMOfls train from a trip to ih ntrtor on official duties. W. Pierce and family will : aail bar the Prince Runrt thla wenin for Seattle where theyj Will aSMM the winter r.n i Pierce Nft for the south yetter- iy wWj hix iialliHit boat T- homa. ' , i A. J. fcowary. wha ha mintne; iirtetaato iw the Us region, ar- rived 1n the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train; and will sail by the Prince Rupert ' this afternoon for Vancouver. Frank Moore is nailing this afternoon on A he Prince Runeart for Vancouver o which city 'he la transferred as fuel inspector for the Canadian National Railwaya , after huving spent several years here in that cpacity. Father D. J. Moriartv O.M.I.. who hex been here for the past couple of weeks conducting a re - treat for Roman Catholic priest j in this district will aail by the! Prince Rupert this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. In Bishop E. M. Bunoc O.M.I, ami Prince Rupert Father Cocola O.M.I.. principal of 1 E. G. Peake and Man Tai, Van-the I-eiac Industrial School, will eoaver; 0;.J. Kavanagh and Jos-Isail this afternoon on the Prince l,n s- Rogers, aity; Mr. aa4 Mrs. KiMM-rt for Vancouver. They ex- K. RrodkH and J. M. Qraham, pert tn spend about two weeks in the south. GREAT SALE OF FURS COATS, JACQUETS, CAPKS AND CHOKERS fitnnjj at Bargain Prices B.C. FUR CO. Third Avenue Co. Limited I'ULL FASHIONED Silk Hosiery These i-harming hose are made fron. the t'invMi ol heavy service weight pure tlirtad Hilk. Full Fashioned of course, silk to the welt, iwtented garter block Extra we.ir patch on top and side oi toe, reinlun i d slipjier foflt, fine even stitch fal.rii , and the very best of fasi oven dyes. At once serviceable and elegant. This smartly stylish hose will give excellent service. Atmosphere, Champagne, Flesh, Mirage, Nude, Pearl, Blush, Shell Grey, Black, White, Wrought Iron, Kvenglow. jj QQ 3rd Ave. & Fullon St Moose Whist Drive and Dance tonight. Scandinavian dance Saturday, Nov. 24 in Metropole Hall at 8.80. Westholme .,, tonight ee our local amateurs in the snappy sketch "Cinders." . ' Tommy's Taxi (Phone'671) announces the placing of a second Dodge Sedan car in business, tf St. George's WhJst Drive to- night In the Metropole Hall. Ad mission 50c. Gentlemen's and Ladies' prize 5 sacks of coal. Other prizes. a ' Capt. H. L. Robeson, who is 1 " w aend the Rreukelman- Rix wedding, will sail by the Car- dena tonight ;W his return to Victoria. ' . C M. Atkinson, . for drunlren- l sfi ' r; ne. waflnea ii- J j $26, ' with option WJJblUII of thlrljr days imprisonment, by iMagiatrate . MeClymont in city loIl?'cisdrt this morning. Capt. Chris Parkvold. of thp halibut boat Takla. which ia be. . ine tid lin hart fnr 4Ka wtnraw ! (will sail by the Prince Rupert I this afternoon on a trip to Van- eoaver. t Kev. H. Pierce is in the iHtv tu)a it. u,. k... planning a big Christmas cele- bration this year at Port Easinir - ' tan, contfnuing the celebration of ' the lift rVears of his ministry at I 'that nkee. Fnllnwinir th. Ir marrlo era 4a Hiht. C W. Breukejman and hie I bride. Mies Ruth Rise. Hauoht.r ; lef Bkhon and lira. G. A. Rut, will eatl "fey the Cardena for Van - ' ceuver. After their wedding trip, ther will take up- residence in I-oa Angeles. The 8200 Kitimat damage case in County Court of Charles Carlson vs Charles Han-sen is still proceeding 'before- Judge F. McB. Young today, ha-ihg now occu- !"PM tw" days' of the ceurt's time. A couple of witnesses were heard yesterday in the Pickering et vs Dumont-Emeraon aad IGavigan lien action and the case 'was adjourned until next week. Countv Court has been sitting al- most everv nlng and after - i :'"" imB 4r,rn HOTEL. ARRIVALS lerraee; Rev. Wi H. Piea Port Essington; G. H. Tyche, Smith- Jersi A. J..Lowory, Usk. o""?aioy;.-.i I. iJeMasteii.ttnJ.H. flanHe, Terraeea dsea? Lind, New Ha-elton; K. Pierce, city. Central F. J. JrtliflWn&N.R.; 0. Gagne, Terrae;' tlblm'VBarseth and J. Motinit, hr. 'y ' Royal W. MeKhy. C.N.R.; II. Mar-Iarty and La urn Larsen, Prince UJeorge; Jimmy Ryan, R. Iverson and Anmis Wohlen, city. 1 i fid for COUGHS, COLDS & BRONCHITIS Dr. Alexander PHONE 873 ItESNr.lt IlLOCK DENTIST Brief BOO "Pekoe" comes from the Chinese word "Pak-hd". meaning sliver hair, which was applied to tho tip leaves on the Chinese tea bush. Tip leaves are wiry in shape. In India they were more orange Incolour.so vere called "Orange Pekoe" (Pak-ho). SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED BACON- Limited quantity. Per lb tWie CHOICE BLACK FICS Per lb 15 LAYER TARI.P FIf!Si Per lb i!l)r MALKIN'S BEST HONEY 12-oz. iara. Eat-h SPRING CLOTHES PINS 3 dm. to ctn. Per ctn 1? PRY'S COCOA .. -lb tins. Each ' 27 CRISCO S-lb. tins. Each . .Hilt BULK DATES New Crop Hal- ,ow'- Lb BEST CHINA RiCE Per lb. 10 LIBBYB PREPARED MUSTAfiD Per jar H SHELLED WALNUTS lfalvea. Fresh. Per lb 48 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO 301TP Per tin l NEW CB0P cnMB HONEY ! f . : , Something New : Pratt low Preserved 'Kadota Figs, in heavy syrup, 1-lb. dm. Per tin :tor CHOICE UPRIVER TARLE CAR- ROTS 10 ibs "Mf, UPRIVER TUitNli'S Not twoody. . K lbs 35e CALIFORNIA GRAPEFRUIT 8 for 25 BROOKFIELL PORK SAUSAGE in the m,w aanitainr Vt-lb. Faeh lOf MeCOIMICK S PAIL SODAS Pall :..RHt Watts' fnry Phone 56 Phone S6 "Quality 'jes Right." A Thouund Dolbr Dumond Ring . . Silverware . . Watches . . these wonderful proes are being given without obligation by the Canadian Ji-welLrs Association for ttr most expressive Slogan apdy descriptive of the hisb cLis merchandise sold by jewellers. Come to our store for an entry card and write in your slogan. Do not delay - competition closes midnight, November 30th . John Bulger The Jewellers Week end Specials BUTTER Al' braads. 2 lbs. 0V-ItUTTER Bulk, a lbs. . . . .$1.-0 RUTTr.R 14-lb. box ...... ?.1.C5 CAMPBn.IS SOUPS : tin- K1.00 "OMATOLIS-So id paci, 2h- G luii 03 "LOUR Swansdowii. Per pkg 40 LOUk Snowflake, 10s. 2 sacks j...l.tK )l" ... . :A UUKS-&pk V )T. -i-r. 81.:. ;.i...t., iatd Sertlae Mussallem's S. E. PARKER, LIMITED ,3rd Ave. RtMit. ' ' Phone 83 Uumiiiiun Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Carl. Easy Termf if desird Rhone 45. Phone 574 B. C. Butchers &. Grocers LIMITED This Week's Specials DETAILS BY MAIL If you are not on our Mailing List, Phone, us BX- Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT Phone 574. Phone 4