r i AssiFr"""" '"4 Duke of York returned to London this morning 'aseby and it was noticed that he looked worried. '.' ince of Wale is in Africa and is being kept inform- lie progress of his father's illness. otion to duty and a desire to share in Glreat Brit- ribute to her fallen heroes on Armistice Day may "en the cause of the King's illness. Throughout the of remembrance at the cenotaph he stood bare-! in a cold rain. ' . The vessel Triple Island by fert, harbor master. i .-t night Dr. Stanley Jewett, physician tq . Kinpj, B. C. ELECTRIC NEW PRESIDENT orvEU. ' t. George Nov. 2tf. The line which ha had grain ships here previously. The Iiritlsh steamer Rockpool arrived in port at 10:45 last night after an uneventful voyage from the Old Country and, after sionci Inir the night anchored stream, moved into in berth at was plioiea in Capt. J. K- the the Kidd, of the (.lector at 9:30 this morning and! . 1 1.1. 11 "...... . .. . I.. MAnnAH liYlWlfntr fl iuniu)a vorer .Vi"" .Immcuiaieiy cunnn".w -v tich Hntrolsvtfiel lirltish fun cargo for the United Kingdom M Electric Railway Co.. or Continent. ivil! become effective Jan jg expected to get the first 1 lias become chairman of fuj Kraln cargo of the season from :! of Director of the we aWay tomorrow night on the 'Hon and w. u. .Murrin, 'tananesc steamer ( i i'Mdent, will succeed nim iUcnt. These changes were " " 1 today. Mr. Kidd wilt !' to reside in Vancouver. FUSION WENT TO FOLEY LAST NIGHT OVER PET1E MILLER T( OMA. Wash., Nov. 23. Hit, won the decision over K ,l y of Vancouver, feather-Miller of Toronto, in the six-I m.iin event on the boxing i .mi here last night. Yaye Mnru, which will have completed loading by that time. The Yaye Maru will also, deliver her cargo to the United Kingdom or Continent. TKn mntPr of the Rockpool, which came here light from New-castle--on-Tyne. England, via the is Capt.J.R. held. I Panama Canal, .. . 1 i.. T. E. Hrooka of f Mr. nnd Mr. Terrace are visitors in the city, having arrived from the interior afternoon's train. on yesterday Halibut landing at the port of Prince Rupert for the entire 1128 reason, while establishing no new record, were KulMantlally in exce& of those for 1927 and 1926. The total for the season just closed, according to figures compiled at one of the fish hou.iet on the local waterfront, stands at 28,257,000 pound, as compared with 2.1,-87,Q0fl pounda in 1927 and 2fi.899.000 pounds In 1926. In 1925, 1921 and 192.1 the total came to within 100,000 pounds; of 29,000,000, of sllgthly ahead of the reason in each case. . . . was recalled to uucKingnam raiuce uuu iu.u Th. blowing utHyUlUtm -w !i, physician to the staff, was also summoned and i i,y awi mulprRtnofl a third doctor has been sent for. i King was G3 years of age last June and has been ince 1910. Third Grain Ship of Season Due Here Sunday and Will At Once Commence Loading Wheat ii ices of the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert; r announced this morning that the third gramhip .M-ason for this port will be the British steamer Car-. which is due to arrive on Sunday from the Old, i rv. The Carnerbv. which is already lined, will goi r, "u at the elevator immediately after arrival, tostart m a full cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent. The vessel belongs to the Ropner STOCK QUOTATIONS ii iPourtear of' 8 if. oktu0n d&, 'tl., i Bayvfew, 3'i, . II. a Sliver. 1.30. 1.40. Dig MlMoori, A3. IIaVer Silver, IS, IS'. Cork Province, 2S, 26. CottRft Kelt. 51, 56. Dunwall. IV., 13 Va. Dutbfe, 84. 90. George Copper. 1.00. 1.75. (omla River, 28, '). Grand view, Independence, 9', 10. Inter. Coal & Cofce, 3g, 88.- , Kootenay Flb'rcnee. 19. 19 V4. Kootwia, King, 20', 81. U & L., GMj. 7. Lakeffew, 1'4,'SL ' 1 Marniot Metal.' 8. 0. ' Marirot Riv. Gold, 7, 7. Mohawk, 7'2, 7. Morten Woolsey, G'j, Gty. National Silver, IRVj, 1G. Noble Five, 52'i, 53. Pend Oreille, 9.70. 10.00. Pioneer, 1.93. 2.00. L'orter Idaho, GO. 01. Premier. 2.21, 2.22. Rufus Argenta, 19. 20. Ruth Hope, 59. GO. Silver Crest. GV4. 7. Sllvemdo. G5, Nil. Slocan Rambler, Nil, 19. o mi.. unit na I Sunlok, Nil, 84iji'pJ Terrainua, Nil, 12. . , Topley Richfield. 4Gl. I7V4.' Torie, Nil. 2.50. Wellington, 17, 17. Whitewater, 1.25, 1.25. Woodbine, G, 7. Noranda, Nil. G1.00. Fabyon, 16'-.. 17' i. OSCAR BASS Boston Grill Mete 'Ot CAIUKET opeww Dinners Thursday and Saturdays 0 vm find, loct the owner. . ?Sjr Ilanclnjc every Saturday night w.Mttvcr you need, tdvertlae for It I v ' from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire PRINCE RUPERT Accommad&tiona for Private CI.AHSlUF.li CKT TMK HABIT. Parties Phone 457 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper MX.. No. 275 PRINCE RUPERT, 11. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 23. 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS GEORGE NEW DEPUTY VICTORIA, Nov. 23. Oscar C. Ilass was appointed deputy Attorney General succeeding W. D. Carter- who now becomes official Administrator to Vancouver at his own request. PROP0SALSF0R OUTlAWING OF LIQUOR MAKING: AIo Su?ge.tion ja i'roliiltltlon Convention to .llave Vole Taken On liter for Vancouver VANCOUVER, Nov. 23. Rev. I. Mc In tyre, orginizer, pro- o.er :o the II. C. Prohibition A nciation t'iiay tjat the govern ment be ii'ke.l to obtain federal cgi i.aiion provkiinfT for a refer uwlum in each province with if ,-iew to the outlawry of the man fat ture of li'juu. The organiser a bio proposed a efererxlum be tajnn in Greater Vancouver with toe purpose of polishing beer parlors. - ! Railway offices this morning 'i ported 350 cars of grain on he territory West of Jasper Park raund here. Fifty-five carloadi tave arrived durirwr the last went-four hours. FINAL HALIBUT season. IS SOLD TODAY:,, Sumner and Cape lteale Relieved to Re Last ISoatH of Season ' ' a j II . .Marketing Here The Cape . I!lc received ' 12.1c ! ind fSi from the Canadkn Fish & The Sumner sold most of her catch at Juneau while coming Cold Storage for 1G00 poundu south. NOTICE RE WATER PIPES Owing to numerous complaints about low Avaler pressure received by the Water Department, all citltens having water pipes insufficiently-protected are notified that the Board of Works have issued instructions to shut off all services thereto, after November 30, 1923. II. A. McLEAN, City Engineer. 277 SERIOUSLY SEA SERPENT PROBABLY HUGE SQUID That Hie sea rorpentsi declared to have been been by mariners and others on this coast were probably giant Kqrids, such an those reported frrm tirrc to time and wen alto by himself, is the opinion of Rev. Canon Rushbrook, who addressed the Rotary Club ye..ter:'ay cn marine life and native ethnology. ('anon Hush'irook told of one that was wren near the mruth of the Naas River that measured ."0 e:t in length and whose lateral speed was even greater than that. He himself had measure-.! one 37 feet long, whose sac was lars;e enough for him to crawl into. Seen after the lecture, the archdeacon said Jte vat strongly of opinion that the wa serpents were simply enormous saulds. WELL KNOWN CHINESE NURSE STABBED IN BACK BY.AN UNKNOWN ASSAILANT ON HASTING STREET, VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. Nov. 23. When stabbed in the lower part of the bck with a long-bladed knife in the hands of an unknown assailant, Nellie ( how, weM-known Chinese nurse and sitter to Alexander Cumyow, court intrepreter, lat night was the victim of a murderous attack at the corner of Hasting Street East and Jackson Avenue. The assailant escaped fn the fog. The woman was proceeding homeward alone when a man coming up behind her plunged a knife into her back without warning, the blade penetrating deep into her body. (PLEADED GUILTY TO THEFT COVT. MONEY M. Daggett Dealt With in Police Court This Afternoon by , .Magistrate McClymont ILL THIRD GRAIN BOAT SEASON DUE HERE SUNDAY TO LOAD King George Seriously III At Buckingham Palace Today an d People of Country Are Anxious nNDON, Nov. 23. King George's-illness assumed a I AMDjMfiQ OF w hat more serious asnect todav with tho further tie-, kttllliliUJ Ui icnt of congestion ot one of his lungs. He was able urn some rest this afternoon, however, and this was -red a hopeful development. bulletin from Buckingham Palace at mid-day said: King passed a restless night, his temperature at 101. There is a slight extension of mischief in .j:, but His Majesty's strength is maintained." Stanley Ewett and Lord Dawson of Penn, King's ians, signed the bulletin. pite reassurances the public anxiety was not al-It was recalled that King Edward's fatal illness '1 with congestion of the lungs. There was a con-- i ream of visitors at the palace this morning. A outside the palace all morning was anxious for HALIBUT AT PORT LARGE Canadian Policy Will Aid in Securing Unity and World Peace i TORONTO, Nov. Zl Premier Mackenzie King, speak-ing at a banquet tendered him by the Bourd of Trade here last night, declared his administration entered the diplomatic field, not only to assume responsibilities for Canada's external affairs, but also because it was believed hat consultation and co-operation with British ambassadors abroad would serve to broaden the base and secure more firmly the foundation upon which the British Empire government rested and make for British unity and its permanency as well as world peace. wlmrf. where he had been whnrf- with Mr. Orr. On seeing Mr. Orr.-- inirer for many years up to the Mr. Robertson turnea to go, tear- r.v , imn thv .hnrtaire was discovered ing a trap He said Mr Orr grap- ami oc irom we Awin risneries: - - i . , . . for. a big catch of 10,000 pounds. a couple oi wi-cks ago. while the Sumner received 12c! " " FELL FROM WINDOW, INSTANTLY KILLED VANCOUVER, Nov. 28. In losing her balance and falling two stories to the ground from pled with him and during the scuffle pointed a small revolver at him. He said he struck Mr. Orr with a chair. When he finally got :T0 SEARCH FOR DRUG SELLERS HALIBUT BOATS VICTORIA, Nov. 23. British : Imperial and Hrunvol Not Heard Columbia will auk tho federal gpv-J of Since Fishing Closed eminent to amend Uw Upiaiafe4t - , Over Week Ato1- --' Narcotic Drugs Act so as to pro- ' . . . vide the (ash for convicted drug sellers. 'NO BILL' FOUND AGAINST THE HEAD OF Pntess something definite had i been learned as to the whereabouts condition of the vessels which !and have not been accounted for since I the commencement of the close j f ... ago yesterday, gov- Ketchikan this morning to seerth NANA1MO. Nov.i 23. -In the for the American halibut boats assize court the grand jury r- Imperial, Capt. J. C. Rahman, and turned "no bill" in the case of E.:Brunvol, Capt. Charlie Bloomquist A. Wilson, president of the ' according to word reeehed today Aquarian Foundation, charged by ! from the north. The Imperial and 'Robert England with misappro-1 llrunvol are the last boats still Ipriatlon of fund of the Founda- out and nothing has been heard tion. of them since fishing ctoseu. " Lawyer Struck Parson With a Chair in Hotel Room Vancouver According to Evidence in Court V AMrniTVK.T? Nnv 9' TJnv S RnWtJsnn Or a'Tc&AS I'lcadcl not guilty before Magistrate Fimllay in the police Tk rBiHiillati Thimi Vmu al:,!","" " "u"' 'U"K " . . . . ..-..0 ............ , ill II T?Kit.tfiri K in i If inn I hmol the American Sumner, selling ' " ' 1,B!"clt m nig uukiui inuum u. nuutiwu,,, j.., ihr rh over the local fish sentence ot six montns oy tMag. Novemoor If. exchange this morning, are prob- McClymont -n city Hke court Ur Robertson, in testifying said that ho had gone to biy the final vessels to land hai- Jf.t"r."" ,T.h the hotel on representations that a "Mr. Arwell," wished Ibut at Prince Rupert this mson. 1 :V ont. 'him .T. C. MoKnv. barrister, was in the room following the starting of the close me iuihis ui in iimiik - SHOT FRIEND; KILLED SELF away, he called the iolice. Mr. Orr. testifying, said that a CHICAGO), Nv. 23, -Two old soon us Mr. Robertson saw him hei , roniei) W(,nt out nuilljnK together struck him with a chair, felling i him to the floor. Mr. Orr said he nulled a irun loaded with blank the sill of the window she was cftrtridges. He said he was in cleaning, Mrs. M. F. Lockhart. CO fcfir 0f ni8 Hfe, Resuming service after having Mr. Robertson maue in court as undergone a two weeks' overhaul counsel for Gordon Heck, who following a tetent collision with was suing for divorce and mming a dock In Vancouver harbor, C. Mr. Orr as his co-respondent. The P. R. steamer Princess Royal, case Is continuing. Pnul All.art lllpnon. arrived! In fi.rnoon from PKICE OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Nov. 23 -The the ho south southandwIllsallatlOp.m.l and on her return waypoints. to Vancouver and price or wheat ws nerc today. in the woods in this district on Tuesday. Ose was accidentally shot by the other, who thereupon put- his gun to his head and blew his own brains out. Search par- years or age, ws tnsianuy Kiueu Wlfnss Baiq,he wished to see ; tjM) fo(jnd U)e b0(llw yinf yesterday. ,Vt ,, H j lliRobertn to, persuade him i to . wthw jn the woedr. ' ' k ' ' jreHtltk cerUin statements that to- RESCUED FROM FLOE . ON LAKE MANITOBA WINNIPEG. Nov. 2J. Six men who were lost on Lake Manitoba since Tuesday, when they were swept away on an Ice floe, were rescued yesterday,