PACE EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city Westholme Th Its Aroma is 13 3 Perfectly j JJ Delicious E3 eatre Westhoimc T and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee 2 :H0 p.m. "BEAU SABREUR" , THE PHOTOPLAY SUPREME The Answer to "Dcau Gestc" by the Same Author ADVENTURE, LOVE, ACTION, ROMANCE Gary Cooper, Evelyn Brent, Noah Beery, William Powell and Distinguished Cast BILLY DOOLEY COMEDY "THE DIZZY RIVER." OVERTURE, "IL GUARANY," (Gomez). Between Shows at 8:15 p.m., the Humorous Sketch CtWERS" Under the Direction of Alex Connon. ' , Admission 50c and 15c. Sat. Matinee 35c and 10c. The boy or girl purchaser of the lucky ticket at the Saturday Matinee will receive a free pass to this theatre for one month. Packed in Vacuum Airtight 3 Tim Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AM SHIPYARD OjMirallnK U.T.l Uttjiineera, 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock v J'achinists. Ooilerinakent, Illacksmitlit. makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Klc ELECTHIC AND ACETYLENE WBLD1NU Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds ol MAKING AND COMMERCIAL WOKK. PHONES 43 and 38S I'ntlern "CATERPILLARS Tractors JJIGCER THAN THE WEATHER! jA Size for Every Use N A Hundred Use for Every Size " 2 TON, TWENTY, THIKTV, SIXTY JJETTIM ;i ,( , .i .QUICKER CHIMPEH Litciraturo and Prices on Request Sole Distributors for XI. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED , llrmitli (lflM Nurlbro IWKlo Frrlfht Hulldlut NHmhi K1mim SIO station Slrret Norman C. ( nilikkUank, itIim Urvtir VANCOOVKIl. IJ. C. Ilt. lUuairr HOLT REST Picture Is the Famous Story of Adventure, Love, Action and Romance A HUMOROUS SKETCH There is a irreat nroirram at the' senerally conceded to be a mas- terpiece. There is a bright comedy and music. Between shows at 8:45 a hum- will be something good. THROUGH SLEEPERS TO THE SHIP'S SIDE sleeping cars from the Pacific Coast to the ship's side at Montreal and Halifax in connection with sailings for the Old Coun try during November and Decern BAD L E GS Near Ankle or Knee? MO ONE'S EMERALD OIL Week-end Specials Nabob Coffee, 1 lb. tin Ilobin Hood Quick Oats, pkg Purity WheatleU, 5 lb. sack Quaker Corn Flakes, pkg. . , No. 1 Jap rice, 8 lbs. McLaren's Baking Powder, 12 os. tin Pure Scotch Malt Extract 3 lb. tin Royal City Green Reana, 2 tins ISockeye Salmon, 1 lb. tin 00c 23c 33c 10c Buckeye Corn Meal 10 lb. sack OSc Imported Macaroni all shapes. I 2 lbs 23c Star ol ItalrWrllMWe,i) Quart tin 'J0c Half gallon tin ...... 51.00 2.-c 23c 73c 33c 10c Llbby's Ripe Olives, large tin 30c Helps Pork & Deans, 9 tins $1-00 Heinz Tomato Soup, 9 tins . $1.00 10 lbs. Potatoes, 5 lbs. Carrots 5 lbs. Turnips, S lbs. lWets, S : lbs. Cabbage, all for !5c i all for 9c ' 8 bars Pearl White Naptha I 1 Soap, value 40c, 1 G-quart nl- 1 uminum Kettle, value $1.25 ) Total Value $1.G6, for ... . J5c I Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 TI1B DAILY NEWS Friday, Nownii..-,. AT WESTHOLME TOURISTS URGED Canon Hu.shhrook Tells Some of the Interesting Phases of ' Marine- Life Which May .lie Seen SQUID FIFTY FEET LONG Westholme Theatre tonight. The Endless .Variety of beautiful feature film is "Beau Sobreur," vrea,urennaDii naicre on the famous story of adventure,; love, action and romance by the! same author as "Beau Geste," and This Region and May He Studied That Prince Rupert holds a unique position for the study qf marine life and that the enjoy- mont nf mnlHrtir u aiiwlv nf fliLma orous sketch, binders, is to be of the forms tht nut on under direction of Alex thl,-,v- K ;. anmatu,n h Connon Most people will want;hou,d be advantftge of by to see this, as Mr. Connon s name lft. ho niniAn as a director ensures that there CanQn w p,;-nbrooki 0 ad. dressed the Rotary Club yesterday afternoon at its regular weekly luncheon in the Commodore Cafe. Canon Kfjhbrook explained that the marine Hfe here was semi- j tropical in, Character, very differ- The Canadian National Rail-jent from aimUat latitudes on the ways have made arrangements to Atlantic coast. The water art-operate special trains and through rjcn jn the 'various species of polype mynieilt them being gems ; of beauty. , lit also spoke of the medusas, tome .with Jiair 15 to 20 fee 4g$ ; Speakinc at the squids which tier. Full information from City: are found on the coast, the speak-! Ticket Office, 528 Third A venue,, er mentioned one that was seen1 Prince Rupert. Pnone2G0. 282fibout three years ago ntmr the mouth of the Naas River some 50 feet long and with a laternal ex pansion of possibly 75 feet. lie! himself had. free n one that was 37 i feet long am with a sac large! enough for hfm to climb into. He mentioned the endless variety of I crabs, from tfce giant wonderfully! formed kipg.erub and the spider! ' crabs to the little hermit crabs Have lave You You Varicose Varicose or or "Tlll .. J Swollen ollen Veins Veins and and Iiuncl Bunches ;he oni variety Wf game! To atop the misery pain or soreness, salmon tb the pUgltaceous little help ivduoe the dangerou swollen . i 1 1 1 nri ilMnofKM. tk. Lavs iib. tisn, irom tne iuu-pound spring 'member of the cc tod family which Mooim'i matrmXA on. This etean bow-i was able to sink itself when Dur- ertul F"irtlng yet aafa antiseptic ' ...a "UB .u-j no anen.iieen itself to io the me rock rocas healing -u u obtainable at ail tint-1 ciiat, rtmg i so that it was Jmpossrbie to tear in iiuuoixu 01 casta mood j untr-aid Oil has given Me-ned relief. Spleli-d!:l for Uloen. Old 8-:re B3ken Vein TToubleacme Gates of Beaema. : it away. He suggested that some of tbse forms exhibited j on the local docks in aquaria to I be established there. It would be one of the .greatest attractions for visitors that pould possibly be! established here, The great flotillas of Squish men-of-war that sonMtime.s in acted thie waters, tittle jellyiMi: with miniature Mils which coni' irom the south. There an all -ort.s of interesting thinir- wlii h bring unending delight and the speaker urged the possibilitii'!- lor, .study under ideal conditions. I COAST INDIANS AND DRUIDS OF GREAT BRITAIN Ethnical Relation Clo4e, Declarttn Canon Ku.liLruuk in Ad-dresn Yesterday. Thut the natives of this coast were ethnically related to the Druids, who were the early inhabitants of Britain, is Indicated by their use of the sun as an emblem of worship and a sign used on their coffins and in some of their rock carvings was an opinion expressed by CaHon Rush brook, in the course ot his address to the Rotary Club it its luncheon yesterday afternoon. Canon Hush-brook urged preservation of some of the drawings and other mementoes of the original native life here. Canon Ruxhbrook referred specifically to the 'crving of the man who fell from heaven on the rocks In M'-tiakatla Passage and carving of the sun on a point nearby. He irophecied that some of the local carved rock would some day be stolen and oarvted away to museum. They. were very won- lerfal Hud valuable-. Formerly there were mummies and coffins in the caves of the neighborhood, but tln'.v hud been all taken away At the end of every coffin was the red circle representing dleiy. It was also used as a decoration on otflichan hos. They wen closely related' -to the DrudU circles "In Iti itsln. ' The speaker mentioned thai tin Indians of the past were perfectly; self-contained 'and not without art, as seen in'llie making of the beautiful canoes which they used and which were on similar lines to the ocean liners of today, giving the maximum speed with the minimum resistance. They also knew tbi- uses of spaghum moss for .wrappings for the young children, ( of herbal purgatives and hellbore as a germicide. They were equal! to every occasion. Men and women were able to meet the ex igencies of life and he hoped the ri cords of the ancient past would be preserved. CANADIAN NATIONAL HOLD STEAMER FOR CHRISTMAS SAILING In order to accommodate thoe desiring to go south after school" close Friday, December 21, the Canadian National Steamships announce that on that day the S. S. Prince Rupert will be held here! until 6:00 p.m., arriving Vancouver at 0:00 a.m. Sunday, December 23. Make reservations early Jtt City Ticket Office. Third Ave. Phono 260. 2H Hurry Folks BEFORE Our 3 ftk. CIos ses 'An Opportunity Not to He Missed. HIGH-CLASS GOODS AND SPLENDID 'VALUES AT 'The Nobby' III m TONIGHT! STOP! LOORn GREAT WEEK-END DOUJiLK-FEATl'KE hill You'll go wild over this startling romance of u little French girl who came to New York to find her sweetie. Did she find him, and how! You'll Love IIESSIK LOVE IN Anybody here seen Kelly? istnet ot The Daily AND THE NEWS PARADE With Nick Stuart and I'hipps A great roman. age, thrills and !., tersperaed with (!.., edy throughout. FAULK AND TOPICS VAI'DBVILLK (a) MISS ANNIH niLCIIIUST. charmlnf lncu-e ,n "ItiiMian Ma.urka.M (b) AL and ART in uMtly Nnen.N Jack dc JnusHerand and Ilia Rupert Capiliilian First Show 7 p.m.. 50c and 12c. Saturday M;.ttnc:' 2:30 p.m.. 30c and 10c. DOLLS! They Have a Heraonalm y Little Dolls, Biv I' Lolls. Pata Dolls and -8o pal and beaut it i that say mama. DolN wicked Utile ayta! Fa. beautifully attired. K new and different. Prices to suit even Dolls to please evt-i for Christmas. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Telephone the office if your paper does not arrive m Headers News Who do not,. subscribe Tor the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. , ...? AH the News of the North, coast and special corrcspotidci,iaAa&ori(Lcvcrii counfny, fniin our W4u ivm jju.tivu til IIIIII11IIUIU XOSl. Send the postal order today whileou slillithinlqf it!