'V ?AGE sir ,.:''''' " - " THE DAILY NEWS term tuttmutd tn ita SC. tnimu turn " VncMn Bmt of Txifa m tf MffMi rW iMrtwnt flf BrMwJi FREE Thlt Handsome 8-Cup Size. TEA FOT Will bt tivcn away absolutely free to each purchaser of 1 If). BRAID'S BEST TEA AND 1 lb. BRAID'S BEST COFFEE Braid's Best Tea Is packed In two grades! Red Label Orange Pekoe and Blue Label. The most popular tea on the market This offer obtainable at the following Grocers: 3IUSSALLEM GKOCEKY munro nnos. BUSn'S GROCETERIA SEAL COVE GROCERY BRAID, TUCK & CO., LTD. VANCOUVER Peacetime Patriotism A Fable for Mcrcfwnu and Salesmen was an insistent purchaser of SHE icca products. She knew the security cf her home depended largeiy on hertetf, and all mothers kte her depended on their insistence of securing Icca! products. Fcr it was directly through the prosperity and increasing activity of local industry that the men folk of her country enjoye3 secure positions and steady employment. That is why, when shopping for an outer garment for her son, she demanded a Ijpl product. The store '.derk hesitated and told her the article she required was out of stock at present, but that a certain foreign-made article was "just as good." She refused the foreign garment and left the store. Back of this mother's insistence was a pride in the products of her homeland the true peacetime patriotism. This story has a moral ' for Mercliants The progress of British Columbia depends on increased production and increased purchasing of British Col umbia products by the public. Be fair to yourself! Be loyal to British Columbia! Sell more British Columbia products. BE PROUD TO BUyISI PRODUCTS KAYSER GLOVES NEW KIP-TONE Buttoned and pullover style. Paip"" 1.50 NEW LEATHERETTE FABRIC Novelty cuff styles; assorted shades. Pair $1.00 AND $1.50 FOWNES CAPE GLOVES Wool lined, fur top. ir 2.95 FRENCH KID GLOVES Novelty cuffs styles; assorted shades. Pair -2.95 FRASER & PAYNE SIMONDS SAWS Cross-cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10 more g:j rnade.This guarantee has never been challenged. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED, T. .(Ml .TKtlT NO ACORN AVINWf . MONTREAL, Out. VANCOUVER. D.C TORONTO, ONT. ST JOHN, N.B. 8J- , News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Another Property at Topley Claims Attention; Van- GlacierulclvShowinK Up-Well . Glacier Showing Up Well . A new and what is said to be an extremely rich strike I of ore has been made on the Topley group of claims, lo-i cated a mile south of the Topley Richfield and owned by j Matthew Sam, an Indian prospector. This ore shows in a I distinct vein running at right angles to previous dis coveries on the property and on the surface there is six ; inches of clean ore. Recently some work has been done by way of open cuts and these have yielded such promising results that it is now the intention I !to drop down into a ravine and run the Dig Hidden Creek mine and ja drift tunnel. The group has s reopening the Granby Point been owned by Matthew Sam for pro,K;rty. On Hastings Arm, the ! several year's and i now ready for yer Crest have won the crown granting. The ore is said lien ot aU. At Aiice Arm 8everai to resemble that now being taken empunieg have been uperuting; from the shaft on the Topley Si!-l,f0U1.h0Ut tne ver property, sliver being the main value. A vein 18 inches wide has 'given values of 040 ounces silver, i $1.20 in gold and 4.2 per cent eop: I iwr. camps may be erected and , opment undertaken on an in- creased scale. J With several samples assaying i an average of over $20 to the ton. I Frank H. Taylor, who recently l took an option on the Clacfer I Gulch mining property, near iSmithers, is preparing plans for (the installation of machinery which will allow o.f more speedy I development. Operations on the j Glacier Gulch at present consist of a shnft sunk on a lead which penetrated some excellent ore ;Thi is now down approximately. 16 feet and there is 10 inches ji' j solid mineral composed of leau izinc and arsenophyri.e carryin; j strong values in gold and silver j At present there is only a smul crew employed on the work, but Ml. Taylor state, that he has lw complete compressor plants available and one of these may sooi be u til lied in hurrying along thi developnient in the shaft, whit) will be followed later by a tun nel. A mining engineer hi report to have recently made 'an exami nation of mineral properties at Pacific, nd Cedarvaje on behalf of the Pyne-Whitney-intereU of New York ind1 Winnipeg who arc establishing the Flin Flon mine in Northern Manitoba Harry Jleywood managing dir ector of the Terminus Mines Ltd. has been ,on a trip to Trail re cently to meet officials of the Consolidated Mining Si Smeltini Co. which it is reported may take over the property at Stewart. A small crew is being employed throughout the winter in underground work on the property. A crosscut is being driven to N'o.2 vein which will be explored at depth after it is encountered. The management of the Marmot Uiver Gold announces that there is no truth to a rumor that the property is being shut down. It is the intention of the board of directors to carry on development all winter. Development work is proceeding with very encouraging results. . .. During the past few months mining in the Anyox-Alice Arm listrict has been making great .-.trides saya the Alice Arm Heralo in reviewing the situation. lie Ides its major operations at An- yox, the Grnnby Co. is developing the JJonanza mine which will start pouring a steady stream of ore into the Anyox concentrator next spring. The company har also optioned 11 chums adjoining summer. The Torie is new firmly established as a shipping mine. The Utility Mining & Financing Co. is developing the Titer with unusual success and the erection of a mill ' i ' next year is already planned. Tne The. Guardian Stock itnd Bond KHsault-Kagle Silver Mine UfL Association of Vancouver is re- has located ore on the Eagle and ported to have1 taken h bond on the jja8 considerably increased tjie Comet' group of claims on Four- tonnage on the Silver Cord, being Mile Mountain, near Haieltnn, w niniirB1i ; driving irwin. which was formerly owned byoot tunnel on the Sunrige. The 'James Dyer. T. IJ. Lewis, M.E.. ran211 Mining Co h.. h,. has been retained to draw up Hlerfl.Brf i. world fore n,l will j program of development, and for Lpwate throughout the coming the present this will comprise a wInt nlflna beni. formu. cross-cut tunnel to be driven an- , ,.,. IViVU I" UIBllfV CI DtlVIIK Will" , . . . - m - proximately 240 feet . to a reach an to the H anl intersection of several fissures. ext mmmer, The Mohawk In view of recent important d a- am MXt .ovenes of high-grade on the Mo- h w f f hawk, which the Comet adjo ns, j , . . .... !the prospects ahead of the latter STV V" Undi?f'to0(, th' fIi Ull w, 0 u; property are said to be very bright f.1 . . aaain. Negotiations are also i pro- " ' i lor encountering the same claa of ,. , . , . , mineral. Operations wiH-be mr, !nf for th. uk11" of claims .v the iried on by a small force during H roupj. ; m I the winter and. shduld eondltionsW' Fta "'' i warrant the expenditure, lamei deve imvU IP' ls ' AlOHMt every week re- are published of expansion of (operations of local companies Jor the formation of new compan- jegjwho will enter the field next spring. The district is forging ahkd and the expansion promisM bo uvcraase each year as the vasty mineral wealth becomes more vWdfcly known. Mon Fancies ) I i A Panel of Smart Accessories The more attention you rmv aetali, the smarter you will Be. If each tiny accessory is erfeei, ! in it woyl and related to the ret of your ensemble, you may as sure yourself that you are n well dressed woman. Two bags that will beautifully complete your black or gray ensemble are pictured at the top"of the illustration. Doth of black antelope, the first has a brightly colored bar and closes with tin amusing key catch. The second has an amber frame and handle. Of course, vttuvte read or seen that TfercWeffcoFno-fL flupple furs are being shown. The one in the centre is of beige caracul, anil ties in a variety of ways. The bag at the lower left-hand corner is of calfskin. It -Is trimmed with felt, and has a monogrammed effect which is of leather. The modernistic necklace is of amber crystal, dark and light. Advertise in Th- News. Rain i I For Men, M Coats omen and Children A large shipment of Raincoats has just arrived from Scotland where they know htiw to make Itaincoats! Thetce are fine quality goods, made by one of the best known makers in that kingdom. There are all sizes, both for men and women, as well as for the younger ones. These we nre able to offer at this time at very reasonable prices. Keep dry this weather; everyone going out of doors needs n good Nairn oat. Make your chnic& now at the ontreal Importers SALE OF SALES UNDERWEAR FOR MEN We have Underwear by Penmnns and Stanfh-ld.-., i, ada's best makers, in every line. For very good rtm ! . - . . . we wuuiu raincr you wouiu urou into our More and the prices for yourself. As, for Instance, we havt te II. 'inj 1 1 ufl IN ' IVnnl 1 1 n r.i 'i.n b . W I '1 T - - - - - m f,mt uiTili. I ' . . ! . ! .. 1 . i ttk ! " . I it f ... . viiiiuiiiuiiiiH ui wuier lines in propnnion. Wtu just received a shipment of llritannia and Shamrock brui of ,Men Underwear both of these are famous En;l' makes which we are selling at rock bottom price. i t . i - . . .1 ... . I . . f - u I . 1 1 1 I r II uiiu niimrii. iiai iur mrii, mill doming 01 til UlV! lions for men and buvu. turtlirr wllh m.inv in , Ladies' Wear. Men's and Hoys' ltublers JI C'J a pair. ' Come 'and Convince YoursM Sergeant Otway Wllkle. provincial police, Vancouver, who has been here for the past few days, Constable It. Gllker of the city detachment here, and Dominion Constable A. J. Wntklnson will nll by the Prince Hupert this' afternoon for Vancouver forming an escort for a party of five jprisoners including mental pat "Sin THE NEU VICTOR RADIO reKER in t uJ hnn tuilfiui ctymt. Wt l4W II u yOu t p)t th Wtor (tntcram that tht tent tilii lfVr uitt fUu U tit heat it. Rom vunied for tut mutt View fM MuJtl RaJu). i J2-.50 An instant Hit! a brilliant siifcc throughout the Dominion, FWJ like meteors across an enkindled sky; these sc the stuff, maintaining Victor's quarter century efg tation. Regardless of the money asked, the Ne" Radio wins out on tone quality, beauty, and go1 performance. Authorized Victor Radio Dealers are showing thjjj tiful walnut-designed table set with a full set ot and "plug'in" cord for only 'I Victor Talking Machine Company Lkentti untie? pttenlt of iW Rjjia Ftetfucncy lilorttwHt Im ients from Stewart and Port Simpson, n Haielton Chinaman, who will serve six months in Ok- Jalla for keeping liquor for sale; I Fred Gun-a-Noot of Ilnselton, who has been sent down for four 'months for theft. nd Silas Simon, (who has been sentenced -to nine months' Imprisonment for house breaking here. Mr. and Mrs ; , the 1 are sailing thi afternoon "al coif ver. At 1.50 this morj; department mvf alarm turned in ftlr at the corner of and Fulto" M