-ember 23. 1D28 ike iite phones. S 1i ilnfiVi liiilr I (xRuperi N jrthern Pacific Terminus of the j Canadian National Railways - Prince Rupert has throe of the jjreatest things in the world' Ik Largest Fish Cold Storage Plant Largest Fresh Halibut Market Largest Undeveloped Hinterland The City of Prime Rupert has a payroll of considerable i lance, derived from: RAILWAY SHOPS RAILWAY OFFICES DKYDOCK AND SHIPYARDS GRAIN ELEVATOR PROVINCIAL 'GOVERNMENT . OFEIQES ' COLD STORAGE if-4 VtSkl PACKING HOUSES PISH MARKET QILHRY AND FISH REDUCTION5 PLANT r&AIlON AND HALIBUT FISHERMEN .SAIJUON CANNERIES , s LUMIIER MILLS MINING TRAPPING AND FURS '. DEVELOPING TERRITORY V. mi' The scluittls are excellent. RoimIs are paved and concrete sidewalks are being laid. 3 The grain export business of Prince Rupert is steadily de- !pinK. Last year about eight million bushels of grain was ' i;p4'd Ihrmigh the terminal elevator and this year promises to reatly exceed that mark. The City owns its Power, Light, Water Supply and Tele-, PRINCE RUPERT IS ONE OF THE COMING COMMER-im fiBMfPDM no Tinf. PAflPir COAST. THE PRO- B I.Ui VUIMIUW Ul Jin . ( li MILE OUTLET OF THE GREAT PEACE RIVER COUNTRY, AND SURROUNDED RY A RAPIDLY Prince Rupert is the logical site of a customs smelter which v ,-uid serve the mines of Portland Canal, the Rulkley and Skeena alleys and"coast points. THE DAILY NEWS is-Prince Rupert's recognized Daily Newspaper -- THE DAILY NZW8 PAGE FTV1 The breakfast any one can get NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. TERRACE Jan. Turn bull of Hazelton is bpending a few days in town on a timber cruising trip for the Hanson Timber Co. Mi'H. Reginald Ilojjan and baby of Prince George are visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Taft. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Heith entertained at bridge on .Monday .vening. Prizes were won by Mrs. Dyson and Dr. Brummitt. Miss Edith Doll returned on Wednesday from Prince Rupert where she has been staying at the home of Constable S. Service. Mrs. F. De Kergammeoux left on Tuesday on an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Root De Kerg-i'nimcaux at Premier. A. . Goodenougb was a busi-licsf visitor from Srahhers at the iieginning of the week. Mr. Brummitt was an afternoon tea hostess on Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Bredin and Miss MarHh. T. E. Broks returned OB Wednesday following a short business trip to Prince Rupert A. Mcleod and Geo. Cameron, mining men of Stewart, who have! been examining a number of pros-, pecth in this district returned to the coast on Sunday. ' Thankitgiving turkeys in Prince Georgp. - At Armistice Day requiem in St. Michael's Anglican Church here, Hev. T. S. DePencier dedicated, a new altar book containing the names of former residents of this section who made the supreme sacrifice during the Great War. VANDERHOOF Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boor have left for Mandan, North Dakota, where they will spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Ilager don have returned from then honeymoon trip to the coast. The Omineca Central Cunsei vative Association has elected of fleers for the year as follows president, Sam Cocker; vice-presi dent, Arthur Shelf ord; secretary treasurer, E. A. Mitchell. It wa-deeided to hold the next annua convention in Fort Fraser. Hon R. B. Bennett and Hon. S. F Totmie are honorary officers. Oases of chicken pox and scar let ifever are reported in this district Robert Reid has been appoint? general road foreman for SMII'HERS John Lapadat is suffering wit: painful injuries to his fingers Mrs. Thornton of $fthert. the result of contact with a powe representative of the Ltd. Montreal, ie in TV one of her periodical visi A. Shaw of Reedley, a visitor here at present Co. wood saw. e on i Much building is going on a: the present time in Smither.s The new store building for Fre( Watson is nearing completion am nrnonr those building houses ar The W. A. of the .African H. M. Mathews, on Third Avenue ("hun-h met o; -Wednesday at the John McKeiwie, Railway Avenue hoir.i! of Mrs. W A. Kirfgwfcen Carl Noel, Alfred Street: L. P plans were ajy4jkn- Green, Fourth Avenue; Jo. fiunl safe "anil winter gardy' to French. Third AvenUe. and S. C U hrld in lower G.W.V.A. Hall Robinson, Third Avenue, en Saturday Dec. 1. 1 The attorney-general has givti i J. L. Nix of Edmonton was a an order which relieves the mur business visitor here on Tuesday, icipality of Smithers of finance 11 Y responsibility for the Belkna The I'anmt Teacher AsaofUfah family which has involved a sun has abtpiroMd v profttl 0f about 00 annually. It ha scheme to dlee fca Jtountfc -chil- Jong been a vexed question lot dren to scnooT (tarfHf; bad ViWh- Hy. er. The Government is to be. asked to have roads broken and , Th funeral of the late Mrs. W kept open so that pupils may get jr. Thorne was held on Monrli. to school with as little auncmiy j the United Church with Rev as possible. . ,,1. t. Smeeton officiating. Th church was crowded with syro Arrangements have been made pathetic friends desirous of pay for a musicale and social after- ng tnejr last respects. noon the middle of December, - r under auspices of the Parent; vp. ii7PiTnv Teachers. ' NhM UAhLlUiN i j I ti n v r.. c. Tl it PRINCE GEORGE ! fined $300 at the end of last wee1 '.for supplying liquor to Indian Sergeant Walker, provincial jand the Proprietor of the Re ,nH.. .nunniiNu. twt the Motor Cafe received a six months ja i Vehirie strin-lMntnce for lim on hl Act is to be more ...i.. fj"K.- tr,in premises for sale. The cases nttention will be given to jsntkes and headlights. f The Cariboo Automobile . As- MiciaMon of which C. A. Pjrne is president, ha been incororated which were tried by Stipendiary Matristrate S. H. Hoakins of Smithers, are to be appealed. The "Northern Light" plan, has spent the past week at JI.iel the Yukon and na.- under the Benevolent Societies' e"n,u'1to 'passengers. The natives havt There was a strong demand for jbwt" IC"lRr,y lnteretod ' making flights. Husband Was Afraid She Was Getting Pneumonia Mrs. Charles Rlwarck 1! It No. 2, Whestlev. Unt , write: "Lpt winter 1 was Uithered with a verv ld fold, and my huxband wax ufraul I was getting pneumonia "Otic (iuy onu of my npighlKn came in and slip suggpsteil that I try x Dr. Wood's Norway 2r Syrup I look a few down and I was greatly relieved. "It. also relieved my son, aged nine, of tlie croup. ... "I will never be without a lotl of 'Dr. Wood's' in tlt liow and I cannot refloimiwnd it too liigUI)'." ", J I'riee 8fio. a Uittle; Urge familjkaine 00i at all druggwU aud (Wkra. Put tip only by Tlie T. Milburp, Co., Ltd., Toronto Out. Mr. Lucas, formerly with tht Royal Diink staff at Haselton, h 'spending a couple of weeks visi jtlng with local friends. I Milton Gonsales of Prince Rup Jert was a week-end visitor ii 'this district. BELLA BELLA CHILD PASSES IN HOSPITAL I David Smith llumchit, Two Yean-Old, Died In Local Institu tion Yesterday The death occurred yesterday afternoon In the Prince Rupert , General Hospital of David Smith llumchit, 2-year-old son of Mrs. Bessie IIumd.lt of 'Bella Bella. Accompanied by the mother, the , bodjr will Im taken by the Cardena tonight to Bella BeU for inter- !ninnt. I W-A. 1 Reatly to eat ao preparation necessary. Just warm in the even or crispness, and add either hot or cold milk. Sold by every grocer. A healthful between meal wafer TRISCUIT Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co., Ltd. For eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ul"rs, abscesses, and other distressing skin disease Zam-Buk remains hnrivalled. This great herbal balm ends pain end irritation, draws out poison and corruption, and crows healthy new akin in a wonderful way. KEEP A BOX ALWAYS HANDY! " NORTHERN " Rubber Footwear The "Northern" range of Overshoes for Men, Women and Children offers a wider selection than ever. Jersey or Cashmer-ette to various heights with buckle, strap or Whixaer fasteners. Match youi Winwr Coatutn with a Nofthrn, taQor.d to fit St)l-8hu "cAlbn Mad with 1, J. 4 or 6 BuckUc LOOK TOR THE TRAD MARK iif -'"t''J-r"' """ rJiIHTH A laiiimletr mnjs Srvl-Miua U on hand to meet your needs. I f Co. The Family Shoe Store PRINCE RUPERT, B. C.' Advert5e in "The Daily News"