PAtir. ruu'R l'No one dreamed 50 years ago that such a fragrant 'beverage as "SALADA" Orange Pekoe could be produced pure as science can make it fresh, superbin flavour 43c per half-pound and all black tea. A treat Indeed for tea lovers. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" THE DAINTIEST HREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish S oA Storage (., ! Prince Rupert. B.C. Han ad ian National Largefl Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE 8all)ns from PRINCE KITERT for VANCOUVER: VICTORIA. PRATTLE, MOMltYH. Till TtMt.WH. 4.00 pjn., SATURDAYS. 6.00 pja. Par AXVOX and STEWART. MOMlHS, FRIDAYS. 4.0 pjn. For MABTT I MET. MONDAYS. 4 00 pm. For SOUTH WEEN CHARLOTTE 1LAMS. Fortajgbtly. Pot SKAOWAY. WEDNESDAYS. 4 AO pjn. pasemier trains leave rnivcr. kupkrt KAJI.V EXTEIT HI SHAY at ll.Ma.rn. for PRINCE OEOUOE. EDMONTON. HISMWi. all point Eastern Canada. United SUtm, i'lENCV AU. OCSAN STEAMSHIP L1N.J. riTV TICKET OFFICE. THIIIIt E- rRINCK RUPERT JAPANESE CONSUL COMING TO CITY T. Kukunia of Vanwuver to VHH 111 Local roantrjnrn on' SHnd.ijr. Local Japanese 'aae preparing to give a fltUiiii reception to T. Pukuma. con sul for British Columbia with hoad-uuaru-rs hi fancoover, who will pay s rtatt to UM city T 1tM-" m thai course of 'trip up f!PPiWf t will be the first time in twelve year thst a Japanese c nsul has visited lxl roiintrvmcn. A dinner is MtwWW to take place In his honor In the BoaUjeX Cufe Sunday evening. Mr Pukuma will arrive at Port Easing- ton today trom the south and Is ex-' pec ted t j come on here by Sunday after-noon's train. He will probably sail on hit return south Monday afternoon. Classified : Ads. rt ANTED YOUNG lady vmtUng Prince Rupert for month t longer wishes room and bre-.Vfaat with private family, close a. Oood local reference. Reply giving terms to Box 121 Dally News Of-w 186 RXOAVATTNO wanted. Bock or any kind. By day or by contract. E. WANTED Maid far general housework. Phone Red 257. u WANTED. Waitress, apply While Lunch FOR SALE FOR SALE 8-room bouse, fully mod ern, hardwood floors BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED INSII. two sunroojas, hot air furnace, ajood basement. Centrally located. A REAL BARGAIN at UMQ. TBBMS. FTVE-room house and large double cor ner an Sth Avenue W. Could rent at S3000 Price SI. 100 Cash 4w0. balance IS per month. A RIAL SNAP. THE TWO BEST LOT on ATLTM AV ENUE for view and location taOOJM. EASY TERMS. THOS. COLLABT LIMITED SEVEN-ROOMED Howe end Lot a Third Avenue far sale. Improved irontaac. Modern. Par Immediate sale v cash. S3.000 00. 017 Third Avenue. Phone Bed 834. M OLD NEWSPAPERS MAY BE USfD IN- tead of buUdlng paper or to lay be-neatli carpets on the floor. Get special price on large quaatltle Dally News. POR 9AII LAUNCH OWEN. POOR Hnrsrpower Easthopr engine. all complete and In good running con dition Apply PuBen. Dally News. t SNAP - 4290 on easy terms buys good automobile Phone Rd 720. 308 POR SALE - Forty-Foot raised Dock B HgaBaEwBwBwfirSPBwsar SJT aaT fcwLnMhSftSRflaaiSA I I difference iiyhrrruter won an enduring re f Vbl rfrX. faPl Ej putation for excellence jlP 'r y Jj D " QICD This advertlnenit nt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or hy the Government of British Columbia Cruiser In fully equ.pped; bargaitt tar qukok hale Apply Box 110 Dally News 187 FOR HUNT OR RENT CLAPPBSTON HOUSE. Ni'uh A enu East. Beat reasonable Apply city Treasurer. City Hall. tl O RENT- PIANOS, PLATBBi-PIANOS. Ph,nor ph and Sewing Machine t Music Store. t for RErrr furnished pooi r m-d uptrtroent with bath. Watai paid Phone MT. U fob BEtrr. roim ooou apabt- ment hot water heated. Apply Smith it Uallett. Ltd. t: FOR BNT fiialabed bouaskeepuv roou by the day. week, or aaoatb rv.or.e Red 807. tt FOB BENT P0BN1SHED APART menu Apply Mnasallem Orooary, CIIIKOI'KACTIC IIR. K. B. KYOI.rON Chlrpprarlor "as TMd Avtaue. leiepnon for lUgeHntmiirt now to Blur . .. .1 BU.b 4 8S cute and Chntki WrwdeM saeeesf-fuilr treated-tfrk4UVd mi FURNITUKE AND KANGBS Fawcett Ranaat. eVtaajV Bed end Bedding rturliidlng tb OwlerwKKir Ust-treaii. Dlnlnns Boose SMtte, Bedroom Stiitr. ciwiterfleld Suites. Window BMnda Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs We seU at very IIMSBIMS .MM Will dst vo,i to ONi tfPf tlW - Wsf-T tmr Vtndowr ' A. MirKKXZlBrurnllure. rhohe 7E5 SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing L-n. I ah lUHfMISS IN' OAS BOATS Atenu for gatibope Engine. Ooolmge Propellers, and TUlluM on Ifcuti of all dnxrlpllon for Cliarlrr Salt Uke Femr nervlce week day on the hour 1 pm. till 8 pjn Sunday and Holidaya. " J" 1111 8 P m Phone Ml , A. AI ORN Mr ffl -.Kellogg' are the onVina corn f flakes t No imitations have ever equaled their wonder goodness! Serve Kellogg' for lunch, dinner or breakfast. For the kiddies' evening meal. Never tough-thick but extra crisp. With milk or cream-fruits or honey added. Order at hotels, restaurants, cafeterias. On dining-cars. Sold by all grocers. Made by rvellogg in London, Ont. Always 4 A great idea for a hot-weather lunch is a bowl of Kel-logg's Corn Flakes. Try them with fruit and rich cool milk. . . . My, how good they do taste! Whats more they're so easy-to-digest they help you keep cool! CORN FLAKES Our Stock is Still Large and Very Complete We are sure to interest you in your The happy smile of satisfied customers who avail themselves of oar sale story of the Wonderful Values we are offering. Below are listed a few of in "i" for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. SPECIAL IN MEN'S SHOES IUreford and J. & T. Bell, in odd linen, are hifrh prices shoes in black kid. black and brown calf. Regular to $11.00, QT Q(? to clear vOuO HOYS' SHOES Tred Rite Boys Welted Roots in black and brown Caif Sites 1 to S 1-2. Qt Off Regular G.60 8ale price M t?2eOfi MEN'S SHOES vrn. nn ara. ralf 1 t mi m ..i j i iw. ... v - t Harbour's atom welt, ytoubli- -,uJ"'g soles. Regular 19.60. $74t Sdle price HOYS' HOOTS Leckle Skoekum Boys' School ! 11 ' ' i to s i-2.. S3.95 Sale Price- c Arthur Shoe Store p, musa m l wq mi rTrOBgigarTEJICJlls PtlTfMtESBg rniNCE RITEKT AI'CTION MART rtdrral Rlnrk Furniture of all kind bought, sold or exehanaed. Crating and packing done. Oood sold on CotnnUaalon Auctlonttr. 0. J. DAWES, Blafalio UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITS Hailing, from Prime ltiiert. . mi lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Bann lUy, llulrdalf. A'r" Turiular. 3 p.m. ,i,irii'-' For VAM'OI, VII TOHIA, Itutrilalr. Alert lla). el S""r" lor PORT MIMI'SON and NAAH POINTi. I'M- r .JMP" r ALII K ARM. AN VOX. HI HV All I. SA l.1U4M. I'""1 f HHi.dy. S ..m. , K.l"'.tj Tliniu:h IWkeU old Ui Vlrlorla and Mtlllf. " 1 ' Ihfnuili lu detllnallur