RED'S Transfer r f i'pn years expericnfetjiK. FIKNITUKE AND ITANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND, (WAVE!. Our price, weights and measures are right. So is out Service Phme us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SEHVICE Day Phone: 201. Night I'hone: Ifcd3l7. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon elos-: f prices on Vancouver- - k Exchange on our -list board daily. Vc can give instant ser-in buying and celling ;ing Stocks on Vancouver - k Exchange. ' aho have facilities for . I'ing Wheat orders on V. 'ii !(? Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D Johnston Co.Ltd. C17 2nd Avenue Prince It-ipert, ILC. Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Hoofing IluiIJing Papers and Pells Ever let Elastic Paint Plastir Elastlgum Shingle Stains t rrosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. V' 'Hbutors Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 116 and 117 DRY : BIRCH JU KPINE AND CEDAR i, load $150 l ii.h' Load IG.30 1 ,' Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN l rnbina Peerless Egg $12.00 IVmbina Washed Nuts $11.25 A terta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alhcrta Lump $1.1.00 A! i all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartane, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, fioal Sand and Gravel. We SpclalUe In Piano and Furnitun Moving. " t, COAL Your choice LDSON CASSIDV - WEL- LINOTON TELKWA Mo llulklcy liny and Grain. K' nl f,,r Robin Hood I'lour. Phone S8 Wnce Rupert Feed Co. CARDINALS LOSE ANOTHER MATCH AIIE Itt T IOI lt-NI-A-IM.F J,MEK .11K.fl Ol VF.tV YOKK (1HNTH Hm VITIO.YH. I.KAIFltliu f-U& , . , . , . . .... j .irnn; nv iuim, Aug. to. 6t. Louis Crd-jktals. National League leaders, slipped another notch yesterday by ioslr.a !iV. w tour tu Pitufcnrg Pirates in a tight game. The Cards are now lour-and-a-011 games ahead of the Hew York qjanu who mere Idle yesterday, and the Pirates have crept to within one gam Of the fourth place, Chicago Cute ami fi but one-and-a-half tames behind the third place Cincinnati Reds. there was no lurtber change In the Anwlcaa League sit oat inn the n. Tortc Yankees and Philadelphia Athletics Saving easy victories over Boston and Washtagton respectively. The Yanks expect to gate further pound ht the -efles with Boston wltieh is just starting arWle the Athletics will be lucky a tfcef Cn win consistently over the fimrsitsw wtio nave been showing cortsieratoe :jf of late. Yesterday' scores: NATIONAL I.bUHE Only one game. Bt. Louis 4; Pittsburg 6. tMKHK.VN .K,UiK New Y ,t 7; Boston 1. Washington 3. Philadelphia 8. Only two games ioamt i-KAoi r. Las Angeles 7: Hollywood 5. Ssteraniento 8; Portland a. Oakland 3, Seattle 4. Ba Pranctsco 4: MLssIods 6. I.F. W1I K WTANKINOS National W. L. 84. Louis 07 Mew York W Cincinnati M Chicago 00 PttUburg M Brooklyn hi Boston at PhUadelphla 38 AMefMm New York 74 Philadelphia 89 St Louis t7 Cleveland , SO rtileago SO Wasatagtoa 44 Detroit 40 C(.str.n 40 40 41 47 4 47 SS 68 TO M 59 99 St 00 87 Pet. MO Ml MO M4 .495 7 Mi An .494 J74 4 -t 4' LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Thomas Mcitekin left yesterday for Jasper Park whence be will proceed to Vancouver, making the Triangle Tour. Harry Howaon. well known mining man in the Stewart field Is a passen ger going north from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert today. H. Heeulme. Paris. Frsnce journast r.fter spend ir a few day.-, in Vac city sailed by the Prtoee Chsrles yesterday afternuoa for Vancouver. Pacific Orrle Navigation Co tar Lome. Cast. H. Hanson, call : in por this morulas to load furl, being onroote to S&Mstgate Inlet to tow lots south. Imperial OH Co. la tanker Imperial. Capt. A. Oeades, la due in port tomor row rreas loco with a cargo it parcel goods for the company's local station. Mrs C. 3. Norrtngton. who has been 'pending the past few-weeks on hol iday in taw south, mutued to the city from Taiwauvtr on the Prince Rupert this morning. W. O. Norrle. well known mining n-! gineer, who war formerly Identified with the -Hasrtton district, la a paesent.'er I board the Prince Rupert today bound tar Stewart. Orsnt Mahood. who has been on a trip to Stewart In connection with his nunlnK interests, will return to the city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow night rnroute to Toronto. F. MMdlemiat. post -off e Inspector. nfter spending ten days in the city and district on official duties, sailed by the Prince Charles yesterday afternoon on his return to Vancouver freighter Coaster arrived In port at ,8:S0 last evening from the sooth and discharged S.Q0O oases of dynamite at the lumber assembly wharf for trans shipment to the Interior. j d. Galloway, provincial mineralogist and formerly resident mining engineer ,t Haaeltor.. Is a paasenger aboard the Prince Rupert today going through to Stewart on official duties. Mr. and Mrs Stan Smith who have been apending a months holiday vtolt-ins in Vancouver and other points In the aoisth. nttiirned w tn cltT 00 W ftlAelmpcrt this morning. C. W. Harrison. Inspector m and C T Heani. superintendent of LttfJejeS-!-v rrt " the city from thf Intorior yesnroay ternoon and sailed lor Vancouver on the Prince Oherles D B Finn, director of the Prince Bu-Mrt Msheries KxDrrlnwntsI Station, and wiifrirf Kil rr ol the University f BMLisk ooltimbm ho is sttached .... ihr Kiimnier. left this to rtr i aiwn i will. Cspt. Chris mornlna for Oitam Hrnrichaen for a bri.f trip to the Ilec-... hlbui uruundt Th-y the end of the to return to the city by week. THE DAILY NEWS JEWELLERY PRICES SMASHED TO SMITHEKENS! NEVER BEFORE HAVE PRICES BEEN CUT ON . HIGH GRADE DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, CHINA, CUT GLASS, GIFT GOODS, AND NOV-ELTIES. . THE STOCK ADJUSTER in CHARGE OF THE SALE HAS BEEN GIVEN A FREE HANI) AND IS MARKING ALL MERCHANDISE AT REDUCTIONS OF 25, 33'2, 40, PER CENT AN IN SOME INSTANCES LESS THAN COST, SO THAT CASH CAN BE RAISED QUICKLY. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY GRAB IT. THE SALE WILL NOT LAST LONG. BUY NOW FOR ALL FUTURE NEEDS. BUY FOR XMAS NOW AND SAVE HALF OR MORE. ATTEND THIS SALE AND SAVE MEN'S SILVER CIGARETTE CASES la lew patterns of green or white geld finish. Handsomely engraved. Former values to f6.00. Now OQ QC each 30ea SATURDAY A. M. SPECIAL A group of ladies' sad gentlemen's Umbrellas, full aize, in black Waterproof and handsome handles. Values Q I T to $549. While they last each LADIES SILK UMBRELLAS Ivory, Amber, Bone and Ebony Handles, and Rib Tips. These should be seen to be appreciated. Newest shades and colors going at a saving to you of 25 per cent. A Mi Mens rtAmrnm iit t mmrnn mm fil IV A I Tlf Al 17 las.. Al 1J CTw- 1 Jll't M lilt'l a I af tn VI J aw -aVsy.C 14 karat gold filled case. A watch that always sold low at $32.50. Now eQ f ipf WALTHAM 15 Jewel Siie 18 Folly guaranteed. A watch of durability ana) accuracy. Fron our 2'f fJ QIZ - rwulrt2fi atrwk Wow ViVJlUW ILLINOIS 19 Jewell Hun Special A Railroad Watch of minutest accuracy, 14 k. handsomely engraved Regular $66.00, now clearing 49 85 KLOjN IS Jewel Si.e 18 in nickel case. This watch needs no introduction. Sold regularly at $24.00 Mens STRAP WATCHES Toll keepers of the turnpike of time fash-ioned under the exacting standards of celebrated craftsmen. The examples below are only a few of the many seemingly unbelievable super-bargains in fully guaranted timekeepers prices that represent a loss to us and an anusual profit to you in the huge savings offered- SPECIAL Here is a group' of 50 Men's Strap Watches that will ap-pead to the man who desires the beat and wants to save. Fully guaranteed timepieces of beauty, durability and timekeeping accuracy. Buy now and save up to gQ A group of fifteen jewelled str ip watches lever movements In most wanted shapes and styles. White gold filled cases handsomely engraver with fancy luminous C-fl -i Ht? dial. Worth up to $18.00. Now , t?i JLe 1 J Elgin 7 .jewed sturdy model in plain ease and did- An unexcelled Mme keeper and champion for wear too. f4 A ff Always old for $2000. Now ?Xe lO J. Q. (Brother,) Moody, has been Rev. A. W Robmni, Anglican Church cu a hoi Way trip tfl TRe CfflTWT mat reems at Tsrrace. iU Mas aattlnson his first vacation In many years, return- I arrived In the . ' v n the Prince Sued to the city on the Prince Rupert i i-ert this mnrnm.' enroute to Terrace this morning. The passengers list of the Princess Charlotte. In port this morning northbound to akagway. included a Ray- after having prit south. J. B. Scott. OIK' of the InvestlftutM: holiday In the f the head officials department of the mond-Whltcomb tour party from the Canadian Railways, and Mrs. Eastern Steles consisting of about alxty Scott ud Dim M. liod of the eme de-persons. There were 900 passengers on ' nertrnent In Van. mive and Mrs Me dic vessel altogether Including the fol lowing disembarked bare: Mrs. O. Me-Auley, W. 8. Jensen and lira. B. Lines. IjikkI are puw Rupert toisey north. iin!i aboard tlie Prince nuking the round trip 33? aL a4Ltl COME SATURDAY COME MONDAY COME OFTEN AND SAVE BUY NOW! DIAMONDS SPECIAL SOLID GOLD PENDANTS AND holid gold chains, bnyid new styles and patterns, set with all valuable gems. Value $16.50. Duy them now at each, each 7.95 Group 1 A group of blue whie Diamonds in rich mountings of 18 karat white gold beautiful'y engraved. Formerly pricel low at $37.60. Now priced at $25.00 Group 2 Beautiful blue white Diamond, in 18 k. solid white gold mountings of f ili-gree basket work. Sold formerly as high as $60.00. Now 3750 Group 3 Perfect blue white Diamonds of fiery bril iance in exquisite 18 k. solid gold lacework f iligreed mountings. Formerly sold at $100. Going now at 67.50 ANOTHER SURPRISE BARGAIN TABLE Silverwarde, Glassware, gigt Goods, Jewellery, China and other valuable artcles from every corner of the store. Values to $5.00. Each 50c JOHN BULGER. LTD. 95721 T" - OK Alexander Smith illock I'hone 575 DENTIST Silver Polish FREE! PAGE FIVE vWith any pnrcliase of '$lw or more We will give a 'arge size jar of our silverware polish. Saturday is the last. TOO GOOD TO LAST GLASS PERFUME ATOMIZERS Brand new lot of (ila.-iR Atomizers in fancy designs and snappy colors, trimmed with gold filled bands and Q4 Iff! spouts. Values to $:J50. to clear at each ?XaU3 ONLY A FEW LEFT Uearjtiful beaded Hags of beauty, silrer chains and frames. The number is limited so you will have to come, early for these. Values to $4.50. Now each .' Itf Hi Ladies' Dainty wdict m a Truce mUdl TfriiUlLJf All fully guaranteed. Huy now nt these Prices and save. 1.25 LADIES BAR PINS AND BROOCEIIES Another Jewellery Secret As a special offer during this sale, we are releasing 150 Pins of beauty and grace- Some in gold finish and others of sterling. With or without setting. New shapes and patterns. Values to $3.60, Q("n at each Rogers and Sheffield plated Tea Sets, 3, 4 and 6 piece sets with extra hot water jug. Most beautiful engravings and newest shapes and styles. Among these are our fanous Sheffield set that always sold at $38.50 and cheap at that price now going at SILVER TEA SETS ' 29.95 Dainty Timekeepers of dependable accuracy. Every Witch fully guaranteed and now offered to you at money saving price concessions of infinite Appeal. We' quote below a few examples selected from our magnificent array of super-bargains Bargains that give your dollars jirjfxtiiig mileage at this time. Special 15 jewel movement Cushion or Tonneau models. Modern white gold cases. Fancy silver dials and jewelled crowns. Formerly $12.50 and splendid values t?7 ff fl at that price Now ... v,f OV Buren 15 jewel movement in new shapes and models. A standard high grade movement in high grade beautiful engraved case. Regular $15.00 prices for quick CI -4 HEZ Wl.D ale at each A beautiful solid gold watch with expansion gold bracelet. 15 jewell movement, fully guaranteed, formerly (1 ?AtJU sold low at $35-00 now A watch of beauty in. 18 k. solid gold case, beautifully en-' graved tulip shape. Made in England, fully jewelled, Hhis watch is one ynu will never forget after seeing gJ ft sia,sestsseseeaeaee.ts.eeeseaaeseaas Third Avenue Prince Rupert City Meat Market (SKLV1G I1KOS.) 3rd Atenue I'hone 7G5 MKAT- FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NOKWKGIAN l'IU)I)UCEM, at low pricos, and Immeillate delivery Obscnel All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh.