Such fragrance such flavour such purity fresh as a dewy morning blended to emphasize all the delicious goodness cf tea. Thousands more every day are asking for "SALADA" Orange Pekoe Blend 43c per -ib. Have you tried it? tuna in 'in-thi- uotK. 'I (in:,. - u. pli- The Daily News PRINCE RUPEHT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Krery Afternoon, weeept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. H F. I'ULLEN - - Managing Editor. re arc . - In 'lt'VC il !'h V, ,tii now u f ; - - r ; ; ii,- wmik nillrt, lli'pliiii- it I : i wlioli- ii m n . u 1 1 ; In' Innn fin- pa sim, in ri'irard to a SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser period, paid in advance, per month By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period Of four months for By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, p;iri in advance per year . . By mail to all other countries, per year Transient. Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion Transient Advertisinc on Front Page, per inch Lwnt Baadef. per insertion, per line C?af fted Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each in.-"-! ion rmr mrat line Contrac' Hate- mi Applii ::': Advertising and tit eolation I'eli'phom-Editor and Krpnrtor- '!' Icpnnnc Member of Audit Tturcau of ( irculaiions rJAII.Y FMTTION In Illrl! l.ot .... 1 il !(, THK TE V UiNf. CHOI ESSION 'hi- ll'hl-l HM ; ui . ill. ..i-.i, o: in' vi-;i i ho.'i Col in'fi's anil S UCl4 ;ln ;w n i n i i f hu Imm-ii up I'm i ou,(ii y.r, mi. n' .soni' ij a.ii-hM - !ha' ' 1 1 1 . - ir. trlu i if ; .a;et t, r...iv and :hf a - f : l il if!. 9 Ho $B.(Xi .60 $1.00 6.00 I7.RO $1.40 $2.80 25 him- 2!. 1 1.28 t'l I TI KAl. Kin ( ATiON I'rillrc LuIHT' I- in i Mli u'i (( ,. ,;;,v. .. t. :. train ;tie yniinir !'i1k ;m! ,. . n. :),, u. a low n;U,. tm,.v v !.;. .(un'Jv anil MMiuiiias!;. ami tii- ir-wr- tli-. out;.;,: ; w,--known to mint people Tin Utv, -in.: ! ". t,,,i(, : ,;,.Jr WM-, lu,-- no; caiv.'l th- oP'itr.i; i. T'u- , j...- ! i.a-.i. i.larh f.- ha V.HI, fit . i; ; ;! ' v ! ii ;. t (I i m-ii s- ' io-i.iny u iiiimj work i! Tlitre is a feeling in -c not been well treated. It i Hi the school board has been mistaken ! alien in the wrong quarter. Teachers who were lill!a .i'.lIK' . -X ' lient results have heon lot nut and nfhora rat.ino who-, wmk was much more subject to criticism. I: is very hard for tecahers that their fate should be in the haniia of possibly or.iy one person and that one liable to strong prejudices. In some provinces the teachers' organization has a say in the toattfer and can tep in to protect the members of their profession whom thr think are really doing good work. Here the or-ganizition has not assumed to interfere. We suggest that in cases where there are strong proU'sts or where it is possible an injustice has been done, the board should reconsider the matter and investigate more thoroughly. There are so many methods of judging work, and the methods of good teachers differ so jrreatly that care Should be taken that there is no injustice. It has been the custom of recent years for Prince Rupert school board to relieve a trood muny teachers from their duties until this place has become known as one of doubtful tenure. We all know that the work of a school trustee is a most diffi-ertt One but at the same time when he or she undertakes that work, difficulties must be expected. When a teacher pets an excellent re port front the Inspector or from the principal of the school anil theh very! soon. afterwards is relieved of duties it makes them won- lANDSAl I FOR PATTULLO I.AKI1E ritOWf) OlT TO BLOlfc IlKLMilTK TO CONVENTION ON jQntei! Chun-Jit Wartlbi Were "dsllghteo ; ui hear rhat Hon. T. D Patuulo wa j ! again nominated to -wpnolti tm cause; at Liberalism In hi old constituency rtojile here ai confitjeui of victory c fur as Island points ate eoncer&ed A large part oi ftiends from Bkide- ttcte and other east coast 'points met the ! Prince John on Mr arrival to welcome baok 3 L Bnrg ol Queeu Charlotte Ctt who had Men to Mae Rupert as i delegate to attend the Liberal nominating convention. INSCRIPTION AT LOUVAIN KTI I1ET( ItEMONKTRATO IX FAVOR Of RETAIMMi IT IN OPPOMI-TIOX TO FRir.T LOUT AW. June JS. Three hundred students and civilian are demonstrat ing in favor of the American a.;hiteet who restored the wrecked balustrade oj the library bearing the inscription "Destroyed by German fury, restored by American, generosity." FnUver Ladeuze Uaims the Inscription calculated to perpetuate war hatred. SALMON FISHING ADD TIMBER INDUSTRY ARE ACTIVE ON ISLANDS There Is much activity In MasMtt Inlet In preparation lor the salmon canning season and all the canneries are anticipating large packs, states &. i McHauahton. (Ustric: passenger aaem .. CK. Railways, who return- 'his morning alter mak-i.. -o on the steamer : - -: I : - C: a 1 1 j- a. .; a.,' nntlvly In tnr an;;' : au -i. , ' 'in Of (OK ) - M .! " . Aton. STRAWBERRIES ARE NOT RIPENING VERY WELL Hill lift W Lilian IHrl.llhr. Mn - ISO ill I itt ii r .111.1 Run N .ml t" 11.111 1 v iK'tlaA' ! l a i. The continued ot the past few weeks to shorten the strawberry -eascn . as wen as causing the oerriei :o be much smaller than usual The Alaskan strawberry I now on the market and the Magoon barrlea will t ready in a few days. The raapberrtei ire also badly in need of rain and despite the tact that many berries were Winter tilled there will still be a heavy crop If rain comet In time to bring tbasn to proper maturity. ami mi t tggaaaa ill: principal reports the members of the stuff nirri ..j on under there seems to be no one to report on the principal. Hit. TOLMIE'8 PEAKS Dr. Tolmie is a fearful soul for the leader of a great party. He is afraid of a Liberal plot. He thinks the Liberals are going to put something over which will win the election and which it will later be :ihown was only a plot. The Doctor need not worry. His party will not win, plot or no plot. No matter what take place in Prince Rupert, there will be a goverttffteftt ffl power nfter the election that will be led by Pre- ttntttt VbaIjiiiIi Aifi tVwi If! fV ...111 t... .. ,.l .i ... L.L tu. - . 11... I ...... rT. i nUm wiirinei me uKtiauonB -oh. I should .ay about ten years." vunijicwu ucmrc m tim-i .iuij in nnouiu me .uiu i.ean govern- j replied the Insurance man, nonchalant mem ne aeieaiea, mere would 'tc irrave rtount ot the consummation y. of the deal. Less Kitchen Work Now Ready to serve for breakfast luncn or supper. Serve with strawberries and milk or cream TRBSGUlTEat it toasted and buttered Made Lty 'J'lic Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. Man in the Moon Who Is going to erect the first filling station at dalloway Rapids? t plan to enter polities So pretty soon IU try To run for office in this town Or knew the reason why. t think I'll start with school trustee And fire the lady teachers The)- have no votes and do no' count The catty little creatures. one. espeeinly If it ir siluan'7rdea confined in a bony skull. It can even cause madness Keeping a secret to many woman means keeping It in circulation. The movie exhibitor had just Insured his theatre against fir. As he signed his name he turned to the Insurance agent and asked. "What would I get II my theatre were to burn tomorrow?" MUCH LIQUOR FOUND ON A CIRCUS TRAIN MALONE, June as. - Pour circus trains stopped on returning Irom Con- i ads were searched by custom omcrm :tnd 700 bet tits of beer, win ind kiii , ir lemoved. , IIHWl CONVrVTlON ' t OKNEVA. June J8-CanadHK ratification ot the drug c a'.aiU.:i mming at national control of the riruc rmc ha been handed to the lean i wcretary Sumelent ratlfkurinns Im.-' teen now received to permit tin n,. ventlon to bMmu (' n. i,,,...,i, .... I Htm: hi Tir ; n iiomck Philadelphia. June 38 -Babe Ruth lilt his twenty-niuMi home iuu of tint seaiton In today's game with the ,gHB DAILY,, IffKB, ome Hon. V. W. Smith of Alberta, brother , of Arthur Smith of UiU city, is a great I booster for the Peace River country. In ii recent address at Lethbrldge. he said "It remind me of the old days In out hern and central Alberta when every train was full, every hotel was full, and new settlers were lueky to find s sleeping place on the pool tables or the .tatfcm floor Trains going Into the ntirth go loaded t. capacity, three to five hundred people noing In on every train. Vacant land m being taken up. new buildings are going up In the towns, and , thre u an art of confident and proa- . irlty I sML.ia .WsWSB ar fi for the SEWARD. June SB - -Sea lions, whose J.iws are deadly sit those of crocodiles tnd henry seas swinging in from acroa the Pacific are among the hanards encountered by the steamer Surveyor, commanded by Captain I.uketn and scientists who are brln lng up to date the chart of remote Alu'ka waters, H was earned here. Ten Years Ago in t'rince Kuport n3aBoaag 1 1 3g3aaaaH i vr. isis. Hon T D Pdttullc minister of Hflii -tnd member of the leglslatUN for ''rim,- nupert. will arrive In the Olt ik-xi vt-ek for u visit to his constltu-1-iitn now that the legislative session la 'ivr. H aio. rolls 1b the entrauce class at fin ptinllr schools have been awarded a follow bv the principal .D McD. I'iii f r proficiency. John Potos and 't't-irn DMiican. regularity and puoct , iinli' . Jenti HalMy, Roth Oordoil and M' vit Ball y: clepo.tment. Nbra PhUUp- IliP r,i ;vaipter. I.O.D.E., the secrs-nrv .;r M a McMaster reports, has raiswi ; ?' for various war causes itnce iui.' The chapter was rsesntly reentered under the War Charities Act Advertise In the Dally News It pays I Barorfa. . Model 4-40 $225 or with . Electric Drive emonstrdtxon A new Orthsionic Victrola will be delivered to your home left for a night and called for all without obligation. In order to know whether or not we want thing permanently of course we most try It out. Thia is precisely the opportunity now grven you try "His Muster's Voice" deuert. Arrange with the dealer nearest you to have a model of the new Orthophomc Vietrofal and a selection of your favorite music sent to your hosae at your convenience. There unhampered, atone and comfortable listen to and enjoy its music, smooth and meOow, like moonlight on a suntmer tec; music stirring as battles, musk light and airy as a bubble. It's great to hate afl that at home even if only for a night. How Wail derful to have it atwvya! The experienW- oaita yMi rMsiiflg; liWynt hav it? You have board other people talk of this marvelous aew Qrthopfeunic Victrola. You have probaMy heard it in other people's komesv Why not find tat just how one of these beatrrtful mbdela looks and sounds in your own home ? The new Orthuphonic Victrola is made m models from $1400, down to as low as 9115. Obtainable on convenient payments. And first of all a free deiiioostrstkan without obligation. True tnjB Sound Trade Mark flefi'd Victrola "Victor Talkinft Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal ACTIVITY IN iSURVEY WORK PEACE RIYER ALASKA COAST Orfpj$toriic only if it boar tlifc dog Trademark For Pic-nics For Pic-nks Eeetrie keeps soft longest THE BEST THERE IS! The Electric. UMcry specialist in cifttinff bread for Sandwiclies