PUGB F0TJ2 LADIES' DRESSES, Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue DRY : BIRCH JACKPINR AND jCEDAH Single load .Ill iZM -Double- Load r.-.. $6.50 xirfe am ...... ..rrrsoc COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peer'.esR Egg $12.00 Pembina Wanned Nuts $11.25 Alberta SootleHs Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTranster AND COAI. CO. Phone 5H0 139 Second Ave. .T ALICB ARM. June X The facts in-' regard to tbe new gold atrlka on Grantor Bkf are as follows: Conatruetlon work it being carried on by toe O ran by Co. at their Bonanzn property on Bonanw Creek. Two of th wctlwun Ralph Isgraham and John MeOattlMB one evening broke seme roc . In an outcropping cf quartz not fa' from the camp. This showed tree io'tC Further prospecting showed that th quarts ledge could be traced over a JUioe oi several hundred feet Son.,' .ipscunena cf the rock shewed a lair!: rich mineralization of free gold 1: understood here that the greater porUr... f the ledge as uncovered U located or the Oranby holdings of the Bonanza TERRACE Mrs. W. P. Lindsay left on Monday to spend s holiday with friends In Min nesota. Dr. A. 8 Lamb of Vancouver, pro- vineta: inspector oi hospitals, was s visitor here on Monday. The five pupils of Ml;s French. AX.C M , were all successful In passing the Toronto Conservatory cf Music ex. amltutloha held recemlv In Prince Ru- pen. They were tbs Mlsaes Annie AlUan. Bertha Moore, Marjorle Kenney. Helen Smith and Mary Smith. The first four named all passed with honors. Entrance examinations started here on Tuesday m.rnlng with Mlae Elder-kin presiding and sixteen pupil writing. There are six lecal pupils and ten from up-river po:nts Those here from utalde points are: Dcreen toroihy and Stanley sternott. Pacific Norma anal jack McTubbln. Woodcock Mlna and tola Mcdd Uak Dorothy Whitlow and Arthur Alger. Copper City Elate Den- hour and Alberta Dootoie. Mra. Steraoff and daughter Marjorte retWBtd to Doreen on Tuesday after a short Malt with Mrs. Oeorge oraham. Mrs. T. H MeCubbtn is staying at the bone cf Bev. and Mrs A. W. Rob- naon while the hatter are writing en- WATER NOTICE U.t:HlM aTMEAMB TAKE NOTICE thai sT D. Judsca. Ltd.. whose address is Terrace, B.C., will apply for a license to use the waters of K'tsumgallum River near Terrace for -nietrinc Streams mirDoee. nanvlv clearing and Improving the stream for the driving, booming, or rafting of logs i he point on the stream between which it is proposed te clear are frttn the point where the KlisumgaUum River intersects the North Luie of Lot 1400 to i he SMth 4Jne of Lot 1419, Range S. Coast District. The estimated mileage between the said points is 4Vi miles, more or less. The term proposed tor the li cense Ms! star This notice wi ' tw 'iwiisVlii a; ewJBMi m is. ins. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the water Act" win be riled in the office jf the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C.. The petition for approval of un dertaking and an application for approval of the Schedule of Tolls will be heard In the office of the Beard of Investigation at a dtte to be fixed, and any Interested person may file an objec tion vnemo in tne on ice oi tne comptroller or of the Water Recorder of the District. Objections to the annllratlon may be tiled with the said Water Recorder or wttn tne ccsnntroiler of Water Rlfbta. Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is June IB, 1D3S. E D. JUDBON. LTD.. Applicant. B. D. Judaon, Agent. IND ACT NOTICE K INTENTION TO APPLY TO i.mm; uxm) In Prince Rupert Land Recordine Die-ir.ct aituhte on Moresby Island d- iaot'ut lu Allltord Bay Skldegate Inlet-luoen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited of Vancouver. B.C., occupation pulp and paper manufacturers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencine at a Boat nlanted at tha o.w. corner oi o.t.l. BatTP: Usgrees 30 mlnues West tlMhoe 73 (Astronomlei 1S00 ft ; thence North SI dew minutes West (Astronomlei ft rees SO aoo ft.: thenre North 33 degree 10 minutes East l Astronomic ) BOO ft.: thence Nurth 38 sgrsss west I Astronomic) 3SO0 ft.: tnence worm co degrees East (Aitrono mlc) VBO ft. more or less, to sn inter section with the high water mark of Aiiuoro nay: thenre following tlie said high water mark Southerly to the point oi commencement, save and except one Island containing one acre more or leas ana aiiother Wand omUinlng 0 3(1 acres, more or lee" the whole containing 113 seres, more or lea PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITFO. Applicant By Parker Hamuel Bonne, irance e.im:i;3Hcn. Mrs. S Al;;?r r! Pac a few davs in town. K. J. v:s:t jr week. tic :.s spending St. H. Altenius of the Sherman Lum-r Co.. New York, ntstde a short busl-.-s trip to Prince Rupert on Monday .id r: '.urued to Terrace on Tuesday. The Coneolldsted Mining Smelting Co dtfiiee the suthentislty of reports it a recent strlki of a large ore body in tlie Big Missouri property. , e oldest stocKs o( Govemmc. TS2: pAiLi NEWS S. MOOre has ope:il a The work or Mr road In Three traets. '.nf preparations urfacln; the Marmot w well under way. wapon tractor train :id drag-line Kiapfr are belr.t; used in .'.shlng operat: in? A f If teen -ton road roller and nsach nery for Use rock crusher to be set up ar the Bfmr River bridge to supply rushed rock for :le hard surfacing of ) c rnjd fro:r. Stewart to the dock ..re brought :n last week by il; .li!,t Chllkixjt. A prellmlnair cre- Is now at work at t!H Gecrire opper for the rantlr.uatir.n ol develop-crt wcrk und.r the direction of the clldated Miring It Smelting Co. CHorasic FOR ROTARIANS l ( FXLrTVT PROUHAM BY PI PILH OF ( HAKLES OALAONO AT LI -CHKOM YRrtTRBltAY Aa unusually enjoyable musical pro-ram put oil at tne Rotary luncheon yesterday by Charles Balagno. i; he ptrl-rmers being puplli of h.s. as- Smith of Prlnn Stunert was a ! s.sted By Wksner Bryant. The out- here at the beginning of the t"n pertotanar.ee was a piano sola I oy Mies Maryrrie Lancaster, one of J Prince Rupert's most finished pianists FINAL CIVIL CASE ON SUPREME COURT DOCKET IS SETTLED s i . Provincial CoriUble Lance Potterton. The spring seealan of the Supreme Fred Thorpe. Snra MeSiurchle. Bd. Court Aslre at Prince Rupert closed ladel. Donald McleoU, Ed. Casey, Jim U morning after counsel had an-MrDcrsld. W1U Bonaeea, Paddy Q-Pon- ntrunctd that jfljjjiy had bean made B mtwSiurt LMjififiii T h i :Hvrr'i rm i.' i ' :n.l .nr!i -u . , ..i ..';,vi'(l l. tf I'onliui Hoard it b.v the .i.v. . iimi-nt iiiiih ! liinr hitnliia j BRINGING UP FATHER . By George McMI I . i S 1 I ROCKED IN S BEAUTIFUL-- JglvSj AV E. TO TRY "TO THAT vASHI J IT? I THINK HE. fitoNQ MADE Mt i : ' I I THE CRADLE- -v-TT6- "r1! LAS" C-. fV 9CWITH C8LbW(: r I DAY -l.- ft - "1 I Day Phone: 201. , Night Phone: Red 317. MAnP l "pATTT1 ! v r f -" Dr. h. a Whii'.ans r.d Ernest i r" -r- .J . - iVIflKh AKfMII eS '-ovt are In Prince Rupert to give evl- jl IIAVlaJLI 1 14 V A I ' dcnce m lie uial of Henri Rlverd whoi j Wanted nnnmT7Ti Wryy I chr8d lh mu"r 01 wiiiiaml i For Sale i -5-1 GOLD STRIKE A M - DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED AOS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lsx than lon showroom en H6,, ruth S'. , V mAWm UnL COHIIKKPOM.BNT or NEWS , , I Itt'Lr.lLAy.KWArZ' II tni. OK 1INI) iiv,. no.vui- ORAM1Y IlY .. I I JELLS Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Hoofing Mineral Surfaced Shingle Itoll Roofing lluildinj; Papers and Fella Kverjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elasllgum Shingle Stains Creosote Oil Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 116 and 117 MINING Si i EOCKS Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on .Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Hunert, II.C Coats, Millipery and MM WANTED 'I'm WANTBD FOB LIOftT work Phone Blue SB1. FOR SALE out of court of the final HOUBB- tf ID mrWSFAPBM MAT Bfi TJBSD IN-ted of bii!d!ng paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oet special print on Urge quantlttM. Daily Mews THt BALE DOUBLE CpRMBR ON AT-lln Avenue, unobstructed view, price 48000. Phone Black 404. U I8HKRMIN BUT CO BOB spinners. They are gocd. All OR SALS. Phone SM Apply City Treasurer . City Hall , FOR RENT. FURNISHED rormed apartment with bath, i paid. Phone 547. K. W. IUBT. K1MYI CBtLDB WHITS BSD. 1U FOR KENT OR REM' CLAFFBBTOH Nlatb Avenue East. Rant Me. OR REirr PIANOS PLATEB-FIABOB. Phonographs and Sewing Machines -Walker's Music Store. It POtTB Water U A E. Oxidenough of the Hanson Tun- j There wee another piaio number well FOR RENT. FOOB BOOM A PART - oer Co. w. in sown on Monday. WJ y Mm Margaret oiichrtat, alvo '. pupil of Mr. Balagno. Of a totally Mrs. (Rev.) A. W. Robinson left on different type sad touch was the plaoo Monday fcr a month's visit with her election by Jlmmie Bryant, which wa .nrther in Winnipeg. more maecsillne effort but skilfully . executed and indicating hard wcrk and R. O. Watson Pacific, was a business nucb skill. The excellent violin soki visitor here at the beginning of the hy Wiener Bryant was aceompold by week. his brother and shewed a mastery of : v uwvuinesiia I or - - - , very ncouraging STEWART I yt bobobn ! At the cloae of the program Chair- Beale House Harry Tow risen d, well known Beat tie .nan Oeorge Borie rokc of the excel- mining englr.eer. is spending aome time lent work Mr. Balagno was doing In in this district scouting for mineral inculcating in the young people a love jlalrns for the Anaconda Capper Co. Icr gocd music Instead of Jacr. ; He has reported on the "So"' group for , H. A. Henten of Tsooma. PLAT FOR BENT --SIX ROOMS AN? bath, on Sixth Avenue. W. Phone M3 or Black a?S. t , meat, hot water heated. Apply Smite Mailett, Ltd TOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-mento Apply Mtsseallem Orooary. FOR BENT FtmNlSHED ROOMS; suite Phone Oreen SM. HOUSES FOR RENT AT MISS: near Catholic Church at 43000: the house we live la on Sixth Avenue West at M7J0: Bts rooms no eth Avenue west at your price. civil case- that in which Mike Morr laon "a suing the Dumont-Bmeraoa logging concern and I. C. Onelgaa for bank wasps aggrsfattng MJ00. W. O. Fulton acted ;r the prosecution in Uya action and John V. Clyne for the defendant. Judgment la still pending on other claims ';) this conneetlotj in the Oounty court CANADIAN AVIATION IS NOW MAGAZINE The for Stcfeit lus'ni:Srs. Frurelllthe fiPNJELElGUEL The Aviation League of Canada has published a mafaalne "Canadian Aviation" from Its headquarters in Toronto. It in well Illustrated and printed and deals with the subject In an Interesting manner. Included i mong the Illustrations ts s picture fnm the air of the Bkeena River upper waters showing islanda in the river. DRILL TEAM MAKING ! A VISIT TO STEWART f AND HYDER TOMORROW girls' glrla' drill team leave tomorrow and Hyqer where u ruler their Alex. Mltehell and Douglas they will five exhiblUona atul :.io thy pisn to play basketball. The Selvage Frlnema has been chartered by the team Wttnake the round trip, returning here Nlsday rnornlniTT CuNfUm which was tt) port this morning from tlie south. uruusni norvn to various cannery points along the coast sixty-nine native children who have been attending the Ooqualeetas school at Sardia. The children were In charge of Mlm Bthel Raley and Miss Rulh Young who are making the round trip on the vessel, Oeorge Cunningham of Port n who has been on a business trip " vamuver. arrived in the city from tin' wmth on the Csrrtens this mom- High toe- High SALVAGE AND TOWING wanted -Yotnto man fob DBfuv- Prince Rupert Salvage & Tewing ery cir. Apply Munro Bros. tf Co. Ui II AH IltlHMlNS I.V OAS MOAT Small Salt and Typewriter for Sale Agents foe -Basthope Engl nee, Cooltdge FropeUera. and Tuaiube OU of all itearripttOM for rharter Melt lake leery. Phone KM SUMMER RBSOKTS l.AK'i:i5K IIOTSPKINGS LODGE now ore LUHiEftT IIUTMPRIXOS IN CANADA . (UthU Water) Trout Fiakiag en Lakelne Lake new open (J4MH1 ArCOMHIHOITIOM PHB FiaHIMl P A HI I EH J. BBDOB JOHNSTONE. Terrace, B.C FUKNITUHB AND RANGES MEEK RNTI SPECIAL. BEDS 3 inch. WALNUT FINBHf mom Ooll Spring. All Felt I Oomparte 430 00 deltveied. A. IAf KBN1IH Kbrattare CIU ROPUA CTIC fR. R. E. CYOt rRON fSB Third Avetrae Telephune tor sppointment new to Blet as. Resldenee phone Black SM. Aettte and Chronic rally treated BvtaMaahed ItM USUI) CARS FOR 8 A LB in Ford Ton Truck, panel body . . 410000 ward Ton Trues, Chassis only. starter type 4150 SO Ford Roadster delivery. IBM. good condition IITISO Oakland Sedan. I(U. four wheel brakes baloon Ursa 46404)0 Two, Ton Tragic Truck, new tires 4SO0OS Terms can be arranged on above ears KAIK oak tat: Phone SI. ClOQL OF LgrSKATURS Sen Tour tatsfinetsse. ieahn to sntrt NTOMBI Free Intomuitkon. School of Uterature, AUCT10NBKRS. PIUNtE Itt'PBKT AirfTION MART IV-Jeral iMsck Furniture of all kinds bought sold or eaehanged. Cratlag and packing doae. Ooods sold on Commiwloa G. J. DAWtfS. AueMeneer. Itiaek its RK8TAUKANT8 flOOO HATH CAITi Mm. Uneer. Pro pels trees Tlilril Avenue, next O.W.V.A. Ocod Home Cooked MeaU and Home Baked Bread Spretal Chfeken IHNNer tlveey Sunday Evening (rem SJM. t j n ' j PRINCiritUPrilcT TIDKS nigh Low High Low I IIIIHV, U SE tt j lltat ajn. llfl 9S:lSpm. 1B4l 4 11 a.m. 4.1 '4 17:08 p m. B O " SATI HIIAY. il'NE SB 13:30 a.m. 16 7 ft. 38:44 p m. 30.0 " 0:11 a m 4.8 " 17:80 pm. 9.0 N SI NO.W. Jl'LY 1 11:84 pm. 171 ft. 6:48 a m. 44) " 18:88 p.m. 8.8 " MOttlMY, 4CI.V I 0:83 a m. 30 4 " 13 88 p.m. 17.6 " Low 7:34 mm. 3.3 " UMMU 85 " WATKi- .notice TAKK NOTlcr. WesUTi M'..iuh i tut o. u.i ii b.i.. tC. will ..i.y : Slid U.v liO T f.lk ol Klili ; ! teriy a:;d ui.niu u Lam He.i. !i ll. , from the n.n.i.i, , luri K ..: .j., vest h.uv c.l l,-: uuiri ; -no .:. purj , ., . .crlVv. ,'ef.t. , , 41 Burve, jr ,r.; lice ., ,. si, lOlh day .f al not or and ., thereto .-id ; filed In m- i.: T at Prt;; U i . -appllcal.i.n n' tv V.aier Lu-:t Water it ,t. . Vsetorn. B i be rmt , !( cal i. . . . publication ol ' DETROIT WIST By F Pa .ntiiti Is4ed IT'4. IB" r. M" LAND At T. 7 - - " ; . .f in. ' to anply for a leaM- scrii-'fl mno nMtnm-f')lhll lit 1 'v aoiithca't o rner of I 0"iwt DIM'Irt: H""" ' '! thtnre eiiKt '.'0 - . rhnl'ii; Ihen-v wisi Ulnlng 100 "JVis v Dated Mil)' i. H'--' :a -4 i J-.tnd a , S'iWl - aj a - : tit '-tt " e-rti -a .. . f :,f. a .. I -' a, "GOVERN MKNT l lt! HH ACT NOTIfC (' tl'itl' mm "tm HS.M 111 IK'O III. BUI I Ml NOTICE IS ! ' Hi the lth C, sinned in tend ' 'ar Ciiutrol B,-ia."l ' -a jt Beer I.u-e.,- ... , . la respect o( pr. aildaag kiiuei. Half at Terror, i ter'aed wlui 173. Frln-e Rii- nuMM tn it.. I' . omhia. ir.im f. . .' Aosl Buetacmhl) aii'i i -i ,.i nn'il rerraos. BrUt-li ( . .u.3i '- DATED at Ter: Bi' " "H of June. AD ...' t '. ! ' ;:-:'HI0, A::i: - . ' ::-''" Form S i ' ' I.A.N I) ACT. forms or imi.mk riu TO PI Ki H la Prmoe Itii.nr: trlCt ..d simile s! month )I K : " TAKE MrllCK Western M.n.i r ; B.C orcutxiti in m il BmrtimB, .', ..;. :nalj tertde t" sij;)lv f r : i -base tlx or. . ' Ci.nxnei.c! !. v tot distant (phi " w the Wet auie 'or l ' ly 80 chain thru hence eaaierlr '" iherty 10 ctiam etm, m- re or Mv r. pahio k Dftmlt wv- Dated lltth April I I'M LAND v T 'p1,l vnrirk nr intiMI"1- m LAl. I N" tn Ptlnce Rupert ! trlct anJ siunte t -i Bay. M reiby !!.' Oatxm Chsri-.tte M.. rM&X NO 'ICE 1 Jmit- J of Vane ui ' i ' ltiip siil J'aper M u !, V iinply for a lraxe aciihed land eMnmencIng at a h.ah vattr mark ( tofl' wing tie high the iaunrl to point and coat ii "in-: a PAcinc Agent fur Pi Dated May tat . M at - 1 f vawr . jotasS , r..a VI r'nt II .:aC iinil nisrt " , Mimewgl Donald 'ii;3 IBJH LAND ACT fa Prince Rupert l trtot and situate Ba. Moresby Ulan.i fjueeti Chart' 'J',,, , vArat Nt icb Um'-d. of incouv-1 Fulp and P i-r Mnny to apply for s least- i scribed Ismi: Commencing at t y ' high wster mirk " following trf hii'h - ' tha lalanrl to iinii't ' and oonuinin.o. , TO trv- smds?" ParllK T.I II ntrd iniil ,nrk Id WHi tnsj iinxTic- . 'ufi in Smltheni IjiixI IHJ ,-ll v TO rr-- ana anuave buji... -- jm Irit. at nena P-'v r .. C9 TIKI! NOTICE ihii: '', lis' tit Pacific. B.C . I"'" ! (..Iliiwlld Hi W) rn' ini !