lsfcggg; 1 " 1 i" -t , -rrr, 9 ''BlSACANIUi?IIMJa Inr.l an!i ?mnn! " P K-Lgmm 4 8 Tttxl 1'1'ooe 4. Illg 4 Taxi. tf S?Sp5W TaMM fc-Mfitv AjmStSr Dentist. Dr. J. n. Qosse. Phone 688 Wlft . VSKWS' Uttr Hycl Tr,nfer for 150,1 Cutttnes. dou- a, ,h. rood I WK5v WT l0'Ml.W-60- -?00d ?alU 101 .ha, Scot. y lWr X R' " ' xi. is whisky, of T ' 1 UV IMtfKCHm i'r.;haniiini 4ua- ""vlaiSl JLfilJ litv. t ln ilemsnJ rlflM WE3 , ihrouahout the 5P" WSb i ' ISCOTWND I CwOiC t oio sco'tcw whisht I ihi- uiir,i.rnini! i.- not published or displayed by the Liquor "cTit!'! B"iinl or liv the Government of British Columbia Now is odak i DEMAND ime KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. Films left before 12 noon, prints ready 6 p.m. same day Orates Mel. yftc Pionvcr Dru.ccsts THIRD SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8?t,200 "Rupert Brand" lppers THE DAINTIltST KHRAKFAHT WWII. Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & faA S'wa.e (X. Ud. M Print Hupert. BC ay Belie Lingerie TllK NKW MAY UELLE HOUETTE 1ILOOMEU ..ilnivd style, in shades of Sky. Nile, Corul, reach, Crnbupple, witi; contract trim. 150 spec ial at per pair OUR SPECIAL MAY UELLE BLOOMER I Juliette and ordinary style, beautifully finished with double V crotch. In shades of Sky, Nile, Teach, Crabapple, Coral, All sizes. $1.25 Per pair Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. Citv M ssMaM eat Market isi'i.vir. iuto8.i 3rd Avenue ,hon 705 MEAT- FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PUOHl'dS at low prices, nnd immediate delivery Observe! All articlea are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. C. E. Moore, Kltlmaat trapper, ar rived in the cltfwthe Cardena thU morning from down tbe coast. Mrs. H. Skattebol left on this train for a holiday vllt to her home in Bt. Paul, Mlnneaota. Dominion Day Bporu. Junior football at 11 o'clock. Junlc, lacrosse at 1.30. Senior ftntl for Dominion Day Cup at 189 Tbe finest rummer trip in tbe world via as. Prluce Charles Stewart, Any ox, Masstv Inlet. Leave Prince Rupert Monday, return Thursday. A week-end trip to Terrace or Smitten. Very low fares. Enquire City Ticket OfBce, Phone 360. 103 Rev. and Mrs Jsnies Dewar arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Fort Praser and will sail this afternoon by the Prince Rupert lor Anyox to which point Mr. Dewar has been transferred In the United Churcb ministry. 4 4 4- 4-' 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Pioneers' Picnic. July 8. Picnic Time! is with us. Save money by get tine your Picnic Supplies here. Suggestions for your sandwiches: King Oscar Sardines, per tin lot Crab, per tin HO Lobsters, '4 lb. tins, 2 tins ff5e Salmon, Sockeye, M lb. tins, per tin af Chicken, boneless, per tin . . 4Sf Ment Paste, C. A B., in glass, each iiV Deviled Heats. Clark's. 3 tins 25? Chateau Cheese. Nukraft, Kay, Kraft, per package 25f 2 for 4fir Fresh stock of Gorgpnsola, Edam, Stilton, Roquefort, Primula, Parmesan and Jack Cheese. Prices right. C. & B. Orange Cup, per bottle 70f C. & B. Lemon Cup, per bottle 709 Grape Juice, per bottle H5o Another shipment of Belfast Ginger Ale is here. Try this popular line. We alio have Canada Dry and the local product: Libby's Pickles, the right quantity for a family picnic, per jar Hfif Green Olives, per jar .... 15r Ginger Snaps, National, in pkga. per pkg 25 Chocolate Eclairs, per lb Wit Fig Bars, new, per lb 2T Christie's Sodas, in pails, per pail fiJii Salted Sodas, per pkg 10c Camp Coffee, no trouble to prepare, per large bottle .... 70f Marshmallows Nothing so good toasted over a picnic fire. Include them in your next order. Price, per lb 4iK Sliced Pineapple, 2's. 2 tins JS5c A shipment of the famous Peak Frean Biscuits i expected soon direct from London. England. Look for our announcement when they arrive. Excellence Dates, in packages, 2 pkgs 25r Best Jap Rice, 3 lbs 25f Suira r Crisp Corn Flakes, this week only. 3 pkgs iifif Quaker Corn Flakes, per pkg. 100 Muscatel Raisins, per lb llr Clark's Catsup, per hot 20 Penick and Wesson Oil is now in stock. Order now. Dried Figs, White or Black, 2 lbs. ar Apricots, Nabob. 2's, per tin STr Berries,' Red and Blue Plums, Cherries, Aprciots. Peaches, Can- teloupes, Water Melonn and Casaba Melons nnivinK Wednesday and Friday. Everything in Vegetables, including New Crop Spinach and Radishes, Green Onions, Jap Onions, White Onions, Celery, Cukes, Tomatoes. Lettuce, Pars ley, Cauliflower, Green Cabbage,' Bjrich Beets, Carrots and Turnips, fltaon Peas nnd -Ntw Snuds: the latter being1 of pood size and rea-f sonable in price. Watts' Grocery "The Store of Plenty." Phone !5 Phone 5G "Shop Here anil Save Money.'' aa i si ape naj i i i c Harold McEwan. district freight Agent. etumed home yesterday. Bishop -lct Rlx returned home yesterday from a brief trrp up the line. Moonlight excursion to Chatham Sound, July 6. 66. Princess Royal sailing at 8 pjn. IBS Children's Sports at Acropolis Hill on Monday at half past ten in the morning. Pre candy tor alt and prtees for winners. MS Mr. and Mrs. William Barton and family will sail tomorrow .evening on tbe Prince Rupert .ft Vancouver and other points in the south on a holiday trip. Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Hinton came in from the country on the train yee- terdavwlth some of tbe spoils of the countryside in the form of beautiful llowers. Sam Long, pioneer prospector of the Francos' Lake district and now '.ccated at Topley, arrived In the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train. School teachers from Anyox. Stewart nnd other northern points will be passengers aboard tbe Prince Rupert tomorrow evening going south for the summer holidays. Mr. Justice Gregory, who has been presiding at the session of tbe Supreme Court Assises here this week, and his young son will aall tMnorrow on their return to .Victoria. Douglas Frtaaell sails on Rupert this afternoon (or make arrangements for the to be put on at Stewart s by the Prince Rupert Girls' which will be going north tomorrow. the Prince Stewart to exhibitions nd Premier Drill Team by gasboat Onion steamer Oardena. Oapt. E. Oeorgeson. arrived In port at 6 o'clock this morning from tbe south, sailing a ooupte of hours laser for the Ns River. Tbe vessel Is due back to sail on her return to Vancouver at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. C.N.R steamer Prince Rupert. Ospt. D. Donald, arrived in port on time at 10:30 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and wui at 4 o'clock this afternoon for 3tewart and Anyox, returning here at S o'clock tomorrow evening and sailing south at S pm. Henry Rlvard. acquitted yesterday af ternoon at tbe Supreme Court Aaalcea of the murder of Wllllem Ritchie, spent hs tint night at liberty In sis months as a guest at tbe Prince Rupert Hotel. He will aall this afternoon on tbe Prince Rupert for Stewart to reume his business affairs there. lfrs. L. K. Parry and family left on this morning's train for Bdmonton where they wUl pay a visit with friends before proceeding to Winnipeg to Join Mr. Parry who was recently moved to that city In Uve service of the commissary department of tbe Canadian National Railways. Mr. and Mrs. William Brass 'U sail tomorrow night on tbe Prlnee Rupert for Victoria where Mr. Brass will re. D resent the First North BX. Regtraent Rifle Association in tbe annual shoot of the British Columbia Rifle Assoc la lion. The other local marksmen going to this shoot will be M. M. Lamb. C V. Evitt and A. Wylle PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT SUCTION IS. 18S 1'IIINCt: ItHITUT hXr.CTOUAL nisTitirr PUBLIC NOT OK is hereby given that the following . persons have Men appointed as Agents for the respective can didates In the forthcoming Provincial ejection: lwls Warner Patmore, Solicitor, Wallace Block, 3rd Avenue, pumar rupbbt. b.c. as election Agent for Hon. T. D. Pattullo William Bdward Fisher, Barrister at Law. Smith Block, 3rd Avenue. PRINCE RUPERT B.C. as Election Agent for Mr. James H. Thompson OF WHICH all person are hereby re- qutred to take ioM'.'p and to goverr themiclves accordtiiKly Given under mv huud at Prlnoe Rupert. B.C.. th! 27th din of June. 1938. EDWARIl 1! MORTIMER. Returning Officer FIRST DOCTORS Then a Skin Specialist Thai s Bottle of D.D.D. "How rn leful I nm to D D D I wan a miflfifr duiii cboiiia for twtlye yram 1 Iri. .1 vry ointmnnt Sjdvrtl'd for tli" dlxwua. Home ni li'mpomrv r.llff I alxi wt lo dolours ami speolaN'Ut and wBi tke uisvssr tHtlv parMy Mslsd hsK jto pay Uielr MH. llrsM tou afur the eHHig boitlo, Iwgan lo sr lnn at heallnc;. I uses thrm and on. - liu If boltlsa srnl today I am iomplloly hualod." 1. W. Bullur Hultc 40. Cani re Block. Fort O.born,'. BVa , Wlnnipec. Why not try this Pruacriptlon that Mr. llutler found so rxmarksble. Wa will ruaranUw rriief on the first 1 1 .00 bot tle, or your money hsu-lc. Stop that Ilch today. Try jj. u.u. roap. too. C!& lotion r5WnDi3aso W. I. Mrfl TfllliON nitUO STOKE. OKMLS. LTD. lSl PA OR THttEB . r ""!g Mr. Lowe returnerjiyeaterday from a brief trip to Phelan. For a Taxi Phone 290. Oscar Hanson, tend. Oenteal Hotel. tf Quality Goods at real Sale Prices is the combination whlglfas made our Backward Season Sale even more successful than we ;Kad hgptJd for. If you have not yet paid your visit to the Acme, do not delay, tpjoTqng ., .s SUITS FOR MEN SHOES FOR MEN One lot of Men's Suits, in Tweeds and Boots and Shoes for men in good calf Worsteds, silk linings, and in the latest leather in black and brown. Goodyear welt. X028 atyles. Single and double-breaated In the latest styies. Regular $7.50 value, models. Values to $37.50. g QC Backward Season Sale Price ,$5 V Backward Season Sale Price .. V-H-"'J COLLARS FOR MEN SWEATERS FOR LADIES Men's Collars, semi-soft style, in both One lot of Ladies' Fancy Sweaters in a Arrow and Tooke'a make. nice assortment of colors, both in coat and Backward Season Sale Price, Of AA pull-over styles. 4 for V V V At p,ackward Season Sale Prices. THE AC Miss I. M. UMider of Borden Street School staff will sail tomorrow after' aeon on tbe Princess Kathleen for Vancouver where' she wUl spend tbe sum mer vacation. H. D. Bochiort. Steaart broker, will be a passenger aboard tbe Prince Rupert tomorrow evening going through to Vancouver and other points In tbe south on Business. Miss 8. A. Mills, principal of Borden Street School, wUl aall tomorrow night on tbe Prince Rupert for Vancouver and other points In tbe south to spend the summer vacation. Miss B. A. Leitch of Booth Memorial School teaching staff will aall tomor row night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver and other points in the south on summer vacation. Tbe post office regulation and gen era! delivery wickets will be open from 9 to 11 and tbe public lobby from 8 am. to 8 pjn. Monday when the Dominion Day holiday Is celebrated. 188 Bi-Govoraar D. V. Deris, bead of Un O W. Mines. Ltd.. which is operating near Oedarvale, will arrive from th interior on tomorrow afternoon's train and aall by tbe Prince Rupert for EeatUe. Mrs. B. A. Nlcfeereon wlU sail on the Pnaoe Rupert tomorrow night for Vancouver en route to Yarmouth, Ntf.. and Beaton. Mass . where she will spend the summer visiting !th relatives and friends. An opportunity to make some good money for your vacation. The Fair Board membership tides to are now ready. Tou mas 81.00 on each book of sic tlcketa. Phone Green 396 for particulars. 183 George H. Stocks of the local High School teaching staff will sail tomor- f night on the Prince Rupert tor Vancouver. He will apend the sum mer holidays on Vancouver Island and In Calgary. Es4Iayor T. 8. Baxter of Vancouver urlved In the city this morning from the south, being on his way to Atlln ciiwtltuency for a tour on behalf of the Conservative Interests In the forthcoming provincial election. Arthur Robertson of Masse tt sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Charles for Vancouver enroute to Whv "lpcv! whfnee he will proced to the Hudson Bay region to spend tbe summer engaged in prospecting CJPM. steamer Princess Charlotte. dipt, c. C Salntey, arrived in port at 8 o'clock this morning from Vsnoouverj and sailed at 10:80 for Bkagway. Tbe J I veel had some 800 passengers on board D eluding 178 round trip tourists and the folKrwla twho disembarked here: Mrs. P. Doherty nnd child. L. P. Hammond. O. Ologner Mr. Uaun. Mr Oarnex. Mr. Reynold nnd D. Bullen. ' I Pat Daly, long prominent in mining affairs of tha Portland Canal let. is a passenger aboard the Prince Ru-1 trt today Botna through to Stewart He will open up some new mineral properties In the Salmon River section for a new company he han been In struments! In organising with Montreal capita! Mr. Only has been speudlng, several months in tbe Kaat. Mail Orders promptly filled at these prices. No Charge Accounts. No C.O.D. Terms: Strictly Cash. Dominion Day Children's Flag Parade from Courthouse at 9.30. 153 Whist Drive and Dance tonight it Moose Hall at 8:80 for the Boys Band Finish and complete tbe holiday at tbe Annual Dominion Day Danoe In the Moose liall on Monday. Five piece orchestra. IBS Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating U.T.I'. 20.000 Tun filiating Dry Dock Rnuim-erH. Machinists. Hollermaker. Marksmitlis, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers. Btc. KLKCTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant fa equipped to handle all kind of MAKING AND COMMERCIAL WOHK. PHONES 43 and 386 HEALTH F0I10WS CMAGflMCIIC COS ROTS WEMUMON SPIHAl KRVUMDSIASEior THZreilOWIMOtGAlGS vjnk .mis kSim XtHtAT Ei fruit fK UVES kHK ttCMACH (r3wtnte O' ftsisKtri if Vsowtu r WJv ATftNOrt aViadXM-UsilUMll BH K -'VwissssssB! vjrBBSssssssT Phone Green 241 or Illack 28S W. C. ASPINALL CIIIKOPUACTOtt G nnd 7 Exchange Muck, Prince Kupert, U.C Walton and I)ric Without a Wringer THE NEW SAVAGE 59 per rent Faster From hamper to line in 14 minute-Wuslied, Blued, Iiinsed and Dried. Sold on euy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone S Sailing of S.S. Princess Royal 10 p.m. Friday 29th June HAS HEEN CANCELLED S.S. PrinteMi Kathleen will nail from Prince Huert at S p.m. Sntnrilay, June 30th lo Ocean FuIIh, Vam-ouver, Victoris and Seattle. For reservation or informstion. apply tt) CANADIAN PACIFIC KY. CO. 3rd Avenue. "St" 'r 4CA BwHbVI DEFECTIVE VISION, DEFECTIVE HEAK-INt;, CATAltUH and other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 131. Wallace Hlock. Open Eventngs