CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Everyone reads the Classified Ads. LAKOK CirUKET If you lose, advertise for tt. Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays If you find, locate the owner. Dancing evrry Saturday nlg-nt Whatever you need, advertise for It from 0 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. PRINCE RUPERT GET Till; CLASSIFIED IIAIIIT. The latest and beat for the least. Phone 437 'to. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ''I- NoJ. XVIII., (No. 152. PIUNCBrltUPHKT.-B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1028 'rtc.l' l&nts Al Smith of New ffirk Chosen by Democratic Convention as Their Candidate for the Presidency HOUSTON, Texas., June 20. Alfred E. Smith, four times ("crnor of New York, waB nominated for the presidency by the j)i motratic National Convention last night. A single ballot was sufficient to break through the last resis-ik c of a group of candidates opposing him. Although at the con-ion of the roll call of the states he was a handful of votes short the two-thirds rt'iguircd to nominate, he was so near the mark that '..! after state broke away from the favorite sons they had been importing to lay their support at his feet. Of fleW tabulation, after all chanaea TOLMIE OBJECTS TO SUCCESSION DUTIES IN B.C. U 01 1.1) LOWER IT MATERIALLY AMI ELIMINATE IT ALTOdETII til llEtOKE LOVO KAMIOOPB, June 20 Capital investment ha been den-r reo by succession .mil, tax in Brltibh Columbia so the tonwrvatlve party undertakes to eub-sinn i tally lower the tax immediately iid eliminate tt altogether at the arliest opportunity. Dr Tolmle stated, iidd.ii).' that the Couservstlves were ,iliu- to tin' necessity, of a general re-(luriioii of uxen but will not be penur-: on. spending economlcaly whererer iiivir-) i required for development. KILLED WIFE AND HIMSELF Doru: tmaomiv at METria-.iM UIXl'OYEUM) IIY EMPLOYEE ON FA KM , 14 VICTORIA. June 29 A double tra- 4, t occurred at Metchosin Thursdsy itrr.-ioon when H O Mitchell. 45 years a, - bkc. for 20 years a resident of the 14, .illev and a well known farmer, ahot -.d killed hU wu aaetl 40 and then ii"t hunaell. acuordui to the police ' rKrt. The bodies were found by Arthur lone who had been employed by Mitchell Mrs Mitchell body was found :wng on the ouch with s gunshot wound in the aMe and Mltchena body wan lying across her feet with the' head partly shattered and a shotgun lying on the floor. Mitchell had been 11! fr the past year. Metchosin Is a few miles from Vlc-riH on the road to Booke Harbor. AFTER TIMBER AT SKIDEGATE J. MrfOHMACK. IMI'l. '.ENT MAM-I III'VIMi AT tjlEBN CIIAKUITTE INUtMM SKIDEOATB, June 28. 4 -J McOormick. American capitalist, member of the firm of farm Implement manulncturen and connected with the Beaver Cove plant Is at present St Otldegatr 111 his yacht Belmont looking over the timber limits li Skldegate tnlct and Cumshewa Inlet with a view to buying all the sprure lie can get. More cruisers are expected from Vancrmver to cruise the limits. Tiw McOarmleks are said u have i'Iko taken an option on all the hold- lugH of the American Timber Holdings company and If the deal goes through it win be one of the largest made yet In northern BC. Umber THREE HOMERS WON BASEBALL . NKW YORK. June 28 A doeen games aliead of the field the Yankee arej eadily leading the Ainerloan Leaauei Ifuth' a one! Rave the. viotorw over the Athletics yesterday t. Louis clung fast to the leadership o? the NatieaUl League by beating Pittsburg white the New York Olanta made It five straight over Philadelphia. With Mra. J. O. Vlereck as general convener, a tea and sale of home-cooking is being held this afternoon In the Moose Hall In aid of the Boys' Band tour fund. The event will be followed by a whist drive and dance this even-U4 v I of votes In favor of the leader, records that Smith had 840 2-3 votes while be needed only 183 1-3 to nominate. Announcement of the nomination wa followed by a loud and colorful demonstration on the convention floor. Of the S3 state and territorial delegations In the convention. Smith in the end bad the solid support of 86. Five states, Florida, Oeorgla, Missouri. South Carolina and Texas gave no votes up to the last. Ten names were put in nomination. Senator George of Oeorgla got but S21,; Senator Reed Of Missouri 52, and Representative Hull of Tennessee SO 5-8. Others wet very low. It was the Ohio delegation that supplied the votes to elect on the first ballot, changing 44 votes from former Senator Pomerene of Ohio to Smith, when It was seen he lacked but a few for election. ALBANY. June ao.-Al. Smith's ec-eeptanee of the Democratic nomination reiterates the belief that there should be fundamental changes in the prohibition law. NEW RKOl'LATION ON I'INK SALMON COHINO IKOM ll).-MAINLAM lisekie. Inspector of Uabrrate, It In toastpt, af a tele-trasa aeinosmclng that effective Imtnedtatety MI ptak salmon shipped from the Queen Our' j tette Islands to the mainland WU have to be gutted and ahlp- ta mhd lee. Thls order wUl aSect large quantities of plnx salmon which' Is being shipped from Massett Inlet to cannery points on the mainland. " BROTHER OF LOCAL MAN, DISTINGUISHED MUSICIAN, IS DEAD Alex Clapper ton has received a cable gram announcing the death in Idln-turgh of bis second eldest brother. William Immett Ciapeerton. aged 75. a professional muWcian. organist and chotr leader The late Mr. Oapperton had a distinguished musical career and 1 a gold medallist from aVUnburgh University and a brones medallist from London University He was a widower and the surviving family Includes a eon, William Clapperton, a professional singer in Winnipeg. HALIBUT PRICES LOW AT EXCHANGE TODAY American nne. 80.000: Majestic, t000: and Jack. 8.000. holding over. Atlas. 84,000. Atltn Fisheries for Ket chikan delivery, 9.0c and 5c. Mlddleton. 17.000, Canadian Fish 61 Cold Storage Co.. 94c and 5c Murla. W.090. Booth Fisheries. v.5c and 5c. Orayling. 10,000, Boyal Fish Co.. 9Ac and 6c. Tree. 11.000, Atlln Fisheries. 9c and 6c. TJnimak. 9.500 pounds. Canadian nan At cold Storage Oo. 9 c and Sc. CaiiudUn Sera. 8,000. holding over. LIBERAL WON SEAT AT CARMARTHEN .OAKBMABTHBN. Wales, June 99. rjaji w N. Jones. Liberal, won the by- erection caused by the elevation the peerage of Sir Alfred Mond. He had a majority of 55 over laoor ana uon aervetlve. (MEEK r.UIINUT HBSIONS ATHINfl. June 89.- The Oreek cabinet has resigned because the Venlsetos party has withdrawn Its support In their psrllsment Ai Tiiou i" inAi LONDON. June 99--Richard Whlte-lng, author and Journalist, is dead. DEFENCE MADE MAYOR TAYLOR COINSEL CLAIMS VI) EVIDENCE OF MMKI PTION AOAINIIT IIR.Ul Or VANCOUVER CITY i SUGGESTS MOTIVE llENDEHMIN MAYM TAYLOR AXMOL'S TO IIECO.ME FIRST MAYOR (lRKATEit VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, June 29 - "Tiiere has not been one ciaiilla of evidence In the wtieie four thousand pages of this inquiry which pot n la to an act of oor nipt ion by the Mayor." declared Alex andcr Henderson. S C . In closing argil meot on behalf of his client. Mayor Louis B. Taylor at Vancouver police nqulry yesterday afternoon. The mctlves of Police roniliil loiwr Fletcher In pressing for the inquiry were questioned by Mr. Henderson. In bringing about thu Inquiry." asked Henderson, "was Fletcher actuated by a desire to put the force in a better pos ition Uun before or to hurt Mayor Tsylor? How far waa he actaated by e desire to thwart the mayor's legitimate desire to be first mayor of Orester Vancouver? And was it an effort DT Fletcher to cover Mayor Taylor with son kind of Infamy? O. H. Oowan, K.C . counsel for Chief of Police Long, presented a written ugument to Commissioner Lennle, con cluding with the remark that there was not one particle 01 evidence to support the chrrge agaiaat his cheat. -Laf 4 '.1 ,.. tin 1 a Province' S4re, Hill Drug Store, Hurna' Shop Among DulldingH Coiuumed STKWART, June 29. Fire which started in the basement of Edgar Province's store in lljrder at noon yesterday completely gutted that two-storey rooming house and store, 90 feet by 120, and spread in two direction. The fire burned to (he ground Oren F. IIIU'm drug store, which contained the pot office, as well as Hums' meat market, the police office and jail, the Ideal Cafe, other residence) and a garage. The damage is estimated at over 31OO.M0 ef which about $30,000 is covered by insurance. The Stewart fire department with all available men from Stewart and the Premier tram asaistance in quelling the ?ave IftflieH whirh finally were spent in the nearby bush. TENNIS GAMES AT WIMBLEDON WIMBLEDON. June 98. TUden oe-eatod Baron Kehrllng of Hungalia. Wilbur Coon of US. and Norman Brooks. Australia, beat Cooper and aogers of England. Eileen Benuet of England beat Mra. Ilqulbam, England Henri Oochet of France defeated H Q. Mayes of England. Helen Wills defeated Miss Harvey, England. Borotrs and - Laocete of France beat Boussus and Landry of France. Brugnon of France beat Oerald Patterson of America. Oochet of France beat Boys ot Argentine. Hennessey of UB. best Frtnz of Oer- tnany. result of a violent electrical atom which Swept the Ottawa district late yesterday. Lucleno Lalonde waa stmek by lightning in Hull and John Ounnlag-nam. 94 year of ge, a farmer of White Lake, was struck by lightning. Mrs. Oren Hill, w.jt la In the altf today retiirnlug north, says she lost both her Home and the drug store In the Hyder fire and her husband had tvto rlb broken. Liberals to be Very Active Here From Now Until ElectiorvDay With Victory for T. D. Pattullo Assured The Liberals have made up their minds that the seat of Prince Uupertlis not to go again to their opponents by reason of their lack of energy. The provincial campaign here is to be fought just as strenuously as in any other riding in the province. Next llonilay, Hon. T. 0. Pattullo, the candidate, will arrive from Victoria -and he will be in the constituency until election day. On Monday he will be proceeding through to the Queen Charlotte Islands to spend a few days before coming cack to the city. On July 11 Hon. A. M. Mnnson will be here for a brief stay at least and arruK-mc.nls are being made for him to address a meeting with Mr. Pattullo. On Sunday, Mrs. Joseph Sheasgreen. will arrive from Vancouver to organ ire the Libera! women of the city. The party's ireneral organization work j i well under way and those in charge at headquarters say that it is not so much a que ! ion of e'ecting Mr. Pattullo as how big a majority can be piled up for him. Cyanide Process to be Used Connection with M tiling at Alice Arm Plans beissj made by the Utility Mines Ltd. for the operation of the Tiger and Kilsault mines at Alice Arm may result in a new era for mining development on the north coast, especially in the Alice Ann' section, states P. E. Peterson, managing engineer for the company, who i? in the city today enroute north from Vancouver. "Il is our intention," stales Mr. Peterson "to energetically push development during the coming winter and the following season and to hiatal a mill. A unique feature will be the use of cyanide pro-teas with whicii we exptct to produce bullion right on the property. 1 his will make us independent cl .jveltere and largely independent of transportation. If out plana prove auc-jeaaful. I think It wui mean a new er. ji development of miain on the north coast, especially In the Alice Arm section because, with this process, it wUl be passu" .saja,sieafir ttesa surer ores running as lew aa 10 ounces c he ton. this making sn enormous ton cage available for treatment in the Upper Klieault section " The Utility Mines Ltd. Is a newly-lormed corporation composed of Vancouver. Winnipeg and New York Interests which recently tock over the Tiger property from K. C Pickett of Alice Arm an the Kltaault from William Martin, a Seattle lawyer. The Tiger, states Mr. Peterson, has an exceptional show tug of silver ore. TUe gr-mp. formed by the Tiger and the Kltaault. ad-olna the Tone. Dolly Varden and North Star mutes, all noted properties. At the present time a crew of seven aaen is employed on the Tiger mine, the lower tunnel being now In sixty feet. The work, which Mr. ret en on aaya wUl be carried right ahead, is In charge of Mr. Pickett. A Dominion charter to now being ae-sured by the company whose tentative irrectors include Mr De Hesett of Ta-coma. who la interested in the Big Missouri at Stewart: W. M. Brewer of Victoria, former resident mining en gineer at Nana lino for the government; C. O. Wlckeuden. of Vancouver, and Mr. McDonald of Vancouver and New York. TOMMY LOUGHRAN BEAT BARRISTER BOXEMEW YORK NEW YORK. June 20. Tommy Lough -rati, light heavyweight champion, de-'eatod Armand Emmanuel, the San Francisco barrister boxer, in a ten sound decision. The title was not at SIR HENRY THORNTON ON INSPECTION TOUR MONTREAL. June 99. Sir Henry Thornton left yesterday on his annual inspection tour of western lines aad expects to travel as far aa the Pacific. STUART BEYAN, K.C, IS ELECTED IN ENGLAND LONDON. June 29 Stuart Bevan, Ma... Conservative, was. elected to tbeJ Hones of Oonmsjona la. then Hoi born byT ejection to sueeeed Sir Jerries Itamnsnt. Ooaeafvatlve, who has been elevated to fJNfllNEEIl IIElli; William Young. Mjstto engineer. Mr-merly osntroUer of voter rights for the provincial government, is in the olty making an espert valuation of the power plant of the .olty in view of a recant proposal made to dispose ot the plant. PATTULLO TO BE HEARD ON RADIO HERE Minister Principal Speaker in Vancouver Tonight and Musical Program The big speech of Hon. T. I). Pattullo at a mass meeting in Vancouver tonight is to be broadcasted on wave length 329 metre. He is the principal speaker, each of the Liberal candidate! being allowed five minutes. There will also be a musical program. Dr. McKechnie is to preside. CANADAISAN AMITY EXAMPLE HSU HAL TO ItriU) AllMAUBNTH SAID TO rKOMOTE 1VOIIUI nacE TORONTO, June 29 Canada by her refusal to build armament and by her example of amity towards neighboring nations waa doing much to psomote world peace and destroy the spirit of militarism, said Lt -Col. J H. MaoDoneld. B A. DD.. CBJE. FROfl. of WolTVllle. VS.. in addressing the the Baptist World Alliance here today on "Militarism." Disarmament In terms of weapons would never bring true peace, he declared unless there were also dis armament in the heart. Militarism, he defined as, "not merely the swaggering arrogance of the pro-'esstons! soldier but the spirit of any-ore whose thoughts run In military, material channels without regard tor the soul." The forces making for militarism, he said, were false patriotism, race prejudice, avarice, glorification or warlike exploit., and aggression of other nations The chief factors, combatting against militarism were, a rsalMatlon of the butchery of war. the hostility of veter ans to war. organised labor, tax -payers, i an atmoapiiere of pesee making both , within and without- the League Of Na- 'lons, Christianity. GIFPFOR ARCHIBISHOP CANTERBURY IONDON, June 29 A cosmltte Including Premier Baldwin is taking a collection to provide a gift tor, the aged Archbishop of Canterbury on the occasion of his forthcoming golden wetkirns IMIICE Ol' WHEAT VANCOUVER, June 29 The price of wheat here today was 81.42. Henry Rivard Not Guilty of the Fflurder of William Ritchie Says Jury at Assize Court Yetterday After having spent six months less two or three days in jail awaiting trial, Henry Rivard stepperi forth from the prisoner's dock at the Supreme Court Assises here at 4.30 yesterday afternoon, absolved of blame in connection with his shooting of William Ritchie at Stewart hui. New Year's morning. After deliberating but twenty minutes, the jury returned with ft verdict of "not guilty," Mr. Justice Gregory immediately discharging accused from custody with the warning ihai he should in future be more careful about having firearms in a place where there was trading in liquor. There was a ci applause in the form of jhind clppn.g m the puohc section of int.. coi.-rt.oom. H.h L-rii-up thU :mru.Uia:tl) with the remnrx that such applaust was nevtr perui-.tted In a firlt-ah ccurt of justice. The first I to congratulate Rivard was his counsel, Gcrcieu Wlsater of Vancouver, who had oonductou an able at fence for him. Then trends of Stewart of the accused sachtred around to offer their cangrat-ulat.ons to a man who was perceptibly telle .ed after the su-jln culminating r. the trial, which had lollowed the tragedy. The court wa engagsd from 3M yesterday afternoon in addresses of counsel to the Jury and the charge ot 1..0 i.crdxhli. Mr. Wlsiner ipoke 95 .. lauus; A. M. Johnson. K.C. cicwn . r-socut: 1. half an hour, end the ,..dgc. 36 minutes. Blvard. evidently born down with the two day ordeal of his trial, was silently weeping in the dock much of thu, hour and a half He scanned the jurors as they f Jed Into the ccurtrocm after tneir deliberations with his fate In their hands. Be brightened eomewhat when the verdict .- ms a.u 'e.iicecl cut It was evident that nls six months' Lmpiisonaicnt bad told i.esvily upon the man who was otherwise well kept !cr bis sixty years. Mr. W lamer urged the jurors to apt any suggested trafficking in liquor to influence tl.em In pasalng upen the case ol this unlcrtunate man who was on trial for hts life. SUtebte had been the accused's friend but, even had he been his enemy. It waa not likely that he would sacrifice the rejnu4a- ;lag years of his life by kUllag him. Jfr. Wrtwei fen the aiaeusue- aid 'ieats- lactorlly explained the preeenos of the gun In his place. In this connection I be complimented Constable Fotterton. describing him a fine type of Dcllcemaii who had been lair to theiw" now lu "" ne F"na so accused even so far as making a voluntary statement to benefit bun" In the matter of the gun net being even safe enough to aiioot a dog. When such a bunch of rough men got together anything might happen. It was evident that Blvard bad not had the gun in his place for the purpese of shooting any one. Crown wltnsases agreed. Mr Wlamer observed, that accused had first fried to get them out without employing violence. He suggested that O-Donnell had gone wild and had done bis best to get Rivard. He did not aay that lt was a wise thin? for Rivard to get the rifle at all but there was no criminal intent unless he meant to hoot. But how was he to tell where h- Merit wr.s volng to end? Defence r-11 tended that accused had the right to protect h home, regardless of he n. t;ire of that home. WAN MIS FltlENU If accused had had murder In his heart and intended to kUl. who was It reasonable to believe he would have killed? ODoiincIl. who had sailed him foul names and dared him to shoot, or itltchie. bis friend? Mr Wlamer dis counted the possibility of accused hav ing mistaken Ritchie for ODonncll: One man was much taUer than the other and they had markedly different features. "He did not snoot OTJon-aell o I -make the point that he did not intend to shoot anyone." submit ted defence counsel. Mr. Wlsmer contended that the course with which the bullet had entered Richie's body eliminated the possibility of Rivard having aimed at htm. He suggested that ac cused had make a clean breast of It to (continued on page five) TAKKM TWO FERSONS TO OO-OI'ERATE MAYM I'KBMIElt OF ritOVINCE "It taut ti persons to 00- operate. Do not think the 4. Dominion Government would be J, willing to 00 -operate with the f ni.i. Tfco set there for eight year and .did hts best to put t them out of power during that 4 time?" Premier MacLean. ' . PASSENGERS SAVED AFTER COLLISION CHATHAM, Mass. June 29 One hundred paesengerit and both crew escaped Injury when the liner Evangeline collided In the fog with the freighter Grecian The latter wan beached off Monomey Point badly damaged. - 11111 llfTAY j 4 A IVl fi I I I W I PJ wlliTallvlj 11 II il l $1,000PREE tut itoAttn iLWE onuii ir that MICH roil LOT TO UK (IIVBN AS 1'ltIZB There la a Qhanee ISr sataeoae to wis thousand dollars. The fair board has Just commenced eaUiag fair tnttubershlpa and each dollar ticket entuias the purchaser to a chance to win s thousand dcllsrs. The city has donated a tot on Second Avenue to the board nd a ; cal clAuen baa cfletwd to purchase tt for 1.000 from the lucky winner. already the ticket sellers are out and srj meeting s-tth considerable success. It Is hoped that errry cltiaen will purchases at least one ticket a, doubtless 3: me who have their eye on that thousand dollars will waat half a doeen or TOLMIE FEARS LIBERALPLOT CONSEIIVATIYT. LfiADER Til I IX TO VHMCS ILYSDS Of PKBMIEK IN uatL ixik ioo; WBlTlUt LAJOCjJwae 6. F. Tolsnle, - apseking here sad at Queaael demanded that the Premier reveal the oaais of negotiations for the sale of the paE 10 " Canadian National Ball- have somebody come here from the east two or three days before polling with some hatched up agreement which may be nothing more than a imnsi1 screen but' will not be revealed as such until after the election. Bis termer promises proved smoke screens. Wfll his promises today prove anything else?" FISHING POOR HIPPO ISLAND SXTDBOATE Juue 29. Captain A. Chriatenson of the launch Chape came n from Hippo a day or two ago aad eports- weather very bad there, making t difficult to fish. Up to. the tuae he eft the salmon were very scarce. Hair seal banters returning frost Saps St. James report over one hundred ajnertean trailers there, all within the three mile limit and no elan of a fisheries cruiser In sight. SENATOR ROBINSON FOR VICE-PRESIDENT HOUSTON, Tex.. June 89. Senator Robinson was today nominated by the Democratic Convention for the position il vice-president. This afternoon's train, due from the, 'Vast st 3.80 waa reported this o be on time. Liberal Party Committee Rooms , Have been opened at, corner of Second Avenue and Fourth Street. Phone 229 or visit the rooms and ice if you are registered on the Voters' List. i