PAGE SIX A Family Wash Ts, . ?a' mil m A Family ' Picnic? NO question about which you'd choose a day in the woods or a day with the washing. And it's so easy for you to let us do the washing while you do the picnicking. In our Thrif-T-Service you have all your clothes washed and your flatwork ironed. Just the wearing apparel left for you to care . for and this is returned damp, ready to be starched, ironed or hung out to dry. Saves money save energy. 5 cents a pound plus lc per piece. Minimum charge $1.00. THE LAUNDRY DOES IT UEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Week End Specials! FRUITS & VEGETABLES Plums, iter 5 lb. basket $1.00 Plums, per lb tt5 Peaches, per dos 40? Big Ben Cherries, per lb. ll.Te These are No. 1 Cherries for preserving, buy them now. Bananas, 3 lbs 40 1 Oranges, 3 doz $1.00 Water Melon, whole, per lb. 0 Water Melon, cut, 10? Canteloupes, each 20 r 2 for or? VEGETABLES Tomatoes, per lb Tomatoes, per 6 lb. basket .'. $1.10 Cauliflower, each 'Mf & li."c New Potatoes, 4 lbs. . . 9 lbs r0( New Carrots, 3 lbs. ... . 25? 7 lbs. oO? Carrots, 6 bunches ... 25? Radishes, 3 bunches .. 10f Green Onions, 3 for . . 10c per dozen :." Lettuce, 3 for 25f Cabbage, 4 lbs. for . . 25? New Turnips, S lbs. for 25? Turnips, 4 bunches for 25? New Beets, 4 bunches. 25? Fresh Pess, 2 lbs. for 25? MEATS Cooked Meats of all kinds at reduced prices. Mussallera Grocery CO. LTD. 417423 5th Ave. East Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 375 DENTIST MILK .MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 667. THF! DAILY NEWS Friday Juni e 29. 1928 LEADING TEAMS WON YESTERDAY Anniversary Simimer I NEW YOKK YANKEES A5tt ST. LOHS CAKIHNALS CONSOLIDATE TIIKIK POSITIONS Of SUPREMACY (Special to Dally News) NEW YORK, June 29. Both New York Yankees ami St. Louis Cardinals Increased their margins of leadership In : the Big Leagues yesterday. The Yanks 'are uow twelve-and-a-hatl games ahead (of the Philadelphia Athletics in the American League while the Cards are five-and-a-half games ahead of the New York Qlant in the National St. Louis Browns renewed their threat on second place tn .the American by winning over Detroit Tiger while the Atblbtlcs fell victim again to the Yan kees. The Olants consolidated theli hold, on second place In the National by defeat' ing the long-suffering Phillies Yesterday scores? American League Washington 4-7, Boston 3-8. Cleveland 2, Chicago 3. St. Loots S. Detroit 2. National League Chicago-Cincinnati postponed Philadelphia 1. New York 3. Pittsburg 3. 8t. Louis 4. Coast League Oakland 4. Seattle S. Mlutions 6. Hollywood 1. Sacramento 5. Portland 3. Los Angeles 3. San Francisco 8. CRICKET WILL OPEN TONIGHT FIRST PIIACTICE TO TAKE PLtCE AMI TEAMS TO ORGANIZE AT ACROPOLIS HILL There has been a great rummaging for cricket paraphernalia by the old cricket players of Prince Rupert in an effort to secure enough tor their us in the proposed games against the Durban team. The greatest difficulty was to find cricket balls. However after much searching, several have beta discovered and the first practice is slsted for tonight at Acropolis grounds Something like two dosen slayer have signified their desire to take part In the game and If It succeeds the club July 1st and 2nd TWO HOLIDAYS Where will we go? You suggest. What will we have for Lunches? We suggest a few lines Lettuce, 3 for 25 c Tomatoes, per lb iWr Cucumbers, choice green .... 25i- Cauliflower, large solids 25f and :Wt Bananas, 2 lbs. for '.lc Oranges from :w? to NOf Pork & Beans, Heinz, 5 for 55C Nu Kraft Cheese, it spreads, Jr 25C Peaches, l's, halves or sliced, 2 for ;c WHAT WOULD HE MORE TASTY than a Chicken in your picnic hamper? Arriving Wednesday Boiling Birds, per lb... 27 Light and heavy Fowl, per lb. :Wf) Everything fresh for Potato and Fruit Salads. Home's Colored Cake Icings, 4 Pkgs. for 25r Ayltner Soups. 3 tins for 25 Weston's Sodas, tins, per tin 4(10 Lorn, choice quality, per tin IOC Baby Boats, 2 tins for .... 47c Heins Kidney Beans, per tin 15 Itowntree's Cocoa. U's. 2 for ."..'If- Wastry Flour. 10's, per sack 51) Prunes, per lb 8 per box $1.85 Soap, Royal Crown. 6 bars for 25 rrult arriving - Blue Hums, Red Plums. Caataloune. Cherries. Strawberries. Peaches. Anricota. Watermelons, Bananas, Oranges, Orape Fruit. Vegetables arriving lettuce Celery, Cauliflower, Grsen Onions, Bunch Beets, Carrots. Turnips, Radishes. Spinach, Parsley, Green Peas, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Rhu barb, etc., etc. Watch Our Windows It Pays jThc Home of Good Things to Eat. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited I Phones 45 and 574 Kellogg's Corn Flakes are one of summer's very finest dishes. They are refreshingly light and crisp rich with flavor. And so easy to digest they help you keep cool! Try them with fresh fruits or berries. CORN FLAKES U1 be made permanent and the played here regularly as one of branches of local sport. CONDITION OF FIELD to will decide later will be played the PREVENTS PLAYING OF LEAGUE SOCCER MATCH upon when this game SPORT CHAT The first Hyder-Stewar. baseball of the season was plavrd recently on You Save Money BUYING AT THESE PRICES 8ugar, 10 lbs. for 75 Milk, all brands, doz $1.10 Milk, per case $5.50 Nabob Plum Jam, 4 lb. tin 50: Nabob Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. Ub 75c- Tomatoes, large site, 2 tins :i5f Evaporated Apricots, lb 20 Fine Canadian Cheese, lb. . . Chateau Cheese, in 2V lb. wooden boxes, per box $1.00 Malkin's 8liced Peaches, 2's, ' tin :t0f Quaker Pork St Beans, 2's, 2 tins 'J5 Picnic Hams, 5S4 lb. size, each J-J Butter, Fraser Valley or K.C.1)2 lbs 03; Golden Churn Butter. 3 lb. brick $1.40 Eggs, Fresh Extras, 8 dos. $1.25 Eggs, Fresh Firsts, dot. $1.15 Fels Naptha Soap, ffefr. .... K0f Royal Crown Soap, pkg 25f Lux, 8 plwa ;j.v Rinso. 3 pk.. .a 25 Oranges, 8 dot fbV . . .VbsJll.OJi ' w txiBv r runs ana ureen Vegetables at the lowest prices. Alberta Market P. C.AMULA, Pfoprletor Fifth Street. . Phone 203 . i r& jesv CORN i the Stewart diamond with the local boys in the lead throughout and checking past the post with a score of 11-4. Be Merles: Andy Moa. C. Turner for Hyder: Jimmy puna. V. 8. Moore and O. O. Shaw tor Stewart. Despite the fact of Its being the initial game and the players rather out of practice, the large crowd of tena ' thoroughly enjoy the battle. Although only three members from last rear's Stewart team were On arrival at the Acropolli HU1 sports in the game, taw new material shows field last evening. Thistle and Orand I extraordinary nmu iu nrti Terminal football players and a substaa-jtbey should shape up into a formidable tlal crowd of fans round piles of sand I aggregate. A feature of the game was vtrewn along the grounds, making It j the heavy slugging of the Stewart boys, impossible to play the scheduled opening jimmy Dunn, is the box. did some game of the league soccer series for j fine twirling, and Shaw seemed at home theiMcbley Cup. Apparently, there was behind the piste Altogether indications no applanation of how came the sand point ku the fact that Stewart hue hall be be there there. The Football Association . fan. .nouid it un. k.u during the present In connection with a report pub lished Wednesday regarding: the same that was not pityed on Saturday evening last between High and Booth Schools. Principal reddle points, owt that he did not withhold permission for High School to play. When be Informed the League aeeretary on Friday that It was absolutely impossible for High School to play, bo was under Ue impression at that time that some of the members of the team would not be available for the game. The Prince Oeorgo ball player took a team to 'Ouesael last Sunday and played a gams with the Quesnei nine winning U-10. ft was lu free hltung game with numerows errors scattered through it but afbso enough to maintain interest. The Prince George team waa composed of players from the C.MR, and City teams with Taft in right. Muirhcad on third. Kitchener at short. Teman at second. Johnson Ditch. lng. McLeod estchlng. Parker In center. Wilson st first, and Ooodwln in left. BULL INTERRUPTS CAMPAIGN MEETING Dr. t en Klerk. Liberal Cemitdsle, raited Oot Let Night to Attend Injured I srm rr VBBMOM. June M. A meeting last night being addressed by Dr. Van Kleek. Uberal candidate for North Oken-agan. was lnterrupesd while the doctor was oalled to attend Paul Stelner. a farmer, who had been gored by a bull. The audience waited arhlle the candidate waa away. The bull was abot by Its owner. X.WAL .UlgllTRCT I1IKB LONDON. June as war John Thorny-croft, SS years of age, aolotl naval architect, is, dead. ' "tt y TO MtKT ItKltUV TOROJfTO. June St. The Baptist World's Ullanc-c has chosen Berlin as lte nest meeting place In 1033. KII.Ltll tOVIIVWION. CeHOAOO, June St. Nick Manos. gangster, shot and killed his companion when quarrelling The slayer escaped. Mat. Frank Moore and family left on this mornliiK i.iin for Prinrr Oeorge nra they u.ll ,m itli rtutnt... L, No other corn flakes equal Kellogg' for flsvor and criip-ne. Kellogg' are never tough-thick. But always extra cript Serve for lunch, dinner or break-fast. Delicious with milk or cream fruit or honey ad Jed. Order at hotel, cafeterias. On dining-car. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Oot. Alwayt ,otm-fr$h! LOCAL NEWS ITEMS tttttttTttTt There were some half-a-donen round trippers aoard toe steamer Gtrdeua which was. in port this morning bound lor the Naas Bivcr. Mrs. Oreo P. Hill, wife of the Hyder druggist, is a pamngw aboard the Prince Bupert today returning north .allow lug a trip to Bottle. Frank Water house frelabter Bast holm is due in port today or tomorrow from the south. The vessel bat a cargo of ooal for Skeeaa silver na names, Ted Xergin. Son of M. 1" Ksrgtn. MIA., is a name naif aboard the Prince Bupert today going through to Alios Arm where be will spent the 'Unimer. Passengers sailing from here tor the noitb on the Prln eeas Charlotte this morning Intruded D. N. Ctork. tor Skagway. and Miss Phyllis Bttntwe. for Ketchikan. . Uiss Katie stayers am red tn the city from Kew WesUnlneter on the Frinot Rupert this morning and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Oreo. Fifth Avenue Bast. Jsck Pltsgerald, well known Stewart mining man. la a paasenter aboard the Prince Bupert today returning north following a business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. A. B. Bichardc. supervisor or Bsperimental Stations, arrived In the city from Vancouver on the Prince Bupert this morning and proueeued by train to the interior. CP B. steamer Prineaea Baa, taking the freight run of the steamer Princess Roysl. whose voyage north UUs week is cancered. U due to arrive tomotrow from Vaiieouver sim' waypolnta. Bt. Bcv. I. O stringer. Bishop of the Yukon, and Mrs. Stunner were naasen- gers aboard the Princess Charlotte this morning going through to Dawson where they will spend the summer. W. B. Morgsn. mechanical superintendent at the local dry Soak, returned to the city on the Prttoc Bupert tola morning after having attended the recent Masonic Orand Lodge st Vancouver, Mis Shle and Miss Oarnstt of the local public school teachlna staff laft on wits morning s tratp to make the Triangle enroute to spend the i to to . Jasper and Kaauoone Trip tfjgVencoi sunmer ancouver where they will holidays. Mrs. Nonakn. Kllpatk and famllv of BmlthaisiTitiAihWsrfi?wi a, a knll. day trip to Ve3W?Vktorld, sr-nved from tHfcUtU-oa-JL Prlno. Bupert this morning. Moceedlne to their home U the Interior by train. Lome Falooner. son of Mr. and Mr T W Falooner of Alice Arm. I a nu. asnger aboard the Prince Rupert today bound tor his home In the north tn spend the summer holidays after hav ing oeen attending school in New Westminster. I Tourist aboard the Princes Chsr- loUttliit morulug going uuriti lacludeu! LAST WEEK! Sale terminates Saturday, June HOih We have only 7 Coats left of out summer t,-k all good quality and are marked down to clear 4 only. Beat Quality Charmeen Coats in Navy, ivkiu ( ' niack. Value to $32.80. Sale Price 1 Navy Charmeen Coat, to clear at 1 only, Tweed Coat, reg. $17,150, to clear at ". '. 1 only, nisck Suedene, trimmed with Satin and M,, reg. f 20.50, to clear at Girls' Tweed Coats, summer weight, value to'? in Price 1 " art 'H,,r ;ir, 10.: Sti.'c, !.::, hv K-ir. l!..Vl (i. Sal- Sti.. All goods previously advertised and many oilier,, '; lines have been added. Our 25c, 50c, and J5c IUrgaln Tahiea arc bring c.n-.ianilv replenlshexL Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. WESTHOLME THEATRE FIHUAY AND SATURDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. MARY PICKFORD in "MY BEST GIRL" The world's sweetheart in a characteriitK air. 1 r photo-play. CIIAHI.EK HOfJEItS, IIOIJAHT ISOSWOItTH. M ( h M IV LUCIBN LITTLEI'IELI), SUNSHINK IIAKT. AYr.Wi; TAYLOIt, CAU.MEI.ITA fiKHAGHTV and many othors. AIKOrS FlUI FAI1LHB M WYN NEWS PATHE BEVIKW Admission 60c and 25c SRCUIUTY FUtST Slatiflee. X ind IV oyal Insurance Co, Limited Liverpool, England EstaMUhed 18 1 5 Total rund4$l7:t,! l:MOft.22. S. D. Johnston Company, Ltd. Agents PIMNCB HUPEUT. a Store Twurs party oonslstlng of 7 person iron Ohio who will make the round trrp on the tassel, taking the trip Into West Taku Ana whle the ship is at Bug war. The tidy and trim cannery tender Dorothea, belonging to the Wills Navigation Oo.. arrived tn port at 1M uu. awmlng from BeatUe and tied tip at the CUM wharf before piwwedtng st noon to Ketchikan. The vessel had a cargo of empty Heroes. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Christie and famli wilt sail tomorrow morning on the Oar- nana lor Tanoouter where they will take up restdenee. The hare been well known and popular residents of Prince Bupert tor many year and a host ot well-wlahlna friends will rears their departure. Subscribe for the nslly News. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 t Tf1ftttt4 WANTBO. OtKL TO HBLP XM HOUBK wittioare ot children. Write Boa 118 . ... Tlalw - M XR BAU. IMPBOVBO TKWtM Ji ranch 10 acres, over four huadR V bearing fruit trees. Half a mils Bwn. towu. S3.000: half cash. Pnoae Bed "1 161 SATURDAY SPECIALS. OUD OAK dining room suite, with buffet. ITt.M. Also snaps in three ranges, Monarch. Canada Pride and MoClary neaina. Prlnoe Rupert Auction Mart. Phone Black 180. jgt LOST IN pQrr nmnv w.uv founuin pen with gold hand. lnrUals so binder please return to Daily hst Offlcs. 1SS ALL WOOI Bathing Suits S2.95 tnd 54.75 "Oemers" Mens & Boyg 'SHOES ii the Montreal Importers J. II. Jllller. Vropri' Third Awnue, Prince Kuptn.