F kSls 'jjf ! l COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TEtKYVA Also Uulklcy Hay and Grain. Atfrnt for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. FLYTOX standsor cleanliness comfort and health FLY-TOX is famous throughout thd world. Fly-Tox is a crystal clear liquid. Stainless. Has a cleanly fragrance. Harmless to humans and animals. But sure death to dis ease-carrying insects when touched by Fly-Tox mwtlike spray. Fine for summer camps. N I'Mwy In every home. LUtlf-ptma lell for hfty cents. WW JAIJOUR RROS.' STOKE-WIDE SALE GROWS IN POPULARITY DAILY Oh I What bargains wc offer Here arc just a few of the marvellous bargains that prevail through-'tut the store POSITIVELY NO RESERVE Inldrt-n's Running Sboea in lirown and White. Sale 7ff ( mcn'-i White Tennis Ox-funis, also with one strap. i i ial 75 pair Wo-ii' n' a.-iorted Shoes, black hhI light colors, reg. up to . 1- VOI it $tf..-o. On wile $i.mi Men s Smock, to clear at 7Bf 'IV.-' Sweatee, . Khaki ;ml clear at assorted HI ue, to . . . . ASf hildren'a BatbinK Suits, all wool, to clear at.. $I.W :i:i(l up. Ladles' All Wool dutta, to clear at and ftp. Hathlrip . $2.00 Cotton Crepe, all colors, to clear at 1 If White Flannelette, 7 yards for 1.011 1 .Chile reifi Colrts. tjortd sites, to clear for . . $:t.l5 and up Boys' Bal. Shirts and Drawers, all sites 20r If pieces aworteJ food " angtng fro 75 W$l.i regular. Special for Saturday 2.1 Our Stock of Running Shoes for every member of the family is greatly reduced JABOUR BROS iTn rmaKaBBime5aaCTg.'wwiatBMBBaBsys LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage l'hone GS Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano1 arid Furnitum Moving. IIMIHM QTFAMCJHIPS LIMITED Bslllnrs from fflnce fluperf. , lor VANroirVER, VICTOKIA, Bwanon IWy, Huledale, Alert iwy, etc. Tnfis ir, 9 ii.in. I'nr VAM'OIIVt: OlIVtH. lor POUT SIMI'SON PsiiS and and VICTOKIA, luta.ile, Altft Itay. tie,, Winrnar, 7 a.m. NAAft HIVKB I'OINTK, triaay.. . . . d.Unilx T AI.U K AllM. ANVOX. HTi;VAItT, 1VAI.KS ISI.ANU. I "l" oii"i J .. a nuilllill , n IMI1 1 1:1 '.'nd Aenue, U. M. SMITH. Arent. Througft HrM ir41 :o ViMttfltl (ti.il ... ill-, throiirli i iirNtlnatlor . slid rr I wc I!ll ''.rf 01 lMcgag iliraeu Staff Servant McNeill on the steamer after havinf confessed to nd consulted with Ills spiritual advisor Father be ray Tnd the story he hacf told then was exactly what heIia tcld in thv witness box a story that Wan unshaken In spite of a eve:e cross-examination. If Hlvard had ; ,hcd to k:ll O'Dannell he could have pumped all the bul'its In the gun Into Mm. If accused had bud no Intention of killing rtltchte. then he could not be found guilty. Mr. Wwmer reviewed the evidence of corwn witnesses and suggested that they might have made mistakes. It was evident that Rlvard was the onlv one there that night who was quite sober. Ws h not the more likely to remember what had actually happened? It was for the Jury to decide not upon probabilities out upon facta. The Jury had to be satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that accused had killed the man intentionally. Unless It had been 1 proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused had not killed deceased In the manner he had sworn, then the jury must acquit. The unfortunate man. defence conn-! Eel concluded, waa already gsix'v now , and had failed greatly since His arrest. 1 No matter whether he were sent to (he gallows or to Jail, he could nut last ' long. "If yen tHink his story reason-tbty true, then I ask you to acquit , him." concluded Mr. Wlsroer. Mr Johnson1 pointed out that the case was not a contest between hlm.-self and defence counsel. It was the :nort Imptrtant function of the crown pro"cittor to bring out the true evidence whether or not It should be favorable to the accused. His sole object, lir. Johnson asserted, was to get the truth. It bad been admitted that the man was dead and had been killed with a bullet from a line In the hands of the accused. The crown's case waa that, first, Rlvard was not In lawful possession of that rifle and. second there was no lawful reason for his us- ; ing it. It waa for the Jury to decide; whether the ator of the accused or , rifle , unfortunately. waa pointed straight at Ritchie. There were certain things that lend one to believe It a not an accident. Three wttneeaea had worn that they had heard the sound of a click. If that clicking had been tm wf . '-ii waff rxranar tint counsel for the scented, knowing of such evi dence as Deschamps had said, had not caused it to be adduced St the Inquest thus "going a long way in defence." "I suggest." said Mr. Johnson." that this evidence did not exist but is a figment of DeschampVi imagination." Crown counsel stated that only accused had said that OTXnlnell had come back after he had onoe left. There no stigg?a;'on of self-defence In the Mfmtf IniPii 111 ill i aft tsar IIUI mm 1 that of the crown witnesses was tbe '-correct one. J sse. Crown counsel also asked the Jury , Mr. Johnson urged the Jury not to be to dismiss the matter of liquor frorri rts ! influenced by aympthy cither for the The crown did not merely want a victim because a man waa dead. He urged the Jury,' lu conclusion, to deal with the facts as would ordinary, rational men in every day life. JIDOE'J CllAKdE In opening his charge, Mr. Justice' hands in such a manner without i Grecrrv uraeel the lurv to be tulded being liable for the consequences. b Jt, own rUecUon of the evidence There was ho doubt that accused had onq not iy hiM. it WM the duty of the tie moat sober man there tnat h,r, to decide whether accused was night btft every crown wltneaa. he guilty or not guilty and he urged the maintained, bed tried to tell the truth. not to be guided by any view Waa it probable, asked Mr. Johnson. .hry might perceive or thing they per-tnat the seraplng of the rifle atalhtt L.etTed the bannister had caused the discharge Hl, Lordship pomti-d out that if a Oi that bullet that killed Ritchie? i:!m.n .hot at another thlnklna It ws- the story of accused had been correct. ;ome0ue else, he waa Just as guilty oi -ontnded :rown counsel, the bullet 'Would have passed clean over Ritchie's head. His eiiggeattan waa that the This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia This had nothing to do wtth ; sccused or for the deceased the ease. Apparently, all were on good terms except Rlvard and OJXmnell." the whisky bum." Kven though Paddy had made aa great nuisance of himself as possible, the accused was not Justified in using the loaded weapon. A couM hot take the law Into MS murder as if he had shot tt i man In tended. If an offender did i n unlawful act likely to cause death without, however. Intending to do hurt, murder ; might , be implied. The possible ver-dif in this case were: guilty, not guilty or manslaughter. His Lordship defined manslaughter in which provo cation was often involved. If the Jury auied by accused ralalng the haihmer, ; oeiuvd there waa provocation and the then ht had aonte vll intention. In llllrB had teen committed on the spur any case, a man waa rtppostd to ap-;ot the moment it ir.ign: bring in ver-prcclate the consequenoea of Ma act fdlct of manslaughter. Mr. Johnson referred to the fact that i . ordel. convict of nurder. the accuwid had seni for no help afier the orowll must thow that- there was an tragedy occurred although there men there wbd eould gave gone, it It Had ben an accident Why had accuotd tcld Potterton that be had gone for a pall of water and found the body there when he returned? Mr. Johnson question the versetty of the evidence of Sam Dascbampe who had testified that Casey tuU told htm that he (Caseri had thrown1 the ami intent. If the Jury thought that the accused had been justified in taking the gun. say in defence of hta home, and that It had accidentally went off. the verdict should be "uot guilty." But there, must be um good reason to make tfc necessary to use the gun. His Lortishlp did not recap '.any attack that. hid been mnde Upon accused ic.-pt by Paddy, "the Whlakey bum." nd thert a general flKht anaaea which hnd not been In the nature of an at-jck upon accused but a dispute among 'themselves a to w nether accused should have been attacked. It one waa apprehensive of being killed or receiving grlevKnts bodily haJrm. then one might desl Just such a death or bodily harm but to no greater extent than was required to prouvt one's self. Tcaling with the tncta of the case. HU Lordship remarked that It waa to rr A ib. Sight" I est Prociiralile (THE ORlClfiAL) Pure: Scotch Whisliy RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT C,.i i Scut tlmiiti aUu m BJm GI.itl Dif.ni. Dafl. T'-' J jvertisfiricnf "i5 no nnhltalied of displayed by the Liquor Cbntrol Board" in I -"o-timonr of British Columbia ' . BFBaatiSBar a uHMKMjKH.H'.ftKSiVlK 7 r-iSKSBB?SBBBBBiBBaE5 June 29, 1028 PAOB riva fHB DAILY KHWi , a-, WHEREVER THERE ARE FLIES USE FLY-TOX 6S FLY-TOX U a scientific insecticide It Teat developed atVdbn Institute of Industrid! liestardi 1 1" wjiMt! MgnegmpnTartfrreama ir. m ho T7s FLIES, mosquitoes MOTHS, It O ACHES, 4i J, FLAS SBBBaastenrm 'f bTii' w- HENRY RIVAKD NOT GUILTY OF TUB MUHDGK OF WIL-MAM RITCHIE &YS Jlllft AT ASSIZE COURT YESTERDAY. (continued from page one) II Ill IIIIWUll I III MM 'I "lp M I Ml.naiiiinawiav i. ... SATURDAY at the Universal Trading Co. EXTRA SPECIAL EXTlU SPECIAL May Belle Silk Knit Bloomert in Bobette ' 375 yards off finest quality Span 811 and ordinary styles. Double V crotch, fh shades of Tea Rpe, Chin Ohio. Bine, very fine qii&lfty in shades tf oral, Crab- Mother Goose,- Vermillion Heptane,; apple, sky, Nile, peach. Q-9( nil Malse, Star Flower, Black, Nary, WWt. Pilr VXWW 29 incrta Vrfde. 04 Aft Vesta to match, each $1.00 2 yards for JUW V COIiSELETTES HOUSE DRESSES' Made from Btrong fancy Brocaded Made from the best grade jap Crepe. Coutil, 2 elastic inserts, 4 garter Hupports. assorted shades, contrast trim, hand em-Sizes 80, 32, M, 36, 38, 40 j. (JO broidered- Sizes from 36 to ".()() LADIES' HOSIERY Ladies' pure tfiread Silk Hose to the beta, chiffon or service weight, mock fashioned, double soles, heels and toes. $1.50 to $1.75 pair. Pair. $1.00 Ladies' Art Silk Hose, a splendid wearing quality in a good variety of c hades. 3 pairs for $1.00 Odd lines in pure thread Silk Hose, all good shades, reg. $1.00, $1.60 pair. 2 pairs for $.00 10 dozen Children's Lisle Socks, assorted shades and sizes, samples, slifhtly soiled, 5 pairs for $1.00 Children's Silk Plaited Socks, assorted shades and sizes, turned tops, 3 pairs for $1.00 UNDERWEAR' Samples lace trimmed Nightgowns, Bloomers, 3-teplns, Slips, etc. Per garment . . $1.00 Samples Nalnehecfc, Princess Slips, Sear-sticker, Crepe Bloomers, Stepins, etc. 2 garments for $1.00 Children's two-piece Party Dresses, assorted styles and designs $1.00 Ladies' Lisle and Silk Mixed Bloomers and Vests. Tailored style in shades of Mauve. Peach, Pink and White, 2 garments for $1.00 Turnbull's very fine guage Silk Kurt Vests in a big variety of shades. Alt sites. $1.50, $1.75 values. Each $1.00 Children's Crepe Rompers, assorted shades, neatly trimmed, 2 for $1.00 Bovs' and Girls' Satin Khaki Drill Play Suits. 2 to 6 years $1.00 STAPLES AND PIECE GOODS Englfsh Searsucker Dress or Lingerie Crepes, assorted designs, fast colors, 3 yanl- f..r $(.( Scotch Ginghams, fast colors, assorted de the Interest of any accused to tell Just ucb a story as would save him. However, there were "men who would d -part from the truth even In such extremity and "if he tells the truth, that' aU be can do" The Interests ar.d demeanor of other witnesses must also be c-naidered.. If witnesses were under the Influence of drink, thetr recollections .mlgnt not be very clear. WhUe Rlvard had the right to worn these men, he did not necessarily have the rlfttf to snoot them out unless his life orltedy were impertllrtt-te bia,nuce In danger. The gun was loaded amt.' apparently, accused knew it was. Accused did not say that he was acting in self defence but that the shooting was a pure accident. He had no business with the gun unless there was some necessity, and. it he hid gone improperly and killed a man. he was ' gi!Ity of manslaughter. There waa little, If any evidence of Intent. His lordship sgreed with counsel that the matter of liquor had nothing to do j with the case ' finally. His Lordshln dealt with the mutter of doubt. lacking absolute certainty. On the other hand. It there certainty. It was necessary that there should be the highest reasonable waa a doubt it must be given to the accused but It should not b an Imaginary doubt but one such aa would be accepted In the ordinary affairs of evtry day life. Jtf t ie Jury could not make up lu mlsja tut that it was an accident then tflb accused should receive the benefit of the doubt and be acquitted. flat f. MiEKiTt:ni)if'T the Jury"rethd at exactly fofcr o'clock and returnee twenty minutes later, MotIs ft. Blott. the foreman, announcing a verdict of "not gBflty." "You ire discharged. Mr Hlvard." announced His Lordship "and I hope this will be a leaaoa to you not to keep loaded firearms where there are desJ-ing in liquor." "I have ne criticisms to offer but am satisfied with the way In which you have discharged your duties." stated the Judge in excusing the Jury. It was then that there waa the outburst of applause which waa quelled Vy His Lordship. signs, 32 Inches wide. Good cnallty, 3 yards for ; $f.d(f 48" imported French Bordered Voiles, assorted designs. Heavy (. ontrawttrig Terry border. 1 yards maacs a drea. IVa yards for $1.00 English Figured Voiles', assorted designs, fast colors, 39 inches wide, 2 yard for $1.00 English Silk MorotaiM, asscced design and colorings, reg. value." IM.50 yard. Special at 2 yards for $1.00 Extra special value in Cretonnes. We have some wonderful designs and quality among this lot 36 inches wide, 3 tafds for $1.00 3S inch NafUcneck, an excellent fabric for underwear, cortajna,- etc 4 yards for v.. -;r.. $1.00 English Turkish Towels, large size, fast colors, extra heavy Qtratfty, 8 for .. $1.00 Full-size Bleached Pillow Cases ready for use, heavy duality, 2 pairs for .. $1.00 Hemstitched Linen ftrflghWl rtllow Cases, absolutely free from dressing. Pair t .1(0 72 inch Bleached Sheeting, good, serviceable quality, will wear well, close even finish. ' 2 yards for 31.0ft 70 iffch Irish Table Damask. This quality will give excellent satisfaction, good designs. Yard $1.00 Boys' Pure Wool Sweaters with polo collar, in shades of Fawns and Grays. Sizes 24, 2fi, 2 $1.00 12 only. Boys' Oliver twist Suits in Serge and Homeipuns. 3 to 6 years. Suit $1.00 3 dozen Men's Caps, assorted Tweeds, light and dark colors, all sizes. Values up to $2.25. Ech $1.00 Penman's pure wool Cashmere Socks. Assorted shades and sizes, 2 pairs for $1.00 FRASER & PAYNE . Ranadian National Qje Largtft Kailioay Sylem iti America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE sailings from TRINCf? nrrfcuT for Vancouver. victoii. kkatii.i-; MONDAYS. Tilt KMAY8. 4.00 p.m.. 81TI kil ty. (.00 p) For ANVOX and 8TKWAKTV SIQ.Vll.tV8, millWH. 4.00 pj. POT $tA$SETT IJrtilT, StQNOAVrf. 4 09 pan. 'ilfrj-tWWTII- CjrJEKN cil.tltLOTtE ISKtMl!. rortnlghtly. For SKAC1WAY, lVEIINEHU.tVS, 4.00 p.m. PASSENGKIl TIIAINS I.E.IVE TKINTE ftt!l'f.nt II All. V EXCEPT RUNfJAY at II JO a.m. far PKIXCB nfOltCir.. EjfHO.-JfON, niNNirEO. all points Eastern Canada, United States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN nTCtMSIfir tl.S'BS. CITY TICKET OFFICE. ii THIHO 4Vt PKINCE KlU'EUT. liCAJlADMN? PACiriC Pn.c tf.a Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketrhlkan, IVrangell ond Skagway June II, 15, IS, It, IJ, tS. To Yanrouier, Victoria and Seattle June 9. ltt, 20, 83, 17, SO. BAT 1 ntlNCESS KOYAI. Ecr notedale. East Bella Bella, (irriiii linls. Nainu. Alert Ikiy. Campbell Klver and Vanroaver every I'rlitay. 10 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Pull information from V. C. OltCHAltfi. lenef AffcMit. , Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue. Prlnre It u pert. ILC. Phone 31 ( . ; I LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE ELSE DOBS Our spring stock of High Grade Men's Wear Is now here. Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from which to choose "hat spring suit" tailored to ydur measure by Canada's foremost Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impulse D6 It Today THOR JOHNSON '1 i th if t " Jtf !ii'sT n VI 41