The Daily News PHINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Manajring Editor. SUILSCKH'TION RATES n. . '. t i i, i,if ; City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.o For lesntfv period, jid in adiice, per month .50 By mail to all part of Northern and Central British Columbia paid in advance for yearly period $2.00 Or four montti! for , $100 By toair to all .uhirarts pf Brftinh Columbia the British Ethplre and Uted States, pIld in advance per frear Sfi.OO By Wall to all other countries, per year . . $7.5(1 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 26 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word J Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 16 Contract Rates on Application davit ; fraud. time to curtail liumestead. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION .v nil it.cnrrei : ma In !fi.- i-uirse of t:i (lured and e , iiiim . !;.k--n n K ain)"St iJ1iwsm,,. exaggerated statement. I! is tf ' hoped the adver;is-rs mat U owners and manager- i ments and which have l iv a ni.ii,..g. that thi-prole t,. ! which hate deliberately y ai.ili'.i Hill a nil i, 1 1 on, i.vir.g ' ' I r C I RIJIM, OF ORATORY . Kdniontn'i I'.u. It is suggested tha- the n take the rue from trie niemi.. r- . them.e!e- to not -peak longer : ml.. !.f a i. able it' !ht- men win. rnanai... :h. a't.i::--these along -ate and -;..:i.- I.i...- u speeches. th.,t the legi.-la; . - ,. a ;!..: direction ,, ;- attaiis b -ii,- -ani a ;. are some things to ! -aid ol, tin ..; I - One is that the l.egi-!a-,: i . . waster of time that parliament u.-ed filcase rule. Another is that m. ire. :i .. ready prot ided a pret;- efl; , tr.. -..i. g.i lixity on the part of pr.o ' ,,i,. e.-:-usualiy called together in l-ehri.,, -; of March. And when spring approach.- any ruie or procedure to i t n, i d h. tile .ni .1,1 and. ! g'lle U i' ! 'd agaMi 93 86 Monday. Feb. 27. PROTECTING THE ADVERTISER The bill now before Parliament dealing with the giving out of information to the public in regard to ownership and control of newspapers also contains a clause providing that the business manager or wiui -rial I giv,- ;,, tl- ...-inm-trr a -vfrn statement and ., I..,. .. .. 1 , : 1. : . . 1 ui.-v i-uiiliMl 11 ill illf 111 M ia;T papiM-s paid I'nr .luring tin- pivi .ding Many newspapers whir'n do m.r h; Audit bureau i ('in ulat imis i, .. In, and making i: -n in a- it' ,..,,1 .. is actuallv 'he m.-e. a.-e. rage numlirr ol : montl!-. au ah'ii iai audit ai-it iiig ti:..;i ir.-iilatj ...i-:i a -v. . :-h i.i: i e'lh Illa d b. .!.e. it -make ami I. e : otll reci at ! I d, I'l'n eniai'i.- -i. 'ha lg true -'ate 'ti wi't: i -n- rca-ti .-an -t orf. in in .ble .. L. on.n. tai -ton: . n. !eg:- '.o,lt na-- ;u n il pro at in e :-the enii ie.n'1 tak. that it i- A for tin INVEST AT HOME A wmt many people take great exception to so much American money being invested in Canada and yet these same people refuse to invest their own savings at- home. They have no faith in their 0WB 12av5i!,5r but "'r te send tne cah way to "'her countries of to cQrV parts of theit own country from that in which they live. This is a mistaken policy. Anyone living in Prince Rupert might well feel that thia is, so far as possible, the place to put their money. Failing that there are opportunities for good returns in the Portland Canal district or the mines of the interior. We published a good article Saturday showing the value of how ihfestments. If we invest at home and buy at home we shal' make progress. HI.EEIHNU THE CAPITALIST It is the policy of a certain section of the community to advocate "bleeding the capitalists." Such a policy aptieals to the man Uplift a MntklM ..! hnL.. a. .. . . . . . ... . - .. .u,i,1rK -iivj nianrr nu anempi io save or get nimself a stake 1 4fa in :a the community. . The . difficulty ... in carrying out such a policy !ant is that it drives away from the country those who have made money nnu Keeps away people with money who would otherwise come here and develop our industries. Any very radical policy is bound to have a reflex effect and injure the jtoople who put it in force. We have a lot of sympathy with the man who is striving to better himself. We are always glad to see legislation passed which will protect the poor man from oppression and will provide him, so far as possible, with a readable livelihood. What we object to in the Red method of setting up class differences. We all here belong o the wnrking da-.. We are trying hard to make a living. If some of us are careful with our dollars and them we immediately join the capitalist class and have a rather different outlook on life. If everyone.would do this. we. should have a community that would make for progress, ,1'sunlly those who are against everyone with a dollar in his pocket are those who spend their monev as fnat n they get it the riio' o tli Hie not ;i eotnnio'iw . lot l al'ti. .'"imrv or the government or Now is the time for Heat and serve with hot milk Protects the family's health Cuts the cost of breakfast MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS LEGION ELECTS ITS OFFICERS A. At tree Heads Terrace Organization With F. Hall as UEUeACK; Pb.. M Ta annual .mooting aad deatlon ci officers of the fiaur adtan Legion ta held Thundsy e- lng In the Legion Club Beams aud w well attended. The following are the officers for the coming year: i did bocks have been donated and put :n circulation :th ie travelime library ? ie Ciaron's Fulher. Who in Dead. Had 2(1 rhi'dren. (.ran. children, and It In The Letter Box riturusi o ! . L i : tjaay News. Prince Rupert A C , This fair city of ourir nuat hiv a stogan Feb 20. 1828 Prince Rupert one decnUtily .rtgtnal and cii.c This u Dime Fortune's home town. Why net adopt her own Invitation card for the slogan which reads something like this: . 4 Meet me at Prince Rupert BC 4 Dame Fortune. 4 . Would it not be a good drawing card If it was Drlnted on Mllhoard ld.he I thotieands upon thousands of lfe)o:?a golni to all parts of the world--this invitation tNsn the pleas Dame Fortune I People would way Hfh the with tne fishes speeding in in ..nd aeroplanes. not he flopplvi. this imm nor noaBderlng They would oorne Pulmana. steamships If you will mall the epclosed sample envelope I will report with five people this eomlug spring and summer FBtXOW BOOBTlR Ten Years Ago In Prince Kupert IKItUlAIIY it. ISIIt. The Surf Inlet gold mine on Princess Royal Island haa been formally tiHiisferred to the Belmont-Surf Inlet Co. which has been successfully operating the property for some time past. It is now said to the be the largest lullvldual geld producer In Hrltlh C ilumula. On account of a snowallde at Mile IS the train from the East, due at 3. So i; twuing. did not arrive until It '.am night There were a number of through passengers on board for the tcmer Chelohsln " ' vVoill has aeeu received in (he'cff ilni' David Thomv)ii jf Akerherg A Timms .n. while on business in Seattle. wi uken ill. an Immediate operation i inn necessary He la now reported to progressing favorably. tVtHV I.K,l I'KIIIM t'TION The wurld'a production uf both lead and alnc In 1026 surpassed sll previous records, to which the Canadian output. !. the hiKhen' yet recrried made s not inappreciable r mtnlni! ion. Canada t President A. Attree VIoe-PreaMent F. Hall. Secretary W. Chapman (acting during he abwn?e of N. SheVwood). j Bxecutlve Capt. Colthurst. W. Parr.' J. Lever. H. atlst. A. Carr and W. Oo;d- Wttl. I Entertainment. Oommlttee 8. Kir-Saldj. L. H Kenney, 5. Tyler and P. Hall. Mj-mlierihip Committee T. Turner : Sr . W. Parr. K. 8 Ole. House Committee Rev. W A. Rob- ; Insuu. L. H. Kinney. S. Klrkaldy. T. ' rurner Jr.. A. Creelman. Librarian ner. A. W. Robinson. 1 Auditor W. Osod.vln "and J Nelson The legion librarian rep:rt?d tht Hi? l!brarv was beine much used and &ODr- 1928 i ( .,,ied. Th?re are about seventy mem- j hers aad upward of one huntlreu splen- obtained from the government. " Refreshments were served at tne close . of the meeting. WAS FATHER OF : LARGE FAMILY I iicr Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mm. 0. Ames, S5 St Georg-e Stree t, Chathaar, Ont writes! "Last winter my three bOTl had terrible ooldr and a rough that hung on to long that it beffca to warrj m. MI et to my draff let and heaskl iatf I kad tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup llMI in "I toM W I had not, but that I would, and I trust sa.r that after the had aaMwf the third battle thej were entirely rid of the cough. . "I will feete be withoot a bottle of j 'Dr. Wood's' oa hand." 1 Price Me. a bottle, large family rite SOe-i put op oaly by the T. Miftum . Ox. LbuUa. Toronto. Oat. J is credited In 1926 with a production 1 ! ol 141.800 tons of lead and 74 969 tone of nine, constituting respectively about; 9 per cent and -o:nwhat !ei than per cent of the uurld'a total estimated production of the- mnals WEEK AT THEATRE. JlMtdat and Beee Daniels TneMlaj "Ba-un Olrl. Spou." Shew "id ThurxbiT ! ey." rman in The 1 1. a -ilnrdsT. Fiend - !'..., ! "SWIM, GIRL, SWIM" IS HERE TONIGHT WITH BE8E DANIELS AS STAR '"II.... I'o i.n..,L I .i f lluuiiir and ein.i. ... letton tr sut belong to far ai Be be . sr. is concerned uiecteU with a ie nays, the at- tht- spirit. And . lid rather make a ' ig with the actlv- j any other subject .atest comedy "Swim. ' - 1 r ..i Is being shown to-..aie about. I enjoyed miking The Campus Flirt."' say Mias DMiilels -and at that time I decided that if the general public liked mi- in it. I wjuld make another, tt "ifpins that they did. and sa I a':?d LI .-yd Crrlgan. author of "The Camfms Flirt and a gra-Junte cf the Un:vr!t.y of California, to give me mother. He pave me 'Swim. Olrl. Swim.' " The story itself deals with plain Alice Bralth. a co-vd at large university, whom only purpose In life It seem, is t chae rare bug and butter-fllei. Secretly, however. Alice yearn to be great athlete Sh Ukes up nrlminint making herself the campus Joke because of her 'ideas on the aub-Ject. and is penuaded to enter a forthcoming channrl swim. Strangely enough. In spite of the fact Mutt she cannat 'Wlm. Alice wins the race. Here Is the start of complloatlona which makes "wun. Oin. Swim" or of the funaleat Bene Daniels hat etet made Clsrence Badger is director Badger has been re;-mlble for a great Aany of her surrey including "The Campus A Case of Pacific Free mg . JttuwurD mL3 WHITE TODAY 1'aeifh Milk is gettinir in an One eiie of Pacific Milk HaNs) FREE, oath week for four weeks. For the second beat: A half 1'an. For third and fourth bent letter: A quarter case each. Ycur leiter will receive the moat careful consideration. And for the best letter in four week-. $10.00 in gold. Adfll'eas : PACIFIC MILK DIJAKE STHEET Vancouver, B.C. Ml iiiiiii an i m 1 a'ull K II RITiSHCQLUMBlA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the nd of December, 1926. -.- Has produced Minerals as foJJOws: Placer Gold, $?8,01o648; Lode Gold i Silver, $80,78703; 141,106,976,44$; Copper, . $209,,JB7,t8 Zinc, m.H&.-fn ' Coke, $231,699,133; Strnctora! MatelTals and Mlwellanetrfl tftmfrtft. tm, its mineral production to the end of 1926 show an AG Oil EG All! VALUE Or $9,103,470. PKODUCTION FOH YEAH ENDING DBCHSUlBlt, 196. IC7.18s.m2 The Mining Laws of thia Proving are more liler! and tha teen lower 0 ..-any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the Critiih fimplre. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Title are obtained by developing such properties, the seeurity of wi guaranteed by Crown grants. Foil Information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained addressing THE IlONOKAHLE THE .MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, RIUTISH COLUMBIA. X.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which , , , work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of tde i .Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to Huch rep uts. Tie able without charge on application to the De lurtmcnt of Mines, Victoria, : the Ceological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommend sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey I)intrlcts nre published sep.u available on application. X Flirt." "A KHs in a Tail" and "Sen-; . 1 oriu." and jumyea at tne enanoe to help . . with another deallnf with college life Of course. Miss OanMIe final It do': .learn to swim aad this required a great ', )-rt for sstaeeoe. For tbla role Oct-' trade iderle. world famous as the tint rornan to wlat the tngllsh Channel, wae ooutned. thui malting her first' fppea ranee before the camera, in the' picture she la shjwa in action in thii water.) and alto as a ptarer. j j; RIOTOUS COMEDY WITH A CIRCUS SETTING IS "THE LIFE OF RILEY" A afardl Oras and Venetlaa celebration cmointd can't be more picturesque and colorlul titan the circus background that figures in "The Life of tuiey." the rlo-toun film comedy co-featuring Oeorg S drcy and Charlie Murray here at the mid-week. Klcphanta and camels, wild men aad l.:a:d?d, ol.-.wns and hula girl In this sequence vie with a carload of fireworks, exploding among toe principal ili;r. a riot and s vrtlage fire, and ..lkiiy other comedy elements, la pro-vtdlns laughs aad thrills Rural comedy has in the peat been -nnsiderod natural mirth material, but :n combination with such "eaotlc" .hr.lls it Is doubly effective In "The f ife of Riley " The famous comln of staae and -rreen. Sidney and Murray, are ehafae-crlzed as rural town Fire Chief and Police Chief, respectively, aad Sam riardv. Myrtle Stedman. June Marlowe. Stephen Carr. Edwards DavU and Bert Woodruff have Interesting supporting roles "FIRE BRIGADE" AT WEEK-END Famous Film U Spectacular and Dramatic With Ixive Story Interwoven In point of acting, direction and story, "The Fire Brigade" qualifies as one of really great pictures it has bea the good fortune of this reviewer te wltnsss. This great love story, raged .gainst a thrilling fire background, opens n the week-end at the Wesiholme it K a Metro-Ooldwyu-Mayer picture. "The Fire Brigade" brings back to the screen the Charles Ray that every U'A U-Utit rn lMMAna.A w,..wKnM ' ' 1 au iXMiuviir-vj ii uiiiur I more. So write mm a letter on why vou 1 1 Us Pacific Milk . r.e lovw In a role that rifts him to new heights. The actor and the role seemed to be created for eaoh other. ! May McAvoy Is seen In the leading' feminine role opposite Ray. and playej the part with a sincerity that adds immeasurably to her htotnorue rank.' This actress is growing in dramatic! stature Into a brilliant artist with each cucceedlng picture. I "GOVERNMENT LIQUQK ACT" oti(K or ,urXHMioi ion num, Notice la herabv irn that n . ISIK " " . Mmm t ""."' r. me unaerslmed immense numher of latter., but mSSTtS? F&Z Vn'. "m! niJV 09111 being part of the bu..j:ng known a "Hotel Maasett situate on iVfteht if). Mock Fourteen (14). FlanDL 7 wuCT-ai nHrioiiaw i , anriii mwiau n . . r ir i ne iei letrer we are giv- neiniT:on strict in the riuKr ui nrrtrn uaium or Beer by the glass or by wv.iv mi cuii'jniuiion on mis , at Prince ttuptrt 18th day of February 19iR 1D2R OORDON BC. B DAVICR. ii rt the opn th pr- this Applleaht. "COVEHN.MENT I.KlUOU ACT." NfiTin: or ?irpMnrtm ton iierk mqticb Is 13th day of March ne: Inten Board nremlses hereby given that on n. iw a license In msmm the fit to apply to the I.lmmr rSi.i belne : snown as rort part Clemen merits the undersigned nf t.h. of the hniMino tlntAt 7 1st Pnrt ClemenU. BO. ubon the land, described as Lot No s. DM ?T '2 S division of Lot 74. Queen Chsrl .tie U-land Dtstr r- Msp N t07 Prlii, ,T gtrt Land lustration oiwEt. . the Frpvlnee of British Columbia, tor the bT '".f'" By the opiS ..... .in igin as nr nhMi... lin YDONF I.OBNK TlNOt EY Applicant.' very-day Mafflc Chairs that flop Into beds bas up dirt tiny ticking things that long for you. Daylight any niuht just a button. A stream that never stop-: ti off a faucet Any voiee you want, tai! o from a cage on your desk or wall. Ac i terday, of people miles away, ftoinir on before you. Stilled throats sinking f t discs;-distant throats siniring to you i'i- Uncanny, daily magic this, due ; advertising. Advertisements have riv, lights, telephones, typewriters, nuton i. creams, motion pictures. They have p'w eyes, new ears, new hands, new frot, rvv emotions. They have urged such wide w ered prices, that almost wishes aire .ui beggars can ride. Through adveitisr n: laid down the shovel and the hoe. v,u whole harvest ready-to-eat in cans. Yo i' the fiddle and the bow, for a ra'Mo. T old-time work left in this age of amazinu READ THE ADVEUTISEMK t They keep you to the fore of modt n All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 15 I'EIt CENT KUIMRH& 6 and 7. reirular 12.25. now . . Shoe Sale Continues. Every pair mui THOR JOHNSON UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED aalllBti from -"'N-- HsMn fr VAXCOtJVKR. VICTUKIA. Hutrslele. Alett IMy. Nr.. Th. lor tf tldoniA. awatikun lla. Alert Ba. . lor r-ORT SIMMON, S.KAH RIVI'.M ItllNTa. AI.IIB Viot AV, HTRW tKT. Wale. Island. Hands) . S p.m. . Itt in Avenue. ' ' 11 r. m. aMITII tcent ITlti. Thr.uich flikrt nld to Vlrtoila ami Hrattle, anil la tl.roiiRli to drsllnatlou. . - U. iIJJi . . -UIJS . . PMANT'S Best PFOcurable'i MaRKu TIIt ORICIKAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT r.,.. a Sg. umi a.ti4Jwi. u BdtnM-OtiMWI Dwialwm. LM. lra-a-GlM(a. 5Mlla. m i nmefaaTiinitit . j. This advert isnment l. not publl.tlmij or cliMplnyert ' Control Hoard or by the Government of BritM A M