PAGE FOtm the print He was afraid, and thought he had to go p Vancouver. A friend told him our op tician had passed the same exams that opticians in Van couver have to. Our optician found it was just the natural eye change at that aire and the proper glasses are giving him com fort. Our charges are also reus onable. JOHNgULGER? CJEWELLEtp THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK 'you PACTSjVPWoos) S.H1T UHT ( rr V We pass our coal over a screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make It a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert &McCaffery; Limited Phones 11C and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pllth and Gravel Hoofing Galvanized Roofing Chimney Tops Eave Troushing Conductor I'ipe Hoof Flashing Warm Air Furnace Slave Pip and Blbmvs Metal ItarfH and Siding Phone 340 IJox 467 COAL Prices DOWN Pembiaa Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts 911.26 Alberta Bootless Ugg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We iSpecialize in Piano and Furnitun Moving. here. Mr. Finn was Introduced bv Mrs. i Woodland. In his Introductory re- i marks he traced tbe early movement of experimentation with sneclal refer ence to the bringing of Dr Prince from Scotland to do expert work In Canada, and tbe building of the station at Departure Bay near Nanalmo. followed re cently by a station here. In speaking of tbe work being done. Mr. Plnn dealt particularly with the ex periments In freezing drying, salting, smoking and canning fish. In connection with freezing he aald that there was something radically 'wrong with froaen flab. It was dry. t as fleas and sitoarther unaDDetizlmi Mr. Puis wotted on th and discovered that by quick freezing small ice crystals i '." Jm "s'J' 10 -- were, termed In the muscle which did not br.'ak tbe sacks mid thus nihi,. tation had done suceaMful work. The tetton la mow experlmmtuu on the the natural juices of the fish to escape, j uses to which the fish oil can be ao- e troze two tons of halibut in the plied, such a, for mixing paint., for soap piing. kept it until the fall and then manufacture and in tempering of steel, snipped It East. Ho had It thawed out Fish meal, the speaker said, was used and placed on sale at Toronto. Mon- M food material f.i hoi- cattle ana and Winnipeg. The buyer, could ; poultry. The medicinal qualities of dog no distinguish between this frown fish liver oil which contain, the right halibut and fresh. By the old method v.temtn --.h when thawed out the fish is flabby and than cod liver ;1 ... be:ng lurther anything but nice to eat. By the new j investigated. Thev also had work to d method It wouid be passible to hold ; on the hair seal vUuch uinjht prove val-the fish in a freezing and plant sup- j uabie. ply the market Just when needed, thus. In closing Mr. Finn said he hoped th keeping the price staple. innltry ot thf blo,u8lcaI statl01l h9. Dialing with the smoking of flah the j been cleared up and he hoped he hac. speaker said most of tbe fish on this ; -shown it was worthy of' the support o csast was smoked. On tbe Atlantic it I the citizens. is dyed. The combined action on fuh i On motion of Mrs Ami rU' Mrrulrlp preserve It. When dyd It does not need to be ...naked so much. The experimental station can now prjdu full smoked aut hours, which la equal to that previously required 18 hours. Dealing with canning Mr. Plnn aald that on opening cans of clams, often a little smut was found on top. The cans would be discarded and tbe elam nner were at their wits' end to discover the cause. They appealed to the Biological Beard which In no time found that canning clams Immediately after tailing overcame this Mr. f-::n. weal on to speak of tbe iy Mrs. Miller, a hearty vote of thank-o th speaker w.i-, passed The thron' of women pressing around tlie speaker to aiic questions at the conclusion tc?- :ifi?d to the Interest aroused. In connection with the lunch. Mrs W T. Kergln and Mr, Stork poured, while Mesdames L. W Kerglu. C C Mills. 7lph LePlne. Nelson and Miss nivett erved. IIOTKI. iKIIIt tl.S T. O. Prlnee Huprrl Oarretl J E Lawienre. Nur- act mat the nth was becoming scarcer iman Boyd, a A .md of the change which was likely to P. D. Mathers, c .. -..u iiiiuiih mr uiproaucu i iiarrts. aeer pHanelton. ef the ;ish. Tbe gelatin on photogra phic m nix was niade from flah glue mi- Mlss Durle. O. Crawford. ...- piace in tne methods of ftablng. A. aek. flejicourer; O. Walby Wlnni-H: sugsested that freezing stations peg: R. B. toung. Port Simpson' W would be established near the banks, i r. Smith. Winnipeg: Mrs E h Cox He also spoke of the. work done In Hateltdty WIl H. Watt. Amsbury; D A Central Blanche Stanley ported from Burope, yet thousands of Nes. Vancouver; E. Bostrom alloni of flah glue was being thrown away here every year. The biological station was now at work on this. The ptMuetienW a fish oil without 'icrun-en. city: W P. Taylor, .lm and O.iBirdal, CU R. .Huvey odor wa, also something on which the Unnsn. O. Olson, j. M Wood a 65,000,000 Bushels of Grain Move West L v. uk) the United Kingdom; 3,!.04 bushels to the OrTent and 341,557 bushels to other countries. It is inlerestinif tonot tbat up to -laiuiar.' zi. th. t.antniiun raulic ra-iway loaded on wv.i i n linew Uih -u.-oii I 1n ears of crains ol all -1 ' 1 ' i - ll plated end lo end this vast collection of cars would stretch approximately l,t70 miles and a train, travelling at the fat rate of B0 miles an hour, would take nearly twenty hours to pass them. Very few people know that the very enten'ive and expensive facilities provided by the ( anad'nM I'arilic railway to handle tne annual grain crop on western lines remain idle, comparatively speaking, for about trtu ihii'l r,f ihe enr, and Ihu iuuns iine I I ii, 1 1 ..-v n,, j. 1. ACnadlsnPaclfcfrrtahtbostlH-lnttlo i Bound f.,r lar ...uiHSMrfUm. . ..-A.:., rr, u, a Krain train pawna tniuuth ihe mountainous real. I ihe west. 1. AVfauT. d. tuLT Over 66,000,000 bushels of grain will be carried into tbe port of Vancouver (or the twelve months ending March ill next ai-on!ing t estimated inures issuel front th.-Offices ol K D. Colterell. V. innipt. Man., KUlienntench nt of trjnsiir tation for the western lines ol 1 1 Canadian Pacific Railway. These figures will establish a record. In fact they show enormous tride since lft2 - the lirst year that the Canadian Pacific Hailwav handled any uantit" of grain to the western coast. Up to and including Jtnuan 'Jl of the present year, a total ol 32,83.'l,57:i Imshels have been shippt-d by lioat from the port, of Vancouver Of 1 hi i umount J , 7 5 1, Uttit Lu-'lttls liavu lin-n routed in I1UI nd ri.Ui Mr llM-tnr AI.. - me; and extra rollinr stock earn no ret u i na diiriri" th period mentioned. The building of the Tranneonu yards at WinniptK. with over 100 miles of truck and a e ipaeily of 12,000 ears, one of Ihe nmvt ui) to date v arils nn till' ei-rttlMer-f w . mi-i rr in handle the ( anadian Pwcinr s gram ira'iu. ano m tnereiore used for handling revenue traffic only about two thirdh of the year. During the time the cam and locomotives i re lyinit idle they are inspected (imrouirhiy by the mo-ehann-al d i'. rt rnent and put into "rxt -I;ih t-liupe, ro that when the rush comment ea they are ready for immediate i, ,,. This year seventy nl the i.. .i n v "k largest engines were tran ntuj west for the grain haulage jTHEJ DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By Georpe Mc!V- He Was DON'T LET CO OF THE ROPE ASTHE YOU HAD A CLOSE 06E.if-Y&,- VOU ARE A i rr .A OC ' liV40. I F-W . iL. l-VTsT . TIDE IS VERY STRONC HERE-THAT'S CAUL-FRIEND AU-FRtEMD-y YOU HAVE HAVE r-J HERO- HERO-YOU THENQnWeACHER? ARE J- JV THE LAD-NOW CUMB UP AN' VOL) O m. O are. Safe- jmi ) , FINEST IMQING l III ccanM Tn.Mo.iic.r6i rW V - Not Coins Blind !. if. wii He coljld flftfcrd or eyes smarting and Some times could not even then see I EXPERIMENTAL STATION WORK IS EXPLAINED Local Scientists are Endeavoring lo Wrest Secrets From Nature ' Useful to Industry Tbe field of the Pisnerles Kzuerl-: mental Sutton la entirely new and the workers there ire pioneers seeking to penetrate the dark unknown and to wrest a lew secrets from nature." de clared D. B. Plnn. bead of the station here. In an lntenaely Interesting address given to the Women's Canadian Club Saturday afternoon at tbe Commodore Cafe. "At many timet tbe work lo discouraging but every pioneer must face failure after failure." Mr. Plnn i saw the work was developing rapidly and was one of great promise and a much larger station will soon be needed and Rimer Henry Vllen. Btitedale: H A and 8 W anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 32c per word in advance. No AdvetHecment taken for 1pm than no, FOB RENT OR RENT. ROOM IN PRIVATE home 433 Eighth Ave. West. Phone Red 787. ai OR RENT. ROOMS WITH OR WTTH-out board. Central location. Phone Blue 193. tf iOUSB FOR RENT. BOOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Brea. tf OR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE Apply an Fourth Ave Eaat. tf ' Wahlstrom. C.N.H . Charles Lord. C. Flewln and a E Brown. Port Umpson: S J Mayer and J. Beu. 'mlthers: C Beck. Dlgby Island. TERRACE The COLT were entertained at the .;me of their ieidrr. Mes Wm Allan jii Saturday afternoon, it being the facial meeting of the month Miss iJavis and Mrs. Seamen asiuted In n- :?rtsinlng and in the serving of re-ireshtnents. A Ocrdenough. Smithers was here at the end of the week in the interests f the Hanson Timber Co.. In rcmpllment to their guest. Mrs .IcEwen of Prince Rupert. Mr and Mrs C. Chis- ifiecMe Little enterUined at brtdve on Mc- .atuiday evening High schoc.l held sers:on here on oaturday to permit of inspection by ff. C Franer. schtiol inspector of Pruurs Rupert F:nal basket hall practice was held n Saturday evenlUK prior to the High hooi 'r:im leaving uon for -mlthers ! ., game with the local .mi of that place. A missionary day of prayer was observed in the Anglican church on Devotional exeroues were conducted by the rector. Rev. a. W. Robin- I on and addrese were given durir the day by Mrs. Marsh on South I "merica Mrs Roblason on the Moslem World: Mrs Allan en Prayer and Mr j Glass on the Jews A box 1uiiC1k-ii land afternoon tea wax served durin-'the day. j Mrs Butt of Usk w the ruf ot jMrv Allan for a lew d.i,., ni the week jetwi and returned home on Saturday Capt and Mrs. J n P-iirsday on fouthern B.C cities. O Binirrstrcni. HuUm ii Bav hium . ,.... : if K tw.iMa a ihe week Dr Oosse, I'rl'iee silent a lew dnys i .i the week In th.- i.n-i frsslon W B Colthurst. Iff: uolid-v titp ti. I Mr nd Mrs. Geo Dover entertained at orluge on Friday eeer,1ni in not.: -i! Mrs H MrEwen of Priuoe Itupert V Lewis of Prince Rupert was i hn.iiess nitor here duriiiK the wk Mrs H. McEwan wiu. a kuci of I honor at an nftermon tea ,u th( jlionie of Mn E. T Kenney 0:1 Friday I itternoon VIM-' Hu, iu-i.- .Imiiu ri drini."' the -u,i l! hi. ;t, a bti- i:ess trip f Pilm- Itu.H-rt M' I,,, rt Mrs O T Sindal (Mil.. .1 .. 1 .. 'IS' .'II l.nirifll'- ".-!;:;il( ii oornliiMnil to Mrs II MeKcn rf Prince Rupert. naliu: sper, - business, sailed last Canm-uti tor Htewio1 '"'' Fi v hi.-k. 1 , ' '. ! in.,,, enler- Kev Wm Allan of United church ev w address at the on.-hsif Hlah lull iine,i k.r,ivu, i,, sws4 ", " " 'i uie .(Jli'i.n cbnrcli next Wt-dneiKl.iy Mrs OeoiKt, Little was h.isiess n brld'e luneheon on Thumiav m i at " '" '"' '"' e-)ii'luctd e-eh Wetlia oav evenini; during Int ;of her guest. Mn H. MrEwen Kuprrt ' f Ali-er repn I I I lldaile re! tji i:, tin WANTED WANTED WELL KNOWN CANADIAN Manufacturer of Electric W sabers want local distributor. Exclusive preposition, and particularly attractive arrangement with practical sales help that will force business Latest type washer with exclusive patented sales features, which make a the easiest maohlne to sell. Apply giving full particulars Box 96. Dally News office. 48 WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOK- kecper: permanent position: out of town: gcod aalary. Reply in own handwriting Boa M Dally New office, ao OlrtL WANTED FOB Phone Blue twd CHIMNEY SWEBF II. J. BKMrSEam neaentl Itamlv Man STEAMSHIP e'er Vancouver Tuesday -as. c.uii Prlday- ss. Pun -8aturitty-sf tv -a. !:.-Feb II pi za - it . I rum iiiexliu. i Suntluv s- ... WednflKlny Saturday, si. : Saturday -s ": Peb. II -m f Feb 35- -ss : :: . HOOBBWORK IPW Pact RhHliMin . tf 1 Suiid'iy- as ('-.: kor sale FOR BALE. II8O0 BUYS A NEWLY finlehed bouae 5 rooms, bathroom, pantry and basement. Handy to sawmill. Phone Black ESI. tf for sale rrvr. room hotme and bath. Sixth Avenue and Hall Street. 1MO0O: Easy terms. Apply Theo. Oollart Co Ltd. FOR SALE -HOME AND CONTENT8 Two loi. feiir-d, rarage: a-ir-ln Apply owner. 33 5th Avenue W. 48 MIHCfiU.ANEOUK EXPERIENCED MIMER WANTS TO wcrk for prospector Or would take gradlag or clearing contract Apply V. Redman. Pjo Box 103 Prince Rupert, BC. 48 FUMN1TUHE AND RANtiKH nONT BR1NO YOUR DUtT' BOOTH from the gaTuen into the kitchen Place a Diamond Rubber Mar v the Kitchen door We carry them in stork also all kinds of furniture and ranges A. M.U'KENBIE Furniture Phone 775. irnares sod Sbives Cleaned and Re I paired Chimnles ewept Cemetery Plot Cared Pot Phone Red J4i Prince Ruaerl BC EXCHANGE NEW A NO P'ONI IMNP FI'NNITt'Bf: bought inu sold and axchanred Plarer Piano and Two Cash Reiltr In akMk tnnpi low M.tMAE "W Third ve CHIROPRACTIC OK. R. K. F.YOt.F10N rhlrnprarter W3 Third Avenue. iciephcne for appointment now to Blue SB Residence ohnrw Black M3. Pveniiig sails made as arranrra Make your apnointtnent now. ( I'RINCE IICl'KRT TIIMWI t - - .4-44.4)4 ! MOM1AV. FKIMII'nV 7 !,',"h 5:44 am. 30.1 ft IB:41 p.m. t.4 " " . 12 Id n m U " "of T"""". FK.M,I',V W H Wat. Aow ....... ow Sinurclav :. L..ZZ l ' " P W B 4 y "n ' r nn i - 4. 0:!7 run. s- n ujn. ao MFOVI M)v. KKIIBI'ARY J!) ""n i''i a. I,I ft. n M pn. US 1,,w l:9iaJ. .7 " 14:84 p en 8. " TIIIIWIMV MtBU'II i Low Hinli low Hl?h ntaiive r Ulw "ii-'iini- .ii.. in- In th- ... ' - - . uii , r!''" -n Ihe'm,,!, "I s,. I - m, .lft ipt. 22:4,1 pq?. . if f" 2 -M n sti! iJo T v-l T in I" 1 ill FRIIIW, MAHf ll t in Ti m - p in ' 4:t njw. 17 K pm NATI HIUV. M tRrit 1 1 27 n ni VII am IH 111 pill M MI.W, M Alt II 1 017 n m U V1 :i m ii "i; i in l.i .1.' p in i ft. 17.0 " 0.0 " 4.3 " 211 1 f( HO ' II ;i ' IH.'i ft Prewi Pert Kiinit-nt- Tuesday I'er Anni ami -i-Bundiv v i ' i Wedneeilty tvom tiixi ami Tuesday -as r-rv Frldsy si f'r lor t(neen Cli n (in i: it'1 . ' J . 1 rini ;iiten ( Inri 1 L I , Feb a" f. ! ur tl.takii f eh r s p. Peb ' v V: From tlaka Feb 15 s- I- Peb W as P: Ft'lin r Hi. F.nsl Mondays We.1. closes Froni the Katt- Tuednvs Thtir' due to t aiK-oii rer TneJay Pt1.1sy Biturdsvn . . . c I'. it. i tb :; T-a::i. Mei.i. . ftatuMiyi. (.t., .W.lf- BundiT' Wednesdsye Pridays . . . C P It Feb ! : Traltis, SniK'i'y. dnys T Alk-e ' Premier Bunilavs Wedtiesilivs Pn in tiio. Alter Premier Tne 'ays . . Prirtayi In, .i s HUrr P ftundav . Frit Vfi Blver I' Tliin'ti' To Ali't i Point Feb. ! ' and ? From AlisNn I'olnl' Peh IS and 2" To Qtieen Chariot le Peb II and 2r Pram (pueen rii.iri- Feb 8 and 2-1 CM T Par te Pts andsy . . ednes , at J t 30 ni Frwii lie Tuesday. Thurs,! at HO pm LAND NOTION Mtfft In Cassbir 1 itl i Ing Dlstrlet oi i-situate a Die n, Lake bIhhii 40 i town of Atl"i. in Ir.naluiiU. unci n latltucle TAKK NOTIrP. ' Ceinleuv. til l ! B C oe' ll!'-U '('11 'I ' ' for n 'i ,v ,,f Mi- l-OMl (' ,,,i, iif noi l I) . - :nl ir IVin i,- nori'i' ICivi ' 1 1 1 ' in -ric nip- 1 th-i' ,-tii' U i