1928 ., Bout Risk the Embarrassment of Pefspir&tioxi Odom The one to two pints of perspiration which, according to physicians, come through the pores daily, is natural . . . and healthful . . . but perspiration odour is not only unnecessary but extremely "bad form." This unpleasant odour is seldom recognized by the offender, but everyone else notices it. Lifebuoy is sure protection Besides being a superior toilet soap, Lifebuoy, through its creamy, gentle antiseptic lather cleanses and purifies the millions of tiny pores and keeps the skin sweet, offering safety from perspiration odour from bath to bath. Don't try to cover up perspiration odour. Prevent It with Lifebuoy Soap for face, hands and bath. It costs no more. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto LblM LIFEBUOY Purifies HEALTH SOAP :iTV "" nll shlm.nl and Protects Another Way to Spell Success i way to spell Huccess co-operation The athletic ' i operate to -unied ('Ultra nr.i t get together ihu proa-nun iunicv And your tlmtor and your h'Uild co-ojH'rnt.' for lft results in j-. ttini? the sick i Here ai Ornii . ar rive your doctor the best co-f mn in tiK- i'ulli. his prescription orders im-l uxing lw;iy tne purest and freshest of drugs. 20 Years I'rescription Specialists rimes iJbBL yfw Pioneer Dmacis THIRD Kl i, SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?,200 Canadian National Steamships Go. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AN II SHIPYARD Uptrallnic d.T.l MMMHI Ten Hunting Dry lck Sneers. Mai-hlnhta. Bt.lernNk. i. HI uVmltna, Ni makers, launders. Woodworker. Kic. EI KCTIUC AND aCIJTVI.I-'NK KI.IMNU Our plant is equipped to hamlli' "H of MARINE AND t'OMMKKtiAI. WORK. I'HONBS 43 and .1M5 Canadian NfflflML Urgea Kaiiway SyJlcm in America s SU , STEAM3HHV AND T1LA1N SKKVKft n:i ' I'ltlNCK , f7VANCO,.VKU. VII TOH..V SKVn tK. (1 v,,"l',"""'(lll" PO'nt. KHIIIAV. 9 00 ...a. Wri. 1 VOX. Wb WKIINKIWIIV. 10 00 pin I'.lSSENdtn EX,,tlt TKAINH TltAINH I.KWt: l.r.r. t'lllMK I'l.lMK B on,(E. aV. Timui raiser, k. ItlM'fc farl, v,,Vv to .r "II ':i.NEHI,AV .nd K.HI UI.U ".U. .m i0. Slau!! MONTON. WINNIIMI. .11 KW C""'""t' UU ited I 1 Local and Personal B.C Undtruseis nxJne ti Dentist. Dr. J. k. O-mm Phone 68 8katlng dally, 3 to 4 and 8 to 10. tl Get th Bmi 4 Mfafti Wbeo tmntl&i off a : Taxfc pboee 4 .!" .11 . H l'1-. 't.t Pioneers last chance! Get vour tlcfcei for the Pioneers' Banquet, March 0. at Messrs. Dybhavn & Hanaou' ofllce. P. O. Dawson, who ha been on i business tr.p to Montreal. Is expected to return to the city on tomorrow afternoons train. A. Strachan, manager of the Pioneer Laundry, returned to the c.ty on th Camosun lal night from a buslncK trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Dowther returned to the city on the Camusun last night Ircm a t . weeks' buying trip to Vancouver am; other polnu In the south. tor arr Headquarter for shoe rr-nulrliix. Hend them In us for vulue, smlrr and satlsfactlun. Miw Arlhur'n !4hie Htore. tl Robert Gordon. Seventh Avenue Kaat merchant, relumed to the city on the Camoaun last night following a two week', business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Oeorge FrlieMll. who has been on a buying trip to Vancouver and other points In the south, returned to the city on the Camonin last night. Mrs E. R. Cox arrived tn the city from the Interior on y-ssterdsy afternoon's train being In charge of an I iclian girl prisoner for the police author! ties. W. H. Tobey, C.NJL divisional superintendent, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train after having spent a few days In th. Interior on ifflcul duties Mr. and Mnr Thomas McMecktn. who have bren on a combined business end pleasure trip to Vancouver and other point in the south, returned home on the Camcsun last night. Louis Maxrl. on a charge of drunkenness, was remanded for eight days in city police court this morning. Accused U at present a patient in the Prince Rupert Oetieral Hospital. Mlaa Mary Caatell of the nursing staff of the Haaeiton Hospital returned to the interior on Saturday after having spent two or three week. In the elty recuperating from . feceut Ill- D. A. Harris, well known New Haeel-ton mining openttor. arrived in the city cu the Camosun last night following a business trip to Vancouv-r and proceeded this morning to the Interior by train. Elmer Hess, well known Alice Arm mining man, who has been in Vancouver for some time, arrived in the city It m the south on the Camosun last night and will proceed north la.rr In the week. Motonhlp BeUingham. Capt J. E. Anderson, arrived In port this morning from Ketchikan with a cargo collating of six cartoada of froren fish for transshipment Esat over the Canadian National Railway.. W. C Little, well known Woodcock rancher, arrived In the city from tbe 'htrrler on yesterday afternoon's train and will be hen until Wednesday. Mn. Little, who has been in the city for the past week, was admitted last night to the Prince Rupert General Hrwpltal in undergo an operation which was performed this morning. . Oram Hall of Montreal, vlce-presl- lrnt In charge of operation of the C'annrtlnn Pacific Railway, during his visit herr on Saturday afiernnon wai drlvtn arnmid the city and saw. among ether plarea. the plnnt of the Cana dian Fish Cold 8'oritRc Co. th Bin Day Lumber Co.'s sawmill at fknl Cjve mil t'.ic Alberta Whr.i: Pool s liral e!e- vntnr dipt. J. W. Tioup. manager of Unv-li Columbia Coast Btrnmihlp 8i :rf.i who nrromj nnled Mr Hall, tn t ril that he noterl many "laiprove-iiKMiif- In rr'it.T Rupert since his last .: here wveral yer.rs bro. ANNOUNT,MKNTS Moose Leap Year Wlilst Drive and Dance February 2. 'Aunt 8tisan's VHIt" at United Church. March 8 and 9. Anglican Cathrdral Tea March 17. St. Putrlck'a concert. Monday, March 19, Wcatholme Theatre. ; JIM .". Caihollc Women's League spring le ' '" 1 """ df'Mrll:,AprH': Elks Cabaret April 20. Roval Society of Bt Oeorge WhUt Drive and Dance. April W. CSEo a THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THEEE Bitter Enemies "Fruit-a-tives" the Foe of Constipation MILLS, N. B. "I can NEW honestly say 'Frult-a-tlves are the best internal regulator I have ever used. Other remedies, and I have tried many, caute pain and rlplng, but 'Fruit-a-tives' always act easily and eflec-tlvely. I most sincerely recommend them." Mr. S. MacNalr. Made from the Intensified Juices of fresh fruits combined with tonics, "Fruit-a-tlves" Is a naturalmedlcine.ltstrenthens the system to act naturally without the continuous use of laxatives 25c and 50c a box. L. Let nailed lat iiil"' tun for Stewurt. ie Ciimo- Hat.ve Sons Whist Drive and Dance Metropole Hail, rrutay. March i. sa Mr. and Mn. Jamas McNulty. who iouth. At a AO yesterday afternoon the fin department was called to exUugulnsh a grams fire the third within a week-en Hay Cove Avenue near the Ridley Home. No damage was done. All merchant, art requested to close their .tore. Wednesday from 2 -SO to FUNERAL OF LATE RASMUS PETERSEN HELD ON SUNDAY Large Number Altrnd to Pay I l;rx-(l (o Member of .Moose Including members of the women's and ' men's organization, of the Moos: Lodge, there was) a large concourse at the funeral yesurday afternoon at 4 o'clock of the laU.' Rasmus Petersen, whose death occurred latt Thursday night In the Prince Rupert Oer.eral Hoepttal. The otMequles took place In the Moose Hall with Rev. John H. Hansen, pastor of Bt. Paul's Lutheran Church, officiating in both Norwegian and English tor. sues. There were two anthems by the church choir and solos by Mrs. P. W. Allen, accompanied by Mr Praser. Mr. J. H. Hansen played jccompanlments for the hymns. Pre, tent at the service, besides other mem wru of trf fam!!y. was . daughter who had Just arrived from Viking. Al- .rta 'tfr widow, through Illness, was unable to be in attendance. After the service. Interment took place in Falrvlew Cemetery. - Pallbearers, all members of the Moose order, were Elnar Ijireen. Jacob Knut- sen, Knut Knutsen. Ole Strand. Bert Whist drive tonignt .a bju in we -. B u Slmnaon. Mooes Elk's Heme. Helgerson Bi.c-it. rltuaiutlc burial services were carried out both at the hall .nd at the grave. Those sending flawera Included Mr. .nd Mn. R. T. J. Rose and family. Mr. and Mn. J. Preece. Women of Moom- have been spending part oi tne winter stmn Legion, a. Benderaen. and Mr In California, returned to the city on ; m, Mn j ivaMoni j Penneu. the Camosun last night from um After . view had been taken of the scene of the accident at the dry dock gat, adjournment was taken this morning in the County Court case of J. W. Collier vs. the corporation of the city of Prtn-e Rupert In which damages are claimed by tbe plaintiff as a revolt of a colllilcn of a car and city truck some time ago. L. W Patmore U ap- Dearing for the plaintiff; W. E. Fisher 4 pjn. Funeral of late Mumy Fuller u .ty conducting the defence on in Presbyterian Church t a pjn. o. c. ! behalf of the I'sbllltv Insurerce com McRat. President Retail MerchanU' As- ,) City Solicitor I. F Jone. Is oei"on. holding a watching brief for th- city The case will be proceeding again be- During the peat twenty-lour noun, fore Juage r McB Young at a o'clock fifty carload, of grain have arrived afternoon from the prairies for the Alberta Wheat j Pool". Prince Rupert elevator. Kauway E. H. Mortimer returned to the city omen thU morning reported three on the Camosun last night from a hundred can on Ute ' division bouno three week.' trip to Vancouver hen. I Another meeting of the Park. Board ( city council, provincial government. Canadian National Railways and others concerned. The Busy Bees, young girl.' organ izatlon of St. Paul'. Lutheran Church, met Saturday afternoon at the home .of Mrs. J Murvold Sewing was ed in ar.d the b03k "Slater Abigail" was read. Refreshment, were served and a large turnout was present. i L'nlcn iteamer Veutun. It la expected, will remain on the Vancouver-Bella Bella-Ocean Falls-Prince Rupert mn for ar jther three week.. The Car-der.a. which la being given an extensive overhaul at Vancouver, will not be ready to resume service before that time. It is reported Ulse E'.wltt. Ha i It on Indian woman, sentenced to four month.' Imprisonment for vagrancy, was Drought to the city on yesterday afternoon', train and will be taken to Okalla later In the week. Mn. E. R. Cos. who ea-corted her hen. returned to the Interior this morning. Orion steamer Camosun, Capt. Jas. Plndl.y, arrived in port at S.10 last night from the south, sailing at midnight for Anyox. Btewart and other northern ports of cell. Passengers on the Camosun Included A, Btracban. E. New. Mr. and Mn. T. McMsikln, Mn. R Dowther. Mn. Oeorge PrUgsell, Robt. Gtrdcn. S. H. Mortimer. L. Harris. Mr. .-nd Mn. James McNulty and Mr. Mc-Ml Urn for Prince RupSEtl M. Oreea for Anyox; R. W. Bandy. W. J. Crawford and F. A, Alien for Stewart, and John-Run and two boys for Klneollth. B.t FUR COMPANY HAS COATS FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN a! The DC Pur Company have made very special purchaM of Ukdtes', Misses' and ChUdnu'i coau. There an not ' .W In . V. u. I. n I . W... k I Hwuf lit vuv wiivnj iu UU, bftvy aiv very finely manufactured garments, tbe material and wirkmanahlp being of the best. Some cf them wen used as um-ilm, which means that tbe workman ship and finish as well a. the material; has to be without a fUw. Getting thej .-ffer pf this lot at a very special price; for cash, the BjC. Fur ' Company an' now passing on theae bargain prices to t Hell customers. Then la a braulfml variety of child-ire's osotn : the regular price ranging up to S1B.00. and the apeclal price li Sfl.7&. Then Is also every alae In Miasei' li id Ladles' coats in tweeda, the regular pr-cr of which runs up to SSS each and the special price for these It Sia 78 Ah then an only a few of these Coats U' orer. they will n.t last long at the price and those who come at once and have their pick of Urn fine coats will lo well rewarded Advt. "When I hit a man he remembers it " "Vou ain't mid nothln' at all. bo Wlu ii Ah hits a mini he don't." Port V , ill. .in I'lmc J. iiuioL CARD OF THANKS is caned for this ertemocn to rurtnei ; Mn. Rasmus Petenen and family SUcui city beeutlflcatlcn A proposal desire to convey then- sincere thank, to will be .dopted for .ubmiarion to the their many friends for tbe kind ex- press tons of sympathy received in their recent bereavement. Also and particularly to the members of the Moose Lodge for the funeral arrani SYNOPSIS OF uND ACT AMENDMENTS PREEMPTIONS Vacant; uarwaerved, surveyed frown lead, may be pre-empted by Uritlah subjects over IS years f aga, nl by aliens on declaring Intention m iterume Brltiah subjects, conditional upon realdence. ooepatlon, ad uaprevsiaeat for agricultural Fall laformatsen concerning rsru-Atlost. regardlaa; ftre-empllons 1. given In Bulletin No. L. Land Serlae, "How to Pre-empt Land," eople. of sihlch can be obtained frss of charge Iw addrtwelng the Department of Lund a. Viutor(s. B C. or te any Oov-srnmeat Agent Rerord. will' be grwated covering only land sultabl tor agricultural purpoaem, and which Is not timber-land. I.e., carrylnar over l.oes board feet per acre weal of the Coast Range and MM feet per acre east of thai Rang Applications tor pre-emption, axe to be address to the Land Com-mleeloner of th Land Heeordlng Division in which the land applied for I. situated, and are mad on printed forma eoplee of which can b obtained from th Land Commissions. Pre-emption mutt be occupied for flv year and Improvements mad to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at laat flee aerss. before a Crown Grant ean be received Per mors detailed Infomttlen th Bulletin "Hew to Pre-empt Und." PURCHASE Application ar received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown land, not being tlmberland. fur agricultural purpoees: minimum price tor first-class (arable) land I. 15 per .era, and second-class (erasing) land 11 SO per acrs. Further Information regarding purchase or lea. of Crown land I. given In Bulletin No. 10. Land Rrla, "Purohas and Leas of Crown Land.." Mill, factory, or Industrial site oa timber tend, not exceeding 49 aer, may be purchased or lad, th een-dlUons Including paymsnt od tumpag. HOMESITE LEASES Uruurvsyed araa. not sodlng tt sere, may b laed a. homsslts. conditional upon a dwtllin bta noted In th first year, till bslng obtainabl afttr resident and Improvement condition ar fulfilled and land has bn surveyed LEASES Per grating and Industrial pwr-posss areas not axeeedlng 141 aere may be laad by one praoa or a Company. ORAZIMQ Undr th Orailng Aot U Proe-lao divided Into grwiltuc dlstrtoU and th rang administered undsr a Orating Cummlssloner Annual grating prmlt ar laud bad ea number ranged, priority being glva t established ownr. Btook-ewnera may form ueolallon tor raao management Pre or P-rly tree, pwmlt ar available for eetUere. eanpr and travetln-e. at U teas Richmond s :: Louvre announce their of - on living: models in the Westholme Theatre on Ml 1 "l1 Monday ana I February 27 and 28 from 8.15 to 9.15 p.m. iiesoay, Here you will see the very latest creations of apparel for Ladies Hats, Cloaks, Dresses, Coats and Lingerie evolved by the world's most famous and exclusive modistes, displayed on living models and worn as such clothes ought to be. DO NOT MISS THIS DISPLAY of Grace, Youth and the Newest in SPUING FASHIONS Richmond s 0 Louvre New Spring Fabrics A Special Purchase of NOVELTY FIGURED SILK DKKSS GOODS Assorted desltrnB and shades. Regular value $1.95 to $2.50 Selling for, per yard $1.25 Fraser & Payne Canadian PACinc Universal Trading Co. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Wrangrll. Juneau ami skngw.) -January ?8. t'ebrasry II, IS To .mvuer, Mctotla and seultlr r'ebrnurv I, 13. and Stt. . I'KINCKHft llti.MKICE. fe tt Itutedale. East llella llella. O-ean rslta. Naiitti. Alrrl IUJ. Campbrll Klvrr. anil Vinrauifi evert MatrdV.gl " tgenev ter all Kteamshlp Lines. dip Informatkin Iruni- V. t . niUMl.tltll. Oenenl Agatif Corner of 4th Street and SrU Aienue. lrlnce ItupevM II.C. Phen SI Insist on ins B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality