PAGE SIX We Eat No Meals; Ride No Cars - WHEN' you hire us to do the family washing, you are not put to the expense or bother of feeding us. We eat nothing! .Neither do we ask you to pay our carfare. Instead we call for and deliver your washing. We buy our own soap, starch and bluing. Heat our own softened water. Use our own electricity, too. There's no "picking-up" after us. We take all the messy work out of your home, giving you an extra day to do the things you like to do! Yet you'll find our charges most reasonable considerably less than it would cost you to do the same work ul home. Try us, and see! The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners I'hone 8 HEALTH FOLLOWS CNIROPIACTKCOtREOI reroute on srtiui HVtllNDStaJHOr THCreUOWINSOMMJ: m0 vL-yy R saw en tr vsont v c HlHtl A SOUND INVESTMENT IN HEALTH Produced a Bigger Dividend than the safest bond W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR 6 Exchange Mock Green 211 Spring Hats emers :: Costumes :: Latest Frocks Dr. Alexander Smith Block I'hone 675 DENTIST Radio Radio pelallalng on the v. No 17 Rsdlola, we wiih to draw your attention to the Radlola No. IS. It la another of the up-to-data, last si months modtls, a all tub receiver. Price. IfM Radlotrooa MM Price. w,lh Rsdlotrons .. SIII.I.1 Prue complete with Radio, iron mid loo A Loudspeaker $1.13.15 I W. II VNDI.KU Eacluvve Wholesale Dualer for Radiolas orrirr: sift Hlxtli M. tUtx II 1.1 rrlnrc Kupert, D.r. REPORT MADE OF TAXATION Commission Appointed by Pro vince of Alberta Makes , EDMONTON. -Feb. 27. Imposition.. OX a provincial Income tax and inmu oi me gasoline tax from three to five centa are Important recommendations In the report on the whole question of revenue and taxation In Alberta eub- mltted by Dr. 11. M. Tory, prealdent of the Unlveralty of Alberta and chairman of the special committee appointed by tne legislature to deal with the sub ject. The report was tabled in the legislature Tuesday afternoon by Hon. R. O. Held, provincial treasurer and minuter of municipal affairs. The committee sitting with Dr. Tory Included. A. A. Carpenter, chairman of the board of public utilities sloners; Id ward pinchbeck, secretary municipal districts association; A. T. Stephenson . city commissioner. Red Deer, and A. H. Towell. manager of the provincial Hall Insurance board. Rob ert English, deptuy minuter of muni cipal affairs, acted as secretary, and James C. Thompson, nrovlnclal .hhi. tor. served In sn idinn Mnii ' 1 The committee recommends: 1 Imposition of a provincial Income tax. a Increase in gasoline tax from tnree to five cents a gallon. S Repeal of the Supplementary Rev enue isx. and substitution of a Public Revenue Act. 4 collection of all taxes on natural resources by provincial government. If resources are returned to the province. a Enforcement of Liquor Act pro- DEPARTMENT OF WORKS PUBLIC HEI.LA COOLA LOCK-IP SEALED TENDERS mrinruil -t.h. r for Lock-UD Bella Cools." win h . rm- elved by Che Minister of Public Work up is i. o clock noon of Monday, tne iwth day of March. 1938. for the erection and comnletloa of a atsmi.nt i. up building at BeUa Cools in the Mackenzie Electors! District. B.C. Plan. SDeclflcatlon mntnM . Jf tender mav lbs seen on mn'it rtr .i 24th day of February. 1938. and further information obtained at the DeDsrtmem 3T PUNIC Works. Parliament rtniMm.. and at the offices of the AgenU. Vancouver and Prince Rucert. ana tne office of the Public Works Department. Bella Coola. copiet of plana, specification., etc. in be obtained from the Demrtmm "P-fff1""1 of P"lt of Ten Dollar 1110.001 which will be refunded on return of the plana, etc.. in good condition. The lowest or any tender not necee-aartly accepted. P. PHILIP. Deouty Minister and Public Works Engineer. Department of Public Works Engineer. Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B.C. IN PROBATE IX TIIK M I'KK.MF, COl'KT (IF I1KITISII COUMIilA In the Matter of the "AdmlnUtratlon Act": and In the Matter of the Estate of Alexander Cameron Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hit Honor. P. MeB. Young, tlie 9th day of February. AD. 1938. 1 was appointed Administrator of the estate nt A!.nri.r Cameron, deceased, and all Darties hav ing claims sealnst the said estate, are hereby renulred to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or befjre the 10th day of March. AD. 1938. and all Darties Indebted to the estate are re-oulred to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator. . Prince Rupert. BC 10,h dV f Febru,rT' AD IBM This Week's Specials Sugar, in bulk, l.'i ll. for . . SI. 00 Sugar. 100 lb. sack $7.15 Evaporated 1'eachen, lb l0f Evaporated Pears, lb lrf Evaporated Apricot, lb :t0f Evaporated Prunes, aixe 30-40, 2 lb jjof Jze 80-90, 4 lb "f Malkin's Dest Strawberry Jam. 2 lb. tin 0c Quaker Corn Flakt-H, pkK 10c) Grape Nuts, pkg I .If Ilnl-Mite Ureakfant Food, pkjr. nop (The foe of constipation) Nestle's Infant Food, per tin 80f Hlue Mountain Pineapple, sliced, 3 tins for .o Florida Grape Fruit, in tins, 2's :Wf Nabob Mixed Vejretablen, tin a."c Clark's Chicken Soup, 2 tin :." Pride of Canada Maple Syrup, 2V. Ib. tins j)0f InsUnt Postum, 8 os. tin .... ."Oct Hallowi DaUs, 2 lbs. Mc Florida Grapf Fruit, 2 for . . lt."f Oranges, small size, 3 dozen for O.-f Alberta Market ! V. GAMULA, Proprietor 1- irth Street. Phone 208 vUlciu. taking over Inspections carried -n at present by Insurance branch li-'psctora and Neglected Children's de partment officials by the Provincial follce If amalgamation with It. CM. P. not carried out. 8 Continuation of Amusement. Wild tana ana' unearned Increment Tain as at present. 7 continuation of Motor Vehicles tux as at present. 8 Special license for trucks used for mercantile purposes. 9 Imposition ,of property and business taxes In cities. 10 -Creation of an appeal board r'- ijarding equalization of taxation in stead of hearing of appeaU before a district court Judge as at present. il New method of taxing grain ele vators. 13 Increasing fee of tranalea traders or peddlers from 3S to 160. CANADIAN NATIONALIST BRITISH IMPERIALIST (T.L. Church in House of Commons) I am a good Canadian nationalist because I am a true BrltUh Imperialist. The sense of Canada's nationalism Increases and multiplies through our love BrltUh unity. The true Canadian nationaiut will not want to see this country a sponger on the taxpayers of the British Isles for the upkeep of the battle cruisers and a navy to maintain the safety of Canadian snores and for the protection of Canada's commerce on the high seas. The true Canadian nattcnalUt will not want to ace Canada a nation only in the advertising pages of American Journals. As a nation we are a pauper as far as the actual reality goes. Advertise In rh nn New. CANADIAN SERVICE From Halifax To I.imiloiiilrrrv and (llaurow Athema 18 Tu I'hnioutli-llatrr-lAiKlon Auaonta Mr 13 Auranla . . Mar. 36 To )ureiifttn and l.herpool Anionia .. Mar 38 Andante .. Apr. 9 From New York To tjuifii-lim it umi l.UeriMml Carmanla Mar 3 Andanla . . Mar 10 Te Cherbourg and ftouthainptan Aquttanla Mar. 31. Apr. 18 Mav 9 ina .. Apr 4. 25. Mav Z. June U O Loilrlfiiulrrri uri! f.lit.i.i.u Cameronls .. Mr 3' ..'r.:, ; Mil 1- Ta!-;:. ... 1 .,,.,., AlaunU .. Mar 3 A.i u..;. . Mt.r. 10 From Itostnn Te (tueenliii and 1.1 trf pool Caronla ..Mar. 18 CHrnuinla .. Apr. 1 Money orders, drafts and Travellers' Cheques at lowest rates. Pun information from local agenu or Company's Offices. 833 Hss'lngs St. W, Vancouver. B.C. Cash and Carry Grocery Corner Fulton and Sixth Ave. SAVE THE COPPEItS Sugar, Granulated, 10 lbs. . . 7:Sf Milk, any brand, pr tin I'JIf Tea Malkin's Heat, Blue Itibbon, or Nabob, Ib 70r) Bulk Tea Excellent quality, per lb 51) r4 Coffee Great West, Malkin's Best, Nabob, Ib ."( Coffee Fresh Ground, jer lb. Ut Creamery Butter, per Ib. Clf-IOf 3 lbs. in one block .I.U5 Salt Pork, per Ib :120 Bacon, Swift's Premium, back, special per lb 124 0 Picnic Hams, per Ib iillcl? Eggs, strictly fresh, 3 dot. S 1.1 8 VEGETABLE SPECIAL 10 lb. Carrots 10 Ib. Turnips 10 Ib. Potatoes (Ashcroft) 4 lb. Onions 34 lbs. fp(. lomatoes, large Unnffim . .ID'dl Pineapple, Singapore, 1 for l)5?T canned t rutU, assorted, 3 for Hit? Soap. Fels Naptha, per bur . . 80 Royal Crown Soap, ier carton U50 Fresh line Green Vegetable every boat at attractive prices FHESII MILK AND CHEAM IN FIUGIDAIHE THE DAILX NEWS MondaFebl.L1,uv M. r . ,-:.ssx db rf5sW3 i U UUaBUlia itsfett VrwSW 2V2N.W. Brown Label Quality js the most widely used tea on the continent. Unparalleled for value. In Black. Green or Mixed blends. Sold by all grocers. 40c per Hb. 80c per lb. Also Orango Pekoe Blend (all black tea). 85c per lb. CELEBRATION BIG WEDDING -Mr. and Mr. Olaf Olafson of Oa-land Recipients of Many Presents Practically the.; whole settlement of; Oeland turned out jn Saturday night m honor of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Olafson . ho were recently married and to Join ;n the festivities, the whole Eyolfson ramiiy. Mr. and Mr. Long and A. Long and Miss Suoml Olafson. of Prince Rupert left on their gas boat Viola Sat urday evening. in the bourse of the celebration, the Jrtde and grooni-werc presented with -vera! pieces of furniture from the members of the settlement. Over seventy .eople were preant at what was one of the happiest events which have ever aken place in Happy Cilanu. SAW FORMER LOCAL PEOPLE CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mr. Jmen McVulty lie! urn to City After temiiiix Three .Months In Can Diege James MoWulty, local hardware merchant, acoompanlea by Mrs. MeNtdty. .wtumed to the city on the Camosun last night after having apent the past three month la California, the most of the tune at San Diego During their visit in California. Mr. and Mrs. Mc-Nulty met many former Prince Rupert people. Mr. and Mr. J. W. Potter, they report, are now asaldlng in Son Diego. Mr. Potter, formerly an architect here, recently made a trip north as far a Seattle and Vancauver. Mr. and Mm. Prank Clapp and son Cheater, are also residing In Ban Diego. Mr. Olapa baa been In poor health of late and la Buffering from partial paralysU. n C. E. Balnter a following the Iniur-:noe bualneas at Longbeach. near Los Angeles, but Is anxious to return north and may be back to BrltUh ColumbU:' before long. While in San D:e?s. Mr. and Mrs.' annuity motored? the eighty-five miles H scuth Into Mexico to call 011 United ' 8tate Consul and Mri. E. A. Wakefield! who are now ejtablished at the consul's new post at tn crma. FJNER'L OF LATE DR. SPLICER WiS liELD AT BELLA BllU SATURDAY The funeral of the late Rev. Dr. J. C. Spencer, pioneer United Church medical mlsstonsry. formerly of Port Simpson snd other points In the north, whose death occurred last week at Bella Bella, was held t Bella Bella on Saturday afternoon. Rev. William Deans ol Ocean Pall represented the British Columbia confrtencc of the United Church at the obsequies. pioneerTpuIotg banquet next week The Pioneers' Assuclstlon Is plsnnlng a big event nrxi rrk when a banquet It being held t ciiinincniomte the In-corporatlcm of ;!. city which took place Mure!) 10. 1911) F W Hurt will pre- CHsnc 1 I Mar. 1. Mar. SO Tu llrlfaM. MvrrKxl Apt. l:l ... Montcalm Moutclare T ilu(nw, Mvrrpool Mar. . Apl 6 laoMross :Mf- St. Apl 30 UUUMdoaa w. . r....r "!?miu , , t To oiaagow only Tt ClierlMMi rs -s..ut ham ptmi-A n 1 h erp Hr- Metatsma Mar. 23. Apl 19 Marloch Apl. 8 Montnalrn Tu ('lirrlmiirx-Miiiilluiniiiloii-lliiinlHirK API- 1 Metagama Apply to Attntt mrywbcre or gj ffi . J. J. KORtTEK. M S.S. Gtatral Pms. Assnt. H Wa C.P.R Itniioa, vtaseuver. wr Ttltehens yy Seymour IIU ta nr 1 TO EUROPE HAKE KESHBVATIOW3 KOW FROM SAINT JOHN ISTRICT READERS TheD Ot aily News , Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for tlie next year. AH the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as 'world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you .still think of it! Those taking part in the program include Bishop Bunos. Mayor McMordie Fred Stork, Rev W. K. CoUlson. Rev. J R Plracell. Miss Oesrgina and Sidney Hunter. Mrs. Jarvu McLeod. Mm. VVUllam Millar. Miasm Parkin and Bulger and Harry Astoria. A dance will follow the banquet. IRI0 RAISES HAVOC IN DOMINION CAFE Three Men lined 1111 VarlMi ('harfiw In Court Jlil Mrnlii( r wllnw Ing Calling In of follre Police officers were called about I o'clock thU morinng to the premises of the Dominion Oafs where three men were placed under arrest on various charges, all of which were pleaded guilty to thli morning before Magistrate Me Clymont. Alex. Orant. for assaulting the keeper of the restaurant. Claonm MtakkikM fined 30. with the option of faurtcen daya' imprisonment. Braklne Nleol. for creating a disturbance, was fined 110 or seven daya. Sam Larsen. on a charge of doing wilful damage in breaking a plate glass window, was as d 110. or seven days, in addition to 10 to cover the damaae. On a charge of drunkenness. Larsen was mulcted an extra eat, or thirty daya. Pines in all caws were paid. Market Prices Prices current are as follows: UHD Pure Compound 2S BC. Presh pulleU 40c B.C. fresh flrsu 4c BC. Presh, extras sb Local new laid a nsn Smoked kippers. Ib 15c Kippered salmon, lb. a$e smoked black eod. Ib aoc Pin nan baddies, lb ate Mr; ATs Powl. No. 1. Ib ate snd 40c Hoaetlnf chicken, lb 4a Ham, siloed, first grade 60s Ham. whole, first grade tee Ham. picnic, lb SSVc Cottage rolls, lb Mfc Bacon, back, siloed fee Bn. We (Os ta 6c Pork, ary sslt J6c Ayrshire bacon, lb jJc Veal, shoulder as Veal, loin ooj Veal, leg Mr Pork, shoulder ae Pork, loin ....v.... 4Se Pw. lf Mel Beef, pot roast ISO to 30c . "' IttfeO to ISO WO to 40 1 Beef, roast, prime rib tsc. Umb. ohops 60c I Lamb, shoulder 3ge Mutton, leg 40e lamb, leg 48c Mutton, chops 40c Mutton shoulder tOc ItHTTRR Brookfield, Shamfeek and Woodland SOe E.CJJ., lb. Capitol, and grade. lb. Praeer Valley, lb Jew Zealand. In bulk prints Alberta Creamery fllKKSE Camembrrt cheese, 8 os. pkg, Kraft Llmberser, 's Ontario solids New Zealand solids pulton, lb Bra .'f'mvwsim Korwegian Ooa7"T7' . 30c 41c 56c 4tc 0c 4Se etc S5e 35 SOc 400 UK napoieon umberger vru : - WESTHOLME THEATRE To MONDAY and TUESDAY. 7 and J p.m. Bebe Daniels Every Woman who is eager for new ideas in home decoration -n-combinations for the sun porch, new color scheme t r room, now color beauty everywhere in the house "01" ing Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 OammelcaVK la toe SUM It wniie, per 100 f7j YeUow. per 100 TI ll.Ot'U rur. aw a. 90. hard wheat M W -wy 1 tour, ica nee Pastry flour, it's VIXltlTAUIXS U. S lb. for Beets, sack Carrota. new, t lbs. for .. Carrots, sack Potatoes, s lbs. . . . . . Sack 'rsley, bunch Oaullflaiu n n w-.. uaritc, imported, per lb. , . MM .. Mr 111 .. Me' .ft J .. MS .. lt . . wSc . 40 Tloquefort 7Sa Spanish n onions, onon'' P" 10s Swifts1 Brookfield. lb. '."."' ssnl1"' buB8n 18" Oorgonsola, lb 7so'- rnU head 10c A 16e MeUren'e Cream. Jars ... tlie and SSc IT 1 l0C1, ,h Brookfield Swiss oheese. vt lb. pkg SOo c"s. fb 0e Brookfield Canadian cheese w lb nk i0001" onions, t lb. for Me Turmp' 8 ,w "" Me Oruyere Pi eaok as, .00 Golden Loaf. b 4ftcBrU1, BProut. Pr b ato Jack, lb SOc Hothou Rhubarb, Ib ate " " Komano Sardo, lb. . . 7... I 1 Advertise In The DaQy Nis in "Swim, Girl, Swim" Noted cast includes .Miss Gertrude Ederle. t): :., Bious Channel Swimmer. Jnmesj Hall, William Austin, Jnmoo Mack, Josephine Dunn and others COMEDY "HIGH SPOTS" Admission SSc and 10c Between shows 8.15 p.m. "The louvre" Fashion Pretty local girls in dasxling costumes. All m, styles In Spring, Summer snd Sports Wear xhnwn models. DEMAND "Rupert Brand' ippers THE DAINTIEST BKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C Prince Kupert. B.C H. 8. WALLACE ll..ll'' LID. MEKCUUY PUIU: SILK Hose t all latest slu' lf Guaranteed I'm' The best value t H"1 .. ,,4le25 pair. IrfirKo Front Iloom l ltnl" Apply Offiio H.S.WallaceCo.UA Phone ! 3rd Avenue nnd Fuli'