27. 192ft i : t r V tins daily msm rAfiE ptvh Our Cleaning Prices On unri after Feb. lt, 192K .., ;,mc(l and pretaed s and pressed 2.00 (,.,. ., ml vent 1.25 Tnni-.Ts T,,i:i,,.,,. white 1,00 N ,,.,! steamed and .,;..,m..i , . leaned and pres- 'l 1.75 -.,.. f KiTcoatn .. 2.50 2.00 . AO , ,: $1.01) '.Kit 7.1c 25f- 15 -. tnt Poneep Laundry i Ltd. Flume 118 P'init KuNrt of New Chevrolet '.ry ( haaai $nai.oo Truck CtUNMf $H00.0) 80H.0 Unlivery SH08..MI gHOH.OO 15081.00 KOftl.OO ... KIOHO.OO $10:10.00 I mdau 1080.00 ) r.-imper and Hour - 't.indard eii.ip- 1 .ill PasKenger Wheel Standard I II Imnori.-il and inly. On other i ' " ' extra. , Tire and Tube. ' Kaien Garage Phone 32 Trappers ! "tting enouirh for If not, come to " lust now w want ' ermine, coy- i 'fH of all kinds, w - large orders from ' i in the East, I'liiot fill them we 1 "iiuf. We pay top ''verythlng. ( '''vi' a large lot. nil shall call Itemember. If you ' inare deal atll to oldbloom Th' Trappers' Friend." s,"ind Avenue 01 I' UHEAT CLOSING out SALE of -u5mv AN,) 1,0 YS' ""IINt. AND PUKNIHII- INtiS 'till on Montreal Importers Avnue j i) " -'HUtr. I'rohrJninf ALL-CANADA BADMINTON GAMES SOON Championship Matches Scheduled l or Toronto Early in Martfi. to Draw Many Players i . TORONTO. Feb. 27 .When the Can-adlan Badminton Champlonshlpa, scneduled for March 1. 2. 3. get under way here, leading Canadian playen ram coast to coaat will tak part. Badminton is a aln-nuous lame. Ex ceptional energy and stamina, keen leye and an excellent sense of tuning re essential in a wnan uAHtnn Iplayer The game Itself was named after Badminton, the Duke of Beau- foil's seat in Gloucestershire, England. The English tried It first, so. far as I known i ti,e armT garrisons , trwtiu. where a u till highly popular. It " iiL-rnriuci into England about 187' .,,,( u, 1BS5 the first Badminton ' !n w.,h formed there. Pour Kar- !... the All-England championship- nh Kentlemen's doubles; I.rttet and iii.xd! double were iniu..iriti .:nd one year later men' and ladieV single- were scheduled. The game made it. appearance In Canada about iio and wa noon a favorite patlme 'f the pernmnent effleers t Toronto. Ilahlax. Kingston sod otter military centres. It ha made big stride In Canada during the last 10 yean rOHMKH 1YINSBIM Badminton tournament atarted in Canada In 1983 From Mat tallowing list of champions from that' date to the present It in interesting to note that the game "wears" with Its MBV MlMOMEK 1922 Col. A. E Snell. 1U23 MrTaggart Cowan. 1OT4 Dr H T. Douglas. IMS McTaggart Cswan 1B29--C W. Alkman. I927-C W. Aakman 192a sirs C A Boone. IMS- -Mr- U Brunet 1934 Mr E P Coke. 1W5 Mr.. E P Coke 1VN Mr E P Coke. IBX; MIb- E Oeorge MPA'H IMIHIJti IKtJ P c Campbell and Major I j.rlerty 19M McTaggart Cowan and 0. H. (ii'orgefl 194 f o: snell and W Stewart. it". M"ia'rt Cows and J. On- NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE ttiat an application will be mi -o the Part lament of Oati ida a: !! session thereof for an jet. 1. For thr :ik orpjratlon of a company to or known u- The AlbsTts. Petaoe River and Pa Ifir Hila Cumpaiiy. or such titer nam, a nmy be glvn. to con--truf and operate s railway as follows is Commencing at a point at or near thr city nt Lelhbrtdgf. thence In a We-trrly direction to a point at or neat tlx- Town of MeLeod: thence Westerly unci Northerly In a direction gene: aliv parallel to the Calgary and U-'.t l'-; ch f the Canadian Pacl-fir K.i.l.., to a DOlnt at or near the City ' Ca:ii;irf. i hence Northerly and i West ot Cilga'y and Kdmonton rallwa' p ' lit at 01 near La coat be. tnenre N irtnerly to a point at or aear the Cltv of Edmonton Ibi Prom . ;jtnt at or near the City of Bdnioiiton b the most featlbl: loute t slid along the rutil bank of the Slmonette River to u cromlng of the Binokv River near IU Junction with tlx' Wapiti River at or near Bseatwon to the Town of Orande Prairw m the Prov ncc of Alberta: thenct South Westerly through the i.-.u. .M.-itrn t ii ivtmi at or nesr H Monday ea No. 1 Hy 11. E. EYOI.FSON L fufl st sh syus C. 9Sy- aapRtiiosT aav MMCStSt r ari 'wiiswtxas i lth i Chiropractic (KrWALl Adjustments Ull lieniove the Consultation is Invited Sleeplessness! To jfet rea re8t from sleep, it h netcsnury that the entire body. Irt' Hieepinir. Too many people! n only a part of their bodies Their iierven remain awake and active, with the eventual rex u It of nerve exhaustion a breakdown! j If you are in the habit of get-1 tinjr out of bed in the morning feeling an tired a you got into it the night before, take warning In time yon need chiropractic Mi inal adiufttmentH to xecure nerve! relaxation. Aluatsi i af tsi tf IM Mgwtol Mrta UM4 f MERTaV tf a susuisua ttnursi D I S E A S E R. E. EYOLFSON . l'hc. 62:V :ird Avenue W. I'honeit Office. Illue M. lteaitlenc, Dlack 252 swrbUl. laas R H. HUM and J. Must. ia7 J. n Muir and J. Underbill S33 Mrs Boone ana Mrs H. George. Iw3s- Mrs. Boone and Mr. Oeorge. 1VB4 Mrs Boone and Mrs. B. P.Oehe. 1936 Mrs Booate and Mrs. B. P. Coke. 1836- -Mrs. Boone and Mrs. R. P. Coke. 1937 Mrs Partington aud Mies B. Oeorge MINSK IHililLKH 133 Pro and Mrs P. Campbell. laaa-Mrs W M Stewart and O H. Oeorges. 1934 Mr. and Mrs W M. Stewart. 1935 Mr B. P. Coke and J de M. Kennedy. 1935- Miss C. Oeorge and J. H. Muir. 1927 Mrs K. Archibald and C. W. Alkman. In the coming tournament here, Ave Monkmun law to u oo.n ut or near , challenge cups are offered tor Alea UK. .ii the C.iia ttan Natlonsl fh.mpteM of be mpKlln the ;inn,,m and competition Is eaprcted to be un til' 1-M'in ii p-Mnt v or near Orande usually keen this yesr In addition to Prsiri. n t, Worth Wc,ierly dlreatlohi however, first and atoand tt point at or nrar roucf coupe and from a point at or near Poucc ; priaas are given, aud the effort is dee, ad- Coui in a North Westerly diretttolt ,,y mbat to .. point at or iwar Hudson s Hope whl. While the entry M lists u h nave not , yet t in on the Pesoe River: thence a gen- eral a.utli Westerly anil Westerly dl- been completed. R B. Buchanan, eec-rertion mid North Westerly by the nlary of tht Canadian Badminton As-moat lemble rou-through the Pine of , ,w- the coming uin. the Town (nation, sponsors Paw to ,i ixiiiit a' t nei.r of Stewart n the Province of British lournainrnt, l confident that an un-tolunilii.i .it the head o( Portland u ,,aly lalje nuniher of competitora ul' "protn i point i' 1,1 ,,rar Hudaon'aiwlll tike part Hop.' croMlnx Ps.-e Hiver in a ken- . . - et.il Easieflv direct' n to n point at, VHTIfP tutoialau Whitelan Mmrf in a Nor-, o 1 1 ' Port Vermllum ' snd thence Northerly ; B-Certlflcate of Title No 30941 to Lot .. . .... i. ka SQ.I Weieriy 10 iih- nm .. .... Ha River at or near if intersection with the Northern iriund.iry of the; Provm of Albertu The said railway belnit dr'larefl to he for Ihe general Ih-iwIi' of Canada. j To uuthorlre the s.td ( iniuany to enstru-t wharven. dock.- and hotel and t own anil ieraw vrweN -n.l collect charge on telegraph atid tflephone mea-iage" of the nub'llc. 1. 1:1.- up"" water power sits- and to general? acquire simI to dispose electric snd other energy of the surplUK from and collect 3 To authorise the aald (;'". la,ue securlliea I" n-"1 '. ld ,ot nne of railway to ... amount oeed'ng Forty xaoutanw ,w- sections. Dollar Dollar oer per per mOe mile "'"','''','... iui for the i.rc .. .. ...w.rfin sixtv-flve "gwioo. Dollar, for the mountain , DAT"BD at the City of Eclm onion. In this 4th dT of AlberU. the Provmoe . i f J,m!'S7g1.n j"sTBWART CUARK On behalf of the Applicant. e-o Bwlnf. Harvie Bury Solicitors etc . I Barristers Off ice- Bank of Toronto Bldg., I Edmonton. Alberta, n.n.ds five (Si and aix (fl. Block nineteen UU) bectton six (0 Ri'-C'ertiiicate of Title No SMI I to l.ju seventeen ( 17 1 and ttghtewu tltl. Block twenty-sis (tt). flection SIX 11. Re-Certilicate of Title No. 8903 I to Lot miH'teei. Iltfl. Block ten (10). Section seven if) Rt'-Orllflciite of Title No. 84411 to Lots forty-tlir.- i43i, fort -lour 144) and lortv-iiv.- itoi. Blodk twntv-awven (27. bee lion eight (8). City Of Prlnrv Ruuert. alao I 9sa. wso. i-rtriratit or Title issued in the nams ol lr. E Mahon. has been I tied in thlsj oIikh. notice is hereby given that I ahall. at the eipl ration of one month SSnlr prairie ' froai the date of tw- liraipuoucation xhmisand i hereof issue a provisional Certificate of lYllLiv -:- rriv,L Reduced to 12 pints for S,iU0 7 quart., for .00 Cash price tloketfl. Mcllriiie Street Hore now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th Bt. i(Vle",""tr fitie in lieu of each ot the aud Mat Oertltlcates, unless in ttie teaullniv. I valid ohjccllon a to any oe ansae to awe in writing. DATED ai ih Land Heats, ry Off lot. Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 3rd Januray. 1Baa H P MaeLBOD. rn Reglatrar of TlUes. IN l'HOHATf; iv tio: ki I'liF.Mi: roniT or nltiTlsii (OHMillA In the Matter of the Administration Aet: and In the Matter of the Batata ot Sidney Scott Marsh, Dooesssd. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order ot His Honor, r McB Young, the 14IH day of Pebruary. AD 1938. I was appointed Adailnutrator of the estate of Sidney Soott Marsh deceased, and all patties having clamu against the aald estate are hereby required to furnish sssue, oroperly verified to me on or before the lath (lav of March. AD 1938. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their In-debtedne ... meorthth. (VI ll Atl-lirtAr. I "t 1 1-! ttiuwrt B C the IStli ! of Februiiry, AD 1UJU CHAMPIONSHIP WON BY RUPERT Locals Capture Northern IJ.C. Title From Port Simpson Though 1 Jen ten Saturday Nisht Prla Rupert has won the kprttera BritnaJ ctrtomwa nior hUfnatr ( )iamliship frH fort Simps jn AttaM' tic CttUi. fort f Imiijon dalftatad Pi nice Rupert In thr second and last game at tM ftM aeries at Port Star-son Saturday evening by a score of 31- 37, the (our point iaad of the natWes not being fufftclant. however, to win the aerie for tMsaa, tke local hawing defeated the Ul the Wat game her Friday night mf 44 id 31 the ttupert lead being thus vaatuoad to nine points on the two wataBai Rough (Aay, flartlBtlUrly on the part of Port Blmpaon. la reported to have featured the Saturday night game. At that. Prlrtee Rupert was ahead 37 to 35 within three ntinute of the end of the match. Port Blmpaon finishing with coring rally which gaw t:i-m ix points Half tune were was h-12 m Prmee Rupert's favor Oeergt Mitriieii of Prince Rupert was the OtMy player put off the fmer dwrMg Uto garae which was re-fereed By Patu page of port Blmpaon. aMstea by Harry MNmxie of prince Rupert m the aDJe Una. laaifHUui a fif in me mm r aa followa: part am$mm-tt. tom, p. amxom, II; R. Matter, si t Muagmve; o White, t: total. M. Prtoee lTupirt WB1 Umbie. 6: Oeoree MRtebstl. C: ftalph Bmlth; Dido OurrWn. 191 Pott Howard, 8: Bplru ourvlehi total. 37. The Prlnee ftapertttn were given a apJeudld reatptiari at Port Simpson and, after the gaeae. User was a dance WHleh broke tip at hilflaajTll to be followed by a party at the Raaae or Peter Weils where a 'big supper was served. Making the trip aftaerd the powerboat Joy Bird. Oapt. Jack Cook, toe locals left for Poet gaaapaon at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon, returning home at 11 AO Sunday morning Besides the playen. those making the trip Included Ernest Anderson. Mack Bmlth. Jack Allen. Clarence Thomson Brnle Watch-fjrd. Branson Hunt,' W Murray. W. Bacon aud Harry Mamie NEW METLAKATLA CAGERS COMING Interesting llaketbnll (iamew Pro miecd for WedneadaT and Thursday Nights Thin Week Winding up a tear of conquest through southeastern Masks in toe course of which they have wan seventeen games with but a singlet torn at Douglas, the fteihy Mew Metlahatla I Alaska I High School sakctbail team will arrive here on Wednesday to play a game thai night with the local High School team, champions of the Intel -mediate League, and a aether on Thw-day night, possibly with city All Stars The Alaskans, whose fame as a team has spread considerably of tate. are now in Port Stmpeen and will play there tonight and tomorrow evening, one el the game to be with the Pert Simpson Athletic Club which lost the Northern B.C. Senior championship title at the end of the week U Prince Rupert. They are making the trip, which baa been of a nonth'a duration, on the powerboat Carmen and were in the ally for a short time en Prtday last. Other games whl be arranged to fill out the program here ha eeaawotton with the New MetiahaUans' visit. One of these wui be a return glrhV match be tween the High School and old Maple lafv SPORT CHAT The schedule of winter sports U be ginning to narrow down. Basketball la already off the list and final Ladles' Whist League games will be played this week, decision as to who wUl meet the Moose, winners of the men's section. for the city championship being still in doubt. This week will also see the dose of the men's section. It will b' late next month before the rribbitgc schedule Is over and Jit Is decided who shall meet in the playoff far the Dawson Cup the Orotic wBUili eante out on tap Id the first haft Of the season but which la now dweUlng lu the tel ler on the second half competition The Billiard Lesgue KheQttle duds Mareh 80 and It already looks a.. though the Cold Stoaage mil emerge winner as they now Rave a substantial lead. Events scheduled tor the coming week are as fellows: Monday i tonight l Cttbbege League: Knlghta or Columbus va. C N. Mechanics, Moose vs. C. N. Oper-aeara; pfinc' Rupert Hotel v. Dative Boas of Canasta: Raw atofeees Hotel vt. Orange lodge: cold Storage va. Canwaiap Legion: St. Andrew's va. Orotto. Blks' Whist t. Andrew's Carpet Bawling: Nell MeDtrhakl rink v. Jam as Dick, Charles Taylor vs. Alex MeLeod. TUESDAY Billiard!: Cold Storage vs. Maple Leafs Ladles' Wills: Kngllsh Ladles vs. Canadian National Ladles; Orange Idlaa vs. Moose Ladies. Thursday- Men Whist- Oddfellow vs rni.to vs. St. Andrew's: Bt Ucvi,4, i vlcty vs. i. alive C-m -T. x of your copy of The Daily News qvcry night by having it delivered to your address by carrier GROTTO WINS LAST GAME AND EMERGES BILLIARD YICTOR Dan Brown i Orotto) defeating C. P. Balagno (Oyro Clubi by a score of 800 to 167 In the fifth game of the tournament SnturOay night, the Orotto emerged victorious in this billiard match try an aggregate score of 337 to 039. The four other game in the tournament had oeen played Friday evening. League atanding to date are aa follows: Played Total Avar. Cold Storage 9 84T0 S41 Maple Leafs 9 8187 908 Orotto 9 8036 BBS Orand Terminals 9 79S1 888 t.,: !0 8847. ajjj Individual it,ragcs to date: Played Total A. p wiuiams (MX.) 1 300 800 J. May (CS.) 6 USB t8 A Msodonsld ICS.) .... 9 1788 IBS D. Brown ( Orotto I 9 IT88 184 O Howe I M.L.I 9 1741 184 A. Murray (C' S.I 9 1743 194 W II Long ICS. I 8 1853 194 F O. Pyle lO.T i 0 17S7 IBS J Beealcy (OT.) 5 940 It? Mayor McMordtr (M.L.I .. 9 1888 187 W J Nelson lOC.I 10 1849 185 M M McLachlan (ML.) 8 1478 184 C Younginan (O.I 8 1484 IBB A Donald lOC.I 8 1090 189 ;j Hlllman. C8.I 9 1830 ISO O. Waugh (Orotto) 8 1811 179 C. Balaguu lOC.I 10 1780 17B H, Murgan itlfi.) 8 1488 178 J Jude (Orotto l 8 1Q0J IIS Ben Serf (O.T.I 8 ltt7 178 t. fcleman (O.T.I 8 1098 178 O A Woodland (OC.) .. 8 1870 171 W. K. Wllllecroft lO.T 8 1087 171 J Andrews (OT.) 9 1891 188 M Andrews (ML.) 9 1B80 189 J Hamilton tM.L.) 9 1504 107 R Young (Orotto) 8 1338 167 O P. Tinker (OC.) 7 1184 188 Bert Hoaklns lO.I 1 181 181 K. Meagher (O.) 3 SI 180 John Bulger (C8.) 818 154 O Krause (OT.) 2 311 186 J Brown (O.) 81 l paid in advance will bring it to yoii every night for a year Keep Yourself Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OP THE STOKBS their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS IT WILL PAY YOU! of Canada: Knlgnta ot Pythias vs. Seal Cove. t St. Andrews Bawling. Prldayv-Btlllaraa: Orand Terminals vs. Orotto Rifle Range. ORGANIZER OF LEAGUE OF NORSEMEN SPEAKER U. II. Uulb ul etVinalpett Heard Last) Evening In t. Pant's Lutheran fhureh ! O. H. waiay of Winnipeg, travelling organlrer of the League of Norsemen in j Canada, was s week-end visitor in the city, arriving an Sat unlay from Vanotm- ver and leaving by this msraing' train I far the Bast. Mr. Walby spoke at tbe Neventag service in St. Paula Lutheran Church last night on the activities ot the league which already has 1500 mem-. hers in Canada. APPROVES GOVERNMENT MEASURES TO INSPECT IMMIGRANTS ABROAD ; i TORONTO. Feb. 89. -Approval of the I Federal Or.vernment'a action In provld-ig for the im.l'i.il inspection aln:i, , i.f prospective luunlgrauis to Canada was expressed by reaolutMni at the i meeting of the Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene In the Medical Building of tbe University of Toronto. The resolution was moved by Dr. A. H. Dealoges of Quebec. He thought the Government's policy would ive immigrants t unnecessary hard ship of being turned nck on reaching ! Canada and would also assure tbe j Dominion of a higher type of niw- i cr-mer. Another suggestion of Dr. Deslogss was that the law ahouH be changed governing the deportation of immigrants. At present, be said, no one could be deported after five yesra residence In the country. This rule dM not apply In other countries, which" otaw aepert caaaalana up to n muen longer period. KINOItWCi: I NMAHKI.I) Peggy- Daddy, what did tlie Dead Sen die on Daddy- Oh. I den t know child. Peggy Daddy, where do dreams go when you wake ap? Daddy- I don't know. Peggy- Why did Odd gut so many hones In the fishes? DaeMy I dont know that, either. Pesgy Goodness. Daddy, who marie you an editor? 200 MODHlaS LADIES' SPRING HATS NO MOKE $4.50 NO LB86 Sew. these before buying elsewhere B.C. FUR CO. Third Avenue City Meat Market (SRLVir. mtos.) Third Ave. I'hone 765 e. ...KJQT .jilG18.IV. v au... . . ' GJi Si NOKKBLOr Ft?r.lVrrOT I'HLMUI.A UAMMEIX)ST FlSKKItOI.I.MIt FLATllHOD MULTKIt OAV. 1st kl. vnrer. Ullllge priaer. llurllg ombrinKeltte.