FAGBfF0U2 Wont I BRINGING UP FATHER By LOOKIM'lTT MOT? WELUM-S ANDY UjHE COVERED !&NT v5S CXS4KeJ ' ALONG THE HAXO- ' FUNNY ff s.frt, TT ' TOOK EASM H l K E R 7 ITVJENJ ' IMIevtd I by DUCK STA.M' J 1 IV MAC NACK- YOU KNOW MY WACOM- J lNTAL midy " Coats, Millinery Lingerie All at Itargnin Prices at FIItST ANNIVERSARY SALE Richmond's Louvi Third Avenue Plaster Wall Board ensures a lifetime of satisfaction when used for walls and ceilings; fits true and stands firm during the life of the building. CKACK WARP CIUJMIII.E BURN or il8If-WEAK OUT h damp-proof, vermin-proof and a perfect insulator, ensuring cool in summer and warmth in winter. Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phone 116 and 117 World's Iterord Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from pens of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders' Ass'n. of B.C. Birds with Official Records under Government Inspection. White and Brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, R.I. Reds, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorcas, Blue Andaluftian Order Nw. Reasonable Prices. "For Price Llat write Secretary. Prof. Lloyd, Univer-' sity of B.C., Vancouver, B.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Moter Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Sfttctalfce In Piano and Furnitum Moving. Ra3i 10 Radi The Radtola 11 wUl give 10 you the bent reception. Price complete stM.ne Cannot be sold for lea Special IK PORTRAIT POflTALR of yourself for ILOO Winnipeg nd Vancouver Mm F. W. CHANDLER fhototenvher Mth Htreet. I'lione Itetl M i I X 164. T 7 Iwf WfilO II I and rLnsemble "Oemers" and II &Oem M iM - ' ; i C-; US 1 1 I 4-. TfTT MIT v:- I 0 192ft. by Pnian &arr. lac. Cit B.it.a tijhi. ,ervd J Mcdonald got ! the decision OVER HARDING CLOSE MATCH HETUF.KN TWO MF.N WHO SEEMED AHOI T Fiji AL IN ABILITY HARDING WAS. HORER IllfTereiH ef Opinion an to M'lto Iteally Mad Het or tkmie la Night Jimmy McDonald got toe decision of :he judge In the ten round go at the . KxniDiuon nan taat nigm out to mosi of the spectators there was little to hcae between them except that Mack waa a cleaner lighter and a straightcr h:uer, his Mews when the landed tiing mere effective. The difficulty waa that Harding covered nimaeu so well that It war sf ldom a lunge reach - ) home. Jlmmle stood straight up an) stenicd rather puzzled at his op ponent's tactloa. Herding did a great deal of boring In but when he opened on his opponent he was quick as a cat and his blows were hard. Most of the time, however, he seemed to be playing around. Any punishment be got he took smiling and a, the end of each round returned to his corner with a grin on his face, and the longer the light went the more he grinned. Kven when be got a little punishment, as he rcmrctimei did. It did not aeatn to worry him. Mb chief falling- seemed to be that very tew of his blows were n talent from the aheuMs. toe eekSomJ If ever attempted an uppefcut. and at times be gave a sort of spanking exhibition at if be were afraid to hurt too badly the naughty boy who was apposing him. At the and of the ten unda both boys were fresh and ap parently cculd nave gone anotheT ten. Neither seemed hurt and no blood flowed, except from a slight touch on the Up which Harding received In the fourtlj and which appeared to be little than There was too much close fighting to ba soectaeular and a tew oi uie CJor Congenial J Travelling Companions! ACAllIN CLASS crowInK l.y CunSrtl or Amlinr-Doii-aldsnn IJnes is a refleetion of the bvot social life. On the. e hirn your fellow passetifrent are at way interesting am! attractive jeoile( you mnkr tletistitful friends. It rontn no more to go on these famous f una OR N FLAKE SXiImaAi I ill '' "anndinii Servire liners. Weekly aailinifa from Montreal and (Quebec for PlyiiKHilli, Clierltoiirg and Ivondon ly the Auronia, Aa-rnnia, Alaunia and Auwnla . . . to Belfast, I.leriMMil and (fallow by the Atlienta, Ix-titia. Andania and Anloitla. TiW TwirM Thirti (ii'.in Mid Third Clntt iiiori m rjmlrnt n mtm Itm CANADIAN 1 SERVICE S jout local itirmhip a4nt. or writ: The CunartI Kteam Hhlp 'n.. U1 . (tt natlng s. Vaaeeer.a Currj; Cunard Traveller' Cheques BtAS'gi t ia lfe to see a wresUIng match, but on the Harding the third and seventh, while whole it was a good clean match and according to him the first and fifth most of those present would like to tven. Very fear agreed with Una the It fought to a flniah. concensus of opinion being that more TUB HOV.VU. of the round were even and Harding P. Laporte gave satisfaction aa a bad a decided advantage In more than referee and be gave the dec la lens tn wo. Roi objected to the slapping blows the preilmtnsrlaa, but ra the big bout of Harding, for which be gave hat) no he waa SUM By two-. (jOShis Johnny credit. May ana Bel Barnes, the Judgment of The first round was even. In the Barnes fate NstOonasB the second. econd Harding got in his first hard fans ccmplalnsd that tbev d'-d not come, fourth, sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth: blcws and at ba close of the resmd V sstTfWssasWssl gf--. JTT T.,!"rwjgsiTajMJ What could be better on a fine spring morning than a bowl of crispy Kellogg's Corn Flakes -)V . . . with plenty of nice cool milk and a bit of fruit. Good? Just to think about it makes you hungry! JL. Kellogg's are the world's molt pooular corn flakes! No imlla. tient cn equal their wonder flaror and extra critpnass. Never tough-thick. Delicious at lunch, dinner or break, fast. With rnflk or cream fruit or honey added. Order at hotels, reitaaranU. Oa dining-cars. Stdd by all grocers.' Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Aiwayt evtn-trtthf ssSBkw V jTH - Vinrx I irhsril fijwannnnnnnj. ,.8 WBi ffS" lil TOST W anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. "2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c McDonald retorted In kind. There was Butish women's championship at Run- 'some pretty hard punching In the third dtanton the week ol May 14 Secondly, hut nobody was hurt. The fourth waa'ahe thinks the trip will prove beneficial! decidedly to Macdonaldl advantage alter an arduous golf campaign In the Uit Harding came out grinning after Southern State since the winter. Shei i.itung some punishment. In the llfth will remain abroad far five or six weeks j ' Harding got past his opponent's de- perhaps unt 1 the middle of June, and j 1 he clever defence of Harding, was so. .tialn shown In the sixth when a :.'rce lunge of Junmy's landed on the riie welterwehrht division has kt leve ot his opponent. It was McDon- .i- Hudklna, the Nebraska boxer, for A closcups In the .seventh. In the iffleiuily notified the New Tork jlgblh the EnaUabman was given some Athletic OammisKion that the wildcat gcod body blows but before the end has Joined the middle-weight division Ms oppenent seemed a little tired and in order to meet Mickey Walker at Chi-hewed the first sign of wear and tear cage on June 21 for the title. McDonald had the best of the ninth by . . . . alight margin and the tenth was a tt-c fortirth mal for the North Of hard hitting free for all which gave England lacrosse flags waa decided on little advantage to either. 'he Manchester Athletic Club's ground McDonald seemed to be In rather recently, and Stockport were successful tetter condition than his opponent ho lor the fourteenth Uate. Stockport has waa a little too fat and perspired free-1 been In the last staae nineteen tunas. last round Uklng the count of nine. Halroyd got a deserved - derision. The scrap between Benny Wendle and the native, Bobby Mathlaon did not last long Benny wa much too clever for his opponent who was knocked Mown in the firm round and did not get up. Louis Peacock made a snappy attack against Oeorge Barnes but he was out tlon. "Heeney Is palbeUe. gsry couragtHJUiS snd gwer or tnia continent fact that she does PMnahlp, to about arriving one is abraec main motive TORK. May 4. The the first sane in the inter-eeetlonal struggle of the National League Bea ton beat Pittsburg In eleven lanlnea surprised his friends by the manner m; Boston. The Yankees went which he handled went down at the round and again In himself. Boulter .Point snd beat the army SO end of the first the third, in the MoOraw had nt was agreed la cf condition snd be waa wv.n put out ' Tork a of business In the firm round Cincinnati to Taken on the whole it a good Brooklyn g ' vening's entertainment The hnv'a St. Loula a WW'- ''eV0ass. between each , Pittsburg g to w am. ute auasmce was in a uood vnjcaao svs humor, cheering both side in the var- Boston J mus oantMU. At no time was there Philadelphia rany great exrltetwent, shown There waa I AMCHICAX LSAOt'E j nsM sttehdance. approximately six New Tork . v.'. !'.. j 4 P, .Bsthinj iae Around The World With Sport Fans (Hy The Traaaft) Mete la "American pugiliats" Senor Paollno Ureudun. of Spain by "Oodfrey, the negro, tlie toughest one Of all. he la a giant, a stussr-athlete quick and hjta hard. Twsaro pome next. He la a battler, hard and fast "Sharkey is the best beSstr ol l9estoM 1 m....--.- - jrmuHivipnia 7 ISt. Loula It I Waahlngton 6 Detroit g jChlcano 7 Brston 5 to to . that John manage the Otaau for two more years snd If be desires to do so. MAT HIV'AI. MiAni'S Boston 3. Pittsburg 4. Cincinnati S. St. Louts 7. AMERICAN LSAIWf: Philadelphia ,. Ipatan I. IRAflt!S StSHHUKr 4 8 0 II 11 11 ,4 losing lnclnnatl Philadelphia's seven game winning Jack atreak in the American, waa stopped by I SPORT CHAT Pet. .471 407 m aei .4M J1S Tne New Tork aggregations, with the I reason now about a month through, a"1, are still managing to keep supremacy i tnr nig Leaguaa but there la luBtl 1 , rannain n Ul l. m . all knit h. hi., iiv. - ... " w oi woat l lausney a too light am ulrrsdy transolred. that it la oniiw i. Id be K tm .iM.k -i . w . . leununatad trofll i l" anaeea or heawweimt K.T neavyweient eosnp. ti- oisnu to keen the lead. ClaeeianH t. dina still look good In the American Mm-, league and. In suite of remit Ma. may be expected to atlll figure pro " Ano lne "u BaueMng the world', record lnr ."T Sttstsnea. Charls. b-.h " ,""" mmj aiso. get in the no in 9 S-S seconds. "p" M I ( UIK llllltn , Mm .1ii.4 -.iwa ... k)f the tnlverslty of Souther,. rm " "f. "lma 01 nia. .ran th. io...,h . wns. at the present time, the Mis Day West Coast sJ. Jr !"clnnatl m lT,n the I ubi unsjuv w inc new Tors, uiants. me onio team seems to have Plans are be,K 1(,,d , ,,.. I TV T,or thl Brooklyn greyhound rasing v. .. wwa warainaia and Pltta. .burs; fHraaaa aftsv thla ithem sson start to as cheerfuRi figure more ag- horat. Miss Olenna Oollett n the beat greaslvely In the battle. . - -""" win coin- oremrwt woman W In OTgalllted baseball .nd compete r. .t l lit I or TM niWff tWffAmBgMffamlilta IKU M. ""Id the cham- .0wM. WUI be ntov7ln th. " .fZl' aiiKisna " t . . . w.i,wr w pnr w liim riti,, . I atenta. FOR bouse Musk.il. Article! Lott and Found,! FOR HKNT OR RENT. CLAPPF. ;i(r, Ninth Avenue E.tst. it.-i.t Apply City Treasure' ( n, MODFKS Oreep ;(7: FOR SALE FOR SALE. FURNISH I) 3 lots; fine garden -' I. at a bargain i eaah. J. Sirelrchue POR Ml J HOOHEIK I' 1103 OR BJtirT PIAHOB. I'l YlH H'.x Phonographa and 8r mcj Walker's Murle m.r etice and Mack attempted what might may ul. j t.ike part In the French I ,.v. hn knockout hut mlad hli!i.niri rhiimDlonahln. If It la held at:0 mm BWT -FDllJIIHHH wnwwi ) H ,icrKn man. and tlie round was pretty even, a timr that is convenient lor her to dot he the day Phone Red M7. POR RENT OR SALE Mounts r. roomed bungalow i", b:- : id's r: und There was a fair exchange the tlm hMng a: least. HI manager j FOR RatltT- njRNIHi'iKD Kfa ly. iThe first occasion waa In the 1SM-M OR SALS IOT 2 bum K : m Mas Heilbroner and Harry Pickering season, when It bsfcaji a sequence of were time keepers and Charles Brown, i wins which continued for etaht rear. nnouncer and general manager, and at be close announced that the decision '. td been given to McDonald. I'KFI.IMIN.IHIE The preliminaries wars: Tcdd Morgan vs. Herb Keats, no Curly Donald vs. Billy Murray. Mur ray was knocked down in the third round and when he got up waa all In and the decision went to PtrnsW who waa more muM ular and had better .staying power Nina Ourvich v Oeorge Tork. While Tork put up a plucky Rent and with This was Stockport's fifth final econd success since the war. EAST WINNERS raining will do much better, the saate a'- Louis ended a four- was clearly Ourvlch's. It was a pretty trak at the expense of good preliminary Jack Halroyd vs. Fred Boulter and OLD rfaTWSPAPSRa MAY nr stead ot building pup'; neath carpets on ti !.. special Dally price on ! - art. This let ! s bark up to the po li I1M0. BOX 500 1). Rupert. a i c ..vSUS 'I'' 5E II i-:. 'a also Remington No i new. Phona Red 1st FOR SALS. THREZ gt ':t:" a violin, exaept tonal ui ' oa. FOR SALS MeCl.AH V and office desk P mJILDINO MATKKIAIJS. .4PRCIAL LI'Mltt'K riti" tx4 com. Sited. i US Shlplap. No. 3 M Wtr V. Joint in or 4 in. Fiv. Joint IS in Wall Bhlnrl" II In Jjoof Sblngl ' ' Hi In. No. I Br.tplMi to tl la Rough Fir Board. v widths 4 Light Saah. each Ught Sash Inside doors. 1 ft n Sin Baok Doors, ft " a S la. (glsas) Front Doors. dltt Also a big aUck always ofl hand. 1 wail board, veneer prices. RXCM-ainn M'MHER Co. Mini"! Pt of Victoria. FA"CHANr KW AND SRTOXII IHN" 1 ' at. Re:. jrnce ph Acute and Chroni " fully tr ' BlUbllKlx'ii ! AUtmoM ':lts PltlNCIl. HITKBT ' ( federal Pornlture of ail .ili or exnhan Crating and !'' Ooods sold "ii i Atirtloneer. Snilth. prealdent: ' ,UI wubi puixnae H. .. 1 . " - I "r. both new of ' Is to Caw ton. Copper M"": by, Blakeburn and It.i gue wUl be controiici fcrmed Stmilknmeon Assoeiatlon, offlcem try to "LT"' 7 BtM - Orooker. Keremeo and j regulation junior PrlncH sill bousTht and sold ' Player Pi:" , Two Cash Reii"' -PAi-wmri i os m(R RM Third Ae Pl.'". ClIIK0.P"ArT" it u. it. r.. rvoii rhlropnti't'-r Third Telrphons fo appoi""' ON ii , V.. J. DAWK,, I. Vli ' lli.ilii-': 1