j.... Hfow A 1928 liuji ' THE DAILY NEWS CAGE THREE Will Iambic a&d Benny Wendle sailed last night on the Prince George for Local and Personal Belllngham, Wash., where they will join a baseball team (or, the summer. Mrs. A. R. Manofy-Of Port Clements Tommy's Taxi. Phone 871. 113 is a visitor In the city, having arrived from the Queen Charlotte Islands Den tun. Dr. J. r. (y. Pnoneead. aboard the Prince John this morning. A bmLsglsfieS, TEA , COFFEE BAKING P0WDER rmrrr rmrni mrri Jaooiir Day Bros., Ltd Fapkpgc oi KOT6X If ytrobuy 2 packages here Jbr 709 'J Ladies' Dresses, Coats and Hats Our Sale continue till Saturday Night, May ft, , LADIES DRESSES, $10.03 hipment of Ladies' Silk Venice Dresses, regular -f 15.00 .00. Sal- lirlce S10.D." LADIES' HATS, uid 4M 1 in this otiire, values up to $5.95. Sal SlU5 i in thin store, values up to $8.50. Sale 81.85 LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS - 'ik St rijK? Crepe Nightgowns, regular $8.25. Sale $1.1)5 i'imii) Nijflit4Mwn, regular $1.36. Sal e $1.00 -I am Silk Moomera, good quality spun, Assorted colors. . 1:. i- $2fi5. Sale $-. ' tcdu. lion of 20 per cent in given on all our stock of Coats. Corner 3rd and 7th St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED j HI V v . V( rour, Swan oil llu. llwleitale. Alrrt ! II III . il..i0,.vt'. 'VM'TOHIA. lliM-lut.- ilrrt tbtv. etc M:Xunluj. 7 a.m. 'urn . i , '.III, ' AVVX. HTKWARs, WALKS ISLAND. PK' v.!?. '''". It i atllfil .....! Prill"' KiilMTI. I"; Skating dally, 2 to 4 and 8 to M. tf Watt'a Grocery Phones 59 and 86. Gyro lay 11. FOR FRBB SAMPLE BOX and postal to-day to Zam.Buh Co., Toronto. 106 Oct the Big 4 nsblti When thinking of a Taxi, phone 4 tf For a Taxi Phone 290. Omr Marunn Stand. Central Hotel, tf Meeting of Thistle Football Club and supporters. City Hull tonight at Empire Tea In Presbvterlan rhnr Parlors on Wednesday. May 23. Home cooking. Musical program. J. A. Morris returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's A rain from a brut business trip to the interior. H. C. Praser, inspector of schools, re turned to the city on yesterday afternoon's tfmitf irom a trip to the ltueiior on official denies. The Salvation Army will conclude its "Stlf-Dsnlaj" catnpalKn with a tu dav tomorrow, weather permittine. Oast. Stobart. local commandant, announced this morning. George Shew, who now conducts a drug store Hi Vancouver, is expected to arrived in the city tomorrow morning ti pay a visit to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shaw. Balph Smith and Jack alcNuUy. who have been on s trip sooth for the past few weeks as tar as Portland. Oregon, are esepectecf Ot return to the city tomorrow morning. J. K. Gordon, Terrace hotel man. Is s visitor in the city. Re attired the In tartar on nsterdav after noon's train and will return to lwrracc tomorrow morning. Oeorge Clccone, who has been in the city for s couple of weeks, will sail by the Prince John tomorrow night on hi return to Poit Clesaeru. Mrs. Cicoone and family will remain in the city tor a couple of weeks longer. The trial of Joseph Sankey, Port Simpson Indian, on the charge of murdering aUas Loretta OhUholm at Port tasingum tww'jears ft. VU1 take place at toe oupreme oewt Agelses at Westsmsneter opening May at. witnesses rtpen hers and Port Isalngwm who will ftoe evidence both for the crown sad defence will leave for the acuth few days previous to the trial. NOTICE. The Northern British Columbia Sal men rustermen i Aatociat:on oaus a m meeting at Poet IsatinlhM on Ssrurday. May is. at T am. a. srciXMAjr, Secretary AaNNOUNCRWUKTS Tennis Club Annual Ban. rrtday. May Moose Hail. may entitled: "The Young Country Sehoolma'am" st OnMad Chunh. afar all. Friday. . Miss Jane Qladatone of Skldegate, arrived in t filty from the Islands on ft rrt.'lwm' tills - morning. She Is ori her way"1 to Stewart where she wlU visit with her ststerY Mrs. H. M. Pattlnaon, wife of the accountant of the Lengara cannery ' Tow Hill, and child arrived at M assert aboard the steamer Prince John this trip following a visit to Vancouver. Mrs. Jack Vlgar Of Terrace arrived in the city iron) the Ulterior on yesterday afternoon's train and sailed last night on the Prince George for Seattle where the has been called on account of the lines of her parents. Miss Mitchell, nurse' at Queen Char lotte City, arrived In the city on the Prince John this morning (rom the Islands, being in charge of a young bo 'who Is to be admitted to the Print i Rupert General Hospital lor treatment Jvdge P. McB. Young and H. P. Mc-Leod. ccurt registrar, will ,iall 8unds night on the Prince Rupert for Ocear Falls where they will, bold a national Izat'.on court, there being about flfteet applications at tbe paper town tot cltleenahlp. Constable Brsdner of the city dr tachment of toe provincial police aatle-last night for the south, having in nit custody George Kimble who elected U serve three months st Okalla rathei than pay a tine of asoo for supplying liquor to Indians. Olof Hanson returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train following a trip to CedsrveJe and Sm! there on bust ness in oonnectioa with his timbering interests. H. O. Olsen, Smlthers man agcr of the Hanson Lumber and Tim be Co., accompanied him to town. B. C. Baylies, local agent for th Union Oil Co.. will leave on tomorro morning's train on s two weeks' bus! ness trip to the interior. He will vlsl Prince Oeorge. where the company Is opening a new station, as well as Van Smlthers and other points. Onion Steamship Co. a freighter Chil feoot, Copt. J, watt, sailed st midnlgh last night for Stewart after discharging crcoaeted piles for the Oanadian na tional Railways and leading a tram line and boiler tor Stewart. The vessel ar rived (rem the smith at 11 yesterday morning. ''Us' psateassm; fist' -tmm Vmcmft for the Queen CharlotW Islands of the tesmsr Prince John, which arrived in port this morning, consisted prlneipallT of members of the crew of South Bay cannery In SUdeaate Inlet which is being put In shape for fanning opera Uone this ssason. meat Smith. Smistant district en gineer for the provincial department of public works, returned to the city on the Prince John this morning from s two weeks' trip to the Queen Charlotte Dnands on oflkMal duties. Me will be leaving la about a week for New West minster to which point he has been transferred in the service. Laura K. Pelton. trsvellini tsry .of the Missionary Society of the Pvsahytertsn Church tn Western Canada reached the city from Seftkatcon on yesterday afternoon's train and will be 'here until Sunday night when she will Women of Mnoeaasail Legion Child- sail for Vancouver Miss Pelton will en's Masquerade. May ta. speak before the Presbyterian Canadian Otris in Training tonight: on Sunday "Are You a Mason?" by Players' Club, afternoon she will meet the ladles of May II and S3 In West holme. the church and on Sunday evening she will take the servue in First Presby Moose Picnic, J;:nc 21. Urlan Church TF you get any sudden cut, bruise, x burn or such like, apply a remedy known for its ereat soothing and antiseptic powers. Heal it withZam-Bukl In case of pimples, rash or suspicion of eczema, psoriasis or ringworm, or other stubborn trouble. Heal it to-day with Zam-Bukl Skin health and Zam-Buk go to gether. Whenever your skin worries you, Zam-Buk will prove a kindly, soothing friend. This great herbal balm is the most widely-used remedy in the world. Every home needs it. Mr fmflr ktvs lone trwi 2ai-Buk at the 6nUr ttafctlr r cuts, tcaldl, turns, n4 ethtr Injurltt: In IrMtmtnt of ikln isrt Mil vupllant ilUUnIU. W. ilwij, knt a ki f rasi Sak hinar "-Mr. Mints Lur(-on. Biyicc, !uk. For kMllnS. Zaa-luk Is Ike Ike 4n.i 8ni 111" Itlal I 1 I 1 f pow, II It t uril na ne from from 1 hloe. rliu. sir ckUstia tram ctlp diiMi. ao4 kil4 tor luituia'l kadlr. raik4 k4- Cam Suk U prlctrcie." kfr.VIIMra, SOaiwal St UmIimI fliways Soothing & Safe for the Skin (Misl Saa a U mmd nS.L tie, ssss. rS l5 'Will DISTINGUISHED, col-ourful; charming; aptly describe Dominion Linoleum the best floor cdVering value offered anywhere at prices you will gladly pay. See the display at your dealer's. Then picture your bedroom with one of the dainty floral creations on its floor; or the living room dressed up in all the tints of or: of the splendid orientals. Cash received at the Ridley Home j Bazaar yesterday totalled MSOJK) with j seme further auma to be collected. An; account of the different stall takings month. Corner First Ave. and Flrat Street. Apply 118 First Ave. Ill FOR SALE. PICTURES. HAND-PAINT-ed china, art craft artlrlcs. desk, chiffonier, bed, typewriter and rocker. ruoue Black 158. 107 of wear as well and, so many hours of tiresome scrubbing and sweeping saved. Dominion Linoleum comes in widths up to twelve feet and is quick and easy to lay. Other Beautiful Dominion Floors Dominion Inlaie' Linoleum in designs that e rieht through to the back comes in widths up to six feet only. Affords wonderful decorative scope. Moderately priced. nrirA Dominion Dominion Linoleum Linoleum Rues Rugs r in popular sizes, are also widely in demand. Low in price, they wear wear for for years. years. . . . Sea thlatrtdid it Dominion Una-It mm fit. S2it; mYmtldblt in lw diJfrtntelorint$. x tv : l t r . x room and every scheme of . decoration. Years and years A MiC'r' vimTSv At House Furnishing and S ' TrfinaftT Departmental Stores V" X. Xo--.. Everywhere OyS y Union steamer Osrdeaa, Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived in port at S o'clock this morning from Vancouver and way- points. The vessel sailed later for the Naas River whence she will return here to sail on her return south at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. E. Smith. Vancouver surveyor, who has been doing survey work In connec B with a new saltery which la being put tn at Thurston Harbor, arrived in the city from the Queen Charlotte Is lands on the Prince Joan this morning and will proceed south from here. E. McDonald of Vancouver, assistant general baggage agent for the Canadian National Railways, arrived in the city on the Prince John this morning hav ing made the trip up the coast via the Queen Charlotte Ialands. He will pro ceed south from here either by train or boat. SUCCESSFUL DAY AT RIDLEY HOME BAZAAR IN SPITE OF WEATHER CANADIAN FORESTRY presents ASSOCIATION 5,000 FEET OF NEW MOVIES showing THE RED DESTROYER" Itritish Columbia Travelogue, Provincial News Reel, etc, In Forestry Car TONIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK Tomorrow, Saturday, at 10 and 11 a.m., 3 and 1 p.m, and postrfbly in the evening FREE! COME! FREE! Car arrives: Prince Rupert ... 3rd May Uak 7th May Terrace 8th May Cedarvale 9th May Pacific 10th May Kitwanga 11th May New Haaelton and Haielton 12th May COME! IIIIJ.IAKII TOl'KNAMKNT A Donald (scratch) will be announced later when all the c,mpbeU (pius 10) by money l received FREE! eliminated J. a score of 200 i tn 141 laai nlffht In the second round A .-plendld program was given In the 0, cty bU1Ulrt tournB. evening by the Lad es' Musical dub. ;.,, undcr the vkKpicm the Grand The inclement weather spoilt the at- Termm,, clUD. trndaiioe but those who braved the 1 . 'elements were' rewarded. The I richly CNR ,tnBket Prince John. Capt N. total proceeds will be announced later McIt ,rrlw , U1:30 Ulta v. hen money from sale of tickets ha, morniU Ucm Vancouver via the Queen I been turned In I charlotte Island and will sail at 8 I Ijad''' wh """ lt tp -clock .. tomorrow night on her return ' " isouth over the name route. Mix Oeo. Abbott. Mra. V. r. "-ln-rii Mm. Ben Self. Mrs. D. Orchard Mcleod. Mrs. W. Brass. Mrs C. J. Nor-rlngton. Mrs. R. Davie, Mr 8. V. Cox, Mrs. Wright Davles, Mrs. Asplnell. Mra. H R. Smith. Miss C. Mitchell. Miss McOulre. Mlsa Mollis Cross. Miss Me-Krnrie, Miss Dyer. Pouring tea were Mrs. McMordie, Mrs. O. Woodland. Mrs. Robert Blance. Mra. John Manson, Mrs. 8 Dsrton. Mrs. D. C. Stewart was cashier and Mrs. Carroll took charge of the kitchen. Assisting at the Country S'.jre. which I was in charge of United Chur.-h I.idlca' AM, were Mrs. M. M. lamb and Mra. J. W. Moorehouse. Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson, the convener. ahnOunWd -tJUti;. 7a.4 waa taken in aWitjen to doaa'nwsai ' "" the groceries. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4-e FOR RENT. OARAGE WOO PER Evelyn 14th May Smithers 16th Jtfay Telkwa 19th May Houston 22nd May Topley 23rd May Rose Lake 24th May Burns Lake 26th May Endako 26th May COME! Fo.' Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain, Seeds, Fertiliser and COAL, call up 68 Prince Rupert Feed Co. 'Tir A Hlf TO-filQW Bess ProciiraMe I 3 (THE OR10JNAL) I f Pure Scolcfc Whisky srariMrniri7 1 RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BxiM tmi ,,.r.N4 kf WiSUra Crasl a Sm, Ijanlfd CJ.n'iJJH .aj Batmaa GWmWi OuhMcims. DiM-t-nt4i Quia. icd4. A) This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by th Government of British Columbia