1-1 i Imv May 4. 192S gga.feiiCY mtwji pAgjs rmi .P.iiCIALi in Breakfast Foods "';' Corn Flakes, 3 fkgn, ' 25f .;inif'H Bran Flakes, 3 pkfs. i'r :t.1f it.cil Whent, 3 pktfs. for I N'its, pkjrs. for Allf? . .Id.d Wh-!Rt, ?. pkjfH. for IO( Mwidlctou'.-i Oatmeal and vV!u''tmeal Cookies. pkgs. 50? Middleton's digger and . : ;.".4i- Cookie. 3 pkjrs. for .ir.f V d'Ufto'i's Macaroons. ". ni '.s. for (VJ v. WTED: DELIVERY DOY Mh hi eyrie for Meat Department Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. Phone HI and 18 RUNNING SHOES ( MKN AND OYS h.,e a great aaaort-! Running Shoes for ;rid Boys fr- m the bet r .it price whuh will sive you 25 per cent LADIES' SHOES hitrh jrrade varieties In- very latent styles, an- invited to see " s You will from iUi to 10 per cent Montreal Importers Third Avenue ' It. Miller. Proprietor Insurance Real Estate Bonds i" ialiae in B.C. and accept buying !'i'iK orders on Val- xi hange at Vumou- S.D.JohnslonCo.Lld. Mine 2nd Avenue U'cnts for ourt & Co. Ltd. DRY : BIRCH J'.Uvr'iNE AND CEDAR '"'"I $3.50 1 ' Load , $0.50 1 ; ' sa-k 50c f'0h PRICES DOWN l 1 I'cerless Egg $12.00 ' Washed NuU $11.25 1,11 mtlesa Egg $12.00 ' rl;' 1 ump $1100 " " "tlier classes of coal HydeTransfer AM) coal rn 139SeprrH -rrnie FORESTRY CAR HAS ARRIVED itpiln op I..UUIEK riTV schools ; I'H ti hi;m today ami au- ItAVdLMKNTH IOU OTIILftS TOMORROW ITINERARY IN INTERIOR M'.MHKIl OK SMALLER TOWNS AM YILL.MIHH TO III; ENTKKTAINLll HV VISIT IHOM HDK ATIOV-AL IK.ATI III: To participate in the forest pratectlon campaign being held in this district by th formt Branch, a Canadian Pbrastrv AMocMttttn demonstration cr arrived in th cl from Calgary attached to tht regular passenger train yesterday after-noon and will be here until Monday morning when it will leave on a ala weeks' tour of varloua point between her and Jaaper Park. Th car la fitted with a pojecilon room at one end and a aereen at the other with seating capacity for las persona. Marine pic- urea will be shown to depict the valuo of the forests and tectum will h- given by R. H. Leigbun. lire ln..ptrt ,r for the Porest Branch. The denartinjiit ia desirous that there nhould be aa larje an attendance of citizens as pjulbie at each of the lecturea which wlU be held wlitie toe car la here. The car 1 plotted on the siding juet west of the raUwsy station It la a Canadian Pacific Railway coach and arrived here direct from Calgary after having been engaged for .he pact two months in a campaign to en-counts the planting of trees on the pralriea. It is fitted out especially for the demonstration work which It Is now engaged in. In chare of the car is Alan Beeven of Canadian Forestry Asso- latlon's headquarters at Ottawa. In the program to be shown on the car are three films dealing with straight forest protect ion work aad two others depicting :-nery. hunting, fishing and outdoor life. aU of which are made pos-aiMt largely as a result of the forest. ITIMfcRAHY Hi' OAK The itinerary of the car on this division has bean set a follows: Prtna Rupert May 1 to . Terrace May 7 a.id S. Uak May S Raclfic-May 10. Kltwanga- May II. Naw Haaelton May 13. velyn Ma 14. Smithera May 1 Trikwa May It Houston Mar 21. After leaving Houaton. the car wui gu into Pnuce Oeorge forestry district. rwKiK.iM urar. The program outlined for the car whist bare is dasttgntd to give evrrytme fast opportunity Vf eVin the pictures Borden School ptip:! visited it in two relays this mun, iik 10 sod II This TUIT1 Make Better Ask,your grocer for ROYAL YEAST CAKES STANDARD Of QUALITY. J-OP.WtR 50 YEARS, afternoon the pictures are being shown in Booth auditorium. Tonight at S a show will be given In t).e .ir for adul'.s and lomjrrjw thcie wilt oc khowi as 10 and 11 and at S nd 4 and possibly also in the evening. HAZELTON MAN TAKES ASHCROFT BRIDE Thtre was a Inrge gathering at the T ' itfl r .. -i . i . Oithppfionic BZJZ I a a 1 Walts Instrumental Vocal Record s 1 My Ohio Home Foi Trot Jean GofcUartte and Ills Orchestra Vocal Harrlndton anj Bwrach 21651. with "SKeepy" nail's Banjo Together Warlnft'a l'ennsylvanlans Paul Whlteman't Concert Orchestra Franklyn Ilaur 21211 3SSJ 21220 The "theme song" of the Moving Picture film "Ilamona' Waltz Fbt Trot Foi Trot Vocal Paul Whlteman and His Orchestra Mississippi Mud Paul Whlteman and Ills Orrhesi: Sunshine Foi Trot Paul Whlteman and 111 Orchestra 2124 Chloe All Star Orchestra Shilkret's Hhyth.Meloillsti 21214 21274 21149 21298 Also the lat(t AVrf Seal records by famous Victor Artists ot (lanatta. Limited silver with corsage bouquet of pink ruse bud. Gampbell Sutherland, brother :ji the bride, acted as best man. The 1 rroirn's gift to the bride was a Nd foa lur. During UK slgnuig of the register, Ur . k. J. MeKay Jang At Dawnlnn." i Alter a short honeymoon spent in oiu- of the coast cities. Mr. and Mrs. Kmcaid wUl proceed to their horne In Hazelton, B.C. j Miss Sutherland was brought up In A-hcrogfaam her curly childhood. She v. .s educated here and has been for -(mi" yasxs employed m the local Dominion Kovermucnt telegraph office. She will tie greatly mlaM-ii in the position which she filled ther? for .vj long. Mr. Kinculu. now stationed at Ha?lton. with the government teli-grupii M-rvlce. was for is nu ruber of y-.n pMati relief i work la th various unioc, throughout 1 the proaHnae. Man in the Moon The undertaker .n txlping a town. One of the athlete ia fa l. .i.ot t men and 1 Ieii it Cgga n Mfertlve ta Is often very uaMI ' tor the expansion of errmles of the ih in enemy of Jack BtoaaajBey ia no lunger Pit to ttght. I Ull ;o-j that. For h 1 asst of training now And getting fflsriul fat. Mean nunfail Is the kind that fails on wash day and makes the wtl Utt aays th jtW anMrl KimnM. Teseanaeier. Married lo'mn J14J very g..i; Mi i:ik sutlM-rland at NsMithern Point day he met a' ccrjitrs of hi mouth dawn. Asked if his wi!e had been acjlding. he replied T Xo but I hat just j ui on a mall or-' der suit. . ' ' i when Vancouver; geu to be a big ... . u.h.u ,t wlll with tolerance a of Mr and Mrs. D SutherUnd of Art- Jaamt sjsui try to U!p P croft, .nd asasuel Klncald. of Haaelton. j.ZT BC. the Rev. J A. Leslie officiating..! says the Athcroft Journal Th church was beautifully and tastefully decorated for th weddinf with nouse plants tram seme of the homes and with "Ottaly" blossom which is in full bloom an in seaasn at this time of th yenr. Mrs Huston play; the wedding march as the bride. ace3mpanled by her father, entered the church and walked up the alaie at 10 0. after which to ceremony was performed The bride who was given away by her father, wore white georgette and embroidered veil with arangs blossom She carried bridal roses and 1 lilies of the valley She wss supported by her sister Mlts Marcr. Sutherland who w attired In (each yeergette trimmed with rilvtr lsf and a picture hat to mat-h She carried pink carnations, and w-re pold and Jade bracelet the gift of the groom. The bride's mother wa gowned in black crepe satin and I It is brae. introspactioa that make people Canada has three classes: The boobs, the young intencdaials who scorn the boobs, and Use common -sens people .mused by th young lnwuectuals. The month of April's ended And I'm inrllTsSd to say: "Mr goodness ain't it splendid To think that Jstom today. P-.eed from th ituiasa, 'fatter Of Win tar's ancient curse. The weathsi most, art better. It hardly could ieet PARASITE USEFUL INPROTECTION OF CANADIAN FORESTS larvae t Safly ami KfHaa; wff H IraH MINERAL ACT iPorm f.) CKUTH ICATr. OK IMPKOVKMKNTS NOTH'B I Prlti-eaa Pat. L sm Pilot. Lot 4387: R AF . Lot 4368: observer. Lot 8b8. Mineral Claims, siitiaia In the AUIn Min- : tux Division ot Caviar Dtstilot. Where treated On Munro Mountain Shout four I miles from th town ot Attla. ! TAKE NOTICE that w, Jamas Stokes I snd C. R. Prtser. Proa MuMr'a OartUleaM No. aaMo-aoosi. ui'ead. slsty days from the dnte hereof, t iifhly to the Mining Recorder tor a Certfffeste of Improve-aienu. for the purpaae of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above euum. Aud further take ttotie that action, under section 85 niaat b oemmenced before the issue of sueh Ceritfisate of ImDrovemrnts Dated this 8th d.w of March. A.D. 1938. H. MSN. !"RASBR. A sent. SlIEIIIFFS SALE Between : OladVa Jones and And Dumoat and Em Totrng. dated the ay Ree. TAK NOTICE" that in merson, Defendsnta. an order of HU flnrtor Judas F Xlcil. M!??' ma dsy ot of April. Apni, 1MB. I will (ell is sacMpns of Spruce aa c nd Hemlock Lot now bU)g afloat near rlt Dltby Island Wift:e Station. The same , c'7,' being rut lor togs rut rut bv by th the above abava named named De-1 n. Ml Mr I N S I S T ON S Tfgjft LING GIN" W I lstvJll'i DB 7 m if m 30 IOR a aualitv Gin oossessinp the most nleasmcr At flavor, ask tor bterimg London Dry. It is distilled by experts according to the best London tradition and is thoroughly rectified to obtain perfect purity and sparkling clearness. Sterling John CoHtm (I Two-thirds cocktail gbst Scrrlmg London Dry Cm. (usee of one lemon, psece of ax. one tcaspuonful stsjsr. bottle cold soda McCAFFERY IS BUSYONFAIR TO TAKK I P KXIIIItlTlOV MATTERS IV MM TH WILL MAKE Till R OK DISTRICT LATER od parasitism to the eatsat of aa per Prince Oaorge for Vancouver, will devote In 18 years the parasite has be- cotuiaarabie time to looking up some-thereughly srcltsaatlasd and estab- thing in the way of special attractions for th 1S38 Prince Rupert Cahlbltlon Thta parasite known amongst ento-1 Mr. MeCafrery has particularly in mind mafogurs as Mesoleuls tsnthredinli the idea of obtaining for Pair Week 9JAfrl.. h Mtrensrly active la search . something ta the nataa of an exposi- mmmmf ay "mtmf.,-yKWfmn. rc- braaches of the Ian baa and the second cently been made in the saavtar of aerial It sees the larvae ot th sawfly It daTU navigation. A aeaplane to fly over the In and deposit an egg. grounds and demonstrate parachute larvae and cocoon ordleetsd In Hani- jumping and a balloon asesssaton are tab are now bem seat to the east among the suggestions he will endeavor (or the purpose of introducing th par-, to act upon. sstta that has been the dominant factor i Mr. MeCaffery will also Interview, m cheeking the Urch sawfly In the while in Vancouver, authorities of the prairie province Th Dominion Rn- Canadian National Steamships with a tcamolaglst atates that the introduction view to making srranirmenta for u special boat to be run to bring the crowd it Is proposed to have from Ketchikan and take them back. On his return In a week or ten days time. Mr. MeCaffery will make a trip to the interior, including such point 'itnuwt, Sm:t:iers, Telkwa. etc.. u-wetl sh Ketclnaan, Stewart and other points to work up interest in th surrounding districts in the Pair by en-. deavorlng to have the people see that this la the logical centre of the north and central Interior. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY HERE CHANGES HANDS .j .. i' . I'. IMVIlaS llimie mil 11 uUsT ell Knew n nuefrotn Ur. C. A. Eggert t. C. Bayllas. local agent of the Union Oil Co., has purchssed the residence on yydance with rmn Avenue West near McBrlde Street i nf m- p A BVaart It u well known - - - - one of the prettlwrt homes in to "5" win laae poasewiun fendanU. and on which th Plaintiffs September 1 and it is understood that 8ffm,..rt9HmS: oPlth sih template, building la the i of May. 10.18. at 1.80 o'clock in the meantime a new horn on lots he owns ' r . . . j sit th corner of Atlln Avenue snd 1M Sheriff. Svuteutb Street in WestvMw. Mis seM and srrur aAsk ftsmg Sterling Gin eR$cliey (X One lump ice m tumbler, jtnee of one lemon or lime, Slertmg Londoa Dry Gsa Fill up with soda water. LONDON rDQV G I N DEMAND This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia "Set a thief to catch s thief" la the thew parasites offer the rnief how method being adopted In some instances r permanent relief Irjm this injurljiu far the protection of forests from the ft snataughts mad by issssct pssu. This Is one af th great works being conducted by the svtomologicat Branch of the Pipinsaiat of Agricoiture. Soma years ago the larva sawfly strlp- VA th leaves from 'nmsrarrs and larchea ha astern Canada. This was repeated for thus or few years, and eventually th larchea aver mUliorn of aeaes and practically wver the whole of tern Canada were aJsasst wiped out. The sawfly has sine spread to th prairie provinces In Mil th late Or. ' Hewitt imparted from Bngtsad s para- While in the south. M. P. MeCaffery. site of the larch sawfly. Some of these president of the Nortbora British Colum- have bean used in Manitoba and laat bia Agricultural a Industrial Aaao- ysar the sawfly cocooan MUscted show-; cmtkm. who sailed Mat night on the "Rupert Brand" pers "THE DAINTIEST DKBAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canatljansb & Gold Storage Co., DA I'rlnre Hupert, B.C. Canadian National Qjc Largcft Kailway Syflem in America STEAAISHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailing from PRINCE HlTKItT for VANTOt VKR. VICTOntt. SEATTI.K, snd lnunnedia'.c points, each THI RsllAV and Hl'NIiAY at 11 paa. Por KKTt IIIKAN and ANYOX. each WKhN'KMiA V, 4 pjn. Por HTEWART each HATl'liOAY at 10 p m. Por NORTH ami SOI Til qi tKN CIURI.OTTE ISLANDS, PortnlgoUj. I'ASSENGHIt TRAINS LEAVE PHINCE IlL'PERT Bach MONUAV, MhONEHDAV and SATI IIIitY at 11 JO am. for PRINCE flFOKOS. EDMONTON, n INMPKCJ. all potnU Eastern Canada. United States. SORNCT ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Eipress for Monty Oiders, lerrlgn Cheques, etc, also for your nut shipment f ITT TICKET orrit'E. Btt TIIIHII AVE.. PltlNfE RUPERT. Phone IBS City Meat Market (SELV1G IlltOS.) 3rd Avenue Phane 76 JIBxVT. FISH, VE(JETAI1LBS and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" st Isw prices, and immediate delivery Obserte! All articles are of superior quality snd absolutely fresh.