PAOE TWO Sonje people still use bulk tea They think It cheaper It Isn't for they are paying for dust and sittings and for waning flavour They have not discovered "SALAD A" dust-free, fresh, full-flavoured sealed In metal. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Fubfished Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily New, Limited, Third Avenue. 'H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ,City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 60 By mall to all parts of Northern and Central" British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period $8.00 Or four months for $1.00 -By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year $6.00 By mall to all other countries, .per year $7.60 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per Insertion, per line .25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 Legal Nqtlces each Insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION lj Monday, Jan. 9, 1928 DEALING WJTH DOG FISH An Inquiry in regard to dog fish coming from Augusta, Maine, Indicates that the Atlantic coast Is Infested with the fish just as much as the Pacific and that anything which will aid in their destruction will benefit the people of both coasts. The work of II. N. Brockleshy here is very likely to have far-reaching effect in connection with the reduction of the dog fish and on theAtlantic. It is to be hoped that the local re-ductlfia plant wljl be able to extend the work commenced this year In using the fish tor v.,-j.,u., purposes such as fish meal, oils and glue and that the cati-hing of ilojr I'Nh on this roant may become nn established industry. Some people think a bonus should he offered for the destruction of these creatures, hut it is not yet known whether they inhabit a certain district or travel far. t'ntil the life history of the creatures is investigated it is felt bv some that it would be useless for one locality to try to exterminate them. TRADING WITHIN THE EMPIRE Those interested in the development of trade within the Empire will be interested in the interview with the lliitish secretary for the Dominions at Victoria at the week end in which he hoped to see the Australian treuty a success. While not so intended, this interview has a political significance. It! Canada u curious condition obtains. There are two parties connected with the government nf the country, one of which is called Conservative and is presumed to stand for British Imperialism of the most pronounced type. The other, known as Liberal, is often accused of trying to weaken the imperial tie with a tendency toward independence or i-loser relations with the United' States. Yet it is seen in aetual practice that it haa been the Liberals whohave.put In force a British preference on imports and the Liberals who have made treaties with Australia and other British countries. Now comes along the leader of the Conservative Party and in a series oi addresses throughout the country suggests that Canada must either have closer association with the rest of the Empire or join the United States. It would be very interesting if Mr. Bennett would make clearer his suggestions for economic imperial changes so that we might know exactly what he means. It is to be supposed that he Intends to change, the policy of the Conservatives which has so far been opposed to both the British preference and closer trade relations with Australia. Speaking 4n Vancouver, Mr. Amery urges greater co-operation among UriKfsh Dominions but it is co-operation with Australia that has been opposed by ('onsen-stives in this country. All we suggest is that Mr. Bennett shall adopt a clearly defined policy and stand by it. It is not possible to continue running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. Either the Conservatives are in favor of imperial co-operation or they are against it. So far they have shown themselves to be against It. MUST fJIVK AS WELL AS TAKE In any treaty that Is made between British Dominions, some one Is aqre to feel injured. One of the objections against the Australian treaty is the imiwrtation of butter which competes with the local product. We are not taking sides for or against this clause but simply pointing out that in any treaty we must be prepared to sacrifice something. If our imperialism is not to go any farther than self-interest dictates In Individual cases, it will not amount to much. We cannot expect to get all the advantages without .some disadvantages. (The throw iw In In 1 THB CONTRA PROPOSAL contra proposal made bv Mr. Itennett that Canada shnll her lot' with the United States is not at present a feajjble proposal. There is a current of opinion favoring It; but It Is not strong ana nas not been expressed very openly. . 8uch a move would benefit some parts of the country very much bat the people of Can ada are imperialistic in the!; views. They will wish to be part of the British Umpire. Ther.- In no doubt of that. Joining the United Statea.u!d"at once give an impetus to business in Prince Rupert, for Instance, and this has often been pointed; out and quietly advocate!?, by ora,e people here, but it is not feasible. The people of Canada are British and the vast majority prefer to remain so, for th.e prisent at least. Mr. Dennett will havefto bring about a great change in the opinion of the people before he can expect to lead them to the United States. Rut of course he does not Intend to do that. His suggestion is simply a rhetorical expression. NEW ELEVATOR FOR EDMONTON Alberta-Pacific firnin Company to Construct on Land Acquired From City EDMONTON, Jan. 9. Oonstructlon of a hospital elevator 'in till olty by the Alberts-Pacific Grain Co.. Ltd., at a ocat of at least M00. 000, but which may oost aa high 81 $600,000 before completion, will be undertaken Immed-lately so as to be reedy for handling grata by September 1, 1036. ll la Sfl-nounc.?d by official of the grain company. The new elevator 'Will be conducted on property now being acquired from tile city's land department, situated south cf Portage Avenue and east of 121st street In a eectlon which the etty commissioners are hoping to develop into an industrial area NEGOTIATE KOK MTK The property which C. D. Howe St Co., of Port Arthur, Ont . consulting engineers, are negotiating for. la a strip of land 2S0 feet long, having access to the CN R. trackage at this point. The new elevator will parallel the property now owned by the Edmonton Terminal Grain Elevator Co.,, Ltd. The price of the lot is $7,500 cash. It Is alro stated that the Alberta-Pacific Grain Co., Ltd.. is planning tc. .rect a second elevator at this point next year. The new elevator will be of the most modern type, being constructed of reinforced oonorete and will have facilities for cleaning and drying (rain MUSICAL SERVICE AT PORT SIMPSON HELD GRACE UNITED CHURCH Choir Entertained AMeruariN at llrl Home liv MI-m-k Deacon and Mile PORT SIMPSON, Jan. 9 Last evening thaw was s special song, servloe in Grace United Church which was well attended and was much enjoyed. It was made up of selctlons from Handera Messiah. E. F. Dudoward was crganltt. Jamas Henry choir leader, the whole being In charge of the pastor, Rev. M Eby. Aft:r the service. the choir entertained at the girls' home by Misses Deacon and Wells. The program follows: Solo "Comfort Ye My People." sung by David Uusgrave Chorus "And the Olory of the Lord." The Choir. Solo Dr. Large. Solo-"Behold a Virgin shall ron- icre" M.". 2. P. Dttdmmrcl Choi lis "O. Thou th,-' Tollfh Good Tiding-. C!.-:r Men: -r:..n S. ! Tro:;;i! 'lie Bar " Mi- F D M'iir CtM-ru!. a;; we i:ke sheep choir. CI. "I :! .i' ' -Kit H ..a- " chof Chun- HjU In i ih ' 1 C'..,ir C'h.i-iis '-Worth;' -lie l ..nib" cho TERRACE Vi nor Olass ef Prince Rupen w.i-h .:ti:,f visitor at his home here over i'f eek end. Pobt. Corlett returned home on Satin day after a visit to Vernon. DC, fol-luvlng the death of his brother of that ptaoe Mr. Walters arrived from Prince Rupert on Saturday to assume the duties of teller In the local Bank of Montreal. T. Taylor who haa apent the past two years here as teller is being transferred to Calgary. Alts., and expects to leave for his new position at the beginning of the week. Mrs. J. McConueU and aon Blmer returned last Wednesday from Vancouver and Victoria. While in the south Rimer represented this northern const 1-foeajey ( in.;, toe, qw pimtr and will make a report of the prtoMdings at a meeting of the Bqys' Club In the near future. Warm lain aceosapanM by s real Chinook wind have fallen continuously sine FMday nl'ht and the heavy fall "f snow la dieappv Ing aa If by magic. Roads t present are almost Impassable and the atreets are oovered with water. INTERESTED IN DOG FISH INVESTIGATIONS Katt fimM tfnd to llenefll as Well at tVevt If llrmkleoby In Klglit A letter comes to the Dally News from Augusta. Maine, stating the in quirer has read that the News rvss been publishing artistes in regard to eitend-infl the use of dec fUh oU tad asks for further Information. The letter says in part: "Here In Maine our sts-ooaet fisher men have fought the dog fish for yeera, Vstous things have been tried to en- ooursee the deairustttn of this fish fertiliser, skins, food, et. Fch time the endeavor has failed sad the dog flab contnues to be s menace." The enquiry relates to the experiment of II. N. Dreekteahy at the experimental station here an account of which has been published here. J. B Lsmlrt, assistant district en gineer for the federal department of public work with heaoquartara In Vlr torts, waa a passenger yesterday after noon on te Csunotun going tfcreugb to Port Simpson where he will make an inspection of tensive wharf repair work which Is being carried out by John Ourrie di Bon. local contTactora. Monday, THE DAILY NEWS : .n....u,tr u nfti WHY PAY PREACHER OR DO ANYTHING TO HELPJIM SUCCEED? Suggest Ions Made n to llmv to Kill lllm nml Injure Ills Work The following has been sent la for publication. It Is not new but it 1 as true as ever it was. Most of the suggestions apply also to all the neighbors, it it not mecuit for the "rough, necks," but for Christians for Christians, th? Ye, slrl If you1, went to kill off the best HFtacher that ever lived, try some of ftheM thing listed: Dotkt attend church service mornings. Don't attend Sunday evening service. Only hear tilm preach wlien convenient. Habitually come late church late. Stay away from church on th slightest pretext. Rush out as soon as the service ends. Act cold to show your dignity. Nvr cell at the parsonage. Never thank the pastor for his service. Never appreciate his efforts. Dont' offer help. Tell him what great sermons you hear elsewhere. ( Tell him repeatedly or your fine 'ormer pastor. Criticise him to strangers and outsiders. Criticise him and his sermons he tori your child. Don't make him welcome when he Orittcli Me for not calling. find fault with the way he and his family dress. Criticise his wife for not mixing m everything. Dont take your Sunday company to church. Tell folks his wife Is trying to run everything Don't tot him' know you are sick. Last but not least always be .behind with his salary. There Is snore but what's the user Quit your knocking, atop your kicking Sell ynur hammer and buy a horn. Boost your church and preacher. Man in the Moon ft' f ,ni !f JAKE aaye 1. can understand anyon getting mad when he does not receive the paper. He would be mad himself, he says. If he did not read it and he Is olten madder after he has read 11. TU 'he month after Christmas A:ul h people all say !.. v scarcely a dime Tiev A.-r able to pay. During he reoent cold spell In the in-: a notice appeared ss follows: "It i)i:tci-:y cold yesterday- It la hi i;ii'. it will be colder tomorrow pc "huh 'A h brass monkeys better keep 'i'lni indoors." A MOV II actor has been visiting .it..r:a io try to get in on the new pi'iiui : naklng scheme there. One of iir fust -.hinge he was asked was ootld !.. made a screen test, - a. of a bottle u! Sr ii. He took u and then he had to be sent horse u uom Angeles for disturbing the sleep of the residents. JAKE Is fired. Testerday I drew his attention to some verses appearing In a worthy con temporary dealing with the possibilities of Prince Runert. He rmlled grimly and then, wheeling off to a desk, at tne end of ten minutes returned wltheeme verses scribbled en a piece of paper. I shoved them to the editor with fatal results for Jake. Hen !s what he wtete: PfUNCHRUPERT Prince Rupert, the home of the groucher As well as the brave and the free. The tales that . tbey tell aeesr vary Aa mr as I see'. Wince Rupert, the city of iotas!;-'- wno taia or the days tkat are past. And tall such whoppers of fable I stand aghast. Wince Rupert, her stillness unbroken, save when a train wheeaea In With a few car of grain once dally For th elevator bin. Great Rupert that one was In favor Now aadly nefleetad by men; When shall w see here a revival And echo aaye. "whent" Ten Years Ago In Princo Rupert JAM'.tKV ft, 19IK. -set j? Thomas McClymont. O. H Nelson, W. II. Montgomery and 8. M Newton are candidates for mayor In succession tr Mayor M. P. McOeffery who Is retiring W. H. Montgomery has been endorsed for mayor by the Trade and Labor Council and Aid. Oeorg B. Casey, John Rank. W. O. Berrte. rd Bhaw. E: n Msoeftley. A. H. SUlmsldes and Oeurie W. Kerr for the sMermanle board w school .trustees a. W. Nlckerson I the choice of labor and Capt. Rorvlk far Boiies cemmieaiener. The Queen Charlotte Islands are nov a hive of Industry and the outlook is very bright declare A. R. Mallory of rwrt Otetneut who la In the slty on business. There is great development In the Umber industry In Maasett Inlet, particularly in getting out airplane spruce. wsasssssssssBssasBsssssiBliipi 1 This is an opportunity for the housewife to fill in her neejls in h. . hold merchandise. We were fortunate in securing a big stock of goods before the big advance came, and we are now in a position to .!. prices in this sale that cannot be beaten anywhere in Canada. Our Prices in this bale are irom z5 per cem to w w per ceni icas man to- day's prices 1000 Yards Shceling, 72" wide, absolutely pure, bleached white, per yard .... IfSc 80" wide, per yard 500 Yards Bleached Sheeting, 72" wide, linen finished, free from dressing, per yd. Il)f 80" wide, per yard ."HJf 200 Yards 40 Circular I'illow Cotton, strong make, absolutely pure OCp Per yard 100 Yards 42" Linen Finished Hound Thread Pillow Cotton, finest quality made (ZtZp Per yard 4jr,i 250 Pair Bleached Sheets, ready for use, Dice fine finish, medium CO QC weight, 72" x 90", per pair . V&rtO 130 Pair Bleached Sheets, ready for use, fine linen finish, free fum dressing, siie 72" x 90" C'i Cft i.DU Per pair White Flannelette, good quality, nice soft finish, 27" wide Q1 AH G yards for tfl.UU White Flannelette, a better grade, absolutely pure, fine soft finish, 28" f A) wide, 5 yards for t?.VU Slripci Flannelette, a good wearing cloth, suitable for children's wear, pyjamas, etc., 33" wide C4 A A 5 yards for pXaUU 1 50 Yards of Double Warp English Pyjama Cloth, assorted stripes, 86" wide, worth 50c yard for 9Qp per yard 100 I)o?en Colored Kngllsh Turklah Towels. These are mill oddments, all fast colors, and the price is below today's coat They are splendid value at each :Vt, Hp 20 Pieces Kayoi- .Morocan Dretw (.ooii sorted designs, fast color, mud land. wide, values Si.60 i yard Siecial to clear at km- yard . . . W. French Terry BorJereii YoileN fa, : in four designs, -JH" wide; 2 y.i. make a full size dre.s, rfgulai 2.50 per yard Q'Jn Special to clear, per yard wuU Bleached Pillow Cnses, full sixc, m weight, ready for use . , Per pair '"' Hlcftfhed Pillow Caketi. hem.stiti lu size, linen finish and free from ff, dreaaing, per pair e '-' IrUheen Damask Cloths, hemmed r . use, escorted designs, 5(5 " x 66" 64 1 A 'Each . vi.lU .ISO Yard Piece Damask, made i t ! an excellent wearing cloth, good : 70" wide, very special at Q4 Oe per yard v-tefcsJ While Crochet Bedspreads, hard " quality, will stand washing bvr any other grade made. These i derful value. Size 72" x 84" Ci) ?A at each Ve J While Crochet Bedspreads, a bettr than above, guaranteed to giv Site 76" x 88" CQ Off Each 000 30 Pairs Grey Felt Blankets, full i red stripe borders, gnnd heav and wonderful wearing qualltv special, worth double QO Qff Per pair $AVd EXTRA SPECIAL 36 LADIES' SWEATERS Samples in Pullover and Cardigan styles, assorted colors, not t v alike. Values up to $7.65. All one price to clear j2 MEN'S DEPARTMENT Fine Imported Scotch Make, Silk and Wool and Camel Hair Sweaters in pullover and cardigan styles. To clear at lees than cost price. Sites 86 to 42. Hegular $9.60 values for IjMl.tM Regular $10.76 values for $7.23 Special Penman's .Mercury Marino Wool Underwear Shirts and Drawers, per garment $1.00 Combinations, per garment $1.1)3 Odd Line and SUe In Heavy Pure Wool Underwear to clear at coat price and leu. 20 only. Hand Tailored Men's Suits, made from the highest grade Imported Scotch Tweed and English Worsteds in modern double and single breasted models. In order to make room for our new spring stock we are gting to clear the lot at leas than cost (rice. 10 Only, EnglUhi Gabardine Coat, pure wool. These a e all sample coats and , Xhf sUes are 99, 40, 42, 41. Q ,c;a. Talues t6 WW. for .... l.t'eDU' 50 Pair Men's Work Pants, assorted Tweeds, light and dark colors, all sixes t?0 Q" to clear at per pair 9swuO HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR The Arcadian Hpse, a pure thread silk stocking, reinforced toe, heel and sole, with Rayon. We guarantee every pair perfect. Fine close knit finish, will not loose Its shape In washing. In shades of Peach, Oak, Buff, Champagne, Woodland Rose, Blush, Silver, Pearl, drain and Black. 7?n Specir.1 Sale Price, per pair .... 'wt UNDERWEAR SPECIAL TurnbuH'e Silk Wool and Cotton MIm I m binallona. We have 10 dozen o; KarmenU. All one sise. long -and tailored top styles, knee Q-f 7? Ingth. per pair pielJ Women' Wta, Turnbull's Make, w... cotton mixture, short sleeves, mz Special, each '' Women's Bloomers, silk, wool and mixture, ail white, in sizes 36" HQn to 4t". Special each 1 BLANKETS! BLANKETS! 160 Pairs of Blankets manufa. t from the finest Scotch yarn. Every , guaranteed pure virgin wool. A big i" tunlty to save on your Blanket rtejuir. nu Pure Wool Scotch Cheviot, site 66" x per pair $s." Pare WooJ Scotch Cheviot, size 68" x "peV'palr jjio.T , Super Quality Pure Wool Cheviot fin' 64" x 84", per pair $10. .0 Super Quality Pure Wool Cheviot fin 68" x 86". per pair 811 Extra Super Quality, moth proof, pure v, large size, 72" x 90", per pair . . $I2 ! 8V4 and 4 Point Blankets. Red. Green, Ta and White. These are the very best yn ! of Point Blankets manufactured, nv from long staple yarns, both warn weft. 3Mi Point $i:.D5 Point $17.1."i ASER & PAYNE PRESENTATION MADE BY BAPTIST LADIES RETIRING PRESIDENT The Utiles' AM of the Uaptlst Churoh wnvened at the home of Mrs. Prank Morris last Friday evening when the lewlr e:tert offluers took their re peeUv prsts Mrs. P. It. Llnssy th oresldeut uf the Aid culogld the work )f the ictlrlnK president Mrs. W 8. lUmmiud whoso untiring effort durltig UNIVERSAL TRADING 19J7 had made possible the very successful yesr just past. As a token of appreciation, the president made a presentation on behalf of the members to Mrs. Hammond In the form of a allvsr dish, which waa suitably acknowledged. mim refreshments were served a pleaaant eveniag m brought to a close. Miss Taylor, nurse from the Bella Cools Hospital, was a passenger on the CamoMin yesterday afternoon bound for Port Simpson where slip will spend ii holiday. " i."1 i . .I i LINDSAY'S Carlag leand Stage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel, We Specialize In Piano and Furnltum Moving,