av January 9, 1928 E ACME'S Annual I Continue with an unabated flow of the HisRenl Ilurgaln in MEVS CHINCHILLA OVEItCOATS I fii only in thin lot of Menu Chinchilla Overcoats. These niiilf uf pure wool materials, cut in the very latest style, i.i k liack. They are beautifully tailored and very smart , injf carmen is, and a credit to the wearer. Regular value ,(i worth it. too. Q9Q Q f)..M.taiion Sale Price va-vawv HOYS' SWEATERS Hoys' Jersey Sweater, the famous St. Margaret'ti brand, u. in Kngland. Made 'of pure Cashmere Wool with polo col-I h.-y come in all shades and in all sizes. This is the roost n: rtalle garment for any boy and what he likes ft-f QC ui ar, too. Temptation Sale Price tpAt?e C1HIJ ULANKETS II." is a nice lot of pure woo! ( rib Blankets, measuring 36 lifs !y 48. They come in pink, blue, and white with a ! animal pattern woven throuirnout, which will interest little ones. Regular value $2.50. nation Sale Price $1.45 VI KING AND WOIEY UNDERWEAR Hi.- finest Underwear for Men In Pure Wool. Regular -h :,n and $7.(M) values. JM QC -l.-mptation Sale Price 4JXe7fJ Acme :: Importers No ( .0.1). Orders - Strirtly Cash No Charge Acetyl nV Mail Order Forwarded Express Prepaid SPECIAL Tria Fr 26c and without any further obligation on your part, we will give you one of the famous DURHAM DUPLEX Razors (exactly the same as those l acked in their regular $1.50 sets) with one blade, all ready for shaving. The number of Razors we can Krive away at this price is strictly limited. GET YOURS TODAY 7fic Pioneer DrttgrfimLs THIRD AVE V SIXTH ST. " TELEPHONES 86200 P. AN AD IAN MATIONAL Qfic Largeft Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE HallliiK rn.m I'lUNIK III TfcllT for V tM'OI VKK. VICTOH1A. KEATTI.lt. mid Intermediate point. tch rltllY. 0.00 am. For NTKlV.tltT tnd ANYOX. etch U KONI.NliAY, 10.00 p.m. Kur NOUTII and ROl'TII tl':KN aiAHI-OTTB lI.AXIiM. Fortnightly. I'AMCEMlF.lt TIIAINH I t: WE I'KINTB III TIIT Each MONDAY, tW:iiNHlAV and wati HOAY at 1140 a m for IMII.M K (il.OKOE. EDMONTON. MINNIWI. all polnu Baaatrn Canada. United State. AdCNCr A l.l. OCEAN TT.MIIIP MNW. Us Canadian National Etnresa for Mne Orders. FrHn CHeque... Hi ., aim for jour ntit shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICII. 8M TIIIUD iVE.. PRINCE KUPIKT. Pbane M To Every Woman who is tutirer lor new ideas in home decoration new color nmliniili(.n. for the un porch, new color schemes for linby a loom, new color beuuty everywhere in the lioiut "01 Urunh-in Lact(uer comas as a household bleiwinif. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone S Local and Personal n 13 0. Undertaken. Pnone tl Dentlat. far. J. H. Qoasa. Phone 688 Skating dally, i to 4 and 8 to 10. U Tommy' Taxi. Cafe. t Phone 790. rHAT is a stomach worth f A million dollar bid one found no takers. Stemich actios i regelated by stomach nctvet ZenlAi Zenith Cafe, the place to eult every' body'e pocket. u Get the Big 4 habit) When tnlntlng ef a Taxi, phone 4 tf Don't forget the Elk's big Whist Tournament rwusuj play tonight. J. O. Williamson left on the Canonic last night tor Port Simpson on bual- .teas. Whist Drive tqnlght at 8:18 In the Elks Home. Helgeraon Block. 18.00 U cash prises. For a selection of chocolate and smoking sundries. Federal News Co. Third and Pultoa. tf Price of Dally News 80 cents a month to city readers or 13 00 a year for out of town resident. CMof Hanson left by this morning's train for Bmlthers on one of his peri odical business trips. E. Wilding, who has been visiting his brother at Edmonton, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train. M. M. Stephens has opened committee rooms nest door to Thos. MeClymont' office. Supporters are Invited to call. 8 Alfred ShrubsaU of this city Is now lc Vsnoouver following a trip to Call fornla and will be returning to Prince Rupert shortly. Aid. Jos. Oreer's Committee Rooms are now open In Bent's old store. Third Avenue and Pulton. Friends and sup porters are Invited to call. Phone 371 - YOUR A'ERVBS CONTROL YOUR HEALTH! Uahl&etat&M . Consult... W. C. Aspiriall Manltolm Graduate cimioiWArrou Rooms (i & T, KxchnnKe II lock (ireen 2 II pATHO MEUROMETEa ' - Service a Mrs P. O. Dawson will address the Fireside Club. Mcnday evening. January B at the Baptist Church. Subject "An Evening with Kipling." Everyone welcome. 8 I. A. Burbank. divisional engineer for the Canadian National Railways returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior 3u official duties. Motorahlp Bellli-giiam. Capt. J. E Anderson, arrived in port at 3 o'clock this morning witb a carload of froeer. fih for transshipment over to the Can adlau National Railws to the Eastern 8tates. t'AKO OF TlltN'KH. On behalf of the relatives and excu tor of the late A. W Ed ;e 1 desire to convey to the many friends th deceased, their sincere thanks for tbi many floral tributes and expressions of -ympathy received. E. H. MORTIMER. Executor " TO THE ELECTOR. Ladles and gentlemen. In re- turn for the confidence I now ftoilclt. 1 pledge absolute fldelltv to the wage workers, the city. and the district, which we are trying to protect and advance. ' A united people bound by tb holy cau-e of Justice can never be defeated. Sincerely. O. B. CASEY. Wl THE DAILY NEWS PAGg T.HREE H. Connelly of HoIe-ln-the-Watl reached the city from the interior on yesterday aftenioon'iualn. Ttaor Johnson returned to the city on t.h Camosun vaatUrrdav afternoon from a business trip to Vaajouver. Canadian Legion etecutive meeting Tuesday, January 10 at 8 p.m. General meeting Wednesday. January It at 8 pm. Woman of . Kooaabcart lgion meeting Tuesday, January 10, at 8 o'clock. In stallatlon of offlcem, and social even lag. J. N. McPhee, custcens officer at Butt- dale, arrived In the etty from down the coast on the Camoeun yesterday after' noon and will be here for a few day. Toe price, of the Pally News la now 80c a month, payable in advance, for Prince Rupert subscrlberi or 15 a year. Thoao vlahtne the oarjar delivered will please call at the office or telephone James N. Kelly of the Dlgby Island marine iepot returned to the city on the Camoaun yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, Victoria and other points in the south where he spent the boll ;lcy season. Bird hunting at Delusion Bay yesterday. D. C. Stuart and Sydney Hunter an the Tseekwa took a bag of one goose and four ducks. With high wind and much rainfall, hunting conditions were not overly pleasant. P. B. Robertson, manager of the local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and other points In the south where he spent the rsjeeast bnUday season. In the Municipal Elections 1KS8. Prince Rupert Trade and Labor Council reo.uesta your vote and Influence for the following candidates For Aldermen. Frank Deny and Oectge B Casey. For School Trustee. Mrs. T. M. Spencer. 8 A. Kllpatrtck. rule lrut-uctor tor the western region of Use Canadian Nation al Rallwaya. will be here on oOclal duties until the end of this week. Many loctal function are being held by old friend In honor of Mr. Kllpatrtck dur ing her visit. Walter Oorry. chaitek with supplying liquor to Indiana. wa remanded until tomorrow by Magiatrate McCljrmont in city police court thla morning. David Douglas. Indian, and his wife. Bus Douglas, were charged with drunken' neas and also remanded untU tomor row. Purser A. W Boblaeon la back on duty aboard the Unto), steamer Camosun thla trip, aftar an absence of six' week in Vancouver on holidays during which tune he was relieved by Purser O. Rennle from the Venau who will go on the Cardena this week relieving rurser Patterson who wlU take hit boll' days. Union steamer Camosun. Capt. James Plndlay. making record time In coming north, arrived at 4 28 yesterday after noon from Vancouver and waypolnt and sailed at S last evening for Anyox. Stewart and other northern ports of call. Passenger on the Camosun In cluded P. X. Hobertson. Corp. Frw Msrkland. Jamas N Kelly. Tbor John ton. A. C. Knsjrht. J . N. UcPhee. L. Newell and J. R. Honeyman for Prince Rupert; Mlaa aTylor. J. B. Lambert and Mrs. Brentaen for Port Simpson: H Donaldson and Oeorge Harris for Mill Bay; and H. McDonald. S. Jaoobaen and J. Burnett for 'Stewart. FRENCH HOUSE IS IN TUMULT German Deputy From AInce Beards the Memlr in Cham ber of Deputies INSULT TO FRANCE Speaker is Drowned by Uncouth ioiaes una bpecn not Allowed on Records PARIS. Jan. (By Mail). A Home Rule speech, the first eve delivered in the French Parliament, that was made on Thursday by the Alsatian Deputy Hueber. threw the Chamber into r state of violent tumult. The scene wa reminiscent of thrax created in the eighties In the House of Commons by th advent of the Nationalist The shock produced by the epeeoh wa ao great that the President of the Chamber ordered that It should not be reported In the "Journal OfBclel." which Is the French Hansard. Deputy Hueber belongs to the Ccmmunlat party that ha Identi fied Itself with the Autonomist movement. He arrived n Paris, Ilk most of hla oompatrlots. not knowing a word of French: wlws he tried to apeak in Oerman in th Chamber he waa promptly auppresed. Since then he ha tried to learn French, but cannot aa yet improvise In that tongue. jContequently he rend hi speech yes terday from a mam;ncrlpt, laboroualy and with so bad a i accent that ever. the part of it that wen heard above the tumult were often almost unintel ligible to the reporters Almost with hl first words the clamour of protest heuin. H denoun ced the attitude of t:ie Government to ward the mother tongue of the In-habltanta. the preference of treatment shown towards bankers, Industrialists. and high offlrlal.i The Treaty of Ver-batl!. ht sjhl. did nut, .tttlt til Al- RRITlSHCOLUlVfBlA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 1926. -Ilasrproduced Minerals as fowss Placer Gold, $78,018,548; Lode; Silver, $80,787,003; Lead, $106,070,442; Cjipper,. $209,907,008; Zinc $60,5 LOxe, 5281,6,133; structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, its mineral production to the end of 1926 show an ' AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,170. aaee-Lorralne question. Administratively and historically that question was still alive: the behavior of "French Imperialism" during tb last nine year bad made it even acute History is not brought to a halt by a treaty," he said. "Beside, a to this treaty, w In Alsace-Lorraine have not signed It. Ekrat think that we are going to accept the caprice of the conqueror. You have asked for lignt. you are going to have It." l. MOIVClltEH AtTl'NATION At this point M. Polncare rose to his feet and tilled the clamour with a vesture. Deputy Hueber, be said, wa not a representative of Hou.t Hule but of the union of Alsace-Lorraine with Jerciany an accusation that waa greeted with prolonged applause by almost the whole Chamber. ' The uproar began again aa soon as th Alsatian deputy resumed his speech. To judge by the newspaper report, be developed by figures and quotations an accusation of unfair treatment of the province. Once more he returned to he language grievance. On October 23. IMS. the Trades Council drew attention, he said, to the fact that aa a result of the campaign again the mother tongue "none of the younger generstlon spoke either Oerman or French correctly." The same protest nad been made by the Agricultural Asstciatlon on June a. 19SU ao had in their turn the teacher, pedagogue, politician everyone la agreed on this fact." Continuing. Deputy Hueber declarec. according to the newspaper reports, that the freedom of meeting no longer tiuted. Home Rule meeting were prohibited He knew Home Rule newspapers had been suppressed as being in a foreign tongue even though one of them was printed in the Alaatian dialect and not in literary Oerman. When the speaker compared unfavorably the treatment of Alsace-Lorraine today with that It received before the war the passion of the Chamber roae to the point of ebullition. M. Polncare 's voice wa heard above the 1ln. "A shameful comparison." he sa.d These words are an Insult to Alsace "Nay. more. An Insult to France as a whole." shouted another deputy. DtHK-tlD OKrilKMTKA By now th desk lids were banging M. Polncare "s. we are told, aa loudly aa the other. A chorus arose of "We've had enough; put him out." Or. mock :ngly from the Right benches. "A Ber lin." So great did th racitament become as the orator coolly proceeded with his manuscript that the attendant were drawn up aa one reporter put It. in battle array to protect the tribune. Deputy Hueber reminded the Chamber that during and even- at the end of the war prominent French politician had assured Alsace-Lorraine thai she would have a voice in determining her own fate, notably M. Marcel Bern bat That right of self determination had .ecu denied. Once more M. Polncare intervened. nd. pointing to the other Alaatian Irputles. declared once more, amid 'mmcnae applause. "Tb Alsatian nave loi'ounced." Deputy Hueber retorted i.h denial. "Alsace 1 not free." he Tied hoarsely, "but Alsatians do not mean lo let themselves be mumled. Alsace-Lonaine demand the free dis position of herself." oi ti:u 111. VST The speaker' time had now run out, and as the President of the Chamber denied the customary ei tension the deputy descended from the tribune amid hooting from nil benches save the Communist. Alter s short suspension of the '.ittlug a counter-blast to Deputy Hueber utterance came frjan the other Alsace-Lorraine deputies, who rose on after the other formally to repudiate him. One of them. Oeputy Weill, pointed out that Locarno had settled one and for all the history of the Alsace question. a . . . - I ANNOUNCI1MBNTS Slk's Leap-year Dance. January 30. Ixlon Novelty Dance January ST. Prince Rupert Olri Drill Team ilnuu February 3 Elks Annua: Psius. bruary 17. V. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 192G, $67,183,812 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province In the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which Is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORAI5LE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, mUTISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all Dritiah Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Duilding, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately,-and are available on application. llCANADIAffjr pacific Cle arance GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER COATS DRESSES HATS Hosiery and Lingerie Thor Johnson GOES OUT OF THE SHOE MJSINESS DRASTIC REDUCTIONS On every Shoe in the Store GREAT BARGAINS COME AND GET 'EM! Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan. Urangell. Juneau and Skagway IXreralxf II, January II, SS Te Vaaeouter. Victoria and Seattle January 4, IS. rKIM'fS HKAIKK t. For ttutedale. East tlella lieila, Orean rait. Naat-u. Alert Itay. rampbell River, and Vaiwuuwr tier) Saturday. II a.m. ttenty for all Htramthlp Line. Full Informatloa from VT. OKCIMRIi. General .trenl. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Aienuc. Prince Knperl. ac. I'lmne 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing freta rriiiie Itupert. lor VAM'Ol'VKK. VILTOIUA. Hwansen lUy. Alert Uay. etc. Tuesday. p.m. For VAM'Ol'VKK. VICTOKIA. Ilutedale. Men IU). ete.. (iirJJ a. in For POUT SIMPSON, NAAB KIVLH POINT. ,UCB ARM, ANYOX. HTKU AKT, Male Hand. 8aMay. a p.m. 113 tnd Atenne. K M. SMITH. Afet. I'rlnre Kiipert. Ilf Threuf.li tickets 4d lo Vlrtefta and Seattle, ami baitaje cheeked lUrouili ta destination. "TRY A NIP TONIGHT BEST PROCURABLE IOTTLID A AUAKANrrtD BY ' moouci or eotipo Th Orijlnal Labtl look for it al the Vendor" anil Imist on CRXNTS "BEST I'KOCURA&LC" This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Iintish Coluu.Ma