f AGE SIX I New for Old OF course, we do not actually trade new blankets for the soiled ones you send us. . . .but one would almost lHleve them new when they are returned to you. Soft and fluffy. . . and clean! No home equipment can possibly finish woollen blankets, nor in fact, any woollen garments, .in the superlative manner of the modern laundry. And our prices are moderate for this invaluable service. The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Fishermen Before oujiny your next enjrir.c, rome and see us about jjThe Gardner Semi-Diesel Engine the most satisfactory on the market. Governor has control at all speeds, making it most suitable for halibut boats. Sizes 12 h.p. to 800 h.p. The Acadia Gas Engine the most modern designed and best built 4 cycle engine in Canada. Sises from G-8 h.p. to 40 h.p. medium and heavy duty. Ward Electric AND MARINE SUPPLY CO. Phone C80 Cow Bay Prince Rupert, B.C. OUR GREAT CLOSING out IsRn ft r wi MLfc MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal TlSird Avenue J. B. Miller, Proprietor PAIN in BLADDER Prcmptly Cuttf by SANTAL MIDY B sure to gt th Otnulst Look for th wortf HMipv bold by si) drujiuti BODY OF LOCAL MAN KILLED IN WAR IS FOUND H. F. Wcarmouth Gets Definite Information in Regard to BuriaP of Brother Ernest After over twelve year of uncertainty, II. F. Wearmouth of this city today .learned the fate of hi brother, Ernest IT. Wearmouth, who was reported miss-lng in the Great War on September 7. 1 1916. He had never been beard from I until today except through a statement made by W. Sullivan of this city who reported that he lost his life when blown up by the same bomb which killed Jack McDonald, a former manager here for P. Burns Co., Ltd., at Moukette Farm in the Sonune. i Mr. Wearmouth today received from the War Office In London tbe identin-catlcn disk of his brother together with the Information that the body had been found during exhumation operations, 1 the disk being received from the Imperial War Grave Commission for tramtmlssion to the next of kin.- It was also announced that the body had now been Interred In Serre Road Ceme tery No. 2, plot 13, row 3. grave i8. The late Ernest Wearmouth went over with tbe first contingent from Prince Rupert snd lost his life while In service with the Sixteenth Canadian Scottish under Col. C. W. Peck, V.C. Naturally the Intelligence was re- calved by his brother with much relief. "I. had always been puzeled and worried as to what befel poor Ernest," stated Bert Wearmouth today. Ernest and Bert Wearmouth were both at Maaeett before they enlisted. An arrangement with the Ooaatwtte Steamship ti Barge Co.. owners of the rescuing vessel, has resulted In the re-1 lease at Vancouver of the 6eatt)e . motorshrlp Donaldson which was ar- j rested in the south on a salvage claim , following her pulling off a rock In I Grenvllle Chancel and subsequent tow- I lng to Vancouver by the freighter Anyox. BUILD WORDS OUT OF "Shamrock $17.00 in prizes given as follows 1st $100.00 2nd $."S0.00 3rd $2.-.00 In addition we will give a 5 lb. Box of Chocolates to the winner if the ham label is secured from us. SPECIAL PRICE ON WHOLE Per lb for Hams SHAMROCK HAMS $1.50 China Tea Set for !0 With two pkgs. "Jif." See our window Sunkist Oranges, new stock, 3 doz. ure Have you seen the new Chinaware in Robin Hood Quick Oats. It's pretty nifty B.C. Butchers & Grocers limited Phones 45 and 571 Cash and Carry Grocery PULTON AND SIXTH AVE. We are Selling SmVd Meats Cheaper Today Than Ever Before. JuslThi-k Swift's Bacon in the piece or half slab, per lb iW( Burn's Shamrock Hams, whole or Half one, per lb &Sr3 Swift's Circle (S) Picnic Hams, per lb 2 It Capitol Butter Bricks -Cft? 14s SjM.17 E.C.D. Buttsr Bricks t 14's Canned Milk has advanced and we arc forced to raise ours one cent per tin. Our price now .. Granulated Sugar, 10 lb. for 7i Flour, any kind. 40 lb. sack 8--"l Pastry Flour, 10 lb. sack .... ."" China Oats, package b. & k. Oats, r ... r:? We are saving you many a cent. Give us your whole supjiort. $3.00 orders delivered Phone 301 STORM DELAYED BOAT TWO DAYS British Freighter Levenpool, Eleventh Grain Boat Arrived This Afternoon Alter having been delayed over two days outside the Queen Charlotte Islands awaiting abatement of weather conditions, the British freighter Leven-jool. Prince Rupert's eleventh grain hlp of the season, finally arrived n port this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Capt. Larry Thorrwn of the Federal Pilots of British Columbia, who went out Friday aii-raoon aboard the seine-boat Anna 8., Ca,n Ell Skog, to meet the Levenpool am' pilot her in. was finally sole to go on board toe vessel at 7 o'clock tola morning off Rose Spit. Tbe Levenpool la already lined and will go on -erth at the elevator soon after arriving, following the British eteaawr Holmparit in iuaatng for the United Kingdom or Continent. It Is expected that the Teespool will be ready to sail tonight with a full cargo for the United Kingdom or Continent. The Holmpark will start loading this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Railway offices this morning reported tbe arrival of ISO carloads of grain since Saturday for the local elevator, 350 cars being on .lie division tjday. RAIN WAS FALLING EVERYWHERE TODAY Rain was falling at most every place reporting this morning, according to the Oovcrnment Telegraphs. The report follow: Prince Rupert. Raining, moderate southeast wind: temperature, 44. Anyox Raining, calm, temp. SS. Alice Arm Heavy rain, calm, temp. SS. Alyansh Heavy rain, calm, temp.- SS. Bfwswood Snowing, calm, temp. 34: Terrace- MiBirc. calm, temp. SS. Hacelton Rain, calm. Wrap. 33. ' Smithers Cloudy, calm, temp. 36. Burns Lake Raining, calm. temp. 43. Port Simpson Rain, south wind, -omp. 43. Scientific nsDectioii With the Latest Instruments of Precision That's the kind of eye service you can get here now. We give you a conscientious and careful test. Jack Bulger two years ago passed the B.C. government exams, for Optometrists and during the last six months along N with most of the leading optometrists in Vancouver attended a course of post graduate lectures. We do not supply or advise glasses if not of benefit. Our tests are not uncomfortable arid our prices are fair and refiJBable : - (Jewellers THE STORt VITH THE CUKrx XUXi .NX-no .11 iiil- mmM mmmmmmmm I ugj-MMi n ii, i tTiygirryTri1 DISTRICT READERS fin's ot STY 1? T3i T i he Umly mws Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! co-orntATioN is .SKKI OF TIIOSK Wild AUK (1ETTI.VO I'AI'KK Owing to the large number of new subscribers the deUvery routes are becoming rather disorganised. Anyone not receiving the paper promptly is requested to telephone the office at once In order that no numbers may be missed. The circulation department la doing it best to cope with tbe situation and 1 asks prompt eo-operatlon from customers. If the office Is not notified It la expected that the ptper reaches It destination. If tbe offloa Is notified before 8 pjn. an effort will be made to tend out replacement of miss- lng copies. AT VICTORIA MILITARY FUNERAL FORE. J. HUTCHINGS Interment of Veteran of Mauy Kettle Took flare I ntler Ausphee of (lanadUn Legion ! Number of Games Played Saturday With Varying 'Results at i B.C. Capital VICTORIA. Jan. A-tye University of British Columbia annual Invasion took place Saturday when Use visitors defeated the team of he Victoria Oom-merrial hockeylaasAi i.to 1. Victoria Rep rugby team for the alc-Keehnie Cup was bssjten twelve point to nil. The Garrison Badminton Club waa beaten by the visitors IS 'to 11. Victoria YHCi. defeated Varsity in a four man team race, doing a mile In thirteen minutes, for and four-fltths woo lids. Victoria College defeated Varsity ladies S to 0. Victoria grass hockey club men de feated Varsity 3 to 1. Victoria OoUege defeated Varsity second rugby team 11 to nil. Under the auspices of the Prince branch ot the Canadian Legion. British Smptre Service League, a mili tary funeral ws yesterday afternoon given the lata Edwfcrd J. ("Teddy") Hutchlnga, veteran of the British Navy, panlsh American War, Red River Rebellion and Oreat War, who died last week. Archdeacon O. A Rlx officiated at a service in the chapel of the B.C. Under takes, with W. Vsughan Davles presiding at the organ, and tbe cortege, headed by a pipe band consisting of 8. H. Leslie. Hugh Smith, Alex MscDonald and James Sturgeon, pipers, and Sam Currie and W. F Browne, drummers and followed by a large procession of returned men under B. A. Bird, president of the Canadian Legion, then moved to Fsirvlew Cemetery where in terment took place. A volley waa fired over tbe grave by a flrlne party under Lieut, a. P. Tinker tsnd consisting of John Dell. F. T. Woodman, Thomas Brice. M. M. Lamb. J. A Allan, u. Cadwallader, II. fonder and F. R. Hunter. The "Laat Post" was sounded by Bugler Sergeant William Ranee and the band played a lament at the graveatde. Psliteaan w , O....L. youocman. JicK nun. Thoniaa" Black - Norman aort. W-Sullivan and Jock Talt. GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP PLAYED YESTERDAY LOS AKOBLSS. Cel.. Jan. 0. Mac-don Id Smith of Oreatneck, Long Is-!s.id iter, won the third snnual ten thousand dollar Los )Alfeles open golf prise yesterday with S total score of 84. Harry Cooper of IO Angeles came second with 87. MINISTERIAL ASS'N. FORMED Itev. J. It. Fricll Elected President and Kev. A. Wilson Secretary at Initial Gathering The Prince Rupert Ministerial Associ ation waa organised at a meeting this morning in tbe pastor study of First United Church. Rev. J. R. rrtaell of First Presbyterian Church being elected president with Rev. A. Wlieon of First United Church, secretary. Initial members of the Association present at tbe meeting were Rev. J. R. Frlreil, Archdeacon o. A. Rlx, Capt. Stofeart. Rev. W. F. Price. Rev. John H. Hansen and Rev. A. Wilson. The Association wUl bold regular monthly meetings when books ot hip to lt- matchers will be studied. Genera! business pertaining to welfare of church and community generally will also be taken up at these gathering. At the meeting this morning sieeUton was made to Institute a children's mission campaign In Prlnoe Rupert concentrating on the week of January 13-18 when 8. V. Ware. Dominion organiser for the Children's Scripture Union, will be in the city. NE REPETITION OF FLOODS IN LONDON LONDON. Jan. 8. Saturday high Ude passed without a repetition of the floods In which fourteen were drowned. The revision of the list reduced the number from twenty as reported Sat urday. Indian Agent W. B. Oolllson will leave tomorrow for Port Simpson where he wul preside at tbe election of a 1B38 native council which wUl take place on Wednesday. On January 34 the election will be held at MetlekaUa with polling at Naas River vUlsvss taking plaee later. Father Oodfrey left on this morning train for Tame). Market Prices Today prloss on the tosat marktt are a folio: LAUD Pure ast Compound 30c cans BXS. fresh pullets . see B.C. fresh, firsts eOc B.C. fresh, citrss 0Se Local new laid .., 79c B.C. storage, first 60c 11X11 Sruoked kipper, tb 15o Kippered salmon, lb ,. 25c Smoked btaek oed. lb 20c Finnan b addle, lb 3 MEATS Fowl, No. 1. lb 38a and 404 Routing chicken, lb 4Jc Ham. sliced, tint grade 50c Ham. whole, first grade 34e Ham, picnic, lb 19ftc Cottage roll, lb Htye uaeon, back, sliced 60c Bacon, aide SOo to SOc Pork, dry salt g&e Ayrshire bacon, lb Jc Veal, shoulder 35c Veal, loin 40r Veal, leg 3jo Pork, shoulder , age Pork, loin 40c IUMP laa a . lllWI. iWUBlii I,.,. 18e to 30o Beef, boltlr... ......... iae to 18 8. V 30,5 t0 4Jc Beef, doast. prune rib 320 Lamb, chops joo Lamb, shoulder 85o Mutton, leg 40a Iamb, teg 40 Mutton, chops 1 400 Mutton shoulder too nUTTCH Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland, " Mc C.D., lb 85c Capitol, 3ud grade, lb 43c Monday, Janum , n (?,, $175-00 IN PRIZES build Build Words Out of SHAMROCK HAMS What You Have to Do torn the letters lontnlnrd In s-llAtrf0rT'T. M ... ...nnv uni a viiu ran. Exnmrlr1--the twdt-'fur" ;,h,i nam" win he made but not the word "fWWtWfllTrW There i-only one "It" anil no "l" In "Mianirork Hanm Rend Rules lareiuiiy There In no entry charge. Merel) Kend Willi lll of v.(,r,i-the green and red oval label reu -lliie. -minis' Mmiitrwk II,., shamrock Hams may be purchased from jour meat mnrkri ,,, Vord llt nwt he clearly "rltten In alnliahetliul onler m,i lotnlleil. Abbretlutlon. cuntrnrtlom. or duplication- of anni. ,,, different -en-e will not be counted. .... Print votir name and addtw ut ton rlslit rriml lorner. ami mime and dale of thH Mer at lop left hand corner. 4 u elite nlll count only prtut le ami legible l.nIWi mom Killing of Judtes sli-lutely flii-al. ..... Vn etaiiliMe of I'. IJiirn & iimwaiiv l.lmlled nun rnni.. , fonteMant furnl-hlng largest mimber of accepted uoril- !. flr-f prize. In e of equal IlkU Ihe first re-eld nlll lwe ference. First Prize $100.00 And five consolation pn Second Prize $ 50.00 of one Burns' Shamrock Third Prize $ 2..00 Ham each. Contest Begins Jan. 1st, 1928; Ends Jan. 31st, 192 Address All Entries to "Hamgrnm,,, c-o P. BURNS & CO., LTD. EDMONTON. ALBERTA WESTHOLME THEAT MONDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. RE! I Mary Pickf ord in Sparrows" GUSTAV VON SE1TKKTITZ, ROY STEWAItT. SPKC O i) NEI.U Ll.OYI) WHITLOCK, MONTY O'GKADY, CIIAHLOTTE .MINEAU and others COMEDY INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 3ftc and 10c January Clearance SALE Coats and Dresses AT COST BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9 Buy Flour 3rd Ave. and Fulton Guaranteed to please you belter. For Sale by all Good Grocers. LACQ IN ALL COLORS LACQ It Dries in .Thirty Minutes Not a Paint. Not a Vnrnlsh. l or I'loorn, ruinlture. Woodwork Exterior and Interior. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert