-J ft e THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TWO News and Views In The Worl of Sport MORSE CREEK FOR SKATING Special Committee of Gyro Club Will Decide on Organization's Next Objective Now that the Acropolis Hill playground is completed, the Gyro Club yesterday discussed the matter of the next club objective and decided to have a special com mi t tee appointed to report on the question next month. The club decided to have the Morse Creek dam, which was put in last year in shape so that the creek may be used as a skating rink this winter. Some kind of a formal opening will be arranged. The sheet was not used for skating last winter by reason of the fact that the dam was only completed after the only real cold .spell of the season. Bill Watt was the winner of the raffle at the club luncheon which was presided over by the president, I.. W. Waugh. Head Colds I Vapors inhaled quicxiy ciear neaa VQCKS VapoRub Giving Vcgetablet New Frilh If your family inclines to a diet of meat and bread and potatoes, youH have to lure them into the vegetable habit by subtle, feminine wiles. Let your vegetables appear in new guises, their downright, honest virtues adorned with all the trimmings of new sauces and new flavors that your imagination can devise. Remember it isn't the girl with the commonsense shoes and the mannish tie that wins hearts. High among the vegetables to which we owe allegiance is spinach. Rich in iron, rich in vitamins, it should be eaten much more often than it is. Yet some-bow noees turn up at the word "spinach." I blame the cook. I wonder if she has served it au gratin, with a hol-landaise sauce, as a salad with mayonnaise, or combined with onions or leeks and cream sauce in a most tempting puree. The Sauce It the Secret A fine cream sauce is times innumerable the making of a vegetable dish. There's practically nothing it doesn't ro well with, practically nothing that doesn't take on added delidousness if your sauce is a really good one. I have a recipe that is really wonderful richer, smoother, creamier, more delicious in flavor by far than the ordinary recipe. It's made with Carnation Milk. Of course you know that Carnation Milk is more dependable certain to be and sweet which ordinary milk fure ui't always. But for Cream Sauces there are certain other qualities particularly advantageous. One is the double cream content of Carnation Milk, which when you use it undiluted, gives a sb-xx twice as rich in cream as ordinary milk. BADMINTON IS BIG I GAME IN MINING ! CAMP OF ISLAND CUMBERLAND. Oct. 10. The badminton season started in Cum- i.orianH whpn unwards of one hundred players visited the courts of the Imperial Club. Many new fates were seen and it is expected that the present season will surpass any of the previous ones in the history of the imperials, me Imperial Hall is one of the fin est in the province for Daamimon, and there Is sure to be a large membership, as other halls In the Jistrict have only accommodation for one court. The United Church club also started theJr season the same evening, full turnout of members being reported. These are the only two clubs organized so far, but it is expected that the Whippets, a new ciub organized last year, will start soon. A Natural Curiosity Mother You must'nt eat ico cream like that. I knew a boy who ate his leg eream so fast that he died before he had eaten half. Little Willie What happened to the other ha)f ? St. MY, KITCHEN NOTEBOOK by Thany. ThtoJu. Domsstlc Scttnca Connsalor Then there is its"honReniiation." "Homogenized" milk has ail the cream globules broken up into very minute particles; these tiny cream particles distribute themselves all through the milk instead of rising to the top. Every drop of milk is rich in cream, and imparts its richness to the cooking in which it is used. In addition, "homogenization" gives a notable improvement to texture sauces are creamier, cakes finer textured, ice creams smoother and richer. If you haven't tried Carnation Milk you are missing a reaDy important cooking aid. Remember, it's just the purest of uholt milk, evaporated to double richness and sterilized tor safe keeping. Write for " My 1 lundred Favorite Recipes. " It's free. Address Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited. 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Baked Cauliflower Prepare by soaking in water with 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tp. salt for IS minutes. Cook whole, stem up, in boiling salted water for 7 minutes. Put in oiled baking dish, cover with Carnation Cream Sauce, buttered crumbs and grated cheese. Brown in moderate oven. CarnationScallpped Cabbage Put layers of boiled cabbage in baking dish alternating with layers of Cat-nation Cream Sauce, chips of bacon, ham, green peppers and cheese. Sprinkle with grated cheese and buttered crumbs. Brown in moderate oven. Carnation Cream Sauce Melt 2 tbsp. butter in top of double boiler; add 1 tsp. salt, few grains pepper and 2 tbsp. flour blend without browning. Add 1 cup Carnation Milk diluted with 1 cup water or meat stock; cook over hot water 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Makes Creamier Cream Sauces Producrd la Cutds THE sauce Is the secret of delicious creamed vegetables and Carnation Milk is the secret of the perfect cream sauce. Carnation is double-rich an 4 creamy-smooth. You can't hflp getting better result with it. (See recipes tbove) Carnation Milk "From Contented Cows" Around TfoiiWorld., With SrJorWahs Illy tin Tramp) Night football is the latest thing in the States. A game was played at Des Moines recently lighted by twenty gigantic floodlights of 2.000 watts each. Some few months ago, when C"n Tnnney was more; concerned with gate receipts than at present ... wuuid run away from a news paper cameraman yes, he would, -The general committee pf the Amateur Athletic association of England has endorsed the scheme broached by Canadian and Australian track and field officials at the Olympic games foi an empire sports federation, sayB the Toronto Globe, and has forwarded an official communication to the i track and field bodies of Canada, j Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.India, Malta and other dominions and colonies of the empire asking them to formally endorse the project and send delegates aeiegaies to to a a meeting meeting to to con woods and set him on the fresh trail of a wolf. Anticipating rare sport he followed in the wake of the baying animal. Some miles further on, meeting another woodsman, he asked him if he had seen a wolf and a dog and how were they getting on. "Yes, I saw them," was the answer. "The dog was a little ahead of the wolf." So far there have beep six deaths as the result of football irames in the United States this season. Some game! Cents, even lacrosse. SCOTTISH FOOTHALIA LONDON, Oct. 11. One game was played yesterday In the Scot tlsh Football League, Alrdrle and Queen's Park making it a two goal tie. Ten Years Ago In Princ Rupert October II, 1918, Archbishop F. H. DuVcrnet, In a special article in the pally News today, urges better co-op eration between clergymen and doctors. Neither seem to understand the close relationship be tween the mental and physical, 'declares:" the archbishop, who clajmii'th&t three quarters of the physical aliments have mental basis. Recent casualty lists announce that Lieutenant Andrew Brighton has been killed In action while Fred MeUod and fcp)j Robertson are wounded, the form erl seriously. si' At n joint meeting of the St. Andrew's Society and the Sons of England Inst night, It was decided to arrange a billiard tournament between the members of the two organizations. The first tournament will be played next week. WHEN SPORT DEGENERATES Toronto Globe Has Pungent lie marks to Make on Bribing Amateurs (Toronto Globe) stars have already been attracted to United States colleges or athletic clubs. It is even rumored like a chorus girl would dodge. In that Percy Williams, Vancouver's Rome when he was marrwd he "Printing ace, may do likewise refused to allow photographers to next year. The reasons for such "shoot" pictures of the bridal !n exodus are worthy of exam- : it r,.4i.. ..t,ii InnHnn a deaf ear to fhe pleas of the professionalism is rampant in United States Ambassador to Italy and jthe Italian Minister of the Interior, whereupon spectators and picture men hissed him and pis bride. many united States universale and that star athletic teams are built up by remitting tuition fees, board bills, or by secret grants from graduate societies. To of for a boy a chance to secure an otherwise unobtainable education on such terms is a big temptation. Nevertheless there is no escaping the fact that to accept any such arrangement is to become the paying, directly or indirectly the party to a public fraud. Such fraud cannot be too sternly con demned in Canada. There is no allegation that any of the several Canadian athletic stars have recently crossed the border as the result of any such illicit offers. ,ilt is well, though that tjie Canadian people should know, that suen offers are made. Public opinion should not con done any such practices here. Let us have, sport for sport's sake ; let all financial arrangements be open and aboveboard. READY FOR IJILLIARDS Arrangements have been com pleted for the season's play in the first and second billiard div isions and games will be commenced in the near future. The S4b.edule for the season will issued tomorrow. SUCCESSFUL WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE A very successful whist drivi and dance was held by .he Re bekah Lodge last night In the Oojjtpn Hall. cards and prise-winners were: Ladies' first, Mrs. William iloth well ; ladies' second, Mrs. William of the event consisted of Mrs. J. E. Boddle, convener, Mrs. James Simpson, Mrs. William Sherman Jr., Mrs. II. S. Pelletier, Mrs. Alex. Mackenzie, Miss M. Durran and A. E. Woods. SPORT CHAT Dim, almost, as the figures ot iHertules and Mercury are once great names in baseball, Lajoie, Hans Wagner, Matthewson or ; Willie Keeler. Little more than 1 shadows today. Now Tyrus Cobb, Tristram Speaker and Walter ' " At 1-1. II... I There is natural disappointment Jonn80n are on ine,r Wf,y im in' athletic ciroles because several!""5 ""aoowy country where of Canada's Olympic athletic 1 hr W,U ourif in the mustiness of the records. It will be some time before an- other Cobb will flash across the j diamond suns. And, when the great Babe ltuth is 'through wil) there be another Human Howit- I zer to succeed him in our gener- J ation? Cobb, as a hit maker, run rarle'veni U Is no secret that disguised .f d ,! as tne home run collector m luxe, will leave something to I shot at for more than one generation of stars. Sterling pitching and timely and effective hitting were the two major factors in the clean sweep that the New York Yankees made over the St Louis Cardinals in this year's world ser ies. Records show that the Yanks hiu ut of the party to a public deception and athrw) four. an athletic misdemeanor. "M, ' . , T! ' he W- U w" ,n e There is nothing wrong or il- CIJ,",ta hr httMw. however, where the legal in undisguised athletic pro- N '"vincible fesslonalism. The swimmers who Pro compete in the marathons are all " m-tk than n,ne paid performers, and the public ho BJJU J" the Cards made but one think, none the less of them for homer and four double. The tht R..t h -.I., nf oil thrbr ganlzed amateur sport prohibit however, wos by Bettomley for con- . he p . v.u ,,,, mde mo,i soljdate the proposition So far of contestants, The amateur who 'ty-oae .Ingle. ,Bachwtea"? altogether. as Canada concerned the mat- ! really a secret profess.onal is ter is practically settled In fact it is regarded as a certainty for 'the Olympic club of Hamilton, i headed by M. M. Robinson, manager of the Canadian Olympic team, has formed a committee to Imeet the Hamilton city council, 'parks board, habor board and i other municipal bodies to arrange 'for financial and other support for the first empire championships to be held there in 1930. A backwoodsman took a highly I recommended wolf-hound into the Lou Gehrig stole some of the home run honors from Hal Ruth by distributing four circuit clouts throughout the series while the Bambino made but three. The other home run hitters for the! Yanks were Meusel and Durst, who got one each. Bottom ley, the .most effective hitter for the Cardinals in the series, had the honor of making the only St.; Louis home run. Details of composite hitting in the series are as follows: New York home runs, Gehrig 4; Ruth 3; Meusel .Durst ;two baggers, Ruth, 3; Gehrig, Meusel, Collins; singles. Ruth 4; Koenig 3; Lasteri 3; Paschal 2; Bengough 2; Durst 2: Gehrig, Hoyt, Dugan, Meusel, j Robertson. St. Louis Home runs (Bottomley ; three base hits, Bot-tomley; two base hits, Wilson, U Maranville, Orsattl. High; singles jHifffa 4; Frisch 3; Maranville 3; 'Smith 3; Hafey 3; Ilottomley. I Harper, Orsatti. Douthlt, Holm. In pitching, Waite Hoyt turned in a remarkable performance by fanning six batters in the first game and coming back in the fourth to strike out four. Pip-itrass and Zachary also did well for the Yankees by fanning eight There were xeventeen tables of nd seven resepectively. Yankee pitching, with a total of 29 strlke-outa, etitshadowed that of the Cardinals whose hurlers total Thompson; men's first, F. J. Ful ied but 12 strike-outs. Jess ler; men's second, James IHckey.uines fanned three Yankee bats-After cards, refreshments were men In the game In which he served and dancing followed to ! participated; Seherdel fanned the strains of tunesome music two men in one game and but one furnished by an orchestra consist- jn another. Old drover Alexander Ing of Misses Molly and Nellie could baffle but one Yankee bat- Lawrence. A. K. Woods, Norman j ter In each of two games while Moorehouse and Dr. R. E. Eyolf-; Johnson Mitchell. and Rhem each sen. made but one strike-out. Each J. B. Boddle was master of cere-juam made six errors throunhout monies, Georite McAulay and Mrs. j the series. Koenig and Laaserl James Simpson presided at the each being charged with two for door and the committee In charge the Yankees and Hoyt and Rob- ilINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 58 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. rVe Specialize In Piano and Furnlturn Moving. ertson, one eaoh. Wilson was blamed for two Cardinal errors and Maranville, Mitchell, Omaltl and Hafey for one each. STEWART O. B. Bush of the Bush Con solldated and E. JI. Bush of the Marmot Gold left last week for Vancouver. the steamer Prince Rupert is now making Georgia River a re? ular call for freight and passen- KITS. C. P. Hickman, Inspector of Hatcheries, left Inst wek for his headiiinrters in New Wosttnliifter The oldest stocks oi Thursday, Octobri Govettvmexv Stap es Ve stot so This advertisement is not published or displayed Liquor Contrul Board or by the uovc .mtM i British Cniumbis SCHEDULE FOR SAN FRANCISCO LADIES' WHIST WINSFIRSTG V ; OCTOIIKK IS OssvMMan VsUoiul Udfea w. St mm Ladlat vi Oranic iMdUm. 10 . OtoraCs Ltd In m Uoomm LsdlM. Oftae U4ta . Omw Pmsnmi Nttkmat Udk. MIVKMHEH 6 Moo U4k vs. Osmdtep Nattonal UdtH. Orsns LsilM vs. St. OMrse's Udfc. SO St OtorfVi Ladtoa CsimmIIm rational Lsdlw. Orensc Lad MM vs. Moom LadtM. nt:-i:MiiK 4 Mocm UkStea . St. Ofore t4la. CmmIIsa National Lad Ma . Oras UUfea. 18 banadlan National L4m Msv UStoa. St. Oaorsa'a td vs. OrtJH l4te. JAM'IKV-IW9 IS Canadian Nation) U4Ua va. Bt. Georae'a LadMa. Mooac Ladtaa vs. Orans ldiaa. SB St. Ocoracs Iaums va. Moona Ladies Oraua Ladlas vs. Canadian National mint wuv s Uom LeaUsa vs. Oanaalian National UdJas. Oraaa Lad tea n. St. Oeoryr Ud;w IS- St. Oaoraa'a Ladiaa va. Canadian National Lad Ms. Oralis Ladiaa Moow Ladlas. MtltCII 6 Mooat Ladles va. 8. Oaorse's Iadlaa Canadian National Ladiaa Om.mr Ladiaa. IB nadlan National Udlas vi Uwt Lad Ma. St. Osorga'a Ladlcj vs. Orana Udlea TRAGEDY AT RANtJOON RANGOON. Burma, Oct. 11 Forty-seven natives, including is "omen, were iurneo to ueatn anUi twenty others were seriously m f jured when an oil pipe burst and caught fire today. after a trip into the Mexiaden Lake fish ladder from here. William SIcAdams is here from Vancouver on business In connection with the Red Top property which he hns bonded. Mrs. John Mellor and daughter left last week for a holiday visit to Vancouver. H. C. Bennett, who has been In ill health of late, left last .week for a trip ijo California. S. li Jones of the Mayou mine made a business: trip to Prince Rupert last week. Capt. C. A. McKenzle, who had been In the camp on mining bust-netts, left last week on his ro-turn to Victoria. Dutch Iteuther Holds Senator for Seven 1' Without Store I SAN FRANCISCO. i Timely kitting brou ' Francisco Seals a ts. (victory over Sacranv , in the opening gan. seven game seiies ft Coast League t-hampi" Dutch Iteuther. th. pitcher, brought the I i l a i SHvntission lor ; holding them score! team mate piled up I leaMl. This advertisement lishsd or displays Liquor Control Ili; the Government f 1 Columbia