tior. the u is lion is t.e tiie Ki:".i: 1 Contrac Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation lelejAenc - 95 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau f Circulation? DAILY EDITION 'l! a r:a K!.ai a;..: start e ; : : tive iar.ti." ri. (1! .y tij t;ic - : .'. I'anatta. :M-,i:;i: ai'iearanct at "a: H. salt! tr.a: 1 '.;..:;. iol hu!U'::y siriti t'Jt loll I'f tile c. which .ets r.'ur.'i in another w ay. Char.e- tee. deciareO :.c . si'i.c iI "my :: :::. tr ;i r nr. a: iVi: e I'ac i :c .' "a? V Canada." it !; .::.. : .' ::i.ar . .-.ie-' .11 . :ur.. Thursday. October 11. !V2 OUTLETS FOK CANADIAN GRAIN It will be interesting to iearn later how much of the present huge Canadian wheat crop finds its way to market through Canadian ports, it is probable that at least 300,000,000 bushels will go to the markets of the world through the United States, keeping up American railways, feeding American railway employees and building up American ports w hik some Canadian ports are lan-avishine That is the wak cnot in Canadian business. V ;u ar a. (llv. (.; rivai ; '!'.-' w :ik'!. Cai'.adiar. ".ui'.e to sr. "0 CAN ADA" ONCE MORE . e.-c ea tr.e Buchar. .t rc:i"ier:r.k" r w i.ici ::t uiustnes r Cana-: i ugh .is cor;c PHYSICAL 1ITNESS ESSENTIAL ill J. Li -- v, art. .AO, I . .u-' -t r rr r;a-'.: use Canadian doctors flecked and paw out to sea. To us who live where hurricanes are a the simile of a hurricane an1 doughnut has became familiar. It explains so aim.pl ho the wind may blow round the rim of the doughaat at 125 mHas aa boar aad wet the the hurricane, the dooghnut itaelf. progress at only 12 miles aa hour. In this 'case the run of the doetghaut va-rud frusn to 108 miles in width. Ail Sunday the weather was ominous, dark with sudden gusts of wind. Late in the afteraeM it .iU.rU-d to blow steadily UB ever increasing icteaaitjr. By t o'clock it had reached hurricane the first half. By L30 the one was over aad oaly a stiff eeae blew. Exhausted from taa strain, out of us were doaiag ahea'we pre wakeaed seddeady by a immerinr at the back door aad rrified voice crying: Tor the of Gawd, let as i- - me score or awre of 1 our boMs colored gathered roaad the y stood knee deep ia w , some had had to a ouga water breast high to the road. How fortaaate thejr fre to get throueh me 1 know tilt morning. They were alked ia two rooms aad the iirt'e barf diowaad nt poeaiBttity jd. but the mm $200,000 aar- tera under i uaati ucUoa, oett completed and completed. had weathered taa alarm weM. The raae was quite aavture and tt was if they eeuid drain the dry mm. it would be alt right. Canal Point had st li looked Ukr a village. Pake didn't. II seme giant had kick e J it viciously a nuasWr of tbaea it might hart had mnrh the mrme effect in wmm) M fcd been houser eew me.aty some few thou- feet af boards ;orce. rawer mt mmrnmmuag acrea. . Our house had been braced and j others a of heerds marked tht fortified till it seemed fairly ane a lormer aouse. aw -a. sfp is far x wind aad rain were .eeeai smew awieu comerni. but the bea jtitei eidiflaora. Out a tey bouse, leavter mU mttke fanitue eurnrisinjrlT ia aere too great a menace to risk place. Frem aeeae one wing ha i at a time iike that, so we the invitation of a whose kw. well built home already weathered a u umber eied storms, and was free of treee. t It proved a wise deciaiea. All j t furv we seareehr fait IL V le did the house rihrate. p.m. the storm ma ahat-d by tJO it was perfectly rhi; calm, the oeadre of jthe nal ImmfmA for IIM Btim. hi blowing from nortfceaat biew ireasingly hard frosn the sowtfc-rst till iu velocity exceeded that torn asny aw:ag a cross f ta4ar wing. asom ta rood we climb pUrs of grzs and awed? generously till the Red Oman took over the work later. The white uniformed coast guard arrived on Tuesday also and and helped evolve order out of ihacs. Thursday the state truard arrived and we were put nder military rule with sentries pctrollintr the roads and guards it t V. r. ..tttwa noA t n tnwn Those wht had fled beioi ajsol oegan to Arrive bark on l oes-duy. The story of one weosar ntereated is specially. She had been sick for some three days before the storm. Having eate: nothing during that time she got jp from bed. drove herself, siste-ind six children some hundre miles, spent the night with umber of other refugees in . railroad station and then starter a. Three time driving ove- the flooded road her engine wa. Irowned ovt Three times am nd the children had to shove i" ome hundred yards or so ti higher gronnd. let it dry out am isea 90 on. For the sake of the still Uv mg mad with apologies to th dead. H seems only fair to sa; such htea of life was unneceasar Too many houses were poorlv built in the boom which wa sweeping the coaatry and Tutny people with the water aJ ready extremely hiahalsyed on low lying bud ia spite of offic al warnings of a rise ia water- thoatrh of eourae soch a rise was ThurBday.Octohor 1 1 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FpUK V' The Daily News PRilsrejs RUPERT 5-A '.. BRITISH COLUMBJJ Published Hreflr Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert flatly News, Limited. Third Avenue. FJLLEN - Managing Editor. IptjBSCKUTlOX BATES V j u - J - - ;iJ City Dtdiwrj. JgfeW earner, yeany neneo. pw in .ont Far lwer rwtUai DW n aavance. ,r nui o.. t ,ii,aAi f Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in adeexce tor ytar'.y period Or four iajsAhs for By mail U all ether parts ot btitish Columbia, the HriUah Empire and United States, paid in advance per year $. By mail U all otaer countries, per year W Transient Dismay Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Pare, per inch Local Readers, per insertion, per line Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notice, each insertion per irate line . . . Personal Experiences Of Former Terrace Lady in Recent Hurricane In Florida Gives Idea Of Losses; ( , "(Tbe foUMrtng arnaleiawrtBia bj fc K T. Bow at KMr aty. norm. HvkJ IOOMM7 MUM st Mfnwc... in a a J death Ur locality ru ever 1900 aoa total i aw -- . of haatm mr coutinuallj pawing tnair tovm). Before toe hurricane of "26 storm warnings wart- looked upon by In vast majority of us as of interest to seafarers ,-:i.v. Though we were warned of a tropical storm of great intenatu. :.o precau-tins were taken. But, to be bromidial. people live ana learn. This storm found windows boarded and houses braced ineuie and out. Eariy Thursday morning the storm struck Porti uico and we i .. if it rnniinnor: in its nresent course we ?re directly n.Ltrr . iu.i i. ' ..... . in it oath Rut so erratic are Hurricanes m ineir ir.t.vemeew c "26 j continued to hope even till Sunday afternoon that ii would he de- .16 aiatiOBed in British ports refuse to paw intending unmi- ie j,t grants whose physical condition would probably not &crid nvl! i'fnaaed mwtA tkA ctiain nt ranarlian farm ltf. Imrkin nailers n of c! --d eor a have been rather inclined to read lectures to Canadians tratd rmeaud .1 r i i a v M. ; bouse, t- I it w rxi eaaae 1ST j retara, traoa. lanaber. roofs, etc ia the eoatre of towa tht aad been picked ay tsr aad depoeste ritat ia the eaatre of the road. for two assta are drove it - v We bow lognsj tc hear rasaors of aaathha but so ofte c begaa to m spate of tae t rribie havo. had heee mtlj of life. aot left with this hope les sssrra imruea Degas v with their gaaau: tale of tragediea. Off one famil af aevea catld a oaty the faaW aad oo foaad aih e. One was the sale survivor of u eannertioo of twelve and ad iafiaitam. af the aarriasrs took re ia the arhaoj aad so wc to taere to Meads ia the w: She oaly ay a fate o The first raor-. we latirnd wa laamiisfj a- jaitai. Oa oc. al lay a wrxa with had fleeted II for haviag saga aa experv beer -irk Before tb' i of - arse was mac: on in ioiiy oi oemp or-pau. auu vy 0u tAankJMth wbc tho rate A number of Wo lay on mat that the dominion should be glad to take immigrants cnM a(Mi the w!Boaw, eeaM aejtreaoea aa the ftear. Moat ot pretty much on the "orchard run pnndpse. thrown orn. .taom had bWn wster all mirh. It is ta he honed that these critics will ponder the Daytkrht revea'.ed a watery ' lusaotimet goir aader oaly it mcu vf niru of t hp nuner-harvesters who returned to orid of utmost devaatatisa aad he reoraai by d .ftar o Ki-if and unnUsasnt vrriswvio had ron- 'ioi-t:oa. One of U'lMiui auvJ m "r ' r . a incea mem UWl .nv) iumi uui mr ccicugLii w v ui - . -rr were -U '.heir f work. These are men who should never have been allowed wixh to come to Canada. To have prevented them coming porch ura sway. would have been a kindness. It is equally a kindness to ?ned notk nr v; what we lu.l- or... ;ntsniSnor irrimia-rrant u-hn ic rxrit in nhviii. U xer- But l cal condition to stand the strenuous work of the farmer. To encourage him to come to Canada would only be to invite him to waste time and money. ' - Man in the Moon There' a huniorj.-t r. :r.i s'.ai' f "t'anadu;i Aia:."n " .: Ihv Aiator. ie. tut ' a'.-ia He says aviation in . certainly beginning to bum" Jake hum w here if ;t diri a.. begin t. wouf'i it Ixigin I think I ouyfc'. '- n;.-W-i an aviator for Vm ai. "iag uff" wr going "up in tne air" health thr. t h- real.bi-f U" JL.ke an aaglecdV aU n:: '. r Sometimes a wholesome liar. The iuk season oje-s tr be-ginring of toe week axd a k-t -f i al hunter are Said to Se storing up their imagination r readi- ss tor the great event Tht- buy are back frti the the few tali aad aire!' been given tr rort tfce r.-..rtn aiid Jake i aavm th. t rr , .,ip f,rw:r, cwntry. Fifteen taiily of hw life retaibng lie stones ,., been. r were being teo Hf by -Jm local dortor i irt itli. ftka .Kmr mam wt aadVoard atary after story of terroi tatsiaad exaaeare. Mr pese;kad bara ia wr waist deep all agat eves veer setting oa UV nl Point and Pbraae are tahia As the water rose t ar. r.ew httl tni r,t Hui'.t r the riage .her family had thaa ref age o '. ii.r. wh:-r. skirt-- ta eaatora lhe cettiog iost where thrv re- hore of Lake ' beybobe. Koot tmT'A tiU d?l'ibt- Her eiprr f the white popuiatiuc and we '.ieac was eaitt 'o pfcal. Af th bUr lire ' here. The Mar". CeeJfor oae hoasc about others live o. the low lying land to ca. had aoaatt lafase ia an-bchisd. comsKxi'y r Jied 'The .,Vr, oaiy to aave that aaia Hs Muck. Caral Po:nt i a tm- tun. Oae faaily foaad Taffetv paay Wwc. Uiig ve of tae de- oaiy after the fourth aaatere out ve'opments ftf the Soataera Sugar ino the atom. i 'nansy. with many head red Moou.t after' -aa, a saaa ia a ir'es nlai'te to surar cane, batkrnr aad tatarswl raark-P'fc-iee 3 rr?lef v-uth wa tre d u froK the aaariac world. thriving irr.t- ! ra!-aiy vei- from -irr. e sa n.mt rupdk jpdaW of taa -hey are alleged to hare toit" t the orfaj.'nal sis which torO and were aa tfc then tbere when we came ay lu: rd to tern vaea i "love a real good story te Srrtewtber the wa i arri- so bad was the Which tells of darir.r d- Can.! Poi:.t a badly dam- roQ The; .s.'t-ded by 2 m 1 '... f.i kr tK toller ..j r.t,fi t.," .f xihIoii t ,!! and the wrst sViraag off oae brtgftt ana k w broken, etc. A lew Ooosco wre cases xrere rws.we t- . But what I hate to hear i rvnr'letely wre-Ved. Oae two- npjt:- The yarr outworn an5ryi --..rey houne 'rt...t t laid The vir.rr ati Lion v Which is told and thet rr' . i r.r; r - -3e On toe 'the.r i - r " again l. n:;i- ' ' f r. r. . Of am h I am afraid. ,.. rt.-i 1 , . ' . r-- ...... !....: r;. The mttmrnm w iwaafy no said tae dorter, tryiag to he en-, uragiag. 1 aaas had the same j lines myself." "Yea." answered the gloomy ratiest. "bat yoa daaa't have the iamc dorter.'' HELPED DURING MIDDLE AGE Woman Praises Lydia E, Pinkham's Vecetabla Compound Ssmia. Oct. "I am wilbag to wsvr tt-s froa otbw woawa. to K5B WK CaratiM Sti tea tfeom tae wea- derlut good uriha E.Keimwa'tVoio tebh) Compound did me. I caaaot be tbaakful enough for the baaofits I ro-eerved dahnf the Caoaat of Ufc- I do bawasarii aad my tnubMa mans me unfit to work. A fneod advised me to try the Vsa- attbwCaoiiieaad. I fh great rsewf at once, bixaa te regam aettte. aad my nerves got better. 1 vfll in vm wed oor awdieine U all with trao-hMo lace I bsd." Mas. Jook Bascaesi. DRY B: Single load Double load Large sack -5- RCH JACKPINE AND CEDAlt AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 DEMAND Kippers THE UAlNTIKaT WtKAhKAatf fik' Smoked leHf by : $o..")( . 5wc COAL PKICE3.D0)VT' lUnbina Peerless Egg $12.oi. Pembina Washed Nuts 511.2 Alberta Sootless Large Egg - ' Alberta Sootless Egg 2.'i Alberta Lump $l:i.f Also all other classes of coaL HYDE TRANSFER 139 Second Ave "Rupert Brand" o Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lli Prinze Kupert B.L Canadian National Stea&sbips Ci. Litn; District Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND i SHIPYARD OiKfaHnr. .T.H. M.aM Ton Moatiag Dry Dwk I'bWneers. i'.aeMniot. iMIermokerw Wacaiaall. Pane makers. Pnendtra. Wuode orkars, Etc KI.BCTRK" i.M At'BTi 1JCNB Oor ataat is eaaippod to handh) ail lands of MAHIKK AND rOMMKMIAL WtMML PHONHft 41 aad 3K of 7i e Daily News Wht do Mst subscribe for the paper but who imifjltu Nsal copk.'a, wiN find it advantageous to remit 9&M mtA have every eapy mailed to their address for the next year. AN tiae News of the North, coast and country, frjtei ptr liecial twrwa pad eats, as well as world events wM laj jf0 wfM pmivi at mlftiwam cost Send the postal order today while you itttllkrHk bf ki