Universal Trading Co. Local Specials! Specials! Ovaltinc, regular $1.50, now $1.25 Ovaltinc, regular 90c,biow 75$ Minty's Shaving Cream, regular 35c, now 25c We have just received another shipment of Vacuurn Hottles, settling at '. r0c yfic Pionvvr )rnfrists Tl IIPD AVE. fx SIXTH ST. TELIPIIONES Hk2QO 3558 Mens Underwear Special Watson's Medium Weight Winter Combinations and 2-piecc styje. F.xtra special value. ( ombinationx $.'i hirt and Drawers. 2 pieces for $.!!.' i' nmaii's Mercury Hoys' Combinations, knee length and short Mleeveg. A new line for hoys. 60 per cent pure wool. Unshrinkable. Sizes 22 to 82. Per garment $1.10 Fraser &. Payne S. E. PARKER, LIMITED :ird Ave. East. Phne 83 Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Hate Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Cars. Kasy Term.-' if desired. Ran ad ian National Qfo Largtfl TKailioay Syftem in America STEAMSHIP AM) TRAIN SKKV1CK -in frm rmsrr. m tikt for vamoivfk. victokia and HE ATI IK, Till HMiWM n.l BUMIAYH. at II pm. ir smvAKT. Hr.iiMwmvs. is p.m. I. ANtOX and KKTrillKAN. HATt'lUltV. 4 MI1. Ir NOIlTII and MM Til ijl RUN iTIAItl.OTTK IM.ANII., rtMfliMy. rAF.MIl:K TIIAIN1 t.V.W f. PKINC t." itt'l'KKT IIAII.V fXC-KIT HiMAY al II MS.'U. fc PMIM I: llWMKir, KIlMONTON. WIN.Mri.d. ll (x.lrtU rlrrs 'miui.. I iillrd Stair. ACIKNCV l.l. -ll.il!IHr LtK. MTV Tint ft nrnrr. M TlllMK f. rHt t hi ei.M. ein rw ilcANADIANj PACinc -' f r B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Riipert l Kr( hlknn, Wranfrll. and Skaaw-O nrftrmlirr IB. W. (HIlMrr lo, SO. To aiiiiirr, VUioila, anil HIMr Srlrmlrr Z3, Itrlaltrr 3. II. 14. l'KI-liM BOVAL fr llulrilDlr. tt llrlla ll'lla. Uitm rtll. amu, Alrrl lla. Cuinivlirll Khrr and Vaiinuri Miff Friday. 10 p.ni. Annry A.r all Ntranililp Line. Flill lnfrmallii frm IV. OUfllAHII. lrnrral Ai. .... loinrr of 4lh Htrrtl and 3rd Arnur. ITIin-r Kiiprtl, IK.. t-htnr 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ttalllnt from ITImr Kuwrt. tor VAM'OIVEU, VK'illltlA. swauonii llay. llulrdalr. Alrrt lUy. rlr, Tn-diiy, 3 ii.m. . . I .r V ANCIU'VFK. VM'TOICIA, luilrd.ilr. Alrrt IMy. Hr . I rlday mUlnUlit. For AI.ICF. AUM. AN VOX. JHllWAIll. WAI.KK JI.AM. Itt i.l.H'w.. NAH KIU:, Sunday, S n.m. , ., ,, 13 2nd Atrnnr. H. M. SMITH. AjrnU l'rln ""I'"- ?-; Tliruiiih llfkrl wild io VlilorU and Nralllr. and lwr lwkril through lo Ucfttlnattor City' Meat Market (SELVIG BUOS.) Jrd Avenue ,,,,one ,6j MEAT- I'ISII, VEGCTABI.ES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN I'UODUCL at low prices, and immediate delivery Observel All articles are af superior quality and absolutely fresh. I and Personal News In f fft ! Qbiferact'or, ' iCiS 'jiV jJcKiiy?' T ''.'J: I.J--' i Phono. 134. tf.. '..-. The following is the . scale of charges made for rending notice: Birth noices, 50c. Card of Thanks, J2. Funeral Notices f J. Funeral Flowers 10c name.. per Marriage and Engagement announcement! 92. 4 4 a Taxi Phone 1. Big 4 Taxi, tf Ientl$t. Dr. J. It. fiosse. 68C. Valhalla meeting night at 8 o'clock. Phone tomorrow Just another, day and we will go to the drill team dance. William Goldbloom sailed by the Prince Rpert last night on a business trip to Stewort. This afternoon's train, due from the Bast at 3.30, was re ported this morning to be on time. Lawrence Jack, who has len visiting with friends in the city, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert for Stewart. II. P. Gibson, after a brief Uis-ness visit in the city, sailed by the IVince Rupert last night on hia return to Stewart A. J. Galland of the excise department of the local Customs house left yesterday for Prince George and other interior points on official duties. We have just received 1G00 tons 't domestic Nanalmo-Welling-ton Lump Coal. Place your order now. Alliert MrCaffery. tf Mrs. George Black, wife of the M.P. for Yukon, was the speaker at the weekly '- luncheon of the ti-i ti... . i... i .1 Cracken exiiedition to Arctic re- gions were also guests. LEMONS Red Ball brand, per dos -." Salt, Leslie, 2 ll. .sncks, 2 for 15f T . . r 1 A 1 1. L. . ... - V.H Waffle Syrup, 5 lb. tins, per tin Swet Spuds, per Iu I 1 (hi Friday at Vttf " tilf 12. iV"n'n jmXB, o ii. wm, yl wm d i Ik I IOC II. P. Sauce, per bottle 'Mr Jelly Beans, per lb Shoe Polish, all colors, 2 tiiii-f Scribblers, 7 for .j ' Watts Grocery Phone 55 "Quality Bight Phone 5G Prices Hight." 9 p.m. Is the night of the Girls' I)rilj xeam dance. HnrVOftf1 Th.inlfarIirln .....I ;nt Rnntlit Chuwh n q,,.i,,.. October J4. v.. hjtijuai ANNOUNCEMENTS ' ? j jante .... Qctob rwAiS4 Gfapejiuts, per nkg. l"f Snagitetli, Ueins, cooked, medium tins, S for , tt."f Assorted Biscuits, 1 lb. pkg.. N'orthwftst brand, per pkv.0r ,sr,f Washington Concord Grapes, per basket im Anjou J'ean expeeted Wtnefljr Iirntbel Sprouts expectwl Veif iiemlay. intSe 1 28. 241 For first class Shoe Repairing, see It. M. Simpson, corner of Fifth and McIJride. 25C Regular meteing of Native Sons of Canada, Elks' Home, Ilelger-son Block, Friday, Oct. 12, at 8 Joe Miller, for Mrs. II. Thorpe, who arrived from Vancouver yesterday, is a paying a brief visit at Terrace GREENVILLE INDIAN tion of three months' imprisonment, by Judge F. McB. Young In County CoOjrt' yesterday afternoon. The fine' was jiaid. W. E. Fisher acted as crown prosecutor oil 'rin'ce Rurjet-Qlrfsaijrill team iV t . Hall. ft St Andrew's Concert, October Catholic Bazaan October 24, 26 Moose Rszffar, Kovember 8, 9. Baptist Anniversary November 15, Supper,; Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, No-vmber 22. Tuxis and Trill ' Rangers Fourth Annual Minstrel Serenade Nov. 22 and 23.' THROUGH SLEEPERS , TOJHE.tSJirS SIDE ""The Canadian flJatforlal' Railways have made arrangements to operate special trains and through keeping cars from the Pacific ('oast to the ship's side at Montreal and Halifax In connection with sailings for the Old Country during November and December. Full Information from City Ticket Office, 52$ Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Phone 260. 282 CHILDREN HEAR McCRAGKEN IN 'ft. THEATRE TODAY Harold McCraken, head of the expedition to the Arctic, is this afternoon addressing the older pupils of the schools in the West-holme theatre. The affair has been arranged by the Parent-Teachers Association through the president, Mrs. Boddie. Colonel McMordie Is giving the theatre free of charge for th drunkenness, occasion, a courtesy which i was fined $25, with option of 30 'much appreciated. days imprisonment, by Magis frate McClymont in city police court this morning. Columbus Day October 12 whist drive and dance in the Catholic School Hall at 8.30 p.m. Prizes, refreshments. Westholme Orchestra. Admfeion 50c. 240 CROWDED OUT OF HIS BERTH Second Engineer of MorrlsHcy Has to Vacate as Collection Accumulates ana win sail by the Princess An Incident which indicates lloyal tomorrow night on her re-1 the crowded condition of the IR-turn south. j tie auxiliary schooner Effie M. ! Morrissey, which returned to port j night before last may prove of in-'terest. Junius Bird, second en- KINFFl glneer better known, his 11M flF tlCft among rinilU dUM Ur JlDU fellows as Dick, began, to fill hie sleeping berth with material gath- Simon Calder Found Guilty of ered on the trip. Gradually the Committing Common Assault , place filled until at last he was bound to vacate it altogether, be- Hiraon Calder, Greenville In- ln crowded out, and found tern- dian. found guilty of common as- porary sleeping quarters in the sault instead of the original engine room. charge of breaking and entering . Incidentally Mr. Bird is botani- with intent to commit a statutory collector for the party and offence, was fined $150, with op- comes f: jtn Columbia University. CAHI) PF TIJANKS Mr. Wm. McKae and family while Milton Gonzales appeared ; wih to express their appreciation behalf of the accused. The de- I0r ine wautlful floral tributes iVnce was that accused was too nt and the many kindnesses! irrince unpen uoiary i iiiu in me . , . . r-.i....,. th.m , r . . ( oranVKlon' af' today. Some of, , ,. ., ... nawmmii ment !tbe H held j "J". memiK-r, of the Stoll-Mc- respousiuie. i " I St Andrew's Society monthly . ; meeting Friday, October 12 ut 8 ip.m- MS. Hurry On. Capt. D. McKln- . 5 A 4. jnoni under charter tQ Bridge ana wnist Monaay eve-i'10"31 Steamships, ar- iiing;; Elks' Home, riv,?d from tll south at noon to" Hill zaar day and is discharging 25 tons of ' t i .. A .. ) . ,L .11 CO SO Chapter Hallowe'en Ba-,Mlt at the PIant of lh Canadian October ctober 27. 1 Fiah und Cold Storage Co. ( onunenclag Thuray, October l--, niiiAtini lAinrrn 4. a weekly dance will be held i H. K NVVIII I I4 IM II UN IN ! i Irollar.Sodas, t! lb. boxes, per box ' in the Boston Hall. Best of music. eV V W II f A 1 VVall AU M4M m&Anta bttt Jobit.Ka. uoecetta. Il for joint troubtra only. wImUmt tr ankle, ktvr. lvlp, tlbjw, ahoulikir, fin ;r: ,i. i,F?. rt'V.t. , JrW.WW,fWrtF F n Presbyterian. Bazaar, November mfj DAiiiru! orasky Jolnla o quickly yuu li be avion !hd. Two reond' rubolnit and away i: oaa tturoucfa akin and flrah n(ht . v to tbo boo and Itfamrnts ihutv ! It aucctccH. Ak any rrllablr drtiKK' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT C roomed house 1730 Atlin Avenue, Section '.' Phone Red G24. 24 1 jm Get a tan of TfTyd Yu i m FLITWayf jUjjJm L iFLITl KILLS FLIES MOSQUITOES Other Uoutrhold Intrtf The eaty way to rid tbo home oflnnrrt urata. Grealrr kllUog (Miwrr Inrurea all faction. Ilaruilraa to you. Xl'ill not ilaln. Cuarautml to kill tnitcl or tuoury back. Brief ANYOX WORKERS GET J INCREASE IN WAGES Ten Per Cent Boost In Pay Follows Keren t Advnnce in Cop. per and Other Metal Prices As a result of a recent advance " I'M 'TU;&i ; I' '. i : , and the policy tof the company of allowing employees to share in its general prosperity, the Granby Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., effective from October 1. has advanced the wages of its employees by practically ten per cent. Approximately 2,000 employees, at Anyox and Conner Mountain mostly, are directly af- in copper and other metal prices ! fected by the increase Arc You Looking: for A Neat, Chic Little Office Dress Cclancse, Salin-faced Crepes, ttlack, Wine, Fawn, Hrown, etc. Frocks yith details of unusual chic $14.85 &ce Rupert, M(2. Your Nerves Control Your Health Your Spine Controls Your Nerves s Your Spine Right? cIru2 Spine is the tiuman Switchboard controlling Hcaltrt am M . vigor lift! t:josi PThWAT--- sl5 " rtCAAT -LUNCS HIV1B smitten. KSPUOI-- k.MtlVS-- UIM64 Qiitvpn3ctk releases "the. PoWer Within You can make sure by having it Examined by The Anatyte The iew lamp for visual spinal Analysis. The ANALYTK unfailingly ;o(nta to the eomvt centre for i-djustment and is the very latest adjunct to Chiropractic Why suffer from either minor or major ailment If CHIROPRACTIC can halp you? It has nelped many others on the road beck to health. THE ANALYTE. the new lamp affords more help to the Chiropractor than th" X-rays in locating lesions and nerve pressures. It Is the newest aid on the road to health. Try it today And phone for appointment to , IV Dr. R. E. Eydlfson Chiropractor 023 Third Avenue Phone Blue 85. Residence Ked 58!)