' October 11. 1928 ! , -:ua.v. i , , , THE IiAILY NEWS PAGE SEVEN RAILWAY RATES ARE DISCUSSED CLASSIFI ED ADVERTIS EMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & F 0UN1 Whole tvvten Question U. n. anu of Traffic Canada n THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. IWlng DUcussed. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 10. i l' Interstate Commerce Com-joM in sitting here 'today to i Miyuments In a case which , ,fs the whole question of ,. iMit rates on traffic between ...!:,:u and the United States. , a.sc arisen out of a decision !, United States Circuit Court pical, upholding an Inter- ommerce Commission rul- h.-tt when American railroads trii ulleged excessive rates aitic originating in another fy the said railroads must .me full responsibility for the '..if paid to the American con- I. , i,' question has been raised i time to time and now is to iin.shed out by the Interstate ,nii ii:e Commission wlilch, it ilirstood, will eventually . ,t with the board of railway i -'ioners ifor Canada on the . . t The Canadian Railway ! will not be represented at W ashington hearing but will i! the decision of the Amer-llnard. The Canadian Man tun rs' Association and both ( anadian railways will be nUu at the Washington . but the Canadians will v lily take no part in the dis-ns. :u-r the United States Cir- nnrt of Appeals had up . i i ruling of the Interstate :n-Mon, several questions submitted by the New York I. Railroad Company and I', iinsylvania Railroad Com- i the Supreme Court of I ni ted States. Mr. Justice i brought down the. 'Judg- -i behalf of the Supreme t the effect tnat although i. toad in a foreign country a .c participated In the mak- rate which had been later .i excessive, the American : . i lone came within the jur- n of the American Inter-t ommerce Att and that 'he American road collected .i "ssive charges the claim made solely against the I states carrier. Mr. Ju : iilcr also ruled that the ' l States railway board has nty to decide that a rate ' i i-ssive even when a for ail way had helped to make I t and had participated In ny under the rate. whole case came up when N. ws Syndicate Company laid against the two American " ads for except charges I they claimed the railroad "llccted on news print from i Id. Ontario to American prior to July 1, 1&22, at h date the rate was reduced Interstate Commerce Com- . t ! HUNCH UUrKliT TI.JK ' MM , t Thursday, Octolwr M ( - 12.13 i.m. 20.4 ft G.Q1 a.m. 4 ft 18.SJ p.m. C.4 ft l-'rlday, October U V i 0.27 n.m. 20 ftl 12.15 p.m. 21.) ft G.H9 a.m. 4.8 ft, 10.10 p.m. 4.0 ft. RED'S Transfer K'ftenn years experience In I liltNITUKB AN!) 1'IANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood" In any quantity UvMRNT SAND GHAVEh Our price, weights ,and measures are right. So li pur Service I'hone ui and Save Money and Time NAY & NIGHT SERV1CH ny I'hone: 201. Night I'hone: lied 317. Torn No. (Section 861 LAND ACT. NOTirB OF IKTJENTION TO ArrLV FOK meneement. containing BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING St PACKINQ CO I.TT1 Py Jame Henry Buabnell. Agent. f'w iuUJBb 1, i NEW YORK FURNISHES AL SMITH'S SINEWS Democratic Nominee Receives Strong Support From Home State WASHINGTON, D.C.. Oct. 10. Analysis of the published figures on the Democratic campaign fund reveals that about two-thirds of all the money contributed by party supporters came from New York State, of which Alfred Smith. Democratic candidate, is gover nor. Twenty-seven of the fortyight states contributed nothing. More than one half of the individual contributions came from people in New York City. Only four of the Southern States so tar have helped to furnish the sinews of war for the Democratic campaign. They are Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, and Texas. The rest Florida, Louisiana. Kansas, North and South Carolina, Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Missouri contributed nothing. The list Includes no names In the state of Wisconsin or Michigan, very few in the middle weaten states and on the Pacific coaat only Callfornians swelled the party funds. Besides New York, the most generous supporters of the Democratic party were in Baltimore. Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia and Jersey City. The firat five represent states which . have a larfe influence in the electoral college. FREEDOM OF CITY LONDON, Oct. 10 The freedom of the city of tandon will be conferred on the Archbishop of Canterbury in a ceremony at the Guildhall on October 22. WAJNTE IAID WANTBD 51ly Mrs. isesner. tf triVt iVH r ' na 'rdlng DIs- I 1 . . . i2r,3anR.'. ocai;tt,nr5uulpi?,i:,!ANTJiD--Girl for light house ..ki. . P.TICE that th Br tleh Col- ' umbla Fishing tc Packing c. Ltd of " ritSSiJ xP.ion FUhtng na WANTED- To exchange a double " ranting, lntendi to apply for a lean i i , , , of the following describid foVMhora i be4 for a three-quarter sized ??!"m?cln t PWt Planted about I one. Thn I!!n 128 229 southwest outhwest corner corner cl el aald aald Lot Lot 38- 38; thence thence " "" i SJSii.iT'L.'SSl": the,nc nrtawrtriy.,WANTKD-Furnlshed house or P.'?" tn shore! . . . ?nl fun cf the ... flat. cIorm in with 2 liln high water mark, ten chain, more ol mean-h.'L'-. J" i .1 . --- - - wuibgi com-i fifteen acrea. I from November 1 to January 23. No children. Write P. 0. Uox 147. 240 Mt AGENTS WANTED WANTKD Calendar and Specialty Salesman. Fall or part time. ftood contra(t. highest commission, exclusive line. Experience preferred. Start immediately. Apply, stating qualifications, to llox (20, London. Ont. 241 FOR RENT FOR RENT rurnlahed house-keeping ifcom by the day, week, or raont$. I'Lofle Red C07. tf OU RENT Upirse 893 Rorden Street. Phone Black 112 after iS.rfnfyek. tf FOR RENT Pianos, Player-1 Pianos, Phonographs . and Sew- j ing Machines. Walker's 'Music SWre. tf I FOR RENT Three roomed apartment. Fourth Avenue East. Me-Caffery and Gibbons, Ltd. 24S 243 Form No. 1 (Gectton M) LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTKNTIOX TO APPLY FOR " ' ixasi: or n)iii5Hii(tK In toe Aetna Lad fteeaMtaf and altuste. rrtlag m Lot 117. nanfle e. ooaat nutiiet, invernwa l-aa- AKX NCmCK that the BrHlfh Col umbia naMnc Paeknur C. Ltd.. of 1 Vancouw. B C. occupation Pishing and Packing. Intend to apply for a leaae , of the following described fnrothora: Commencing at poet planted at the I northmst eomcr of aald Lot 127: tbenee 1 weat. twenty etialna. more or lea, to . an Intersection with the weat boun-idary of Lot 197 produoed north: thence i followtnt aald production of the weat boundary of Lot 1ST aotlth to mean hl( I water mark: thane easterly, following the mean hlf water mark to point cf eommeneemant. and eontainlng ten acrta. more or laaa. BRITT8M OOLLMU:A PfSHllKl k PACKING CO. LTD. i By Jamea llenrr Buahn.. Dated Auuat St. 1MB. PRJNCING UP FATHER FOR SALE FOR SALE House in first clan condition with bath and pantry. Terms. Phone Plue 258. 243 FOR SALE McClary heater, san-itary couch, box couch, beds dresaers. Garage for rent Phone Riue 128. 23!) FOR SALE Genuine Hartmann cushion top travelling wardrobe trunk. Cost $100, snap for cash. Phone Black 120. 239 p'OR SALE 45 h.p. Universal marine engine with reduction gear. Apply Dr. Large, Port Simpson. B.C. 249 FOR SALE Bedroom suite, two tone walnut, small Wilton rug, rose reversable rug practically new. Kitchen table. Phone Black 709 after Mix. 240 FOR SALE Team of horses about 12 hundred pounds, harness. Or would exchange for horse about 16 or 1G hundrc pounds. Apply Valentin Dairy 2f FOR SALE or harler Work anr Tow Boat "OgopoKo." Atlas F D. Engine, . Choap. Cruise 'Vera 8. Fry" Atlas II. D. Ei gine. Sleeps five. Suitable f . hunting or survey parties. M M. Stephens. t FOR SALE DnptwcecTernted val ues in used Trucks 192' Fisher Fast Freight Vt toi truck; 1926 Day-Elder Worn-Drive 2 ton track; IVi ton Reo Speed Wageoji iy4 ton Minom inee; 1 Patriotr-und other.' east terms armairo Send for complete prtlulani. Hayes Anderson Motor Co., Limited 1 2fi6 Granville Street Vancou ver, B. C. 24S AUCTIONEERS PRINCE RUPELT AUCTION - MART Federal Block Furniture of all Mnds Bought. Sold or Exchanged Crating and Packing done Goods sold on Commission G. J. DAWES. Vuetioneer . . Black 120 Obey the Rules, Gentlemen Bradford is to experiment with rubber paving block. on a selected road. 'Motorists should remember that it is agates the rules to play a pedestrian frn the second bounce. HumortM.. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Lot on Third Avenue opposite First Street, $2,100. Easy terms. Box 137 Daily News Office. FOR SALE Special. Lota 20, 21, 22, 23, block 7, Section 5, fronting on McBride Street. Price $1,000.00; $400 cash; balance $200 yearly at 7 per cent. Apply owner, W. Arnett, Dauphin, Man. 24? THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue Under new management. Clean .single and double housekeeping rooms Mrs. John Dal berg "SALVAGE AND TOWiNG Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. BARGAINS IN GAS BOATS Agents for Easthope Engines, Coolldge Propellers and Texlube Oil Boats of all description for Charter Salt Lakes Ferry Service Week 'ay on the hours 1 p.m. till 8 m. Sundays and Holidays, 1J .m. till 8 p.m. 5C4 I'hone 56 1 CHIMNEY SWEEP H. J. Zumkehr General Handy Man. 'arnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired 'hone 3 Prince Rupert. B. C. NOW IS THE TIME Have Your FURNACE OVERHAULED-and put in shape for winter. 1 WE CAN DO IT1 'ut up stoves Clean out Pines- -Instal new Furnaces. Everything In SHEET METAL WOBK Satisfaction guaranteed 4towe, SHEET METAL WORKS 227 Second Avenue - Phone 4n GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF AI'I'IICATION lOIt ItFEIt LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that on the sth day of November. 1938. the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board fcr a licence in mpact of premises being Dart of the building known at Queen 'a Hotel. Massett. Graham ; Island, situate at Massett. Graham I'- . land, upon the lands deacrited as Lot , 10. S. Btoek No. 14. Subdivision of L-t 7. Queen Charlotte Islands, Plan No. 618. , Maasett Tawaatte Prince Rupert land J Registration District. In the Province of PTU1SU WUtUZttlM. JOT UK MUV oi ucvr bv tbe das or by the open bottle tor consumption oa tbe premiers. l DATED thie 1st day of October, tatri. US PORTER SIWOEft. . CHIROPRACTIC 1 DR. W. C. ASPINALL. Chiropractor and Electro Therapeutist. Exchange Block All Diseases Successfully Treated Phone Green 211 or Black 283. TUITION A. F. WILLIAMS Violinist of Westholme Theatre FALL CLASSES FOR VIOLIN TUITION Studio, 213 Fourth Avenue East Pupils now being enrolled. For terms Phone Blue 489 he-Certificate of title No 144398-1 to Lot 8. Block 8. Subdivlelon of Lot 6809, Range b. Coast District, Map 1180. WHEREAS proof of loaa ok me above Certificate of Title Latued In the name of CHARLES GORDON, haa been filed in thla office, notice la hereby given that I hall, at tbe expiration of one month from tbe date of tbe first publication hereof, leave a provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of the aald loat Certificate, unleaa In tbe meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at tbe Land Regletrj Office. Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 2nd dav of October, AD. IMS. 38 H. F. MACLEOD. Reflattar Form No. 18 (Bectlor. 80) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO API'LY FOR LEASE OF FORESHORE In the Skeena Land Recording District, situate and fronting on Lot of the Urttlan Columbia Fishing & Packing Co'a Cannery Site. Townatte of Port Baalngton. Skeena River. TAKE NOTICE u.t the British Columbia Flahlng tc Packing C. LtdL of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Fishing and racxmg, ratenas to sppir tor lease of .the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of the aald Cannery Ite; thence northerly, following the production of the easterly boundary of the B.O. Fishing & Packing Co.'s property, six hundred feet; thence westerly, at right angles to the aald easterly boundary, four hundred and fifty feet, more or laaa. to an Intersection with tbe wssterly boundary of the BjC. Fishing & Packing Oo.'s property produced northerly; thence southerly, following aald westerly oaundary produced six .hundred feet, more or Iras, to mean high aniter mark: tbenee easterly, following I he meta high water mark to point of commencement, and containing six acres. more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING tt PACKING CO.. LTD. By Jamea Henry Buahnell, Agent. Dated Aiuruat 17. 1938 VMS Advertise in The News. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaed by SANTAL MIDY Be sure to get the Genuine Look for the wrd "MlllY" Form No. 10 (Boot km 88) ' LAND ACT. MOTIf'l; OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOB I.K ASK OF FOICKMIIOI'F. In the Skeena Lan . -recording DIs-trtet. situate and fronting on Lot 11. Ruate 8, Coast District, Oxtail River. TAKE NOTICE that the dritlab Columbia Fishing & Packing C. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Pishing and ranking. Intends to apply for a lease A the following described Mrjhore: Conaienatng at a post plantwl at the northwest corner of aald Lot If ; thence west, ten chains; thence south forty chains, more or lew, to an Intersection with the south boundary of Lot 11 produced west; thence east, following said production of the south boundary of Lot 11. tlx c. Bins, mute or leas, to mean high water mark: tbenee n6ithrly, following the mea,n high water mark to polr.t or commencement, and containing thirty acres, more or leas. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING tc PACKING CO.. LTD. By James Henry Buahnell. Atwnt. Dated August 25. 1938 266 Form No. 18 (Section 86) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APM.V FCit LEASE OF FOKEMIIOHE In the Skeena Land Recording District, situate and fronting' on Lot 2, Range 4. Coast District, Lowe Inlet, TMKE NOTICE that the British Columbia FUhtng tt Paeklng c. Ltd.. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Fiahlug and Packing. Intenda to apply for a lease of tM following described fotwthore:-- Commencing at a post planted at the southeast coiner of said Lot i: thence south, two chains; thence weat forty chain, more sr leas, to an intersection with the west boundary jf Lot 2 produced south; thence north seven chain, more, or leas, to the southwest corner of Lot 2; thence easterly, foil jw-Ipg the mean high water mark to the point of commencement, and containing eighteen acre, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING & PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Jamea Henry bushneli Agent. Dated August 28. 1B28. 200 Canadian Service ChiistmasSailings FROM MONTH! L To ;i:i5u llelfat and Liverpool L :.!. Oct. IB Ardanla. Oct. 26. Ncv 23 Atnenls . . . Nov 2 An ton la . N.v. 8 To Plymouth. ( hrrnoiirg. lon(lon Auranla O : 10. Nov. 16 Ascanla Oct. 26. Nov 23 Alau.nla . . . Nov 2 Ausonla . . . Nv. 9 FROM HALIFAX To PI mouth. Havre, London Alaunla . . Dee. 3 Tuacanla . . De. 10 T IVrlfat. Llvertiool. UlaKeow Letltla Dec. FROM HT. JOHN Tn IMTast. Liverpool. ila.gow Letltia Dec. 13 Alto waakly sailings from Mew York and Beaton to European rorta. Money Order. Drafts and Travellers' Cheque at lowest rates. Full Information from local aarata oi Com Belly's Offices, St3 Hasting at. W., Vancouver. B.C. By George McManiis " ii nasi i laia i n n , , ...I i I HAGCie: COME OUT ) NOW BtCOLLY-I STAND UP1. '-''. , I JOftX CAKie , I j I ! ; AM'NtVSRLEFTMt HAVE TO VTAY M -LJlCKUl i-TN BACK TO G E.TJ l I" 1 1 I Ul-rsm VCfiMT- 1 MAVRN'T THeVT"b TOUGH- TS POHSt I . EVtN COT CAR-FARE- V" 1 t ' 3 CT- . ri ) r THAT "tOO fXv I : "ZT : .i r- rtr ' .u . . . , . . .r jl. a . - ..- .. . I rwOwTl "ciRTAINH-V CAlNrlA:EEt- 'f I r rDD7-'AlY0Jv& BEEN bLEEPlr4G ) 1 f AM' 1 DIDN'T 1 II MELU3 DOC' !E i L i I WOMDE.RWHATS THE MATTER , FOR, TWO HOOfA DO TOO REALIZE? HEAR HER. . M1NO CALUN' TO tt , WITH MS? i WIjHTHE-OOCTOR rOTHtR TOOK HER -SINGING LEWsON X2!.C "-AIs 1 ME-I'H AUU RIGHT- ' ' ' ' - ; -i 14