PAGE EIOttT THE DAILY NEWS Westholme Theatre WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, at 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. ene MINING Si Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant Mr-vice in buying and selling Mining Storks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We alo have facilities for atoepur.c Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, 'Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUR SERVICE PHONE 619 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We have fine Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and let us take your measure. ' Cutting, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Best materials and reasonable prices. Linj?, the Ta'lor Phone 619 Dr. Alexander I'iione 7S DENTIST COAL Your choice EISON ('A8SIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Aln Itulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Iilk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone (557. Adore in lack to Gods Country TWO COMEDIES "M'SHING BUSINESS" and "NO FARE." "WIFE TROUBLES Admission 10c and 35c Dollar Days THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY COMBINATION SPECIALS. No. 1 1 tin Pilchards 1 tin Ciams 1 tin Sardines 1 tin Lobster 1 tin Oysters All for $1.01) No. 2 1 tin Sweet Potatoes, 2V 1 tin Hominy, 2's 1 tin Quick Dinner 1 tin Corned Beef All for $1.03 No. 3 1 tin Cherries, 2lz's 1 tin Pears, 2V's 1 tin Peaches, 2V 7 tin Pineapple All for $1.00 e No. 4 Fresb shipment of Sweet Biscuits just arrived and displayed in our window. Plain or Sandwich Assortment, 8 lbs. for $1.00 Boiling Fowl, per lb. . . :5f Hot Pot Roasts, per lb. :W? Fresh Crabs, each -f Hussailem Grocery CO. LTD. Phone 18 and 81 (Loal! If Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut. Nanaimo-Wellington Mine-Run. Beacon Hard Sootless Lump. Beacon Hard Sootless Egg. Telkwa Lump. Of the above there is ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advise you Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 H.S.WallaceCo.W. Dr. Denton's Sleeping Suits 'will . keep. - your -little ones Warm and free from chills. Sizes 2 to 7 years. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone 9 RADIO ASS'N. . FORMED HERE Initial Object of Organization were presented and it was finally jec Will be to Bring About Improvement in Receiving Conditions . OFFICERS ELECTED Its main object, for the time be ing at least being to bring about an improvement in conditions for reception which at present are not generally satisfactory in this city, the Prince Rupert Radio As sociation came into being at a meeting last night in the City Hall of some thirty-five local ra dio owners and fans. The situa- 1 tion was thoroughly discussed for about two hours and it was de cided to take the matter up with the city and to obtain assistance, if possible, from the federal authorities. The meeting was opened by D. C. McRae who moved that F. W. Chandler, the moving spirit in getting the gathering together, take the chair. A resolution to form a radio association was passed and the following officers were then elected: President S. V. Reith. Vice-president- . Secretary-treasurer Lawrence Lambly. Executive Felix Batt, Norman K'nslor and Reg. Webber. Disturbance Discussed There was a free discussion of disturbances hampering radio reception in the city, the concensus of opinion being that the munici Week-end Specials Granulated Sugar. 14 lbs. for ?1.00 ! Robin Hood China Oat, pkg. Wild Rose Paatrjr Flour, 10 Jb sock . .Vf 1 Cowan's Instant Poetara, Ws, tie ! aoe I Aunt Jemima Pancake Floor, pkg. , 20 Pride of Canada Syrup, 2ft lb. tin . 75p CONTINUING OUR APPLE SPECIAL Mcintosh Red, Fancy, box $2.." C" Grade, wrapped, box $2.!K King, not wrapped, box $1 i7i" Hedlund's Roast Beef, l's, tin :c Hedlund's Meat Balk, l's, Un "r j Instant Postum. tin i"f- Sliced Peaches, 2'. 2 tins .Vr Royal City Strawberries, 2's tin ! :)f Fresh Fancy Assorted Hitefitte, 3 ' Jba. for , $1.00 ' Choice Dates, 2 pegs. !Kf i Empress Jam la glsves, l's, per jar 2-t Green Tomatoes, 6 lbs. . ... 25? : Green Peppers, 2 lbs U."e Remo Cabbage, G Uss. ...... Crab Apples, 4 lbs. .f Swift Premium Bacon, average weight, C lbs., taking whole, per. lb. 17c Alberta Market P. G AMU LA, Fifth Street. Pioprietor Phone 208 I pal; light and telephone system was largely responsible. It was almost impossible to use a radio! set at all in the down town section of the city, it was stated. A number of interesting ideas I decided that the officers and ex ecutive, together with W. R. Love ana u. u atuart, snouia iorm ai delegation to meet the city coun- j cil at its next meeting and put .the position fully before the municipal authorities with a view to obtaining an improvement. The federal government will also be communicated with and the request will be made that an expert be sent here to locate the trouble and, if possible, have it straightened Out It was decided to make the membership fee in the association $1.00 and the following members then joined up: D. C. McRae, Fred arrive In (he&ty from the south at the end of this week to con-.sem to duct the prosecution in the mur-:aiid the HEAD OF MUMMY i EXHIBITED HERE! Pound bv Stoll-McCracken Expedition Excites Much ' Speculative Comment Exhibited in one of the show windows of Max Heilbroner's jewelry store, the head of one of the mummies of prehistoric man brought back from the Aleutian archipelago by the Stoll-McCracken expedition for the American Museum of Natural History i at New York is the subject of contemplate scrutiny by , most jta?sersby. The general appearance of the well preserved countenance seems to be distinctly Oriental which would indicate that some time in the dim. dis- Riffou, H. R. Smith. J. Thomas, jtant past dwellers from the other .Mrs. bilv-refdes, S. . Reith, M.!8ide of the Pacific dd reach this L. Stepp, W. R. Love. R. E. Web hide as paleontologists believe, ber, D. MeCorkindale. S. E. Par iTh eye sockets are somewhat ker, D. C. Stuart. M Alban, F. W tanted and the forehead fairly Chandler, J. L. MacLaren, E. '-mr. Throurh the lower por- Berry, C G. Ham. A. Young. R. V. G. LePlne, Mrs. T. H. Johnson, A. G. BartletL Lawrence L-mby and Albert Brtteraag. A. M. Johnson. K.C.. crown proseeutor'far the province will tion of the bone of the prominent nose over the upper lip is a cop-j jiery colored pia holding agate-like stones st either end. an apparently barbaric adornment. Hair on the head- is dark and long though fairly thin, coming down over the temples in the fashion of side barns. Teeth be in fairly goH shape face is of a brownish der ease at the Assizes next week color and dusty appearance. of Fritz Turner, who is alleged to i I have shot a net her fisherman near! Morte Craig has been enjoy-! Ocean Falls during the summer, tag holiday life in Seattle re-! Milton Gonzales will defend in ccntly by taking in some of the: this case. W. E. Fisher will now shows. At the week-end he) prosecute in the An vox attempted- saw "Lilac Time" and Lon Chaney murder and local assault cases in "N;ght Life in New York." He with L. W. Patmore and Milton has also been seeing some S'ew Gonzales respectively defending. York grand opera. in .'.! of the cf Have you ever stopped to realize just how many Htipcrhly beautiful pattern cflccta you can get in those modern easy-to -clean Congoleunt Gold Seal It tigs ? ... for a fraction of uhat you icould expect to pay for such pattern beauty. Ilcforc buying floor covering of any kind, go to your nearest lioiiMcfuriiisliing dealer and see for yourselfhow many fresh, charming colour Nchemcs are possible with these attractive, inexpensive rugs . . . you. will marvel at how much you can wave. Thursday. Or i Teas of finer quality ore unchanged In price. An avalanche of the cheaper grades has mado possible a slight reduction In that class of tea. wsm&B. Em A Tea oE Finer Quality Ml Phone 15. Phone 57 1, B. C. Butchers & Grocers LIMITED 28 Specials this week Details by Mail If you arc not on our Mailing List, Phone, us B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OV CJOOl) TMINCS TO EAT Phone 571. Phone 15. Advertise in "The Daily News" I mm. A t.ii -v II SKAI 141 -qm .... 101 Ujfi GUARANTEE II m SATISFACTION' GUARANTEED Z8 OH YOUR MONEY BACK & X. RtMOVE SUL WITH Afuf BRIGHTEN YOUt HOME NOW AT 1Jrn.E EXPENSE COXCOLEUM UNADA LIMITED, MONTIIEAI TSS54k , CANADA ADaM H . SS, a rirblr Pt Um Orknul rflft in tpUtvini rnmbia tlWn of riolic rol mt iogt it ibawn btrft. Even nt tonlaj low prices (only gf,.f,3 for n 9 x 6 foot nig) toiigoleiini ,.ll S0l "itllR, nrc ,,,,, tIiolinirovcir'.MultIcole,' cuaranlrcd to your MtUfuclIoii l,v U,? Gold Seal. I .Wllr i.kl. tl,A f '..1.1 1 uiul avoid aultitiitcs. If you prefer to M-lcct yourriij!? pnttrrniin tlio comfort of your own Iiomr, fcnd tlie coupon for our latent booklet of pattern clfcrta in full colour. ConeeltuM Cutji Umlui t 10 8u p.trttk iuttt. Mestrttl. Sti nt, wilhmrt Ml or oblld ElJIsJt" Youf ,loni " Ll ' Nmn ttf Addrtu " " City Pro.