October 11, 1928 OMINION OF CANADA REFUNmSuIG LOAN bonds MATURING 15th OCTOBER. 1928 THE BANK OF MONTREAL, at all of its Branches in Canada the above bonds for redemption at maturity will accept P tZLZti Montreal will the your sfm-p. The glossy beauty of a crow's wing that's the kind of shine you get on your stove when you use ZEBRA, the wonderful new liquid stove polish. Learn how easy and effective ZEBRA fe in this new form. Rub it on with a cloth . . let it dry a minute . . brush . . and you have it! And the polish endures for weeks. STOVE POLIsTNalN BOTTLES For those who prefer it, Zebra Paste if till obtainable. In both Paste and Liquid tho Zebra it the si in of a good atove poliah. ll 36 1 n'M 11 inaaip i am " 111 nwuv1 ii p atiiii j sw1 1 r ii 1 i 'sw is ii mm i m i i1 fm tOU.'L?VaX. .liKSj. VHI 1M ll T WnmTrxTWWmrWMntUmw IliM Mil JTrMMlWTTTl ini.ir W" 1 The A LUE of WOMEN SORROWING FRIENDS SENT MANY FLOWERS TO MCRAE FUNERAL Among those who sent flowers to the McRae funeral yesterday, the cards of the following were noticed : The family, Mr. John Harris,1 Mr. and Mrs. W. A- McLean, International Brotherhood of Electrical Woikera Local No. 344, Mr. and Mrs. Cavaliere, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald, Mr. and lira. Domana-to, Mr. and Mrs. Desdafano, Mr. and Mrs. W. Whiffin, Mr. and Mr. and Mr. 3tee'Krnfv1lr. an Mrs. H. Smith, Mr. sad Mrs. Howe and Gracie, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Gnlland. Mr. and Mrs Pen iergast. Mr. C. Ross, Mr. and Mr. P. Thompson, officers and Members '...O.I,. No 2510. STIitUT PRICES ARE TODAY ONLY 3 fO'15 OFFERING FARES "Vee la-e American vessels o'rt tota' of 115,000 pounds of hVhut for lower prices at the Ti"b T.xch-m this asornin. Again no Canadian boats were in th thrie tries were as fblfows Ciiper, 42.09 oonndn, Cana dian Fist and Cold Storasje Co. "' and c. HeleaUnd. 215.000 rounia, Atlin Fitherlea. 10.r,e. and 6c. McKlnlry 4H.C0A "onndJa, Royal vi-ih O., :o 7r and 5c. . Arfvut'fn in The News. EOYEIL Women who arc easily tired need Bovril to prevent them from getting " run down " I Bovril is especially valuable in replenishing a woman's reserves of energy. It acts so quickly. You feel the benefit of Bovril its warm, stimulating action upon the wearied system as soon as you have swallowed it. And if you keep up your Bovril daily you will soon find your strength become equal to the work and worries of everyday life. For Bovril builds up health and fitness by sound nutrition. Bovril is the best of the beef-its vitalising and energising properties in concentrated digestible form. BOVRIL prevents that Sinking Feeling n LADIES' MUSIC CLUB x OPENS ITS SEASON Attractive Miscellaneous Program Rendered at First Meeting Yesterday Afternoon The Ladies' Music Club opened a 1 T - t . . . . ... me Japanese Mission nan with an attractive miscellaneous program under the arrangement of Mrs. Shelford Darton and Mrs. Ernest Anderson. There was a paper on club matters by 'the president, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, and musical items were as follows : Mrs A. McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. 1Hl8 (Dorothy Lee), Mr.. Morris J. S. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Jack rjiott. McCrimmon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack, p, M,0 To a w,nd Rose Gurvicn, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Me-(MoDoweIl), Mrs. K. W. Maren-Rae and family, Mr. und Mrs. (tette. Basso, Mr. Wm. McLeod. Mr. and' Vocal duet. "Rrirht SnmrW Mrs. John Wynne, Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie (Port Edward). Mr. Fred A. Stephens, Mr. James Qick, Mr. H. Arney, L.O.B.A., Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod and family, Mr. and lira. Alex. McKenzie,' Mkti Maty Herman, Mr. Thos. Trolier, Mr. Duncan M.Kenzie and -family. M. und Mrs. W. Roth-well, Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod, Mr. ard Mrs. Rod Morrison, Loyal Order of Moose, Mr. and Mrs. D. Glennie, Aid. snd Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Trom-mc r, Mr. William Wtt, Mr. and Mrs-. C. C. Ketchum snd family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hill and family. Prince Rupert Pioneers, Mr and Mr j. W. W. Sffleeton, Mr. and Mi . M. M. Stephens and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ohnesorg, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott, Officer.; snd Members Tsimpsenn Lodge A.F. & A.M., Mr. und Mrs. Nick Gurvicn ! nd f mlly, Gruui Ciga. Btore, Mr. uvul Mr . Jo', n Munro. Mv. Mid Mrs. L. Fitsgerald, Mr. Alex. Ho' Tiber r snd'frmily, Mr. S. M. Nevton, Mr. J. t. McDou gal), Mr. anfl Sirs. Lancaster, Alderman ant' Mra. Rudderham, Mr. and Mra. W. H. Gosdsetl, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. A ndersoh, Mr and Mra. D. H. Macdonald, Mr.-and Mra. R M. Clark. J!rs Heffemon and son. Mr and Mr H. D. Eaatman, Red's Transfer, Mr. and Mra. James H addon. Mr. and Mrs. James Parks. H P M., Leak family Vocal solo, "In the Heart of the (Vincent), Mrs. Ernest Anderson and Mies L. Halllwell. . Vocal solo, "An Old Garden." (Hope Temple), Mrs. J. J. Accompanists were Mrs. Blott, Maren tette Miss Lorna Tite. Meetings will be held as usual during the winter months on second and fourth Wednesday FAST DELIVERY MADE BY CANADIAN PACIFIC OF THEATRE CARPETS Fast time is being made by the Canadian Pacific Railway in the shipment of a less than carload lot of carpets for the new Capitol theatre here. The ship ment left Toronto on September 29, arrived at Vancouver on Wed nesday and will be here on the steamer Princess Royal tomorrow night SelfService "Aren't you afraid the birds will eat your seeds? You ought to put up a scarecrow." ! "Oh, it's not worth rt There's' always one of uf in the garden." I BE There's a splash ... the placid waters of the crystal pool take life as the pebble disappears. First a circle, then two. then six, then twelve, as if by magic the ripples race over the surface of the pool to its furthermost edges. The stone that stirred the pool to life was one of your dollar bills, the pool is British Columbia . . . B.C. with its industries and natural resources, you. me. and everyone. The ripples are beneficial disturbances set up by your dollar . . . all the elements of B.C: industry responding to replace that commodity purchased by your dollar. What is the moral of the stone in the pool? Every dollar you spend for B.C. products helps sustain B.C. labour and all Us dependent sources of production and distribution. Your own prosperity is dependent on your purchasing interest in those articles manufactured for you by your fellow men and women. Every man employed earns wagts, spends wagr,. and keeps others employed. Demand the B.C. product! It is an expression of faith in your local industries and pride in the products of your Homeland. Tim mlrtrtncmm at it mmtt ml mm MtnAmmrmH ( writmi 6? tkt gJC. fW Mmnm 0I Ikr Vtminm Btmd af 7m Im Ik mttrtiH of Ummittmmt ml MS fyhmhit. PROUD TO BIIYM PRODUCTS 1 1 wasjiaay worries HOW often have you forsaken pleasant parties to stay at home and "keep an eye" on the laundress? We'll lift wearying washday out of your life forever. Phone us now. htm. Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners. Phone 8