PAOE TWO Published livery Afternoon, exctnt Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKN - - - MunajjiiiK Editor. SUKSCKIITION RATES City Delivery, by mail or canier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser period, paid in advance, per month -.i.. By tnail to all parts of Northern and Central British; Columbia; ,jaid in advance for yearly period 1 '.'I'. ... t'. . . . vv,';'; Or four months for .'. By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... By mail to all-other countries, per year ' $5.00 $1.00 $6.00 $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Headers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Adverti.ngp per insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application .-Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 'Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1928 PUBLIC LANDS NOT AN ASSET It is clear from the report of Mr. Justice Martin of Saskatchewan in recommeuding the return of the Peace River belt to British Columbia that he does not look upon land as an asset but rather as a liability. The Peace River Block today is of very little value to the province of British Columbia because it is not opened up. In order to open it up, an expensive railway is necessary. Then roads will be needed and schools and other necessities to settlement that have to be paid for from the provincial exchequer. If the governnwnt can secure the opening up of lands by transferring them to a company to iuiiM a railway, they will be settled quicker than otherwise would th,. and they will in time become of some value. They will he changed Iriitii a liability to an asset. The same might anply to any part of the country. There was a time when it was thought that giing lands to u railway was poor policy. It wa- when they were allowed to In- tax-free tor ever, as on Vancouver inland when granted to the K.&V, but if given with a limit- ot live :.-.ation. t hey become an asset to the country, for the purchasers find settlers. If the C.N.K. oi the CP. it. wiil make a deal now with the provincial go ernnieiit to build a western outlet to connect with the present C.N.K. line it will lie good business for the province. If any undeveloped part of the country can tie oiMMied up in a similar manner, it is for tin- benefit of the people as a whole. It is far better than giving cash. We need railways, we need development, but we do nut need the lands because we (anno! ue .hem. It is only new settlers who Can use them and the railways are the best settlement agencies we have. SEES CANADA BECOMING PROSPEROUS The Babson Institute, that gives advice to businessmen, points to Canada as the place with business opportunities. It sayfe that business in United States is on the decline and improving in Canada. They also say that in this country it will continue to improve. This is an opinion that is not biased and which seems to indicate that thfjre will within the next few years be a steady fl f ieeple from united states into Canada. INTERESTED IN THEATRE Most people in Prince Rupert have been Interested fn the Aivazoff theatre proposal and have been watching the recent development with keen interest. The present theatre does not satisfy them. They want something better. It seems a pity that the site could hot have been large enough to allow ot the very latest thing in theatre construction. However, that is a matter for the builders to worry over. A corner lot on Third Avenue at Second Street might have been obtained from the provincial government that would have suited the purpose but it is probflbjy too late now. PRAYER BOOK AGAIN In England they have a national church and it is giving them a lot of worry. Control of the church is vested in the House of Commons. Th Church chose to revise the book used in their church services but the House of Common refused to sanction it. It went back to the Church Council and is agian adopted. Now, what will the Commons do with it? Price of Daily News Cut to 50 Cents a Month When . Delivered in Prince Rupert Comment ing with the banning of 192H the price of the Daily News is as follows: Delivered in Prince Rupert, 5()c a month in advance, or Sfi.OO a year. Out-of-town in Northern or Central B.C., 3.00 a year or four months for $1.00. Other Canadian or U.S. points, $6.00 a year. The only way to k.-i-p in touch with the North is to read a northern paper. Sort food makes soft children Baked crisp and brown to compel chewing and insure digestion Eat it with whole milk. MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS MEN'S BANQUET AT CATHEDRAL Successful Event Last Night Made Possible by aid of Ladies of Women's Auxiliary ADDRESS BY ARCHDEACON The annual men'a banquet at the Ari-fttean Church held lt night In the Cathedral Hall and presided over by George Bone1', proved to be one of th bent event of Its kind yet. The women' auxiliary provided a sumptuous banquet which wo much enjoyed. There was a fine musical program and Arob.decon Rlx gave an inspiring addre. to the men, some of whom are not often seen at church. The committee In charge of the whole event consisted of H. T. Cross, Percy Tinker and Ernest Unwln. Music during the dinner was provided moat ac neptably 1y Professor Pryce'e Juvenll Orchestra, community singing was led by Wallace Orchard and the musical artists included II. N. Brockleaby. who accompanied a number of the sougs and who gave an organ recital In the church between half past iii and seven; the Rupertcnlans quartette (Alex. Clapper-ton. John E. Davey. Morris Blott and J E. Teng i: and baritone sjIos by D. B. ruin, all of which were much appre-.ated. The tcast to the ladles was humor-usly proposed by Darcy O. Marsh. The ladies were under general supervision of the president. Mr. T. Andrew, and those In charge of tables were Mr. Rlx. Mrs. McCoakrte, Mrs. Woodland. Mrs. Parkin. Mrs. Mackle and Mr. LePtne. The assistant went Mr. Cullln, Mrs. Bvltt. Mrs. Joan. Mm. Arnott, Mrs. Stephens, Mr. EHbb. Mr. Kemp. Mrs. Asplnall. Mra. Homer, Mrs. Hlnton. Mrs. Pullen. Miss Kllett. Mr. Bellock. Mrs. Mill. Mia Lennox, Mr. Oreer, Mrs. 9meeton. Mrs. Tucker, Mr. MoLeen. Mr.- smrh. Mr. Pyl. and Mr. Ron. hi ..i.- .uuiivs Ar-hrteacon Rlx spoke !:.-1 :;itl ..f th appralsxt 3t public ; ...::. Hiiffwr. it tj 'He duty of . ciri'jyiniin in bruiK men and wecnen i.itu touch with the eternal. SprakniK .if the Church cif (iirtot, the Ar, iiUfa.-jn explained that ta ecpree- on included the whole body of ChrU- ,.i: wi iii! den ion There ware i.uliy no divis.iiii They were all war-lunpinx m Uirir own way and (acre whs prayer lie liked to use which u.iked a biesint on th whole body of thrisuaus but with special reference to ttatir awn particular church. Th speaker urged a study of church history and that his hearer take a pride in their church, noting too its fault and tailings. The church had been the centre of progress and education, th centre of civilisation. The landarda of She church had buUt up the union to what la was today. It had weathered many a storm and in fact was wuhring one today.. The Archdeacon said he had no quarrel with any other church. He spoke pf the power and Influence for good of the Church of Rome and of other -mirchts The Anglican Church wa a icrt of half way house between Usees and he urged his hearer to keep that prsltkn The thing to do was to live up to their principles. People connected with each church should do their duty to It He feared in same case people did not put the loyalty and love into their church that they did Into material things. He urged strongly that they should do this. Man in the Moon HO. Jake, you are wrong. Use tower -1 Pisa was not made 111 Scotland and that was not what made It lean. Try again. FOR aal. ten thousand 128 diaries started on January t and discontinue! TUCKS are now three BrUjnt4 ta lesslon. one In Victoria, one la QllAWa and one In London. Now will evsryoe AN optimist Is a woman who thinks he will continue to brine her chooo 1st and flowers a he did before th wedding. WITEN Rupert people eeeee to talk Of hard time and bad weather li s certain they will quickly learn How beat to pull together. WHCN girl quit wearing clothe so thin No matter if 'tl odd. They will not worry half a much At thought of growing old. WHEN Rupert boy stay in at night And cultivate the mind They will not as they older grow Bemoan the dally grind. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Charles Haecker. through hi solicitor, Fatmor ft Fulton. 1 seeking dampen from the city council for In-Jones mu, islned when he ten off a sidewalk in November. O) w Nickeraon is In receipt of a ti'lrgram from the Department of Marine and fisheries at Ottawa which I unfavorable to the Introduction of gas-himt in the salmon fisheries of Dls-Mict No a. OTP steamer Prince Albert Is doe 111 port tonluht from the south wlih a cargo which Includci three hundred ton of coal for the Prince Rupert oal Co. Wedneadm DAILY NRW3 RESOLUTIONS OF FISHERMEN Convention Continues Today and Much Huslness Reing Transacted at Meeting Among yie resolution passed for the conasaerailon of th fisheries depart- n-Wlk, . A Salmon FliHrniens donvratloft yesterday were tit following: VVharcM it la common knowledge that flsh buyers buy Alaska salmon and sell ' aarne to Canadian market without paying any duties on this fish, whlc V'contry Ito the law and which tend to undermine the price of Canadian fish, and , thereby diminish the earning Of Canadian fishermen: "Be t resolved, thst we. th delegate to the Salmon Fishermen's Convention, held at this date. In Prince Rupert, notify you of this condition and earnestly request you to enforce the law dealing Svlth such matter and the local unite of N.B.C.8.F. Association wiu ao-opserate with custom officials tn Rupert In an endeavor to stop such illegal practice by patrol of the Inter-"atlonal boundary." Another resolution, although at the time promulgated, was Intended only for Wark Canal, from whence these proposal originated, but as the evil wa also present In Prince Rupert Barber, and other amall harbors and channel, where small boats are sheltered, was a tallows: "Whereas there are two fish camp at Wark Oanal. and all the fishing boats are usually tied up st these camp or anchored nearby for rest and at all tune when not fishing Boats such M seine boats, tug boat, fish packer use Canoe Pas as a route and when travailing through, this pas do so at full peed thereby creating a big swell which causes the small boat to rock gainst eeeb other and do damage to :ach other. A eolllaon having occurred during the summer of 1M7. being also one ojt the dangers in connection with tola evil, sad there also being an out-tide route that could be used by these big boats: Be it reeolved that reguteuons pro hibiting mob a practice tn all harbor sad narrow channels be Invoked compelling all boats to slow down to half peed. The onnts held three sessions yesterday, awming. afternoon and even ing, and the futefolng were only two of the ratoiutietM that were passed, the others betas; of lea important nature. The constitution of the Association was also finally drafted yesterday. It Is Ukely that the contention wUl continue throughout today and possibly tomorrow. Adam Mackle was present at the ses sion this morntttg for the purpose of discussing with the fishermen the proposal that havetoeetTmade to the de partment by cannery operators in the matter of conservation of th fish. The session of the convention con tinue to be largely attended. BROWNHEADS THE LIBERALS Outstanding Achievement Over HafS a Ml Billitin H H BUSINESS- II g5 IN'FOIICE j I NOTICE. Officers Elected and Addressee' !n,-u, . .. (liven at Annua Meeting of "bTng. T WiSoPoiS Organization Last Night ada at the nest session thereof tor an , act, Alderman W M. Brown wa elected . Jk. lB?3L0?,2Il 'jmS?D' president of the Prince Rupert Liberal and Pacific Railway ComjSnyTor such Association at us annual meeting in uwm max oe given, to eon the Mropo,e mi -I night. The gtiSTZ meeting waa well attended and much the City of Lethbrtdw: theno In s enthusiasm was shewn. The full list of off leers chosen was a follow: Host. President -Right Hon. W. L. Mac-ken Die King and Hon. Dr. UeLean Hon Vice-President Hon. T. D. Pet-tullo, Hon. A. II Hanson.. Fred Stork and F. p Dawson.,' Pretit-W M Brown. Flea. Vlce-PreshJeht-41. p. Osaasy, Secejpd'Vtce-Preeldent Dtfnoaa Ken nedy &ecrSaT Executive L w. Patmore. Jama Mc-Nulty. J. A. Lindsay. Jack Judge. B. M. Slmpeon, W. T. Kergln, Jam Lamb. Harvey Praaer and Harry Mensle. 1 Optunlstlc addresses were given by. Pred Stork and Colon MoMordle on the Ksuea of the day and organisation work and P. W. Anderson gave a short hl-1 torteal sketch of Liberalism In this city ststlng that It wa yut M yean ago that the organisation had been formed with Atjiol Fraser as first president and himself a secretary. In The Letter Box a sukhm:i:k saw III Uidltor, Dally News. F Haa that anlsndld fellow "Lum'' of Vsnoniivar lUnfi Attr RlaavSttt fTAn. mer th Himmer" soul thousands of revolvers for Iver Jehneaa Co.. "PolUrw PAIN in BLADDER PrentBtly Is4 by SANTA 1. MIDY sr t t th Otnulns Loot for tit 're "MIUV" Sold dy U druiuMi feet for Victoria. That Is what we weal tor Rupert. There Is tlttl use in sdaatuag something like "Hurrah for Jlupert" which ha only a local significance. Here are four facts for our elty : "The Oafest Hsrbsr I yarfhsst West. Its th Shortest Hoed aad Orad the Best. Prince Rupert." We showed this to a Vancouver man the other day and he lassoed lately re- j plied "That d dirty slam at Van-j rouvsr. Th Narrows art net dangerous I row." remap be we right but most icf us would prefer entering the -"Mar-'rows " to entering through a "Lion's Oat. Unlee some local sloganeer give u 'better thsn the sbove. we will have it printed on our next order of envelope. We reel thst it will be read on every envelop leaving this elty and the four facts stated will be considered by all contemplating a trip to the coast. -Never before have I wltheld my name jfrom a letter but this time I am. I Your truly, I RUPBRT BCOeTHt Westerly direction to a point at cr near the Town of UcLeod: thence Yicawnx ana nortneny m a direction Enersuy parallel to the Calgary and oLeod Branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway to a point at or user the City of Calgary; thence Northerly and West of th Calgary and admen ton railway to a point at or near Lacombe; thence Northerly to a point st or near ; the City of Edmonton. 4b) rrosn a point at or near the City! ot Kflmnnton to the moat feesibl route to and altms th rteht bank of' i wonette River to a crossing of, E raraer. Bess Baaanaon neon to to th th Tnwn Town of of nnnd. Orande rraine in tne rrovinee of Alberta: , thenae South Westerly through th Mookman Pas to point at or near ! Alsa Lake on the Canadian National Railway to the Province of British (VlMmbl 1 Id) Prom a point at or near Orande Prairie in a North Westerly direction! te a point at or near Pouc Coup and tram a point at or near Pouc : Coupe in a North Westerly direction' to. a point at or near Hudson's Hop on the Peace River; thence In a general South Westerly and Westerly direction and North Westerly by the most feasible route through the Pine Pa to a point at or near the Town of Stewart in 1:1 c Province of British Columbia at the l end of Portland Canal. 1 Id) From a point at ot near Hudson's Hope crowing Peace Klv. In a general Easterly direction ti a point at or near Whltelaw; thence In a Nor-, therly direction to a point at or neat! Port Vermilion and thence Northerly and Westerly to the right bank ef th Hay River r.t or near Its Intersection with the Northern boundary of th Province of Albert. The aald railway being declared to . be for the general benefit of Canada mlttee for ever, or are the slogan sub-' to authorise the said Company to comiruci wnsrvat, aocu and hotels and mittofl muted so o eicellent Miu.t it It 1. Is rtimr..i difficult . U to own and operate veeseU and to collect , elect the beet. It I Mid that "Ham- charge on telegraph aad teleahone me-1 mmLfvm 01 tne puDiic, to lire upon ana 1 acquire water power sites and to generate electric and other enern and to eis. tkf Bird to Victoria," "Met Sunshine P ve surplus from and coHettt HyMKA- HVfeSa the s!d comhany to Vancouver and elsewhere has brought ) uue securities fn respect of the laid 1 tnousand of visitor to our capital. 1 rauway to an amount not ex-1 That emphasis two facu or sitaeed rSSiSf tor" Z iS.'1 snd not exceeding SUty-flv Thousand (16300.00) Dollar for th mountain et'tlon. DATED at the City of Edmonton, In. the Province of Alberta, this 4th ri vi rfusry, nu. iifn. (Signed l J STEWAtlT CLARK. On behalf ot the Applicant, o-o Ewinv Harvie At Bury, Barristers, Solicitor, etc., Offices: Bank of Toronto Bldg., LUmonton, Alberta, Canada. The Daily News MINCE RUl'KKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Annual Statem?nt Year ending December ; lit, 1(37 New business Issued - $ 75,; 01 :;, 'Business in Force . . 5"2,5u m ,,. Income ... 23,902. Mr, .... Assets - 94,Si Liabilities ... 91,424. 7531, Gross Surpjus Ifemtd 4,83j,aot,.st Provision for Future Profits to Policyholders - 9,152,184.' Unaligned Profit and Contingency Reterve 3,484, sjj.v. Over Fiv HeVJ Millie Dollar of pr..t,.i . ihtlttrtAfih hmn ef thti ceahnmt Lower Expense Rate Lower Mortality Ilate Increased Surplus Eamlngg 1918 is Policyholders1 Service Year 1 I). Mcl). IIUNTEIl, Representative DEMAND "Rupert Brand" IS nippers "THE DAINTIEST BltKAKFAST POOH." Smoked Daily bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage 0 U' Prince Ituperl. U.C w All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 15 1'EH CENT HUnilEIlS, sites 6 and 7, reirular $2 26, now Shoe Sale Continues. Every pair must no, THOR JOHNSON To Every Woman who is eager for new ideas in home decoration " ' combinations for the sun porch, new color scheme" 1 ' ' ' room, new color beauty everywhere in the house ing Lacquer comes as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 llCANADIAnT PACinc ySllT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtrhlkan. tvningell, Juneau and Nkatway January , rehru,n '' To Vancouver, Vlrlorla and Neatlle February I. is, and 8. . . . riUNCEIJa IlKAlKICt;. Csrapbrll Klver, and Vinruuter every Halurday, II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines, f-uii tnfnrniatlnn f""" , W. C. OltlllAltll, Oentr Agriit. Torner e( 4th Street and Jrl Atrnii. Prlnre Rupert, H.C. Ih n UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ft II I Basra sa.m a,iK a. - .... . .vr.. lor VANf ii'iiiT ....... vi'rTnSi1' ...7.V..V ,u"'". .''"t nunvrs. ily. etc.. Tues.l..v. . t;f , OLVI Utl.ll, UTOIll, HuaiiMMi liny. Alert lltiy, etr.. aain"l" For I'll It T HIMrHON. NAAS IIIVI.H POINTS. ALICE AHM. AY(,X tin, isiet isiana, Sunday, s p.m. US tnd Avenue. H M. NMITII. Mtnt. Prlnr Knuert