mxi w - sr. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM? Our - ii i i.i i n i 7 t MAC-.IE- WONT LET ME 06E THE. TMi lf A NICE ME-THITtCKftT PH' ME- SO DINTV' COMMA THROW OOONCtO Clea rV .' TICKET TO THE BALL TQ-NICHT- ill I'D HATE TO BREAKUP f SUirfWI I JV A IT W)k I 'I , UT TMIWINOOW COULDN'T AN' I IF I HAOlTt IN VsINDOW t HOPE HE POTS . II 1111 W I MWW V"V YV I n I:. : .:;! TMH IK"1 I f l LUUSU I r II I ' "af Al II I I K. - . . . . .... n III! iWlir :v ji-iwi I t II I I I I I 1 Will - IN ANOTETELLIN MEVJHERE I V 1 1 I ' THro xQwrV V. 2? I IT - " . J I ( J' TO MEET HIM Prices On and after Feb. 1st, 1928 Suits steamed and pressed 750 Suits cleaned and pressed .$2.00 Coat and vest 1.2:7 Trousers 7."? Trousers, white ..... $1,00 Overcoats, steamed and pressed 7."( Overcoats, cleaned and pressed $1.75 Trench Overcoats .. $2-"0 Raincoats $2.00 Fanoy Vests r,0( Boys' Suits $1.00 Caps $rtf) Silk Shirts 75f Mufflers 2.- Ties 5, Sweater Coats 7rf Pioneer Laundry (1921) Ltd. Phone 118 you PAub NOT HOT AIR (OURCOALISPiCKfp) We paHs our coal over a screen four limes larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make It a point to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldblaom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the Bast, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. Te pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. 'wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you wont a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers Friend." Second Avenue COAL Prices DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Wanned Nuts $11.25 Alberta Bootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage. Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnltun Muring. in Eastern Canada, and can justly lay claim to being one of the finest teams mat ever engaged lu Hockev Associa tion fixtures. Just who will oppose tlw Canadian hockey team In the Olympic game has been a much-debated question. The United States, second st the last games. wlU not be entered in this hockey se ries this year. The Auosbun. Minn college team was talked of isiiea to meet the requirements of tlie American Olympic Committee. The five Hanson brothers, of Augsburg, who form nve-sixuis of this hockey squsd Dorn in Canada, by the wav. it 6 U Is thought that the finalists at the Olympic hockey championships may nar row aown to Canada and England. IJXI'Kf'T TO WIN All memfcera of the Varsity Grade are "VnO " ky lr W 1 r..ii nm ( - ; i VARSITY GRADS ! a ATOLYMPICS (pnstfation Hig World Sporting Eveit to Open on Saturday Next With Hockey Match CANADIANS CONFIDENT This Country Well Represented fn n Number or hventx at St. Moritz 8T. MORITZ, Swltaertand. Prt). 8. (By t Canadian Pr). Thl little winter resort, almost hidden beneath the shadow of the French Alps, i rapidly assuming a butler cosmopalltan atmot-phere, al athtetcs from all parts of the world prepare themselves tor the supreme test the winter sports of the tMymnlc same, which commence on February 11. and continue to February in For the games this year 31 nation have their entries la the hands of the mmmlttee. There were 24 originally, but Spain. Mexico and Brazil withdrew rcoently. The nations which will compete are: Canada. England. Bstbonla. Finland. France, Holland. Italy. Japan. Argentina. Latvia. Lithuania, Norway. lUxembours. Austria. Poland. Rumania. Sweden. Czechoslovakia. Hungary. Jugoslavia, and the United States. Of these however, perhaps six or seven will eater for the first really big event, the h3ckey championships. At the last Olympic. In 1924, nine nations entered, but one of thene. Austria, defaulted. The contestants remaining were: Canada. Sweden, Switzerland, and Oaacho Slovakia in one group, and United States. Oreat Britain. Belgium and France In the second grown. Final honors in the hockey eeent were won ny the aranltes of Toronto, representing Canada, and they took, incidentally, the only frnt place won by the Dominion In the entire Olympic games. VAKSITY 1K.1S This year Canada Is represented bv Vtriaty Grade, of Toronto, who won so many games at home that their victories became monotonous. They took tike Allan Cup last year and went through the entire season with onlv one dafeaa. Their single defeat came in the finals Vancouver when Fort William turned the trick In the second game of the series. During the present season at tome the Orads triumphed over all opposition with again but one exception. rney lost one game of an exhibition wrtes at Boston. Mass. On their "barn storming" tour shortly before leaving uanaoa xney ran up an imposing string of wins against various "all-star" teems mm - w '.t i rn v. ,t-i --Til I .no conlldent. They realire that four yearn may maice considerable dlflerence In the showing ol the European teams, but they still feel that their machine-like combination and steady attacks will more than offset any experience ttieir competitors may have gained since the list Olympic. Canada's showing In the speed-skating i vents is expected to be a revelation at .his year's meet. Charles Oorman. of 3t. John. N.B.. world's amateur champ-on, is an entry and Oorman needs no introduction to speed-okaUng enthusiasts. He has won proeably more lm-jcrtant meets than any other skater. He will be accompanied by a feUow townsman. Wlltte Logan, and Ross Robinson, of Toronto, who is a particularly hard nan to beat at a distance. HUIHK hKATIMI In the figure-skating, too. Canada is .ell represented. Joan Eastwood. Jmtgomery Wilson, Harold Ballard. Miss Constance Wilson. Mlas Cecil Eustace Smith and Miss Maud Eustace -Smith are the figure-skaters entered irom the Dominion. Miss Cecil Eustace iimith took a sixth place at the last Olympic garnet, ami wUl probably figure higher In the ranking tola year, since she has skated steadily and Improved very much alnee 1M4. Mb Beatrix Loughran of the United States team Is particularly outstanding at this sport, uid keen competition is expected between Mow. Ssa bo-Plank, of Austria, who the event at the last games, and Miss Loughran. The Dominion has four aces In the jkling ciasscis. in Leonan) kwn, Mon-i-real, Canadian champion. Merrill Putnam. Toronto, Oerald Dueu, Ottawa, and Bill Thompson of Montreal Du-puls and Lsoan will be entered in the Jumping, with Putnam and Thompson M the running. Putnam, however, can tad may Jump. Their events do no .tart until February i, and they are naklng the best of the onaortunltlea to do s lot of practicing. at i'bak tip; nnoi All members of thO OasMtUan squads re at the peak of their fits, ail they are working hard la their training. 3very first place the Gomlnton contes-'.anu win means 19 pontts. Canada has a relatively small team. Only 96 ath-ites are wearing th taS., Mxpte :caf on the wHtte tAtsX ftnd they will have 947 tO'snfte (auut. in looking qJr Om ted- of the te Olympic gantes. hit ispteworthy that the Canadians ten t ' total of 41 polnu all told, Maelafc ftrat Jn.hoeke. rowing events; ssoond, Mttrw and sixth :n clap pigoa-eiiootlia ttrtre) aad fourth ui rosing: rourwi w wroauinc. to:k two f ourtrsi and a OAiiln the track KeksttKina befSre retiring It Vi if JJ OXO LIMITED. 3M Si. A .tola. Sunt M saint I induces soun 16 mnq sleep. i 14 di your groceiv BASKETBALL Tuxisjiovs Stars LAST NIGHT Elks, I Huh School and Stare are Winnerw Before Poor Attend-nnce of Spectators Senior League- Elks 37, Orand Termlu-alx 34. Intermediate High School 30. Elevator 24. Junior Stars IB, Tuila Boys 13. Basketball games last night were not as olosely contested as usual. A poor crowd of fans was In attendance. In the Senior League, the Elks took the Jump on the Orand Terminals for second place In the standing with an easy 87 to 94 victory The best piny was in the second half when the Terminals gave the KHts real competition and outsoored them, the scoring not being heavy enough, however, to down the lodge men. The score at the end of the first period was 33 to S In favor of the Elk. . la the Intermediate League, the High School scored another victory over the Clevator by 30 to 24 Half-time score waa It to It in favor of the High School. In the Junior League, the Stars won their second victory of the season over rnxls Boys by IS to 13. Half-time core was 9 to 4 in favor of the Stars. B A. Mann referced the Senior and In-tertnetttste games and Daaglas Frlsieii. .he Junior encounter. Details of scoring was as foUows: skmou i n win: Elks D. Balfour. 12; A. Phillips. 6: W. Lamble. 14; Oeorge Mitchell: Eddie imlth: M. Budenkh. 1; Doug. Frlzaell, 5: total, 37. Grand Terminals J. M. Nulty. 1: D Stalker. 2; Kan RaUbtord. 10: Droa-.on Hunt, 8: A.' Sstoemb. I: Joe OoMe 4: total. 24. IVTKKMKItlATB MM'tl R High School Harold Macdonald. S; Danny Morrison, 11: Allan Cross,, 3 Bob Stalker, 3: R. Irvine, 4; total. 30 Elevator Vincent Meagher. 1 1 : Curh Donald, 4; Benny Wendle. 8: D. Mc Donald. 3: W. Murray. 1: T. Huxhea total, 94. JIMOIt IKAdlR Stars J. McNufty. 4: Joe Scott. 0: t Smith. S; R. Nelson. 1: O Vterlck: tot: 19. Tuxls Boys R Smith, 6: D. Morrison. 3: Tom Steen: A. McDonald: R. Pierce '1: Cameron. : total. 12. League standings to date follow: Senior Iflgue W. D. Native Sons 7 l Elks 4 1 Terminals 9 a IntrrmmlMte league High School 9 0 Big Pour 6 0 Elevator 1 o HigiilschdMi ;:v r 0 Drill Tm . ...f t o Junior tMigae 2 0 ' .u w sporw- in wm Winter sports' in spite of a deficit outstanding of "' w wsn mi i w iin. the exeotKtv oonunttee of the 11 01 s couatng. ' Vanderhoof Athletic Club has decided uier. is -woenN. oeiermmanon to keep the skating rink there In oper- in t n mm m.m IrA' t&AafeKM a au.s. ... - " k " w f.w.iw w w o- auon for the remainder of the naaor ter than ever thU year, The best of the stating season l. cordial L. Pts 1 IS 9 9 8 9 9 18 6 II 9 3 u is I SPORT CHAT '- W snted" For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for Iei than 5fk PEItSONAL picted during February and March. A new lighting system wss recently Insulted In the rink which is now one of the finest and best lighted along the line of the Canadian Natloi.ul Railway nd a credit to Vanderhoof The rtuk 111 continue under the management of be Vanderhoof Hockey Club with Cecil Steele as manager. The prise list for the big ski touma-Jient at Burns Lake on February 14 under the auapieas of the Ornlneca Ski lub is swelling dally snd several uSera f money prices have had to be refused n order 'o preserve the amateur stand-ng of the contestants. Among the iaaors of priaes are Olof Hanson. Henry 3lrks & Son I Vancouver I, J. 8. Gray .Smlthers). J. C. Brady. MP, Max .letrbrbnsr. T. Eaton Co.. S. Anderson Tie Co., David Spencer. Ltd.. F. O. Oawaon, A. J. Curwon and Jack McNeill iTelkwa). Acoordlng to a despatch from Atlaa-a, Oa . Tyrus R. Ooba says he will net .lay baseball this year. The statement vas In reply to an offer of tas.OOO to Jin the Atlanta fam of the Southern sscclstton foi the campaign of 1938. rhat la about half what the Athletics ire said to have paid him last season, f the erstwhile Terrible Ty" has been orreetly quoted, he Is out of baseball is a player. The Georgian, now 40 ears of age. cannot retire for a year nd come back to anything like his orm. even of late years. Oobb likes law ball too well to entirely dissociate tlmself from the game, but if he does lot perform this season he Is through s player. ROHOWINSlVER MAPLE LEAFS LAST NIGHT BILLIARDS The Grotto defeated the Maple Leafs : last night's Millard league fixture by n aggregate score of 991 to 849. both Ides suffering severe losses. Individual cores were as fallows: Oeorge Waugh (Orottoi. 119: Col. S. P. MeMerdte (Maple Laafa). 900. Don Brown, 900: J. ttammon. 191. J. Judge. 909. Marcus Andrews, 108. Red Young, 900: M. M. Metacblan. 189. C. L. Youngman. 163: Oeorge Howe. 900. ,1. MATBRJeTTY nurse. daily or for Monthly. Old eountry trained. Phone Red 704. 3o 'BrMiard isaaue ate ratlines 4o ansa ass Individual averages S4btM Total var toM Storage 7 9998 999 ate leafs s 7188 991 Orotto 7 8198 ' m MaV Trrmlnais. . 7 8198 ayrowirrr.'. . r r to date follow: Played Total Av. Williams (ML. I 1 900 300 O. Pyle (O.T.) 7 1874 199 I. May (CS. 4 786 194 Q. Howe (MX.) 8 1559 195 D Brown lOrotto) 7 1304 199 V Macdonald (C 6 1 7 1359 194 W. 11 Long (OS.) 7 1352 199 A. Murray (CS.) 7 1943 199 W. J. Nelson (O C.I .... 7 1941 193 J. Beasley (O.T.) 6 949 190 O. Youngman (O ) 8 1110 197 Mayor McMordle (M L ) . 8 1488 189 A. Donald iQC) 3 849 199 M M. McLaehlan (ML.) 7 ItTS 193 J. Judge (Orotto) 5 891 178 J. Hlltmen (CB.) 7 1339 177 O. Waugh (Orotto) 7 1999 177 O. A. Woodland (O.O.) .. 1003 177 Ben Self (O.T.) 1089 177 0. IMegno (O.O., 7 1990 178 W. E. Wllllscrolt (O.T.).. 4 991 173 p. Morgan (OS.) 6 998 187 F. aieman (O.T.) 4 999 187 O. P. Tinker IOC.) 7 1194 189 J. Andrew (O.T.) 7 1153 196 R Xoung (Orotto) ...... 7 . 184 ' M.' Andreyev (ML ) . a 1190 183 J. Hamilton (ML.) 8 1304 189 John Bulger (CJB.) 9 '480 160 G. Krause (O.T.) 9 271 188 J. Brown (O) 4 498 107 ST. ANDIlKIVft HOWLING In the rarpet bowlli g tournament of St. Andrew's Society last nlKlit. the rink of Bert Cumcron won over Jack WatNon The tournament will be continued tonight. Advertise In The Daily Niws SALE. Phone Red 948 FOK SALE ONE 30 H.P. FRISCO Standard in first class condition: recently overhauled: with full equipment Apply Ward Electric and Marine Supply. 4 FOR SALE. 91800 BUYS A NEWLY finished house. 5 rooms, bathroom, pantry and basement. Handy to sawmill. Phone Black 621. tt FOR SAIJI. TWO HAIJ1 GRADE Baanen goats. . Registered Freshens April 14 snd May 14. Phone Blue 373. Write Box 9S6. 39 FOB SALE. OAK BOLL TOP DESK and swivel chair Apply Family Shoe Store. tf FOK KENT FOR RENT-ONE OOOD APARTMENT with three bedrooms Down tow it Stork block Apply Stork a Hardware. FOB R9BIT ROOMS WITH OR WITH-out hoard. Central location. Phone Blue 19. tf FOR RENT THREE ROOMED COT-tage on Bummltt Avenue. Phone Red 939. 99 HOUSE FOR RENT - fl BOOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros. tl FOB RENT. FURNISHED Apply 31S Fourth Ave East. 'Fl'HMTI'KH .IXH IIANORH HOU8F tf WE HAVE IN STOCK BEDS. SPRINGS. mattress, linoleum and linoleum rugs, carpets, window blinds, curtain rods, curtain goods and drapes, dining roowi suites chesterfield suites, chain, tables, floor lamps, blankets, sheets, bedspreads, qullu. range, akuttles, kitchen hardwsre and mostly all household articles. All new goods. A. Furniture. MACKENZIE, Phone 779 CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. 7.ITMKTIIK General Handy Man Furnaces snd Stoves Cleaned and Re- pa trad Cblmntes Swept. Comet ery Plots Cared For Prince Rupert. BO EXCHANGE NMV AKII SCrnill If (Nil n RNITI'UK bought and sold and exchanged Player Piano and Two Cash Registers ui stock rrtwiiopriA 99 Thlfd At. ChlroaraHar MAKtS CHlKOriLNCTlF , jn. it.-' nVfif.rVhv 993 Third Avenue. Telephone for appointment now to Blue 95 Residence phone Black 353. Evening calls made as arranged. Make your appointment now. IMHNCR ItiTI'KIrT TintSl WEIINRHIIAV. I-CIIHI'AIIV High 9 30 sjn. 994 tt. 16:17 p.m. 90 7 " low 9:19 a.m. 8 8 " 91 98 p m 3 0 " TIH'limitY. JAt!.tllV 9 High 8:68 a.m. M J ft 16:57 p.m. - 18.8 " low fl'67 a m. 8.0 " 99 ll p.m 4.3 " I HIIIAV. 1KI1III IIV 10 High 4:31 a.m. 19.8 ft. 18:38 pjn. l3 " Iw 10:89 ant. 9.5 " 93:44 p m 6.7 " HATMIDAY. FGIUH AIIY II High 5:07 am 10 2 ft. 17:31 pjn. 17.0 .IjOW 11.19 a m. 7 9 " 93 19 pm. 7.3 " I ai'MIAY. FFHIU tHV 13 High 5:48 n m. 18.8 ft, 18:16 p.m. 15.7 " l-ow 12B pm. 7 9 " ...,M(IMIV. JANI'AKV 13 High 0:96 a.m. ib.o ft. 19:31 p.m. 149 " Low 0.01 a.m. 89 " 13:12 pm. B.3 ti fmmv, n:iiitritv II High 7:38 a.m. J7.7 ft 30:82 pm. 14 7 " ''W 0:52 14. ni. 811 14:28 pm. 8 3 ' Fee Vaneawver Tuesday--sit. Cun Friday -as Pr::. , Saturday-as ( ,.1 1. . , SB. I'm... Deb. 15 -ss l',,. . Feb. 99 -as. I'i From Vancouver Sunday as V:.. Wednesday a. 1 Saturday, as ' Saturday- - si Pr Feb 11 r . Feb. 25 as I' : - For Port Mmaaon " Sunday -si. C .-.n. iTess rwrt Hlniii.n Tuesdsy - as r.,:i. Far tn)o anil - Sunday w ( ,1. Wednesday ' From Ahm uihI -' ' Tuesday . c. Friday sa ,r.: ii.r Queen Chnrtiit -Feb. 11 m Ir .i.-Feb 25 m. H 1 IriMB Queen I h.irU.r,, Feb. U as : , Feb 33 -as. I'i : IW Alaska ,Peb. ll-s. Priii.-Feb. 35 ts. Prim - Irom Alaska Feb. Is as. Prlnre-. i Feb 99- S Pi:: MAIL SfHEDl'iE Far the Bast ITBKI VI- Mondays, Wediir- i closes I mm I he Fast- Tuesdays, Thursil i dtte Ta Vsoewiief Tuesdays Fridays Saturdays CF.B Feb 15 Trains. Mond.n'' Saturdays I'reen VaaeaMtrr Sundays Wednesdays Fridays C.P.R. Feb. II hi Trains. Sunday i days To Anyav. Alke Arm ITewler Sundays '"' Wadneadays IVsea An vox, Alice trm Premier Tueeday Fridays To Naae lllver Paints Sundsys I'reen Naae River Fnlni" Tuesday Te Alaska Point Feb. 11 and 96. Pram Alaska Points Feb. IS and 39. Ta Queen Charlotte 9 -1 1 Feb 11 and 2S Frnm Queen riiurlnii' Feb. 9 and 33. C.H.R. TRAINS Far he Ka -Monday. Wednecin t 11.30 9Jn. From v fiaa; Tuesdays, ThiirsdiM at 9.90 p.m. 1 -L- I-ANI) M N'OTICK OF INTKVI "' 1(1 I.I.ASI I In Caaslar Land di- " lag District of T-i Inmto at the north Lake, about 40 mile- town of Atlln. In longitude, and abom " latitude. TAKE NOTICE Hi'' Lemleux, of Olady ' D O., occupation Trai ' for a lease of the l i lands-- - Commencing at a jm'-' northwest end of ol "'1 1710 feet north or i'k Lake RIVtT; theni1 ' one mile south: then" thence one mile nur'h 840 ncrrn. more or 1 ' IHitrt.) JOHN Al I Dated December .) I Arte J bit roui ,a, 1. 1 I l I- 1 Htl 1 ..VI Hi I 1-1 HI ' J Id )-" i