"V1 1 ' Ftbruary 8, 1928 IiBioacEMe but perspiration odour is no respecter of persons To perspire is natural, every one does . . . one to two pints daily say the doctors . . but perspiration need cot be offensive, not while there's Lifebuoy Soap for face, hands and bath. Th 3 delightful aid to a beautiful skin is more than an exquisite toilet soap; its mild, antiseptic lather cleanses and purifie the pores and keep. them sweet from bath to bath. There's no price penalty, because Lifebuoy costs no mere than the. toilet soap you have been using. Lever Brother! Limited, Toronto LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects ioap and Met Water Specials W iter -Kcjrular up to $1.75. Special price, each.. 73? - Ilnlh Snap Regular 20. Special price 15 l avender Dew Soap Ui-tfular 15. Special price 10? I.c Hrand Cremant" fcerulr Special price 25f n Soap--Regular '0 Special price F;u de Cologne Soap K-i?u!ar 40c. Special price 85f I aslile Soap Kenular 25. Serial price Hit " " Foot Soap Kt'Kti'ar :15c Special price S5? rotes Ltd 7ic Pioneer DrtiQtists 0 HIRDAVE V SIXTH ST. - l ELEPnONtS 11,200 hm Sheet Metal Works I'lumWr.K arut Sheet Metal Works are opening an '.l Show Room on Third Avenue, just adjoining the 1-eKion Uuildinir. and will tarry lin "f roofing rliimr. flaKhlnir. atove pipeH and elbow, black or tfal-! all Mixes from 2 inches to 8 inches . fiiueetts. writer pipes and fittinif.-i all Mixes. We ' i Hi UK in sheet metal. We repiir .stoves or anything is repairing. Our Tank Shop at Cow Ray will tuke : "ur Chute' and Tank problems. Hot Air Furnaces, one -I'ecialties. Phone 310 Will (Jet uh Night or Dny ' Hi) had quite a bit of experience in the credit busini'Hs, ' Ice i ded to cut our credit to a minimum. ROWE'S Sheet Metal Woiks Canadian National Steamships Co. limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK ANH "penning (J.r.. jo.ono Ton Moating lry ! K,lneer. Machines, Boilermaker. HlackHniitliH. Pattern makers. Founder. Woodworker. M'-BI.ECTUIC AND aCKTYI.HNK WKUHNU. ur plant is equipped to handle all kindn of MAKING AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and .'H5 Local and Personal BO. Undertakers. Ruids U Dentist. Dr. j. r. 0m Pbone 68fl Bkatlng dally, 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. tl T .. . J I emmys Taxi. PhoAr Ton xanikh Uni;ed church Easter Sale of Work April 3. Get tht Big 4 habm When thlntttm a of a Taxi, phone t. tf LOOP. Whist Drive and DaIOe, Fobfuarv 31 In Boston HaU. Ladle of the Boval Punle. Drldiw. Whist and Dance, Tuesday, February 2L Mlsak Alvazoff aalled by J,rte Camo- un last evening on bis return to Van couver. Father Godfrey. OU.I. arrived in the city from Terrace on yesterday after noon't train. W. H. Tobry. CNR. superintendent. left thl morning for a trip up the lint on official J ut leu. H. 1. Bradbury returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this rnornlnji from a business trip to Vancouver. k. a. oreecJt. ho has been on a business trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. J. B. Agar. Terrace merchant, arrived in tbe city on business yesterday after noon and returned this morning to tbe interior. J. 8.' Rogers of the Rupert Marine Products Co.. Ltd. returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Victoria. B. 11. Hajrnea, post-office Inspector, Is a passenger on tbe Prince Rupert today going through from Victoria to Stewart on official duties. Mrs J. A West and little daughter. 'Vha have been on a holiday trip to Vancouver, returned to tbe city on the Prince Rupert this morning. The condition of airs. Oeorge Leek. who has been a patient In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospltsl fo.' several weeks, is reported to be grave. O E Oullck. local manager of the Swift Canadian Co.. returned to the city ou the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mis. Clarence of fifth Ave West, who have been on a holiday trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert thlj morning 8 D Mitcdonald. who has been at-ending a conference of the B.C. esecu-tivr ol the Trades k Labor Congress of Canada with tbe provincial cabinet at Victjrln, returned tin the Prince Rupert thla morning from the south Msyor 8 P. McMordle left on this morning's train for Ottawa where he will take up with the federal government matters pertaining to the development of this port. Trie mayor expects io be away for about two weeks. Loyal Orange Lodge Whist Drive and Dunce be held in the Metropole lUil on Thursday. February B. at ;m Ocori prises and good music Special prlre of 15.00 for lucky ticket lHildcr. Ladleu 60c. gentlemen. 75c. (33 Kni.JiU of Columbus Whist Drtvi nd Dani-e on Wednesday evening, Prb- ni:y fi in Catholic School Hall. Cards start at 8 :10 prompt Kverybody wel come 8prrlal a'trndauce prize and lot- i( dancing Ladle-i 50c; gentlemen 75c sa D. Ic 1. Pitt, mannser of tbe Premier .n : nt. who has own south on business aluch included the actniisltion by hi- company of the Silverado mine frc in til" Stewart Inte'est of Victoria. Is a panMutter on ttie Prince Rupert t iday return. ng to Stewart. Mm H C Wrlnrli. who has been j.-endliiK the pst two weeks at Vto- torui where lier liuabund. Dr. Wrlnch, M L A U uttendliiK the session of the liKinlatnre. arrived from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning, pro- (vtdtiiK to the Interior by train. Inverters are offrml the letrtt Information . HOMH, HTOCKH mill fllXULH, VaiHeuver iUk t:rtiange. IjoohUkHM reveltedlwle dally, thus keeping you In tenth Willi the price find nation r (he market. Ilu.ilng and sHIlug orders rxrrutetl by ulrr ill no expense to ynil. (1. I'eiM'Y TINKER HU 1.1 1 1. rerrentlrtg K. I". Clark St Co., l.ltl., f MiMier. Teirttlmite AT. S8 A NN0UNCP..W RNTS K. ot C. Wlilst Drive and Dance, Wednesday, February 8. Women ot Mooseheart it!on St. Vulentlnes Whist Drlvr and Dance. February It. C N H Annual Ball. Friday, FVhrary 17 Catholic Women' League spring aale ol work April 13. m tabard April JO. f THE DAILY NEWS' Tkh.ee Her Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On Mrs. 0. Ames, 85 8t. Georg-s Street, Chatham, Ont., writes: ''Last winter my three boys bad terrible cold and a eough that hung on so long- that It began1 to worry me. 'l went io my dragg-ist and h aiked at If I had tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup "I told him I had not, but that I would, and I must aay that after they had snlehed the third bottle they were entirely rid of the cough. "I will never be without a bottle of Dr. Wood's' on hand." Price J5c a bottle, large family tit 60a. pat p only by The T. MUbura Co limited. Toronto. Ont. During the past twenty-four hours eighty cars of wheat arrived and 300 are reported on the division now. Called to Victoria on account of the Illness ot hi mother. Dr. H L. Ales- andsr sailed teat ertntng on the Csmo- sun (or tha south. A. S. Tryar, provincial auditor, arrived on the Prince Buprrt this morning from Victoria and proceeded by train to Bmltbcra on Inspection duties. Wiggs J. OKeUl of Smithers reached the city from tbe Interior on yesterday afternoon's train and sailed by the Oaaosun for Vancouver on a business trip. D. W. McLeman, Buwart hardware merchant, Wbo baa been on a business trip to Vancouver, to a passenger on tbe Prince Rupert today returning north. . For a second ottanoe on a charge of drunkenness. Dora Larson was fined 50. with the option of sixty days Imprisonment, in city police court this morning. Fred Brown of Anyox. with his bride who was formerly Idas McGUUvtay of the nursing staff of the smelter town hospltsl. Is a paaaenfer on tbe Prince Rupert today returning north. CNR. steamer Prince John. Capt. E Mabbs. having made a fast trip this week. Is reported to be due soon after midnight tonight from Vancouver via the Viueen Charlotte klauds. W B Dornbarg ut Aeattle. who has mining interests at New Heaelton. arrived In the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning and proceeded to tbe interior by train. ' The regular meeting of tbe Ladies' Mus.c club is be fng held this afternoon, the subject of sfudy being the works of Edouard Odog with special re.'ertnos to , the famatu opera "Pear Oyut." Rex Scherk of the local detachment of the Royal Canadian1 Naval Volunteer Wyman and child of Ha anon, who REVISION COURT IS IN SESSION Thirly-iwo Appeals Covering aluch lownslte and with thirty-two appeals covering a great deal of property In the city set down for Its consideration, court of revision on the municipal assessment roll opened Its sessions this morning and will probably continue for the nex' several daya. Aid. Theo Collart. chairman of tbe finance commltee, la pre siding and Aid. Frank Dlbb Is acting at secretary. Other members of the court are Aid. P. H. Llnzey and Aid. A. J Prudhomme. Assisting tbe court In tbelr official capacities are E. F. Jones city solicitor, J. C. McLennan, assessor and Ernest Allutone, taxation clerk Those present at tbe opening of tht court this morning were W. McLarnon assistant taxation commissioner for th' Canadian National Railways, who ar rived yesterday from Winnipeg; L. W Pat mo re and J. V. Clyne, appearing at counsel for certain of the appellants and Fred Lanza. C. C. Ketchurn. O. H Arnold, at. M. Stephens. E C. Olbboiu and James Hampton, all of whom have appeals to be dealt with. The list of appeals covers all sections of the city as well as the waterfront appeals In all caaea being based on the (rounds of overvaluation and other reasons. Overvaluation of improve meats la also claimed in some cases. The court in opening started to g down the list as It was presented. It la possible that no decisions will be reached today, the court merely engag Ing Itself in considering the merits ol the appeals. Application of John V. Clyne. repre anting Thomas Trotter. C, C. Ketchurn Edward Lipsett and N. U. McLean, for adjournment of his appeals until Mon day morning was granted. Appeals o tbe Imperial OU Co.. and P. Burns Oo represented by L. W. P tin ore, and the Canadian Fish ft Cold Storage Co.. re presented by W. X. Fisher, were also adjourned until Monday. Waterfront land Is involved In all these appeals W. McLarnon. representing the Can adlan National Railways which la ap pea'.lng all waterfront valuations, and the Grand Trunk Pacific Oevelopmen Oo. towns! te and waterfront lane stated that the appeals of the com pan'.es were merely ot a formal nature City Solicitor E. F. Jones pointed ou to thOK seeking adjournment that l was required by statute that the cour complete Its deliberations by Januar SIDEWALK IS BLOWN UP BY WINDSTORM Awnings, Mlulnn and MgntxstnM 1'HI Vkllni to llea dale L4 Mght and this Mornlg Several awnings, windows and sign boards tell victim to last night's gale and a portion of the aldewalk on Eighth Street near the King Oeorg Hotel la reported to have been blowr. up. Among places where windows Mown out were R. W. Cameron's jewelry store, the Central Hotel Reserve who has been taking a course parlor and the Baptist Chureh. of training at Esquimau, returned to The West holme Theatre signboard at the city from the south on the Prinea4tbe corner ol Sixth Street and First Rupert thla morning. Avenue near the top of tbe approach to the station and wharves was blown Provincial Constable and Mrs, O. A. down and practically shattered have been spending a vacation in Vic- I ATMCC WrlKT torta, arrived from the south on the LrlllLtJ II 111 J 1 Prince Rupert thla morning and pro-1 ceeded by train to the Interior. T. J. Wad man of Hevatatoke. Orand Chancellor for British Columbts of tbe Knights of Pythias, arrived on tbe Prince Rupert this morning from Powell River and will pay ad o&claj visit to the local lodge, returning south Friday morning. At a meeting Of the lad tea' aid of the Presbyteilsn Church held la th Church 'oonti yesterday afternoon plana were laid tor a valentine tea and two members. Mrs. Anderson and Ml. T. M. Spencer, were chosen tft n peasant tht society on the management board ot the church. CNR. ateamer Prince Rupert. Capt D. Donald, arrived n port at 11:45 thla . morning from Vane uver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and win ami at 10 o'clock tonight for Stewart ami Anyok. returning here at o'clock Friday morning to aatl on bar return south at 9 am. The regular monthly bualneaa luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club waa held in the Commodore Can today. Business Included roiiaMaratlon of the service club's program for tha paar and. during the luncheon, a presentation waa made to Non-la Prlugl In view ot his recent marriage. PresWleat Lao Waugh occupied tbe chair SHAW sVYESTRYMAN ANGLICAN-CHURCH ' ' ' r " t'i I- (Mall and Empire) Oecrge Bernard Shnw saya he la more or a Quaker than a Wesley an, although little better than an atheist in the eyes of old-fashioned Qimkem and Metho-dMts. Probably then- la no organised religious sect in which Bhaw would feel completely at limne, though he la a vestryman In an AngUoan church in liondon. and probably the most extraordinary vestryman In the Urltlnh laics. au.iiii.t In Ihe Daily Mews f.X. ladles and Moan llle IVIaitrn In Ut Night's fixtures in the Ladles' Section ot the Fraternal Wliut League last night, Canadian National Ladle won 6 to 4 over Orange Lad e while Moose Ladles defeated Eng lish ladles 6 to S. The league standing to date la aa fol low: ( W L. Pts Moose Ladle 8 4 Orange Ladle 5 5 C.N. Ladies 5 5 6 English Ladles 4 6 F. E. Wermlg. secretary or the Whist League, announced thla morning that there would be no irames played In the Ladies' Section next Tuesday evening but the fixtures for that night would be played on February 'si with the February 21 regular tmues on February as. HOTtX AIIIIIVALH. ITIim liuirrl Capt. I O. Stratford. Victoria: W. R, Bucknall. Henry Forde and R. OUankvy. Vancouver; P. S. Jack. Stewart; O Holmes, Edmonton: J. B. Agar. Terrace: S J Parkinson. Oeneral Motora: W. H CUIbralth, Port asalnnton: Mrs. 8. Wilkinson and Mlas B Wilkinson. Kwtiilt-ai W. McLarnon. Winnipeg: A. O. Annan, Endako. savoy Mr. and Mrs. A. G McCullcch. Inverness; H. J. Brown. Port EMliitfton: H B James. Amesbury. Central W F Taylor and O. Bardsl. CNR: J. FrBdfr. city. ten Children Cougi PERTUSSIN brings safe MY KITCHEN NOTEBOOK by TKvuj. TiitoJu. Domettic Science Counselor Hot Cocoa 1$ a Mothers Great Ally I don't know what we'd do Trithout hot cocoa, for say what you will, children do tire ot the steady round of that 'oil-important food, milk. And some children have a positive distaste for it unless presented in a more or less disguised form. Careful as most mothers are to see that the children's glasses of milk have their full share of cream, I have noticed that very often when they make cocoa they use ordinary bottled milk, from which they even sometimes carefully dip the top layer of cream. Cocoa Should Be Made With WHOLE Milk You won't make such a mistake, If you prepare the children's cocoa with Carnation Milk. There's no way to rob the rich, whole milk of Carnation of one tiny particle of cream. Do you know why? Carnation Milk is "homogen-Ued" that is, every little globule of cream is broken up into particles so minute that they can't rise to the surface but are held captive all through the milk, giving every drop of milk an equally generous share of enriching cream. Every drop has, in fact, a double portion of cream, for Carnation Milk is evaporated to double richness. There's another great advantage in using Carnation in the preparation of foods for children. It's safe. Not oniy has it been sterilized, but the milk itself Is produced under ideal conditions from selected herds, and is the purest of rich ichclt milk. For Finer Cocoa Carnation Milk is completely replacing ordinary bottled milk for cooking in many thousands of homes, not only De-cause of its greater timfccrnity, its dependability, and the economy which its , rich creaminess effects, but because of the better results it gives. Because of ''homogenization,'' it gives a smooth, fine texture, a rich aaminess that even the best of bottled milk cannot equal. Soups and sauces have increased food value with the use of less butter. Cakes have a finer texture with better keeping qualities. Puddings, waffles and griddle cakes are more delicate; candies smoother and creamier; ice cream richer, more velvety. Send for the Carnation Cook Book "My Hundred Favorite Recipes." It will show you fascinating new qualities to be obtained in old dishes simply through the use of this better milk. It's free. Address Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. Carnation Cocoa 3 tbsp. cocoa (for children 2 tbsp.), 2 tbsp. sugar, M cup hot water, few grains salt, 14 cups Carnation Milk diluted with Vi cups water; J tsp. vanilla. Scald diluted milk in double boiler; mix cocoa, sugar, salt; add hot water; cook over low flame 10 to 19 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add scalded milk to cocoa; cook in double boiler 10 minutes. Whisk with Dover beater before serving; place marsh-mallow in cup; pour cocoa over it. Makes four cups. Free sett In Cauda CARNATION MILK gives to cocoa a rich smoothness and sxtra food value obtainable in no other way just as it does to all cooking. Improves coffee wonderfully. Just pure whole milk evaporated to double richness and stcriliied. It keeps. It is economical. (See recipe above) Carnation Milk "From Contented Coivs" THE FIRST SHIPMENT of new Spring GLOVES KAYSEK MAKE In newest stylen and shades. Pair $150 FRASER& PAYNE The Universal Trading Co. TRY A NIP TONIGHT" - BOmtp 4 BWkANTItO ww aesjeasasa i BEST PROCURABLE 3 0 iga,'nrH esoOUCi or iC0tln -C The Original Label look for ll st the Vendor's and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE" ssasaaseaaMaaeaa) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Lig.ffr Control Board or by the Government of Brilidb Culuuibu