Save Money . ,pc-a way to buy th Noa. i" subscribe by the i .' - ,vit is 5.00 and your i, i)wn'! to your address . ,iut figure out the 1 1 v 1 1 tor this dally .: twelve monthai ourassa the Cause of Flurry in Commons as Talks of the English , ;in- he is With I!rlilh Government While They Talk Peace. Rut Against Thcrn When They Unmtuale Their tiun TAPPER act I,., I .WVA, February 8. While Henri Bourassa wan speaking hi the addrestt there seemed a likelihood for a momeii. inn s. He had pjMiken of the danger of letting down U.e I l.iirriers to radicuUsfrom Europe. "We .thould beware ; n our doors to anyone who might come from Knghtnd tull of hatred Mrithh institutions, " he said. "Ol u want to haute!) the day of secession, if you want to ( anada into a crisis with tireat. Britain, bring a many "1 that kind of people to this country.' - ll.-u- were protests Iron. -.he Ccn.t- IN BRITAIN n tear Hence and Im hance Looming larger ''j 8 Political prophet i the ele tioru in thla '. .: cr Jmtc. IWM. after ' parliament next spring tini made to '"u popularttt r government a wittiest rship progrmn and the . .1. of the Chancellor of . nut to reduoe Die income neaeure thl year la the ier Act." which Klvee the i.fu of tl instead of 30 a . feeling here that the ... -:it la becoming stronger r more reasonable program. ufnmf w HIV MVKtmtm. ' absorption Into the party munent people. It not any great clianjiea w juld i.ent of such a goveriunent, i majority over all. SE CASES I co Jim rhared With Atlempled ! Murdi i unci ttimild!. An. 1 other Arrest Made . Feb a. - In Jim. h') wa armled in con- ' I(,hia Kii g. The board of the " Mn, today ratified a deal lA H-ory Heywood. managing dl-'"" ' owner with Jarnea Ral-' 11 t; P Davu of Vancouver re- operating clentt. whoae "' UI not be disclosed until i " t the general meeting. ' ''""t inreholdera of Uie Van-M.iivk. Hdlarvsnt t iv Tanwlniui 1 "n t'cen associated with It In 'Opincni hve agreed to turn In ' hare of holding! in order i..ibie a deal of this pro- MR FORCE DIRECTOR AlllWASi - MuUS FLYING FOR NEW POSITION IN FINANCE " ' ' Feb b aroup Captain J. t 11 '', (or r die R0yi Canadian ' h" tinned to enter olvtl id in i)r entering a flnan- Ottawa. Hint lde. "DU1 the poorest of f'r.i-UiiM f.'A tight tor their country In ihf a Central Clarke dunauded "I he fought for Prance and they (ou'u for you." another voice clld acr ; Bourassa T i. :c h soiue hubbub and Bouruwu rrjc ..' They fought for Englaud and rnment Preparing for uir mi h well" B ..v added later that he had the Km t: arunlratlun for the present pel . 1. 1 the British Oovernment. to rneKe peine as permanent aaflt could. At !r c BritMbar. be would bsetMi cay "Now that 'fa all! help you uimiirz y. or guaa. we erlB be gIMvi IHHtillT KATK IHillT KT A (illCAT DKAL HIT UKMIIT UtlKlK VIPTORIA. Feb. BrttUh Coiumhia'v HKht to secure equal-uat.on of freight ratea cost the province t ISO .000. aooordicg to H. n A U. Manaon. attorney I. i.cral. before the public accounts committee. O. O. Mr-Oeer was paid M.846 and Mr. Hanson estimates the benefits accruing to the province aa a result of the downward revision Kt aitooon ooo and going on from year to year. til AT VIPTftRI YlblUIuil A ERNIE FIELD WINNER ski CHAMPIONSHIP Olacler Oclconcla Independence Indlin L. and I Uad. Bnillli Lucky Jim - Marmot Metals Premier Porter Idaho Richmond Bllvercrest gUlvetmnlUi . Burf Inlet Bunlock , Termlnui Torlc 'Whltcw.aci . Bid 1.4S M 46 .36 .31 s.;5 aa .05 n 3.60 M n io aa ci 3J7 M 380 2.27 SEVEN MILE COURSE ncvEisrroKX Feiv i. Knile Field of,,ka amn the lone diatanoe akl th fr.r t.he rhaannlonahlD of Britlah BC. Big . . . . i Mfnltil vsa the .hooting of Wong L m m mtnutn 5 cond over a ....,tm ..... t mJle mounUm Ooum. ik J ice court yeterdiy and '.I February 18. ball being1 .,,,,,,, trimitn ' ...m of .10.000 AnotrmiriJNYhNI UW lUli3 HniK. mas taken Into cue- 1 nnitun nl llf ns an offense wapot in ijUWll fUUnU fLAil TERMINUS SALE APPOVED Thla morning the flahermen s conven tion considered the proposal mane oy mntm. w A Pound in regard to pro tection of the aaimon and turned them down. The matter wea dlscuawd with Inspector MacHle and the result of their deliberation! waa forwarded to Ottawa through Mr. Mackle. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Silver Missouri I Coast Copper . I..l Dtlltwell Oeorge Coper Asked I 00 S3 .37 .40 4.00 .06 .85 .30 .06 It 16S .60 .80 im .aav, .03 3.40 .10 4.00 330 . m -- ' N" "2 ; Canadlcnn Win Against Toron-luJVIth Two Opponents off Field KIKONIO. leb. a. AiW the lldrt vrene iwwetlrU at lite I.mmI arena the l'anailten dettatrd To-male lav goal "e lt night. IWIlaj pel the Maple Ife lt the lewl la the teeond perleat Then referee Hrli hunli-lied Ihree r lite liSafa tor nilnur peoattlea. The fa Ha k kiied. ImirH. ahoaerlHf him nlth lee aad mH-eltanruaa artkfea, II1-lug ap the gum. l4ur M-nred and Ibe (anmllena burned up the lee aatll Mre put Ih Ihe almitna K""'. blh arnrea lie-Ing made allli of the lafe otf Ibe Ire. Ilie CaniHlleiia una leal by eleten Hlnts with one lt aeiiariting III-tawa, Toninlo and Montreal Marowna reaperlhrlt. Montreal ran In three gmU In I he final pefW to tie the New Ywk Aiiierlrana. The muite hetween Ilie New Vrk Hangen and IMUwu a a guiilleaa duel. imoltHi rame mil f I he .lump lit lrl ItelroH. Siwu. lt night were: ranadlenx Toronto I. OIUwb a. New Virk lUntmtU. N.V. Amerleana S. Mtmlreut 3. Iielrell , llmton 4. FORMER RAILWAYMAN DIES AT TORONTO TOftOlfTO. Feb. 8. Oeorge It. Campbell, pioneer of early development on the Canadian Pacific In the west and former general paeeenger agent at Winnipeg to the Paolflc and after 1800 Dominion immigration agent, Is dead here. WIIRAT rilK'K TOIlAY VANCOUVER. Feb. 8. The price of .'; tl IS. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8, 1928 WURASSA ENJOYS THE GAME - OF PRODDl W. I . : you i AT lu 8KU)W ZERO and in a rd. Unim.Edward P. Ricker Jun., of Poland Sprfngs, Ml., won a place second only to Sepal I a, veteran Alaskan driver, with htr team of huskies, in the 18-mile dog derby at Claremont, N.II. Trying out the team before the race. Provincial Government Sustained on Want of Confidence Motion in Legislature Moved by Colonel Peck WILD SCENES HOCKEY GAME Woodward voted with Conservatives and so did the Labor members and Creery but Stoddard stood by Liberals VICTORIA, Ftb. 8. By a vote of 26 to 19 a motion of want of confidence in the government waa defeated in the Legislature yesterday. The resolution was moved by Colonel Peck, Conservative, to amend the addreaa in reply to the speech from the throne by adding regret that the government had not seen fit to give the industrial centre of Vancouver cabinet representations. In the vote Hon. William Sloan and Kennedy paired, Major Dick Burde was absent, Woodward voted with the Conservatives a did Creery, Uphill, Neelands and Brown. Stoddard voted with the government. Immediately folk wing the defeat of the amandmont. the motion for the addreaa was carried with the same division with the exception of Creery, who voted with the Government. Premier Mac Lean, speaking to the! Peck motion, said be recognised that Vancouver waa entitled to representation. There was material from that I elty among mem be is capable of filling; the position and there had Men offers j made to members of the riding to Join the cabinet. For builrwee reasons those Invited had been unable to accept and make the sacrifice that suoh a course would entail tn their private affairs. mined that not only would he give mlsed that not only would be give Vancouver reprwniatUm In the cabinet but also would provMe for other pers of the province. MADAME LAPOINTE IS INJURED RESULT OF .i STEPPING PROMtAUTO OTTAWA. Feb fl. Madam Upolnte. wife of the mliwtcr of Justice, suffered torn ligaments of 'he back and will be confined to her home tor aeveraJ days when a tapping- rrom her auto at the entrance to the House of Com mo as TI1IAI, AT ntlM'K (IDOIKIK POUCE COUPE Mb. 8. tee Packer, charged with the murder of his father near Rolls, will be tried at Cieorge. NO WAR WITH U.S. LIKELY Hritish Never lint) and Never Would Consider Its I.OMION. lel. R. Kir Aaatrit ClwmltrrUIn declared In the llouae of ('ttntHHtita twist I hut war tilth Amrrlea tta unthinkable ami the prwnert of war with Auterlra IK lite preparation for war with America I tad never been anil neirr ttwottl be the luls of the llrltMi pulley. DEBATE ON ADDRESS ENDING TOMORROW OTTAWA. Feb 8. -The debate 1.4 -.--j . i. niuw4ii!f to end Thuradav. NjU ho tendmet has been proposed It Is expected the amendment on toe aa-dren will then be adopted without the House dividing With the subsequent tabling or the estimate the House will get down to actual business of the eea- ItlOll. ASSI.KS JINK -Ml VICTORIA, Feb. 8. The Supreme Prime; court Assises will sit In Prince Rupert .liveiado prLperty linked up with Prosper ty which the company already has btii' a couple 01 good prospects ...d ..(..:' acquired which should help ,;i-.(le.ably in the end ar.d. together '. i: 'lie continued successful operation i If Premier mint put the company .11 a strong position aa far as the Port-..nd Canal la concerned. i.x; d.ia.U ..1 the deal whereby rein :er has acqutnd the Sllveiado, Mr. - MieU that his company had ac-i :ed fitty-f Ive per cent of new . i.y which was to be organised iround the property and which would . ..:.n as the Silverado Consolidated .d N. P. L Thla company would take vcr tl.c assets of the old c.aipany. the bharehclden of she old company rsv ce.vlng a cash dlTldent ol twelve eanu loo rorj all of which was covered by Insurance. The moat serious lose as fsr aa operation waa eoneerned was the lore of the bunk and aMssho'iaea but In eplte of this, only three or four working hours had been lost and operations were now proceeding steadily again. The men had been billeted. Mi. Pitt said, between the company's remaining bunk houses and those at the B.O. Silver Reconstruction work at Premier will be Instituted at once and. to assist in the work. Mr. Pitt is taking a party of carpenters north with him today. Meantime, temporary bunk-house. and meashouse are being found In a building available. Mr. Pitt stated that there must have been some wonderful fire fighting in saving the mill and buildings of the mine. It was a great credit to the staff on the ground that the operating lart of the plant had been saved. MANY MURDERED ON ISLAND OF HAINAN HOMO KONO. Feb. 8. The American Presbyterian mlaalon at Hal How. Hainan Island, was informed today that 300 merchants and a Ohlnees rales! onary and ramify had beea murdered by Red pirates on the eouTheast coast of the Island The town waa looted and partly burned and merchandise carried off. Several men kidnapped. TEST CRICKET MATCHES Lten llreak With .sunt It Alrleaa Team by llrlt Wli Iteprrftentathe Kiel en DURBAN. Feb. 8.--South Africa today won the fifth and last test match against the Marylebone touring English crloket team by eight wickets England won two teat matohea. South Africa two, and the other was drawn June 13 ami at Prince Oc iie June 30. Advertise In tbe Dallv News Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the least Phone 457 Price Five Onti NG AT ENGLISH Premier Manager Tells of Work to be Done on Silverado Where Tramway and Mill to be Erected Men Coin;; North to Help Rebuild Premier Ilunkhousc, Messhouscn and Other Structures) Following Big Fire Though details of our program have not yet been worked out, we intend an soon as the weather breaks, to institute a vigorous campaign of development work on the Silverado property which has just been acquired by the Premier Gold Mining Co." states Dale L. Pitt, manager of the Premier Co., who is a passenger on the Prince iiupert today returning north following a business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. "This will result if showings warrant it, in the construction of a tram-line, about a mile long, from the mine to the jeach and also a concentrating mill." Mr. Pitt stated that, through he acquUiUlon by hi company of the NEW CHURCH TfflS SEASON Lutherans Hope to Have Building Completed by. Tall it Was Decided Last Night It waa decided by the council of St. Paul's Lutheran, Church, meeting last evening at the borne of P. W. Hart, Sixth Avenue West, that an endeavour would be made to have a, efcurch building completed by tail of thto vear. Ar ranganisnu with that end In view are to be Instituted at onoe. The chore. immediately "d dJveaea tHig. tmes t mM- the new company of about to H IllAx) Krlbrt. wty jWf or nererat- 15.009 aird will be artuated on the lots The management of the new com- 0l tbc congreg,tlon at the corner of pany Till be in the hsnda or nemier BMh Avenut , ounu gtrnt. and Dale L. Pitt has been elected preal- Tht ciuacll tieclt offtgera for the dent and managing director. Premier j Tr M Iollows: also having two other out of the five ' chairman- Rev. John It Hansen. directum, or three directors altogether, j secretary-John Dfbhavil. The old Silverado company haa elected . Treasurer Thor Johnson. R. M Stewart, vice-president, one of j ajxecutlve-P. W. Hart. John Lladseth. the directors of the new company, the Jonn iTaraen and i rrniMSi other Silverado director being T 8. Mc- other business of the oouncU last Pherson. Premier, having control, would ntgQt WM a( B routine nature. put up all the money required in de- velcplng the property, acquiring shares in the new company to cover all the money put In. Mr. Pitt stated that stockholders of the old Silverado had agreed to all that had been done and the Premier stockholders would ratify it next week. Speaking of the big fire at the Pre mier mine last week, Mr. Pitt stated that the lom waa estimated at about RAILWAY OFFER OF SIR HENRY Would Take Over Alberta and Great Waterways Line on Progressive Plan EDMONTON. Feb. S The offer of the anadlan National for the Alberta and Great Waterways Railway baa been received by the gover-CntSt. Sir Henry Thornton in his letter mabe no oaah proposal but aasumea far . purpoMs of his otter that the raUVSf 1 valued at Ive million dollars Sir Henry proposes that tor the ftTkt two years Alberta ewume the entire ued charges, the Canadian NaUoatal to operate and assume the operating deficit. The C.N. then would pay the 4a 000 interest on a mtlUon dollars for the, third and fourth years, progressively Ib-creutr.g payments to Wj .3 a year on the five millions after the tenth year. STOCKS JUMPED AT NEW YORK NKW YORK. Feb. 8 - The stock today staged a whirlwind rally after many specialty stacks ned plunged down from three to Sight dollars a aha re in early trading. SnBrmoua buy ing of Montgomery War., Which sold at 14160 against an early Mr price of I138.M waa the outstanoing feature. JUDGE IDINGTON DIED AT OTTAWA OTTAWA. Feb. 8. Hon. Mr. Juxtloe John tdingtou. -ho on his retlranent rrom the supreme court a year ago. was the oldest living Judge la the British Kmptre. died last night on hie 87th birthday. M'OTTISII I I P UKI'LAY. t'UBOOW. Feb 8 Second round replays today were: Motherwell a. Raithrovers t. Dn iihx l Dundee United 0. 'if v. KM