t AGE SIX Save time and I Money LAUNDRY washing cleans clothes without the wear they get when they are washed at home. Your clothes are not rubbed in our laundry . . . This means' we can save you both time and money. Phone 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best eacsian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 RELIEVE HEADACHES ? Certainly! A question we frequently hear is: "What can you do for my headache?" The answer in: "We can relieve it in almost every case and most times very quickly." How quickly depends upon how serious is the condition which causes the headache. For the fact is that a headache cannot exist by itself. It is a symptom of a deeper trouble and its cause must be removed before you are safe from a recurrence. That cause may be from the eyes, liver, kidneys- stomach or intestines. Wherever it be, it is in itself an effect of imperfect nerve transmission due to spinal pressure on nerves. It is the work of the Chiropractor to locate and remove such pressure. Those who have taken his adjustments will tell you that he does this very successfully. Phone Green 241 W.CAspinail chiropractor Room 6 and 7 Exchange Work IIouih 9.:in tt, 12.:i0: 1.30 to 5.:i(i p.m. Evenings lion' V to 8 Lady Attendant MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $.o 7 quarts for $.oo Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 6S7. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 678 DENTIST CUTOFLOGS FOR JANUARY Tbe Kale of logs for the month of January a o flic tally reported give a total of 1.878,728 board feet made up as iojiowa: DouglM Fir . . . : Red Cedar nj, Spruce rff-A.... interior spruce ,f . . gi Hemlock MM' Balaam 1,111 Jaokpine 3tMi Cottonwood M,4e8 ! (lineal feet) fr&s'W Hemlock PUea (lln. ft.) .T&S84 Oedar pUea (lln. ft.) 61.483 Cord wood (cord) 986 Bh Ingle Bolt " 19 rence Potts 2J CONDUCTOR KILLED AT PORT COQUITLAM PORT COQUITLAM. Feb. 8. Clarence Davidson, 48, conductor of the Canadian 1 Pmclflc freight train coming west was killed at North Bend last night when he stepped In front of a shunting engine. rilAXlt: IN U ATl'.l! ACT. OTTAWA. Feb. 8 - A bill to amend the Railway Belt Water Act Introduced by Hon. Charles Stewart yesterday after noon, who explained that the act was for the purpose of making tt easier for the commissioner in British Columbia to administer the acts in that province. special: FOR THIS WEEK Jap Rice, 3 lbs 25 Small White Deans, 3 lbs. . . 25 Peurl Barley, 3 lbs 25f California Prunes, 40 60, lb. 10 .'KM0- 2 lbs 25 80-90, 4 lbs 25 Swan's Down Cake Flour, pkg. 4 Of SILVER LEAF LARD Special 5 lb. pail 3C 6 lb. pail $1.03 10 lb. pail $2.10 APPLES Fancy Spitxenburg, box . . $11.25 Half box 1.73 Extra Fancy Spitxenburg, box :.. $JL30 Half box Jj! 1.1)11 Fancy Yellow Newtona, box ljHl.73 Half box $2.00 Eggs. B.C., Fresh Extras, in cartons, per dot. 4Rt CHEESE Fresh Cream Cheese, lb. 50 Genuine Swiss Cheese, lb. OO Roquefort, lb ;o Gorgonxola, best quality, lb. 30( Pecorino Romano, fancy quality two years old, that gives macaroni its flavor, b 85 Parmigiano, extra choice quality, 1924, lb 85f Edam Cheese, per lb. . . -15 MACARONI Over twenty different haie to choose from. The beat quality procurable. Fxtra Special this week, lb. 13 20 lb. box jj5 5 Alberta Market P. C; AM I LA, Proprietor fifth Street. ihone 208 FOR TWO MORE DAYS ONLY YOUR LAST CHANCE Slaughter Sale of LADIES' COATS, HATS AND DRESSES Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue JHJE PAILX NEWS Wednesday, p, 1 1 v I "in Li m 'WiniiiMUfHA mil irwmmsms DISTRICT READERS Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3:Q0 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! -t fcKVUVrV MILE WIND 1 HCCOKPU LAHT MflllT Prince Rupert was visited during the night by one of tbe most sever gales of the winter. Though a number ot people had s'.eopless nights, no damage cf any consequence waa reported this morning. The waterfront, apparently, got off pretty lucky, flhef Thompson of the Yacht Club reporting that not a line had been broken although he was on watch throughout the night. Dlgby Island wireless station, which reported all ahlp-plng this morning to be safe, announced the maximum velocity of the wind, the prevailing dtetctton of which was southeast, as seventy miles an hour, (usta of this velocity being continuous during tbe night and Into the morning. tt YERNON WINNER OF HDCXEY LEAGUE TROPHY Hab. S. Vernon la the win ner of the Okanagan Valley Hockey League trophy, the other teams deciding to forfeit the remainder of tbe games. KKNATOIl DIK. OTTAWA. Feb 8 Senator Cloran, Liberal, rt.ed today aKed 73. Advertise In Tbe Dalle News MoVe GROCERIES AT REDUCED PRICES Tea We now have our Fuller's Tea at the highest possible standard. None better in the store. Will compare with any $1.2S or $1.60 tea and we are sellinx it for per Ib JKlf A discount of 10c per Ib. if included with any of the following specials: TomatiHW 28 cases large tins, while they last, 6 tins for : JK'f I'orn Flttkwt Quaker or Western, ft packages for ,Vr! Quaker China Outs Regular 46c. On sale, 3 for jjsij:.". Lemons, California Sunkist Per dosen -IBt) i 1 dot. Lemons and 2 dosen Oranges for J$1.00 Uutter in Hulk 3 lb. Fresh Creamery for $1.25 Coffee Our Fresh Ground Coffee is becoming more popular. We are now selling 500 lb. per month. On sale this week, 8 lb. for $1.-15 Heinz Catsup 3 bottles for 05f , With each pound of Fuller's Tea fcr Fresh Ground Coffee sold this week at regular prices we will i lb. of Gr U3f See Our Window Circle (8) I'lcnic llama Per lb :( B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 Ot The Daily News - 1 " ,.,.-,, , , . . LOCAL CANARIES OFF TO WINNIPEG SHOW, Horace DiiIiawH Hll Order Kri-rlied ! l) Sfl Knpmt from ITulHf tll Horace Ouhaaei this morning ship-1 pad thirty-five canaries from his local aviary to a Winnipeg bird house which j sent a special order lor them. "rhm birds, some of Duhamel best, will be exhibited In shows In the prairie city. I BADMINTON TOURNAMENT WINNERS ARE ANNOUNCED The I.O.O.K. Badminton Club held a badminton tournament last week which closed with. tbe finals Saturday nlgnt. -he winners were. Ladles' doubles -Mra. Ben Self and .in. Usney. Man's dowasan Messrs. Wlnslow and wsnun ... . ' v I miuea aouoies sar and Mrs. Darlon FUNERAL OF DR. CLAY HELD THIS AFTERNOON VICTORIA, reb. 8. The body of Dr. Leslie Ctey arrived" from Winnipeg yesterday and funeraff aervitei are being held this afternodfl st St. Andrew, Presbyterian Church. Interment to take place In the family plot at Ross Bay. STEAMER ASHBY IS WAITING OUTSIDE Steamer Ashby was this morning at 7.80 fifteen mile off Cape St. James and Is waiting outside for tbe weather to moderate. WHAT $K Ml What pedestrians need more than rules are wings, and they get them. Brooklyn Dally Eagle. Cash and Carry Grocery Cor. Fulton and Sixth Avenue Save the Coppers LiWby's Asparagus Tips, per tin 2C Sugar, Granulated, 10 lb. for 7Jtr Dollar Sodas, nrw stock, box 08? Seedless Raisins, per lb l;if Macaroni, ready cut, per lb. Vlf Fresh Ground Coffee, lb. . . I Of Prunes, three sises, per Ib. 7f, 12f, lie These are new California stock Aylmer Soups, highest Canadian quality, assorted, per tin. . 1 If Heine Catsup- iter bottle 2i) Pure Plum J urn, per tin 55? Eggs, strictly fresh, 3 dosen for $1.18 Local Eggs, large site, tier dozen 58(7 Circle (S) Pi nic Hams, per lb. '24 Creamery Butter .... 4Jlr & 4UC Ib. in one block for ... $1.2." Bulk Lard, per lb IDf Pork and Beans, -large tins . . 12 Peas, size 4, per tin lit? Tomatoes, large .tins, 7 tins for J)5f G bars White Swab tfoap and one package Jif for 4i)(t Keep this list handy when Fresh Milk and ('ream 1 i PRAYER BOOK APPROVED BY CHURCH ASSEMBLY LOUDON. rb 8. -Oenersl approval 0f the amended form of the book of common prayer of the Church of Bng- land was given today by the House of Ljty of tbe Church Assembly by a vote of 196 to 80. ' . if , , . . ., - .. u. I , . . Market PflCeS K Prices current are as fallows: LAUli ' 2 Compound at toil . B.C. Fresh pullets 4Sr B.C. fresh firsts 44 BC Fresh, extras SOr Local new laid sta r'lHll Suiofcad kippers, ib 15c Kippered sermon. Ib aie Smoked Mack cod. lb aee rlunan baddies, lb 95c MEATS Fowl. No. 1, lb Mc and 40c Boasting chicken. Ib 4fc Ham. siloed, flmt grade Mc whole, first grade ss picnic, lb ttftc Cottage rolls, lb MS Bacon. . Bacon, side 60e to SOr Fork, ory alt .. S6a Ayrshire bacon, lb . Mr veal, stioulder . . . 3& veal, loin .. 48r Veal, leg .. a Fork, shoulder .. 3S tola .. 4t Fork, lee Beef, pot roast ie to SOt Beef. balling Mfec to Mc Beef, 30c to 4c Beet. roast, prune rib SSc P 60C i shoulder gji Mutton, leg - is. . 4ft. sluttost. shops 40, Mustoe stwulder an, miTira BroukfMM. Sbsoarack aad WeodtaM BOc e. u . id gar Capitol, and grade, lb Hc Fraser Valtef. lb sc Mew ZeeUand. in bulk . see prints gee Alberta Creamery cutest: . wawsen eaeeHt, B oc. nki n&r Kraft Limberger, , .... Onttrto solids New Zealand solids Btuum. Ib (h Kraft 4 Norweapan Ooat . esr Napoleon Llrabcrger 70, Roquefort 7 Swifts' Brookfleld. Ib 4t Oorgoneola. lb 75c McLaren's Cream. Jars ... 45c and 63c BroakfMel Swiss cheese. Vt lb- P- 30e BrooKfieM Canadian cheese, lb. pkg 26c Orujrere 45, Oolden Loaf, lb 4ge Jaok. lb ao Romano ardo. lb 75 Osmmelost. Ib ao StKlAB White, per 100 47.96 Vellow, per 100 gs.H I'LOUK Flour. 4'a. No 1 bard wheat l.H nuitrr . 1 lour, io's eee Faetrjr flour. 49s j.do VKOtTAIILtS Deeta, 6 lb. for ,.. 25e ueeu. saok ij.-ji Carrots, uew. 8 lbs. for Carrots, saok ia Back t2M rattle, bunoh 10c Cauliflower, B.C. bead 40c California head iettuoe lie Qarllc, imported, per lb 40c Spanish onions, per lb 10c Lseks, bunch iq9 Calllornla celery, heud 10a k lie Spinach, local, lb aoe BC. Cabbage, lb 6c T Is mmm i i Weekend Specials 1 Ton Robin Hood Flour 49 ff. Sacks 2 11) This is less than wholesale price. Limit 1 customer. Thone your order early, as quuntin t MEAT DEl'AICTMBNT Popular prices, together with prompt survioe, are winning new customers to this department every week. Compare our prices: Beef Round Steak, lb 23 Sirloin Steak, lb iWf Shotrldar Steak, Ib 18f Pot Roast, lb Hit Rump Roast, Ib 2 If Prime Rib Roast' Ib. . . :Wt Veal Stewing Veal. Ib 15? Shoulder Veal, lb 25f Veal Chop?, lb 28c Loin Veal, lb 28f Fillet Veal, Ib :t2p Pork Shoulder Pork, lb. .. 22 t Roaat Loin Pork. lb. . . .'Mr Leg Pork Roast, lb. . . nof Pickled Side Pork, lb.. . 22f Pickled Pigs' Feet. Ib. 170 Holland Herrings, small keg $1.50 Smoked Kippers, lb. . . l( Finnan Haddie, 2 lbs. 15f Acadia Salt Cod, 2 H. brick 50 PROVISIONS Breakfast Bacon, sliced, lb. 150 B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs, 3 doten 1.15 Finest Ontario St ikon Cheese. Ib 4 (If Ayrshire Roll Bacon, machine sliced lb. .15 Cooked Ham, lb. (.Of Cold Roaat Pork, lb. . . (I5f Bologna, sliced, Ib ttOr McLaren's Chopped Olives. per jar 15 King Oscar Cardinea, tin 15 DeJicateen Canned Meats Meat Balls aad Gravy, tin iS50 Quick Dinner, tin 25 Australian Roaat Beef, tin 25 Australian Canned Bef, tin 25 Aylmer Boneless Chicken, tin 50 Osprey Crab Meat, tin 10 This is the best grade packed in .B.C. FRUITS & VEGETABLES Oranges, 8 dot. for . . $1.00 Ripe Bananas, 1 lbs. . . :rp Cooking Apples, 8 lbs. . . 25 Eating Apples Winesaps, Yellow Newtons and Spitsenburg. "C" Grade and Fancy at lowest prices. Comb Honeys per section .'10 Fresh Tomatoes, Ib. . . 10 Head Lettuce .. 10 A 15 ' Fresh Rhubarb, lb. . . 25 California Spinach, lb. 20 California Celery. Ib. .. 10 Cauliflower, head :t5 1 1 GRO( .:uu.. Evaporated m , 100. 4 lbH. Evaporated 1. 1 , in. cvuporuted !v. Evaporated Apr ,, .. Dorothv Miiu TV. 1 1 .... isii uu.H, v 11, 1 1.0(1 . or ca.if, 4t I.:, Wnv taki' f 1 , 1 ary milk for i c;in jf'i 9 In Thih- 1. t tf 1 -: ever hHinlled COMBINATION - ConntM .1- Aseortinf -u v 3 tins Nabob I n nils yuiker 1 .'! tins '.uak'i ' litis (juaki-i 1 Regular pei-i.;l. per 1 - s 1 v, AtrtirT,i! 1; 2 tin:-, Quake: 2 tiiiK Quaker V 'i tins Njibol' 1. 2 tins NsImiIj I . 2 tins llillnda,. 2-is,s 2 Nabol' 1 2V-j,s Refulr $'' Special, er d... AsMortaini 1 2 tins Libby - apple, IV, t;:!. 2 tinx CoaX'Ju.i tails 2 tins Koaedalt - Peache. l'x, 1.1 2 tint Roedule A talU 2 tins Kosedu!. ! t'heriies, I -. 2 tin. LibbyV 1 : l's, talis Regular 8" ; Specisl. per (In1 : Wild Rose I'uxu Ib. xacka. eui 1 Shelled Walnut. Cut Glace Chen .!''' Shelled Almoinl-Eaiiteni Town Maple Syrup Quart tins Gallon tii.- (isllon tins . Spring Clethen I' Stove BrUshe-i. p. Beekist Ontario Ib. tin. special 11' Floor Wsjg. 2 it ! tin. Special, : .: KldgWHv's 5 o r lb. tins. Spvt 1 1 S'J in Combination i" 1 package Lux 1 puckajre Kins.. 1 bar P C Np 1 bar Wool Sump Special SuddIv any 210, 211, 212 arthelmess in Rupert Table 11 Phones WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. Richard B "The Drop Kick" UARIIAHA KENT. EUGENE STRONG, JAMES JH, UROOK8 HENEDICT, GEORGE PEAK' I ALHEKTA VAUGHN and others COMEDY "CRAZY TO FLY" AESOP'S FILM FAIJLES Admission 35c and i0c Phone a01 Cooking onious, 6 lb. tor 35c S 1 Turnip., Pf ".si-k fl lbs for 3.0C 36c Advertise in t 1 mm he Daily News