Hi' ,;,ry 8, 11)28 SUB 0AEEY HEW3 PAG2 nva s Wale !od Value 18.00 "lt.VELLERS , i -u.m WITH THE CLOCK . v. u ,i ( K CO, LTD. Mercury E3k Hose i 'it.-d Heel. Fine Silk. The out- tin- in Silk Ho-c Flesh, Aloma, ' 1 .mpagne and $1.95 H.S.Wa!laceCo.Lld. i'liane 9 nue and Fulton piey're Here! I.W MODEU AMI HKTTEU )hevrolets t seen at the laien Garage II tidier I Motor l'i niiueta m ( a.m. to 10 p.m. daily Wrecking Service Phone 52 l R iJREAT CLOSING out SALE of MKN-s AND ROYS' i (,,IIIN(i AND FURNISH-INRS still on Montreal Importers Third J- Miller, I'roprlct or Kao Radio "WHo.As AND RADIOTRONS And AeretMorfes f- W. CHANDLER wholesale agent '"' liupert and District AGENTS WANTED Rox Gilt J11" Sixth Slrel. i, NEW SHIPPING CONCERN BUSY IntcrnolionaJ Shippers Ltd. Issued Certificate to do Husiness Ciood Response Reported The International Shippers Ltd local concern formed for the DUroose of a.. , !,, this week a very veiopini shipping through this port t , Alan's WHtch at (i the O""' h n advised today by , uric. The regu- wlr'' ,r"" reutrar of joint tock , in $20 00 cmpan,,, ;. victoria that Its certlfl- !-cw back and front, The office of the new company re-i U. white dial with pt that ((ratifying response is being and . r--u-d ,, an i,nd M inds figures. an(l the fulure miaruntee it to be ut-'f1" '"'k VCT coursging. Prom ..v as we have handled; ;';i,,p;,a'r'M T ?n reoeiml 1tt"' ''''"ch'ijik Kit interest ; j i i la the proDosed ,m- for years and find ; ,hipmwi t0 and t, liest timekeepers at'p.;. i ,. we ever had. I M".inhile arrangntnt,re being ad- OM. FOUR IN STOCK me initial cargo shipment to - wir.jun tne port by the new i MUCH WILD LIFE IN JASPER PARK j tni.i. ,1. in, renting with (treat Rapidity in National Area WINNIPEG, pieb. 7.- Wild life wtUim Die c-oniine of Jasper National Park la increasing iui great rapidity, and Ute Atiuoaska Valley, which give excellent in:-i rnne for them. Is simply teeming w. h dffr, elk and rocky mountain twi and goau. according to B . H vn. Km. uprinienaehi. ol the para, wiia paed through here on hla way cum attend the conference of auper-iuii-::d'-ir.s jf national parka and the TIMBER SALE X969I H?il n T'lidera will be received hv thi ti. i f.jrsaier not latr than noon on '.) ij.M iiay f rkorua:). 1VJ8, for the du.-... 01 Licence X8tin4 neu head of K;,w, -h L-.y. buaan laland. C R. 3, to , .11'. ..suwiu ice of bard me tsure of Spru i I'fdar Hem'ock and Balaam aa- 1 V r ii yearn will be allowed for re-nivva: ot timber. rur'her parllculam of the Chief pJr-.ter. v.ciorta. or the UUtrut Foraater, Print Rupert. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF I PRINCE RUPERT j H HI T l'RIN t HI HIT I en A suieax. Plaintiff: : And D L y wan', Oeleudact lc D L S: .. t. of prince Rupert. SC. . 4 AKX NOlICK that A. Sukrar of E'. .dale. UL . baa codunancaa an action agatiHi you In the County Court uf Prui' Rupert, on tlx Slat of January IBM. fut the num of IM4H being trie balance wnaea due to nun by ycu and viiat under and by virtue of : an order of Hu Honor Judge Young di.'d the 3rd of February. l(kSg. It - ordered that pubtkatlan of thla i ; .. i .01 three c-aia. utlve daya be K ; .1 and jufllrlrnt notice of the Plaint and 8unrfii.il laaued in thla action upon y in. and jrou are required under trie airl iirdcr within ten daya afte.' the last publication of thin notice to defend the aaid action by causing t dwpute note to be filed In the aald action, and in default on your to doing the a:d A Bulear may proceed therein and Judgment (nay oe given In your absence You may file a dispute note personally ' or y-mi oilii.tsr In the abjve Cour at iue a ' urta. Prince Rupert. B C DArCD at Prince Rupert, this 7th cl or Keliruary. I3S. W11.I.IAM8 HANSON It OONZAXJM. lnie addreas for service Is total Bank Chambers. Prlnea 3S Hujiert, B.C IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT IIIM.IIl N AT lNIN K HI I I I1T IVtacen A Ountell. Plaintiff: And D 1. BUaiiri. Detendant. To D L atewait. of Pinwe Rupert. BV. TAJC1C NOTICE that A Bun'.ell of l'r;noe Kuperi. 8C. has ccnunenred au n.Un uaini you lu the Lminty Oouri l Prince Kuprrt. on the 21 .t of Jauu-irry. lys. (or tba sum of M700 being the tn,l.in.e ..! wazea due .J Mm by you and tttat under and by virtue of nn order ol Has Honor judge Young ditted uh 3rd of M-k . IMk IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT noi.m: at PNiM i: m h:kt Between: O W Nlcaernim Plaintiff; And; O. I Stewart. Defendaiit. To D I. Slewsrt. of Prince Rupert. B C TAKE NOriCE that O W. Nlckerson of Prince Rupert. B.C., he commenced an action aKaltt"' vou In the CountvCourt of Prlrce Rupert . on tiie aist of January 1H28. fur the sum of 780.a6 being the' btilan.-e due to him bj you end that unci r and by virtue Of an order of His Honor Judge Young dated the :ird ' February. ? l was ordered that publication nf this noWce ft Hirer . nrcutlre Hay ha good and -..fflelent notice of the Plaint and Summon. :ed In this actloti siirt v it ire nmulred under upon ym; the said order within ten day afur the publication of thla not o to .loud Hie said tion by ciutfn J dlfuute note to be filed. In t"e anld Scnot f ana in default on your ao doing the aald O W Nlckeraon may proceed thSre" and Judgment may be given In You rrTynie . hn0,hSirom.r. the above Court S llcitur m or bv viiir at the law court Prince Rupert. B.C. DATED at Prln.-e Rupert, thla 7th dav of February IM"-, WrtJIAMB MANBON CKMAtMI. - " ' f v. UUpr-a 1 i vil it I'tt' Hmmbcrs, Prince S Bupert. 0.0. Puuldren Gladly ' takeitforColds Buckler's Miliars Is MIlt.rnt". It tails U plesting. IU action la o quick that on duu stops a spssm of eoua-Mnt and Ultra art 40 oust In a ?-eent bottlsl Every tumkir of the family derives benefit from "Buckler's". Hsrt a bottls In the house at all times. DraaaUU svsrr-whers sell "BiicklevV under a positive (uaranUa. W. K. Bsrklev, Limit. f 14: Matoal St. Tarsal 1 V. ' III BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE &. n. - . m game convention. "Despite the untwu-ally cold winter weather of November and December the animal are In e-eellent condition and are wintering m, ii- said, ihi' growth in number I really remarkable and the jjark ta bectxnliiK ci.c ol the best on the continent from this standpoint." Plana foi au exie.isive trail building program TRAGEDIES IN FARTHER NORTH Child Terribly Bitten by Dogs and (ifuhetl in Sixty Places and Died taler EDMONTON. Feb. - A apaclal d patch to the Journal from Fort Smith mi ys: It has been a winter of tragedy in thla part of the north, no Mae than three uaglc deaths having been repeated all of them children. Moat terrible of these waa toe death of William Ptnaky'i four-year-old girl, who lingered for two week before dying from the effect of dog bites. The child was going to visit a friend, when she was attacked by the polio does from the post and was bitten goibed in sixty place. days' Journey from here. Tarangue made the long trip from hi burned cabin minus both food and blanketa. The weather ha been very cold fifty below, but I clear. ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE I'KIMX HI I'EKT, ILC. IJetit. W Hume, Commanding. oitntKH roil num it v Drill Mondays and Prldaye. I tev.t pm. UBmW-W a- ordered that publication of UlU-firKtliitg to avmbar '. iiotloe lor tb-.ee conaerutive daya be i g. od and Miffuient notice of the Plaint land Hiimni im Issued In this action npui y.iu. and you are required under I tne aaltl ordrr within ten days niter ! the laM publication of thlA notice to ! d'tend the aald action by csujiIiik d-p:e note In be llled In the naid ' a a Ion; and In default on yjur so doing the aaltl A. Buutell may proceed iherein and judgment may be given In your absence. You may I lie a dispute note prraonall or by yjur S ill H tor In the above Court at the law courts. Prince Hupert. BjU. DATED at Hrlure Rupert, tins 7tn dav el February. IBM. Whose addraati for acrvlce l Ryiil Bunk Chambers. Prince M Uupert. BC. quarterly Drill Pay Drtll pay for (Hiarter endlnx December SI. 18J1. will re- paid on Friday. February 10, BSg. Ratlines must attend in uniform No. 1 Slid Jersey Miniature range r,t headquarter ta ntiw available for practice. W. HOME. Flrat Lieut. LAND ACT NOTICK f INTKNTKIN TO APPLY T I't IU IIVSK UMI In Range S Land Recording Diatrtot of Prince Rupert, and situate t the nor therly end of Telegraph Paaaag. Skeena River. TAKE NOTICE that J. II. Todd & Sena of Victoria. B.C. occupation salmon ten-tier, intend to apply for penslwion to purchase the following describe! axM: Oommenclng at a pott planted at the northwest corner of Lot St. Jtenc g, CD.; thence SS chains east; thenoe JO chain north, more or lass, to htgh water mark: thence southerly along high water mark to the point ol cojauoenoe-ment, and containing SO acre, more or J. II. TODD & SOm. LTD. Applicant. Dated December ISth. 1937. LAND ACT NOTICK OK INTKNTIOV TO APPLY TO IK ASK LAM In Prince Rupert Und Reoordlnj Dis trict, ana anuate at Charlotte Island Huston Inlet, Queen TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Ourrle, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation fish Intend to apply fev a lease at Keker, following described Und: Oommenclng at port pit n ted at northeaat corner tbotit 1.000 feet westerly I mm miners' cabin at head of Huston Inlet; thence westerly 30 helns: thence southerly about 13 onttna; thence easterly SO chslns: thence northerly about 1? -'- snr) enntalnira " ' u. ire or less. HUBKH r M CUItHIR AppUoant. TERRACE Mr. ind Mr. Geo. E Keith returned on Monday from Prince Rupert where Mr. Keltb has been a patient in the hospital -with a fractured arm. Wofd was received In town on Mon day of the death in Snuthers of the In- fast eon of Mr.gnd Mrs. a. c. Powlor formerly of Terrac. The child was about three weeks' d and wax ill just one day. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler have the ympatnr of Ifjttr Terrac friends m the their little son. loaejof a valentine uaangui is oeing arranged for by tbe W.A. to the cburch to be held in Progress Hall on Tuesday evening, Feb. 14. Resulting funda will be used a help defray ex pense of church and rectory repairs. "T-tV Following the usual drilling exercises of the Bull Dog 6eei)t Troop of Terrace on Friday eveetng a short memorial service waa heM In honor of Field Manhal Hart Half. Rev. A. W. Robla-n, chaplain of tog troop conducted the service. Refreskiaents were served later to which the boys all did Justice. A special C.O.X.T. and Trail Ranger service waa conducted, in Knox United Churcb on Sunday evening by Rev. are now beniK drawn up and much I Wm. Allan. Evelyn Ifiomas and Elmer work will be d'me In Jjiper in the next ; McOonnell. reapectlve presidents of the lew year.-. .ml 'i i he official. 1 group read the leaconi and several musical number were rendered by the C.O.I.T. a well a a solo by their leader, Mr. Alt). Arrangements nave bam matte te feeti a social evening on Friday Mt te take ; the place of the usual mother and daughter and father and eon baoqsjet advocated to be beld In eamaattkan with the hoy and girl work. The s4dlUon of a new veatry and other aaieaaire .Nftairs totha Terrace Anglican Church hare now been com' pletad and eervleea in connection with the ooeniag of the Veatry were conducted on Sunday morning by the Rural Dean T. J. Msrah, who gave an lmpa-alve addraa hefoM ladg congregation. Holy aoaaiiaM was alaa administered at Cbe dose of the service. The new veatry has double door opening to the main body of the Churea at the left of the chancel and la huge enough to prnvWe aggting scnommrxtt-Uoa for aheui laid in caae of need. Other Improvement include an artistic and ceiling arrangement with beamed ef- I feet. Chan) of entry door from east An Indian woman happened to look to the south and the converting of out of her window and aaw the doge former entry porch and vettry into a dragging the badly mangled child acroaa . larger porch which can be used aa eg- the anow. She called to her huaband. who drove the blood-maddened snlmals off with a club. AU that could be done wai done for the little sufferer, but she patsed away two weeks later. The father In a well-known Hsaolution trader. TWO OTIIEK TKUIKIIIKH New of the aegond tragedy waa brought in by Alec Loultt. fur tnuMr from Resolution. This waa the death of a school boy at Ray River mission, after having been struck on the head with a bluek of wood while playing In the basement wood chute The boy died two week later. A little Indian girl near Resolution a at the third victim to be reported. Standing too close to the fire in her father's tepee, the girls clothlne caught fire. She waa not seriously hurt, but the sheck proved fatal, the child dying few day after. TIUPI'fcKT r.tlllN III UN Joe Tarangue, Fort Smith district trapper, lost everything he possessed In tie clai Commencing Sunday February 6, the Terrace Protest ant Sunday School ente.-d upon a new arrangement where by the Anglican and' Dnlied Cb arches will conduct separate schools Instead of a Onion Sunday aa) a In yaara Mr, x. M. Search reeorned ert after spending aeeeee! day Us Prince Rupert. ALICE ARM The Alice Arm Power Jr Mining Syndicate announeea that It will proceed this spring with the project of supplying AUee Arm with water aa soon as the too' at oT the ground A hydro electric plant to supply the town with light la also inolwded In the company's plan. The sgndtoatt WIU also proceed with raining deeesanment in the spring a fire which destroyed hla cabin four ;n the Suocee property near the town. The concern ha purchased a half in terest in the Siormer group near the LaRoae from Jama Calvin and haa taken as option on the rraaalnlng half fret A. D. Yotke It la alee negotlatr Ing lor the Ear group at 18-aaile on the Daily Varden Railway which I owned by Anton Serbtch. No further word haa keen received with regard to the re mtabllahment of the twlea-a-week nuui seerlae ajr Alloa Arm vhien was recentiy, cut pa once a week. Other than theiQrdm ateamer on Mond frdre here to Ahrox. there lie at rjrrejmt ' i) direst rnaii aarVare wun tne ameiter town, iaayoenu or Alice Atn e oediainlnf Jttjthe poor service. Jaitnes Calvin, pioneer nroapector of the camp, waa here lent week from Prince Rupert for a brief visit. Capt. B. C. Marsh of the Alice Arm Power Mining Syndicate wee a visitor here last week from Prince Rupert. J. B. Hteertaon. who left last week for Prince Hupert, will proceed to the Flin Fkm district in Northern Manitoba where he will meet Stephen Dumas who ha been there for the peat month. Sunday School was resumed In the Anglican Church here last Sunday. Harry Fowler left last week fee Van couver where he will spend a vacation. STEWART William Mewatt of Premier bee taken the noejtlon of clerk at the wharf ter minal. Btworedlnii lux tay.htueon who he gone to Vancouver. Mining operations' will be reaumsd at U Dun well. It 1 elated. Juet a agpei a tumetefet water J BvalUWefor iirw ttvtm ThaaTOtek wll ment of U Ben An, vein Oeorge E. south drift. agf&tUi a?tZ859fT 64 tt The Stewart Advanoeinent League has been formed here for the putpooe of advancing the town and dlatrict no that Incorporation of the community may be assured in the fall of thia year or sooner if condition warrant It. The , -' if the league outMUta of II W. U. Beiswu. chaiiuian; u. o. :i:rvln. secretary-treasurer, and O. W. Smith. J W Stewart and W. R. Tooth. e The sinking of a new shaft from No: 3 level on the BC Sliver mine is being commenced, the auperlntendent. Major O. B. North, report. Working three shifts the shaft will he put down 4SS and possibly TOO feet for the purpose of cutting the ore body which dip cross Its course. The Stewart Conservative Assoclstloi ha elected officers for the year aa follow: honorary president, Hon. ft. B Bennett: honorary vloe-prseidsnta. Hon B. F. Tolsale. J. C. Brady. US' . and R H Pooley. MJA.; president. H. P. Gib- eon; vice-president. Prank Ha ugh remtf ttaaaurev Oeorge Mathelson. O J. V Clegg and Mrs. F. B. Olglt Mr and Mrs Jack Rennle and family have returned to Stewart from an extended visit outside. J. K. Oreen returned last week from a trip to Seattle. The local bank of the Canadian Leglcn has elected officers as follow: president, J O. Lyon: vice -president, H. C. Bennett; secretary treasurer. Bee. Walter Allen: chaplain. S. O. Lawreoee; executive committee. R. W. Kennedy. H. Coolirsne and O P. Heine key: trustee. H. C. Bennett, J. Scott and Jemea Morrlce. The Curtis show shop haa moved from Fourth and Columbia Street to the old telegraph office on Fifth Street. Mr. Ernest Love and son are on a holiday visit to Prince Rupert. New dlrec :a of the Porter -Idaho Mining Co. are Clay Porter, Oren f. Hill, Angus McLeod. Marco Savovlch, Walter p. Bianton. John Mellor an William lluhtlng St, Mark Anglltan Church here elected otheer for the year a follow: rector' warden, H. C. Bennett; people's warden. J. O. Lyon: veatry. Mr. It. P. Olbson. H. W. M. Rolston. J. P. Scarlett, Jsmes Neabltt. A. Russwurm and J. W. Harris. The Dalhousl Mining Co haa purchased an aerial tram which will be Installed with the opening of spring and will be fitted to convey or freak rBBBKaggBgnan of yam copy of in e uauv News every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Yourself Veil Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS IT WILL PAY YOU! r - Canadian National Hlic Largeft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailing from PRINCE ItM'F.ItT for YAXOMVEK. VICTOKIA. SBATTIE. and Interaaedlate points, each FRIDAY, JS am. For HTKWAUT and ,NY(I, each WEItNKfcltAY, 10.00 pa. For NORTH and M)UTU tU'ECN t'HAItl.OTTK IM.AMI. Fortnightly. inxsKNOEH TILtlN I.KAYK I'KINCF. KITERT Been MONHAV. HKIIttlAV and SATt RIVIY at 11 JO am. o PHINCE! Or.ORflK, EHMONTOX. UIN'NII'EU. all polnta Baatem Canada, United State. ACKN'CY ALL OCEAN R1BAMSMIP LINES. ' t!eraiud!a NstlsaJ.,Etrrew- M.wey trrdera t'ereiref te,. sImj for yottrvnntHiTpment. v, e. mfH&&&EBSBB3BKM CITY TICKET OFFICK. StK llllltll UK.. PRINCE RIPKKI. riwna M Insist on B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality he working tunnel of the mine to the railway line which runs at the base ol the property. The tramline will be i4tiy 4ly kbPUt teut 3.1 3.000 feet In length. W O Norrl&MB. lake gymi Oalhowsle ha been appointed to of i lu de' :.ipment of JPSH WOMEN TO oy,0TE,AT TWENTY-ONE LONDON. Feb. g Sir WUllam Joyn-aon HI oka, home aeoretary. announced in the House of Common yesterday thai he would soon introduce a Mil granting women the franchise at 21. At present women cannot vote until they are thirty. A iplendld Men of aupreia helpless ness: An efficiency expert out of t Job. Judge. Demers, art' now showing Biliie Burke Sport Dresses Phone 27 P.O. IIox 327