Monday. July 8, 1929 I; Here's Stomach-joy For You. Light, Flavory, Easily Digested Sll 1. 1 Kel La he I nin hrawerH. fcach . i.l's Red Label Com- With all the bum of the whole wheat When fussy appetites are hard to please, these crisp, oven; baked, flavory shreds of whole wheat give test to the meal and energy for work or play. Delicious with whole milk and fruiu' . , , ' "i Save the paper inserts for the youngsters. SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream, 50c, Lavender Talcum Powder, 35c 85c value. Both for ". 50c Klenzo Shaving Cream, 50c, Genuine Gillette Blades, 50c $1.00 value. Both for . : (JQc Our Bafrnffg dbps haVe arrived New, fresh stock. Values, from -15CT0 $1. TBI' 3fic Pioneer Drutcisls 1 HIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONE 8200 SX2 SPECIALS!8 is te n iSame Watch t tis, Kach $3.S0, The one we advertiaed yester- J'i.,wrs. 3200 Shirt Bach Gotpbfau- 1800 Silk and Shirts and Drawers, 1800 Silk and .SIM : n Each M.-rfioid'H 7700 Fine Wig -i.i in and Drawers, E)l $2.78 Si i,.H h 7700 Fine Wool 1 inbitiations. Each $SJH) .$3.75 !day. The 21-Jeweled Hamilton-Illinois fO-Hour Bailroad Watch. A solid depeiMbble looking tiDSfpieee. The stoel pirte are polished liko a mirror sad specially tempered like a sewing needle. Not soft i-nough to bend or wear, not hard enough to break. Tested at different temper' Combinations. Each $7.00 tures to run to the second. J. A. Kirkpatrick SIXTH STItKET SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDIJR lulling. Workmanship and Styl All Guaranteed SI ITS STUAM CLIIANIJD AN I PKESSI1D Vc Deliver to Any Part of th City. . Linr, the Tailor Phone 019 MILK Tlfftf IT 1L1V Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. We hiive been appointed "(. ngents in Prince Rupert f'r the famous BROOKS-HANK CERTIFIED MILK. Price, 25e pr quart. The same In Prince Rupert as in Vancouver VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. Price $70.00 OTI1KK ROOD WATCHllg' io. m, m, 5is tip i THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and sellinR orders on the Vancouver. Calgary aihl Toronto stock exchanges. . -SoUSiBHrlcfrwiS: thW exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.LlcL G10 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, B.C. Local Items i a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dn J, It. Gosse. Phone 68G. Miss D. Gillett sailed last night on the Catala to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart. J. McPherson of the Canadian Express department has been transferred to The Pas, Man., and. is leaving tomorrow. Owen Fisher sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Mrs. B. J. Bacon and Mrs. Dan Lidstone returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide Saturday afternoon from a trip to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lawler and Misses -Mary and Eileen Lawler arrived in the city from Ketchikan on the Princess Adelaide Saturday afternoon. J. C. the ctty on yesterday afternoon's train front Hateiton where he addressed a large meeting of electors Saturday night, being accorded a good reception. i uurui n ine rnunn Fisher oaiuruay nivernoon. M. P. McCaffery sailed Satur- KA'leiaMe for Vancouver. W ttirWRrf he will fHHf-lft cum Weach, Vancouver . IalaM. where )Irs. McCafferf and fantNy are spending the summer. i Ihera.' were 205 TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE This afternoon's train, due from the east, at 3:30, was repor-ted this morning to -be on time. C.N.B. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt .D. Donald, returned to port at 10:30 this morning from Skag- way and will saiiat 4 o'clock this afM"l9ort JforA Ocean .Ealjte, jPjpwaU, River andVancouYej; , , ; Rt. Rev. I. V. Stringer TJ.D., Bishop of the Yukon, arid Mrs. Stringer, who have been recently on a trip to England, were passengers aboard the Princess Alice (this morning bound for Dawson. Raymond Fisher, formerly of thf?. city-a,nd until reeentjy ,in the ! service of the lands department I of the provincial government, has now taken up ranching in Alber ta, friends in the. eity have learn ed. I Rev. W. Cooper, Anglican clergyman at Greenville, Naas River, who has been spending a vacation- in the south, arrived from Vancouver on the Catala last evening, being on hfs way I north. Tn.i, wmim Frederick Tyndall, chiropractor v,;:."73, '"3" 3""V' "tu. f Mexleo City, who has been looklBK over po. .i.v n .ff. eta in Alaska, tm the north tlWH A V 1 ! ' W kMUltJSVlB III . i 1 - !. ii it .j t . connection with a recent auto- ..Wffr.i.!. , mobile fatality there. fgoing into the Peace River coun- N to e up land. Rrady M.r. returned to With a large crowd of tourists for Alaska, C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice, Capt. Thomas Cliff, arrived in pert at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and ! Herbert Dalby, assistant .Ution "eVe wtf JlrnTre (aget at Fairview Ata, arrive hSund n Sa Zy after-tin the city on Saturday after- i noon's train to attend the wed- moR ' I ding on Wednesday afternoon of PaB8engerg MillK from here ...o o.., j- ,for Vancouver on the Princess ... . j mi u u A"e''e EMturoay afternoon ln- , . . f , . , . . , vraumi n. w. iiaucio, ai. I. . V. - r,,K-Ke .n -v n- Wf ' Mnh sm Yuen, Mrs. M. chican last week; Charlie Brown, T , , n TjM, v n ,. Dido's nnger, and -Ito-T XTCh. T. T. JiL , "rTliJZ: I Med. 6. Muwlen and Owen On board; the steamer Catala4 last evening were a number of ,.nO0r,...t.h! JfT tive children geing north to veil the Naas River nding Coqualeetza In- Sardis. They were ac north by Miss Clark ofl( a L a ataff who will be V a un,itii.r fA-Win- AtlmmS" tomorrow. ( a i tunaii mrmttA In 4 ft. ttoteh-otaea! ftVaUe .:; 3V 1,7. nX! ' CaidJan NaUonal Rail cms Alekide Saturday afUtM? fDe m triP a Aint v. ' . i the lyorld via S. S. "Prince ala for Hyder, Alaska, which FT1 Stewart, Anyox. Massett port femes under his jurisdiction. i'"J" nce itupen on- . day, return Thursday; or make va a r i.'" weK-end trip to Terrace or Empire Shipping Co., arrived on' . ,l Kn"lre the Catala last night from Van-v,yr immm yjllKe- vmn9tr couver to spend a holiday in the; city. Mr. Ctendenning was sta- tioaod here as his company's ,J Union steamer Catala, Capt. A oreeeAfctire durinif the Brain!" Uiewon, arrived In port at shipping season last winter. i j 't f rw i 0:45 last evening from the south and sailed at 8 p.m. for Anyox passengers and Stewart whence she will re Utofdnhe steamer Princess Ade-,turn here tomorrow morning and flaMe on her arrival here Saturday! sail at 3:30 for Vancouver and afternoon from the north. An un- waypointj. Passengers coming usually large crowd of 43 pui-j norUi on the vessel included F. disembarked here from Collins, n. Hal), W. Haines, C. Sngers e vessel, including the West-1 Thomas, W. H. Ada ma. Rev. W. minster Glee Singers party, some J CoYoper, L. Kirk wood, Cecil tourists, who proceed! east by! Lewis. Simon Lewis, l S. Clen- train, and several local people. The annual C.N'.R. personally conducted tour party, which arrived from Winnipeg by special train Saturday afternoon and mailed that evening on the Prince George for Vancouver, consisted! of 108 persons which was not as Percv ruoNc m IIESNKIl IIIOI'K DENTIST denning, Mrs. Wicks and Mr. Ferguson for Prince Iiupert; A. J. Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Racers, Mrs. F. Wilson, R. A. Custer, S. II. Samuels and Miss Wilson for Anyox; Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. Gardiner, Miss Tucker, Mrs. P. Campbell and family. G. Armour, Gladstone. II. Heywood. large a crowd as usual for this) Chester Crawford and Mrs. Craw- tour. Many lady teachers from ford, for Stewart; Mary Swanon, the prairies were included In the Evelyn Swanson, Pearl Rudland Kroup. and Pat McKay, for Arr-ndnle: , . i 4 , Kathleen Morgan, Peggy Stevens, Lawrence A. Lambert, general .it! -f 4iw v-.iin.,r- ht.ui Mur,el Q. Stevens R. Clayton, Zr": r,. Ill r r for KineoJIth: P. Clark, Eddie q.t7v Saturday afternoons ir;-. 7vr train tJZ from;vi N'on, Anthony Calder. Luke Nelson. t t.u Talt. w W. t j .. . . tM i J. Leeeon and making arrangements for appear- lAvovih it j 41111 un V . ft , Ml I der, for Naas Harbor; Mies Hog- reIntandTomlnTh; 'rg for AUce" A 7 iZ ning on the Catala for their trip "i W , Corrle, rouml trip. to Anyox and Stewart. Dr Alexander i ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew's Secjolr C.n.l... lit. -! MSSi.. Picnic ay. K. of C. pienlc, Sunday, July 14. Digby Island. Moose picnic. July 28. THE ACME IMPORTERS aekward Season MEN'S CAPS WQLFBRILL AND C. & G. MAKE Regular values to $3.50;- !Bacl wai-d Season Sale Price . . -1,95 ' MEN'S PANTS Men's Pants in Blue Serge and Pin Stripes. Assorted patterns. Regular values in this lot run td $7.50. Backward Season Sale Price 3.85 ' BOYS' SWEATERS Shirt Waists and Sweaters for boys. This is real value. Backward Season Sale Price . 95C IN Sale One of the most successful sales ever put on by The Acme Importers, our Backward Season Sale is now fast coming to a close, having accomplished its purpose in reducing bur stack to something lto where it should be. During these last few days of our sale, you will still have an opportunity of securing bargains which will not be obtainable later. See these prices-and save real money now! Special Values MEN'S sum Here is one lot in Tweeds and Sorges fine materials and well finished. 15.95 ' THIS CANT BE BEAT Our famous Bluo Serge, real indigo dye, and guaranteed fadeless, otherwise you get a new suit free. 28.85 MEN'S SOCKS MEN'S SOCKS in silk, silk lisle and pure wool cashmere, in all the fancy ' , patterns- and shades. Backward Season Sale Price, 2 pairs for 95c BOYS' TENNIS SHOES Tennis Shoes for Boys Sizes 11 to 13 and 1 to 5. The thing for summer wear. Backward Season Sale Price -95C BOYS' UNDERWEAR St. Margaret's Underwear for Boys Short sleeves and knee length. Backward Season Sale Price j95 The Acme Importers NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS-NO C. O. D. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH Mail Orders Promptly Filled at These Sale Prices. Dr. H. M. Dickey, local eye specialist, sailed last evening on the Catala for a trip to Stewart on professional business. II. A. Heywood, managing director, of the Terminus Mines Ltd., was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going north from Vancouver to Stewart. Miss Nancy Davies of Victoria is spending two weeks in the city s ihe guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Davies, Sixth Avenue East. C.P.R. steamer Princess Charlotte, Which has been out of commission at Victoria for several weeks with a broken crankshaft, is expected to be ready for service again about the end of this month when she will go on the Alaska run in which the has been relieved for several veeks by the Princess Adelaide. Under tht new burgage oar mail service, first mail for the cast will be despatched from Prince Rupert on tomorrow morn' ing's train and the first to arrive will be nn Thursday afternoon.! The new service, together with ithe regular mail car service three itini'v. a week, will jrive I'riuce CathOlk Razaar. October 2 and, Rupert i mail week tu and 3. si 158 'from the east. i C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles, Union freighter Chilkoot, Capt. Gapt. Neil McLean, arrived in W. W. Mounce. arrived in part at port at 10:30 this morning from 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon Vancouver with a full passenger ' from the south, and sailed at 2 list and will sail at 4 o'clock this o'clock this afternoon on ber re-afternoon for Stewart, Anyox and turn to Vancouver after dis-Massett Inlet whence she will re- charging considerable freight turn here Thursday morning and here, much of which was coal and sail at 4 o'clock thiat afternoon other commodities for Albert & for the south. i McCaffery. A. W. EDGE CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DISTRIIIUTORS IN Ornamental, Window, Mirror and Plate (Rasa liritlsh America Paints, Oils Varnishes and Satin-(!lo . ,IlnJamInMooreMuresco Old'English Floor Wax Simms lirushes Wallpaper and Rultding Papers Rurlaps, Cheese Cloth and Reaver Hoard l'hone Red 5.1 PRINCE RUPERT 330 Second Ave. JJjjSSB,j,,1,,B,,aSSSSSSJSJ WWjjjliWfcW '