! PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Monday, July R 1503 L EMBARRASSING MOMENTS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS I WEEK AT THEATRE IKS. IttftwlB!.,!!,,,,, CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 BOX CUTTINGS Per Load DELIVERED HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings From Prince Rupert I'ur VANCOUVER,, VICTORIA, Swanton Uaj. Uutedale. Alert Hay. etc. tut. day, S:3U p.m. tor VAMOtVKK. VICTORIA. Uutedale. Alert Hay. etc.. Friday 'mldnltlit lor A LICK ARM. ASVOX, STEWART, Naas lUier, IVrt Mnilmon, sun- day, R:uo p.m. For I'ORl' fUMFMON AND WALKS ISLAM). Thursday, p.m. It3 lud Avenue K. M SMITH Agent IHnce Rupert. H.C. II rough tlrkett told to Victoria and frattta .and baggage checked through to destination. Icanadian VACinc 'saiuvr B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM FRINCK KITKKT To Ketchikan, W angrll. Juiirati and Skagway June 18, July I, 8. 8, . is, 19c , 26, 19. To Vancouver, VI tnrlaand Seattle June 9. July S, 6, 10. IS. IT. JO, ?V, rt. 31 rKIM'ESS MAQIINNA-Ocean tills, etc, Vancouver and unarm every tnaay 10 p.m. Agents for all Steamship Lines U r furtt tun t-. r i 3rd Ave., Prince Kupfrt, Il.C rhone 31 Canadian National Q7ic Largeil Kailioay SyAem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Hillings from PRINCE RUPF.RY for VANCOUVER., VICTORIA. SEATTLE. and Intermediate points, Mondays, Thursdays, 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 7 p.m. For ANVOX and STEWART, Mondays, 8 p.m.t Fridays, i p.m. tor MASSETT INLET FORTS, Monday, 8 p.m. For SOUTH ((I'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly, tor SKAOWAY. Wednesdays, 4 p.m. FASHENflEK TRAINS LEAVE TRINCf. fll'I'ERT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 11:30 a in for PRINCE (1EOROE, EDMONTON, WI.MIEU, all points Eautrrn Canada, United States. AOT.NCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINER City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2C0 Rupert East Ratepayers meet Miss Alice Pillsbury and Miss tomorrow night. j Amelia Pillsgury sailed Saturday : evening on the Prince George for Harry Love returned to the a holiday trip to Vancouver and city on tho Princess Adelaide Victoria, after spending a few days in'- - . Ketchikan. Miss Edna Vickers, teacher of - i Westview School sails this after- Mrs. II. B. Rochester, her noon on the Prince Rupert to daughter, Janet, and her njaid, mienH th', vacation in Vancouver left Saturday to spend a two amj Victoria. months holiday at rort jSssing- ton. R. R. Payne, production mana fore W. E. Collison J. P. on Sat urday afternoon, the case being adjourned for eight days. yesterday morning and last night at 11 o'clock the Imperial arrived. This morning about 6 o'clock the Unacana- arrived at the Union Oil Co.'s dock. I Mrs. Charlejt Miller and children' of Juheali arrived in the '7,h' 7 city on the Prince Rupert this ger of the Canadian Ashing m m n Co., , A, tJ0 U r?,?? aard, the 1 r with viit friepds friends here. cess Alice this morning going north from Vancouver to Alaska on company business. Charged with operating a punchboard, William Hurst appeared in city police court be Charged with keeping liquor for sale. Matt Videck appeared in city police court this morning before W. B. Collison J. P. and was remanded until Thursday. Father Champagne O.M.L of Anyox arrived in the city d the iend-of the week from the smelter Miss Palema Cameron and town and left on this morning's Miss Margaret Smith sailed Sat- train for a holiday trip to Mon-urday evening on 4 the Prince 'treai, George for Vancouver and Vic-1 . , , T7, , toria where thev will m.pn.l thJ Joe Morrison, Indian, was fined holidays visiting with friends, if15 and co$t9' with option of I fourteen days Imprisonment, by John Currie returned to the W- & Collison J. P. in city police city on the Prince Charles this I court this morning for intoxi-morning from a business trip to cation. Vancouver, accomnanied hv Vila ": and is now at Terrace. , . , 4 ,Mo nr "BUILD 11. C." Pacific First Quality Milk In a world of milk Pacific creates an impression upon able judges. Frankly its outstanding ice wiiivii tnueu vtna ning northbound from Vancouver to Skagvay. Disembarking here from the vessel were Bishop Lowe, C. Lee, D. II. Ray, and Dr. and Mrs. W. Tfirbell. The steamer had 140 tons of freight for Skagway. TROUSSEAU TEA FOR MISS ANNIE DALBY Mother Entertained on Saturday Afternoon for Popular Local Bride-Elect Mrs. F. W. Dalby, 711 Fifth i daughter, Miss Eliiabeth Currie, Mrs- E- Gardner arrived in' who has been holidaying In the I ine c,l on Jteruay atternoon si south. Mrs. Foster of Woodstock, Ont., i Rter of T. D. Pattullo, M.L.A. for Prince Rupert, was a passenger aboard the Princess Adelaide Saturday afternoon returning south after having made the round trip to Skagway.' R. A, Gooding, lineman operator of the Government Telegraphs at Stewart River, near Dawsonl was a passenger aboard the Prin cess Adelaide Saturday afternoon bound for Vancouver on a brief leave of absence trip. Mrs. C. R. Biggart, who made t trip to Rochester, Minn., to receive treatment at Mayo Clinic, returned to the city on yesterday ifternoon's train much improved in health. Mrs. B. R. Wilson, who went east with Mrs. Biggart, is still visiting in the United States. Three tankers were in port over the week-end with fuel for local stations. The Nanaimolite came into the Imperial Oil Co. irain iorm racuic ana returned i in 4 ha Inf ft At th I a mstvntnrv CUtn ' brought her young son to town to receive treatment for a broken shoulder bone. Lawrence A. Lambert of Los Angeles, general manager of the Westminster Glee Singers, was soloist at morning service yesterday in First Presbyterian Church when thanksgiving for the King's recovery was observed by Rev. T. Ivon Jones. Rev. T. II. McAllister, who has been supplying1 in the pulpit of Rupert East United Church here for almost a year, and Mrs. McAllister will sail this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Van couver. Their future residence is as yet uncertain . i ' The case of David Lewis Jonea, charged with i manslaughter in connection with an automobile fatality on the Duthie mine road over a week ago, will be procee- 'ded with before Stipendiary Magistrate S. H. Hoskins at Smithers on Wednesday of this week. J. P. Forde, district engineer for the federal department of public works, who has been on a trip to the Yukon and also to John Dore, district superln-l the Telegraph Creek district on tendent of Government Tele-!o",c,al bu,neM' a Pawenger graphs, sailed this morning on aboard the Prince Rupert today the Princess Alice for Telegraph ""turning to his -headquarters In Creek on business in connection Victoria. He is accompanied by vith new construction work and,1"- forae Installations that are being made . ,, ' "" in that district. He expects to be Ba IU "ng uperln- away a week or ten days. tenaeni engmer oi anaman TnnrA Tm- t.L. ..,..!. ! rived in the city on the Prihce Canadian National Telegraphs Jncharle8 this morning and wll Edmonton. was a passenger "lurn, 0tth on th,at . ve.MeI Is here aboard the Princess Alice this , Thursday afternoon. morning bound for Telegraph in con'""0" wit the recondit-Creek where he will become agent1 J?'" iteamer I rince for the Government Telegraphs. jill,am at the dry dock. iIHn S? Pi!RCe0. JlW- Ff ' There were 212 pawengers guson, who has left the service i i .4 ai. quality is admitted, but whether Avenue East, entertained Saturday! climate, grass or herds account for this superiority these milk specialists do not say. ' Anyhow it is British Columbia's own milk, owned nnd controlled in this province. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, B.C. afternoon at a delightful trous- itiii tea In honor of her daughter, Miss Annie Dalbyywhose marriage to Arthur Woobton of Victoria will be an outstanding social event of the coming week. The rooms were tastefully decorated with wild roses and many ladles called dm-Ing the afternoon to view and offer many beautiful presents. -Mrs. Dalby was assisted by Mrs. E. W. Tucker, Mtos Winnie Tucker, Mis May Wootton (Victoria). Miss Bdlth Kelsey nnd Mirs Evelyn Dalby. Mon. & Tuos, "Roses of j Picardy." All star cast, with Nan Craig, professional dan- cer. .'" Wed. & Thurs. Wm. Haines in. "The Duke Steps Out," with Nan Craig, pro- fessional dancer. Fri. & Sat. Snlcndid double bill, Jack Holt in "The Sunset Pass," and Eth- el Ralston in "Just Married." GLEE SINGERS SC0RE ANOTHER HIT HERE Full Audience Greeted Vocal Group on Return Visit Saturday Night Another full audience greeted the Westminster Glee Slngas in the Moose hall Saturday night on their return appearance here under Gyro Club auspices following an Alaskan tour. Enthusiastic apprecfation was again expressed by Jocal music lovers fo- the visit of a talented group which will long be remembered here. Tho Glee Singers sailed last n!ght on the Catala for Anyox and Stewart and will be back here later hi the week en route to the in terior. The Letter Box IDLE BRITISH TO WORK ON HIGHWAY Editor, Daily News: Now that we have definite information that the Canadian Pacific Railway company is the power behind the Stewart Railway charter scheme and that this northern portion of the province is entering a period of huge development, and that in a short time the Hon. J. II. Thomas ot the British Governrt ent is tb visit Canada with a view of nr ranging with the Government of Canada on some line of Imperial ueveiopmeni wun a View Of ab sorbing some of the unemployed or the Old Country. As I understand it, the British) uovernment is ready to spend a large sum of money tn Canada as a provision for the work! AAA workers they may induce to mi grate to Canada while beinir ab sorbed in the country's industrial expansion and develonment. Therefore,- I would suggest that the Rupert and Terrace mart committee become active and urge upon tne lion. Dr. Tolmie, premier of B.C. the necessity of meeting Hon. J. II. Thomas who is the advance airent of both mn and money and that a highway development scheme be instituted In li.C. and the ranid completion of the Prince Runert and Terrae enil.- Thanking you, Mr. Editor, GU- CASEY. CASH AND CARRY IS ATTRACTIVE Mussn Hem's Economy Store on Third Ave. Sampled by Many on Saturday While not yet in full swing, the goods not being all in place, the new cash and carry store of Mus- salem's on Third Ave. was sampled by a great many people on Saturday and the attractive prices brought promises of future support. A good business wa donp and this is expected to im- II ove as people begin to realize the saving they can make by buying their groceries in this way. Every article is lower than at the regular price and prices are marked clearly on all articles so that purchase s know exactly what they are paying for. There is a free delivery for all orders over flva dollars or a fifteen-cent charge for1 smaller amounts. By buying at this stc e patrons do not have to pay for the losses Incurred on others through bad debts and for the cost of the ordinary delivery system which is very high. (Advti) Bishop Lowe of the Methodist Episcopal Church arrived in the city on the Princess Alice this morning from Seattle and. aftet a visit in this district, will pro ceed to Sitka. MON. ANDTUES. Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. BIGGEST AND BEST BRITISH PICTURE of Picardy WITH AN ALISTAR CAST COMEDY, HOT TIMES P ATI IE NEWS SPECIAL ATTRACTION AT 8:50 EACH NIGHT Nan Craig, Professional Dancer, in Scottish Dances Admission, 15c and 50c DEMAND "Rupert Brand T11K DAINTIEST HKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. D. II. Ray. mining engineer at the Duthie mine, arrived in the city on the Princess Alice this morning following a brief trip to Vancouver and proceeded to the interior by train. C Thomas, one of the head officials of the B. C. Packers arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver to pay a visit of Inspection to company operations in this district. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALFi Cream bureau; carpet, dining table and chairs, range, enamel top table, modern Chesterfield as new, bed-stuad. Phone or call before one or after six. Black 709. 161 THE PAIN OF RHEUMATISM! "Fruit-a.UveV Rid Him of Trouble of Long Standing A. sufferer from rheumatism for years, Mr, S. Floyd, Nanaimo, B.C, turned to "Fruit-a-tives". .lie writes: "U than .hit. I Uf nCt. TnihW orLi lik. chum." Do you have the terrible agonizing pains o( rheumatism cant work, ant sleep, torture all the time? "Fniit-a-tives'' will give you relief just as it has helped thou-sands of others. No more pm for the rest of your days I Cet a bos to-day. Sold at all druggists. MADE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA The pure, rich milk you buy in the handy 'St. Charles cans comes from herds In .o'ur'i'Wr) Frascr. Valley, chiefly Jerseys ' and Guernseys.which have passed the tuberculin test. Wtitt us tot rauabfe Book ol Jfecip... Itltttio, VANCOUVER "Support British Columbia Industries" Prince Rupert Feed Co. Received fresh supply Pratts' Baby Chick Food, Bulkley Valley Hay and grain, Robin Hood Flour, Spratts Dog and Bird Supplies and COAL guaranteed, to please ;(oii, j PHONES 58 AND 538 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartige, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Economy Cash and Carry 319 Third Ave. West Frco Rubber Balls to all children shopping on Saturday with their parents. Specials Butter, Woodland, per lb. If.c Milk, Evaporated, per tin ...11c Milk, Baby Size, per tin 9c Nestles' Sweet Milk, per tin .19c Tea, Blue Ribbon, per lb. C2c Coffee, Blue Ribbon, per lb. .G5c Coffee, Fresh Ground, per lb. fc Spices, Assorted, per tin . ...10c Full Line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Economy Cash & Carry Phone--3C0, 319. Third Ave.