PAGE SIX PUSH'S Irocerteria Cup and Saucer With Ilraid's Best Coffc, or Era id's Tea. Bush's Grocerleria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER CUT GLASS This Cut Glass Water Set $17.50 This is one of our special purchases. Six well cut, heavy weight tumblers, holding half t cJEwELLEKp Tilt STORE WITH THE CLOCK (wxAniANjf Vcinc pint each, with large, heavy jug! to match . A good looking set for ' the sideboard. It's h-ird to get anything to take the place of cut glass. TUB BOXL $5.50 LA KG E VASE $11.50 Summer Bor d Schedu e CANADIAN NATIONAL ' STEAMSHIPS The last sailing from Prince . I Rupert on the spring schedule 1 '''-will be Sunday, June 9th. Ef-1 lb. fective week following tri-weekly suihmer service will be inaugurated, Canadian National steamers MARMALADE 1-lb. tins. I"",v,ln'r?in Vancouver eacn T: ... Monday, Wednesday and Friday at l'a a,t 10:30 a.m., and leaving for Van- LOBSTER '4s. Tin .. 25ocouver each Monday and Thurs- laayat 4:uu p.m., anu eacn oaiur- Vas. Tin ... 45c,day at 7:00 p.m., except that rmv vck ?Trnnn9 I there will be no boat southbound Tln 25ciSS. Prince Charles will sail from NEW PACK ASPARAGUS TIPS Prince Rupert for Stewart, Anyox TO on and north Queen Charlotte ports Tin 20c ! ... T,rj o.nn r. m as fat il .uuiiunj. f.w . .... . NO. 1 CHOICE MUSHROOMS I Prince Rupert or Prince George Tin I,n Mi.ifnr Anvox and Stewart each Fn- Any, 4:00 p.m. Sailings for SWEET JUICY ORANGES 1 Skagway and intermediate Alaska 4 doz 75c i ports each Wednesday 4:00 p.m. cs prince John will operate "FRESH EGGS 8 dot $1.00 Prince Runert-Vancouver via Canned Vegetables !"th 9"?en har,lttC J"1??,- ! leaving Prince Rupert fortnightly NO. 4 PEAS, ALYMER CORN, commencing Monday. June 17th, NABOB TOMATOES 7 tins i Full nart'cul.-iro from City i ! Office. Phone 2S0. (138) .$1.00, INVITE THE PUBLIC TO A Demonstration OF THEIR FOLLOWING j PRODUCTS St. Charles Evaporated Milk Per case $5B0 St. Charles Baby sise. i Per dos. 75c Eagle Brand Condensed Milk Per tin . 20c Chocolate Malted MHk Per tin 75c Reindeer Condensed Coffee. Products of British Columbia on THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY June Gth and 8th, at Mussallem Grocery Co. I LimHed GI7-42:i 5tr. Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. O. Box 575. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sulllnts Irom Print Itiutm I or VANf 111 VEIt. VU TOKIA, SwaiiM.n Iko. Kutidulr. Alert lta. He. Tu radio. 3:3" P m r V1MIII UiK. VICTORIA. IMtnlile. Alrrt la. dr. Friday nildnltht Vw l It ; ARM. ANVOV. HTi:W ART. VMS HIVKU. hundy. H:(MI p.m. I.m TORT SIMI'SON AMI WALKS si.M Thurula. n m I2S 2nd Atvnur U M. HMITII Ant I'rtiicc ltuTTt. II. C. TlTuuth llrkrtfc wild to Vlrlnrla and Srattle jtnd butiuicc tiifrkrd thmuidi to declination. B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT lu Krltlilkan, Writiifrll. Junniu and Kkaiway June I. 7. UK 11, 11. 21. lo mirvuvrr, Vlt lttrla. Sfattlr June 5, It, 13, 19, ft, JS. 29. PHINTKHH SIA((l'l.N.V-Orwn 1 Rlli. e(r.. Vancouver and MrtiH-la every Friday 111 p.m. AgeuU for all Menililu Lines W. C ORCIIAKII. (ILNKIML AdKNT ird y.. rrlnre Itupert. II. C rhiine 31 Canadian National Q7iC Largefl Kailway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Mill Imni riHVCF. RII'KHT for VAM'Ol'Kll. VII'TORIA. KRATTLC and talerinedlate jiolnu, each Thursday and Sunday, lOrfMl p.m. lor ANVOX and STEWART, each Wednrtday and Saturday, 4;00 p.m. For OIUH AMI IfOlTH tiflXN CIIAIIl.OTIi; IM.AMiS, lortnlthlly l'NHi;(ll:ll TIIA1NH IKAVE FHIVCE HITKRT IIAII.V IIM DI'T Ki:DAV at II: iu for IMllXCE UEdltdF.. l;i)M)-TON. WINMI'F.O. all HilnU Kiutrrn Canada, United Htutra. a(ii;ncy AM. ocean HTEAMMHII- LINKS City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Itupert Phone 2G0 Local Items Wallace's dollar sale Saturday. I Newest season's prints, 4 yds. ?i:00, Wallace's. The Rupert East United Church Ladies' Aid, at a tea and sale in the. church yesterday cleared the sum of $50. Fancy silk crepe de chene $1.00 yd. Wallace's. J. E. Boddie will leave on tomorrow morning's train for Kam-loons where he will attend the Oddfellows' Grand Lodge convention as delegate from the local lodge. Curtain laces, cretonnes, and crepes, 3 yds. for $1.00, Wallace's. At the Rotary Club yesterday, President George Rorie announced that he had received a postcard from T. II . Johnson, who wrote from Rome, where he seemed to be having a good time. Mrs. L. C. Eby sailed last night on the Prince Oeorge fr Vancouver en route to Kamloops where she will attend Rebekah Grand Lodge convention as dele gate from the local lodge. V rrAnAral mnnafTAi" nt JLa ijtne Los Angeles Lumber Products Co., arrived in the city yes- iterday by gasboat after a visit to the company's sawmllllng plant at Buckley Bay and sailed 'put night on the Prince George for Seattle. It is understood that the Los Angeles Lumber Products Co. has abandoned any idea of further operations at Buckley Bay. iMaWng'thVflrst Alaska tour ist run of the season, C. P. R. steamer Princess Alice, Capt. Thomas Cliff, arrived in port at 8:30 this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 11 for Skagway whence she is sched uled to call here southbound next Wednesday afternoon. The vessel, which discharged twenty- two tons of freight here, had a total of ninety passengers on board, seventy of them being round trip tourists. Week-End Special LO FIVE ROSES FLOUK 40s. Sack $2.36 MILK ALL brands. Case $5.80 GOLDEN CHUILN BUTTER 3-lb. brick $1.40 NAB011 APRICOT OR PB.CII JAM 1-lb. tin .,G0t CiilSCO a-lb. tin .We CLARK CATCHUP 2 bottles k BAKER'S COCOA Vis. 2 tins PUFFED WHEAT rkg 18e PUFFED RICK 2 Ik. HEINZ SANDWICH R8LI8JI Jar ....80c HEINZ MAYONNAISB Jar , ...80 CHATEAU CHEESE Dollar siie 90c NABOB GREEN BEANS 3 tins 50c ROYAL CITY PEAS Tfn ..'.lCk LI BUY'S BARTLETT PEARS 8s. 2 tins .....56e NABOB ASPARAGUS TIPS 2 Una 45 SEEDLESS RAISINS 4-lb. pkg ,,S0fi CANADA DRY ALE 2 bottles ;.i,4S WHIZ FUME FLY SPRAYER Cbhipleto, eitch i ViUCi FINE SWEET ORANGES- CO for $1.00 RIPE BANANAS 3 lb 50o Alberta Market P. G AMU LA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 20H THE DAILY NEWS Jtl&y. June 7. 19 Mm ; ! I O$0 j Avhcn yoa use baking POWDER Highest Quality, 4silpdem(e Price. MADE IN CANADA NO ALUM E.W. GILLE.TT CO. LTD. TORONTO, CAN Silk bloomers and vesta, 76c, Wallace's. Capt C. D. Neroutsos of Victoria, manager ot the British Columbia Coast Steamship Service, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and Mrs. Kertwtsos were passengers going north on COLLEGIANS AGAIN TONIGHT i eppy College Jioys Offer Com-; plete Change of Program j These iet)iy college boys will len ght offer a complete change of pi-iigritin uad every one may bi" .sure that the entertainment will, k even better than the last two rights. ! No one should miss seeing the bet dhow ever offered in the city ami Huh is the last opportunity. e for yourself. Sport Chat Plans for the celebration of Dominion Day at Stewart are well under way. Committees to Ukc chuige of the various eventr were named at a general meeting this week, arrangements for financing have been previously made. It is planned to put on a memorable celebration. At the ' initial meeting, the chair was occupied by II. P. Gibson with jjemes Morris acting as secre-'try. The general committee consists of II. P. Gibson, R. W. Ken-! nedy and W T EaseimonL Victoria Day was celebrated at Stewart In a rather quiet manner, the weather being cold and wet and generally unpleasant. Feature of the proceedings in the afternoon was the first game of a cup baseball series between Hyder and Stewart, the latter winning, 16 to 3. The enp series ill last until July 4 when the the Princess Alice this mnrninpt. final game will be played. Stew-They will make the round trip j art featured the first game with to Skagway. ' steady bombardment of two1 base hits with the result tljt Mrs. MacLeod-White, whose I Hyder ran out of pitchers. A husband is a mining engineer in dance was heid in be evenlnjr fn the Atlin district, was a passen- Canadian Legion HaMv.t kring; Rer aboard the Prineera Alice Victoria Day tb a fittingce4elu his morning returning north af- ion. I ter a trip to Vancouver. She was accompanied by her young Japanese washable rag rugs, 3 daughter. , for $1.00, Wallace's. "sr with or without toe- caps; single or double soles, with half rubber heels. ' mm THIS NnLK IS MADE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA That is one reason for buying it another is that its double richness improves every dish in which it is used. MX w Kf you, ree, our iUiutttttd tdrm book? Wtita VANCOUVER .-.3 THtIR & nil One Show at 8:13pm California Collemans THE WORLD'S GREATEST COLLEGE ENTERTAINERS In a Peppy TWO-HOUR Show of Dances, Songs, Choruses and Novelty Acts CHORUS OF TWENTY 31 ALE VOICES Complete Change of Program Admissrn, S1.00; Logcs, S1.25; No Reservations COME EARLY DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 P. M, SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO OKDKR 'utlhiK, Workmanship and FtjU All (iuaranlicd WITS STIJAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Dtlivir io Any Part of tlir Cily. Lin?, the Tailor Phone r.19 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartnge, Warehousing, ara Distributing. T arn or Motor Service Coal, Sand and bra. el We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Movine, HALF THE WEIGHT AN D TW5CE TH E WEAR 4, 1 on iwoei 7 BOOB 1 us SO liftht, pliable and long-wearing are"Blutip" work shoes that many shinglers and roof workers even wear them on the job. The soles are specially tanned by the patented "Lecotan" mineral re-tan process. It conjeals the leather, doubling its life, at the same time retaining its natural resilience. "Blutips" are light-half the weight of ordinary work shoes. In this respect alone, they fill the requirements of every worker. t "Half the weight and twice the wear." "Blutips" are the best work boots made-examine a pair. m "Blulip" it an all Western Canadian Product by 1. LECKIE CO. LTD. VANCOUVER. B.C. i SjBOANNBD ,UTIPS" are made