June 7, 1929 Friday, THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE GIVES ADDRESS ROTARY CLUB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR S ALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOU ND Pr Sit'lwrt or Chicago Tells of THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Lutheran People and Work in City and Canada The Rotary Club, yesterday hi ai d an interesting address from i;, . Dr. Siebert of Chicago, who V: 1'rofenHor W. H. Frederick , ; i le, is making a tour of the ,,, -h n behalf of the Lutheran I Inl' Siebert said they came not viipern . Thwy had travelled m i Canada and had learned 'he Canadian people and .n-ifni. They had found the , nifailinir courtt'HV and kind- ..I U.. VnnA4 .. wl l.l ;. ...... 1 ' mil i'r iti'Fuu anu ucircvvu .liiiii.H received the we when u nt to the United State, uf the features of the work lie Lutheran Church was to ait cordial relation be-i: tlw two countries. The h hnd educational institute Edmonton, Saskatoon. ia. Cameron and Winnipeg, a Theological College at nli)'). Ont. He had visited i all and they were doing n-lid work, training a fine lot .iinjr men who were taking place in the development of Prince Rupert, the speaker nearly one-third of the peo-.! the eitv were of the . van f .ith. They made homes and he was sure they were mefl as long as they kept ,,-.. They were Norwegian. I i; -h. Icelanders. Danes, and a i,)-rm;ins. and were loyal, . law-abiding and indus-Thev were given an equal 'un'ty with others and were of wealth . ''.hert spoke of the won- ii sights he had seen here. :; :1 never before seen such ; 1 such a cold storage Roric, the president, r. .i the peke" and welcomed M'sses Tjtwrenee played .,in and piano duets moat ally and acceptably. Man in the Moon . i,,L.,n newsoaner headlim- Hubv CJUiH U howling - hwe." 1 hvay lieoplt!. objects to the building of hiirhwav. He H' -lares , iiw. tmmtipr of oars hs- . v it maaens so tnniv more .im to dot. at . 8vs he would like to haw ;. but not dodffe. .re's a difference between i and some people. The head h. pin prevetita it gotnf oo ' n ,ire people around this who are just about as popu- the income tax. ! ran you expect tbe lad to homework wfcen Dad and it go out to hear the Col Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert June 7. 1919 ;i vole of 16 to IS. the ' & Labor OaonoM deoided n a' In not to oaU a jfeowal pi'iliv strike in PrhK Rap- i' iil whh closed today where-' ( oimolidated Mining & ' i r acquircH from a local ' 1 itf wtranfofd by A. C. 'I' M. E. the Silver Tip, Black silver Jrl and tJreat W'eat "ir properties in th filbola ' 1 't . WtHtamP. uctinc Hty ""i". bus received oommu-"ii from the proWWtion '' ioniT. HnnnuncinK that it 1 "n decided to prosecute lu'-'tv of overproof soft nistrad of loiil vendors. WANTED MARCELLING 50c. Airs. Wither-jAL Suite 3, MeekerJMock. 152 WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. (ICO) WANTED Girl for housework for three weeks. Phone Blue 280. 182 Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and truciu freni YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate, B.C. LAM) ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to 1-cumo Land In Land Reoordlbff nim.net of Prlncs ttUDert. uul attaint uuth.wMt aide ot TM nonee that Tbe Canadian Plah- Hng Oompaur. Limited, of Vancouter, B. c. occupation, a Uorpomtkm lncotpor- atsd under the laws of the Province of British Columbia. Intenda to apply lor m 1mm -of the following dsasflbed lands: oonunenorog s a post planted on aa runnanted point on the south-west tide Mf WaVn Isnd. opposite Proctor 1-Handa: thence northerly 6 chains: t hence easterly 30 chains: thence southed? 5 chains: thence 'easicrrr 30 cbalns atone the thai line to the point of eom- tanencenent. and containing TO acres, Mnore or leas THE CANADIAN FISHIRO CO.. LTD. Per W. W. Tratter. Agent. (Dated April 30th. 1929. LAM) ACT Notice of Intention tn Apply to Iaiu Land In the Pitnoe Rupert Land -Rewording District of Prince Rupert, and attaiate on the coast at Wales Island naif mile South But of Bartlatt Fokot. Take notlor that The Anglo Brrtlah Columbia PaefchkC Oompaay. Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. oooHpatlon, Safeaoa1 Cannen. Intends to apply for a leaee; of the following described lands: I rniuiuuHu at a mat Dlanted an the Ooast f wales island half mfie Sautb I Bast or Boniest roan, -mrnce nona i East tea ehaina; thence South Bast fortf i Water mark; thence foMowtnc Wgn Water Mark to staking post and ooa-tainlnc forty sores, more or leas. THE ANOLO BRTTOH OOLOMBIA PAOKINO OGNtPAKY. LiMITBD. Per W E. Walker," Agent. Os4d Mar 1Kb. 19S9. LAND ACT Nntlre of Intention to Apply to Leone Land t Msm Rurjen mumM of Prince rtupen, ana wwm me aalle South Bast of Barttett Potent on the coast of Wales Island. Take notice that The Anglo British OaruaxMa Paoktag OwiwjaaTsw HaaMTer, B.C. oocuwAon. 8aH0B CalxM. lnteaas W apply for a teaw of the ftthwlag described lands: . rjornrnetrctrif at a pom juamea one aalle South Bast of BaflMett Point on the Coast Of wales Hiana; snow rm Mt fifteen chains; thence Bast forty ohtlaa; thence Booth Wast fifteen skates to high water mark; thence following high water mark back to staking part; and containing sixty acres, more or THE AKOLO BRTT18H COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPArlT. LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker," Agent-Daaed May 17th. iS. riTV or ritiNCE iterant Tenders wUl be received by the Olty of Prince Rupert for th J she BarlrtiH- and night son ssjtiioiion m the CltT from July 9 to Deosmber 1. 1098. according to be oejateauaUc- Clerk not Isaer 9S?1 Jnre 10 and marked 'Tw " for Om-baae and Night Soil OolhKJMor. The lowest or any eudr not neces-rtlrww.pted. e. f. JONH6. CUtc- Oerk. May 90, June 1. June 8. MAIL SCHEDULE t.r the East Mondays. Wednea-a,.. taterUays. msU Irmu the Kant wii.u Mays. Wdxy m Vaiiraw - -r:::::aorr.. JSSBSfT. ::::::::: m- O.P.n.-Majf from Vanrniitrr . Wednesdays u",u J'- fwRart ini'".' '' Allei Atm m Wednesdays .J p.m. rrWtew'.rtVmiAnm and Alio. Arm p.m. ,-7:30 Bundaji liao aJ Tuevdayt ....7:30 p.m. Thuradavs Ja Kuan fclver IMlhl -7 p m, BuikUT :. .;.;: I rom Niuiii Urt . , J0 Tussdays To quern laiarlotu , 7 p.m. June 1 anfl 1 ,-ron, Quern , m Saturday! a.J May 30 to alunlia IKlnts a m, May U I'nmi AliiHka INtlnl p m Afe '- """"-m. rXrt Blmp-a W.lr. FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 647. If. FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos" phonograph and Hewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT furnished house kieptng rooms by the day, w?ek. or month. Phone Red 607. If FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping suite and single rooms. Palmer House; Phone Red 441. 140 FOR RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $85 per month. Phene 'Green 21C. tf CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC ELLXniOTHEKAPY You can make no mistake in adopting these scientific method, as their uae is now world wide in all cases of disease. Our system of drugless therapy does not leave your recovery to chance, owing to the certainty o: nf th mothnda sdonted. Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL C and 7 Exchange Block Green: 241 Phones Black: 283 Open Evenings CHiRoniAcnc &eie rosurta where -other meth od fafL Conceit IL E. BYOLFSON UIIROPRACTOR 62S Third Avenue Offlc Telephone Blue 83 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1934 LAND ACT Notice of IntentliHi to Apply to l.eiue iJind In the Prince Rupert Load Recordfne; District of Prinoe JWpert. and attuate on tbe South West ooast of Walea Island ivuig CX)D Islands. , Take BMIce that Ank British Oalum-bla Paoklng Oompany Limited of Vancouver. B C . . ocoupaaton, Salmon. Ian-ners. Intends to apply tor lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Commencing at a post ptaMed on the South West Ooast of Wales Island facing the Western extremity of Beaton Islands; Bast forty chains following high water mark: thence South on chain t Low water watt: thence West forty chains tollowMK low water mark: thence North to looaMng post: and containing Ten more or lees. ANGLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. -W. E. Walker. Agent. Dated May 22nd, 1920. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leat-e Land In the Prince Rupert Land Reoordlng Dtatrtot of Prince Rupert, and situate Ml the South West oobt of Wales 1-teim half mile South Bast ot Bartlett point. Take notice that Anglo British Ootum- Wl n.MMM Aunmnv T ,lm lt1 nf VY1 - v j - nouver, B.C. oooupaiKm, oaunon uw nr Intends to amply for a l-4e of the following described lands: foreshore: Oommencmg at a port planted on the South West coust of Wales Island half mlie South East of Bartlett Point: ttoence South East forty chains follow- u Hlh water mark: thence South WeWt me attain to low water mark; thence North West forty chain follow- Int low water mark: thence North East to locating post; and containing twenty acres more or leas. ANOLO MUTISH COLUMBIA PACnNO UUMfAKI, UH11UJ, "W. E. Walker." Agent. Doted May 32nd. 1820. ! I LAND AC1 Notice of Intention to Apply 'to liwe Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording DMrlot of Prince Rupert, and situate on the East shore of Portland Canal on mile south-east of 8prt Point Take notice that The Anglo Brutish Columbia Packing Oompany. Limited, of VatMOUver. B.C., occupation, Salmon Cannon. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted an the east shore of Portland Canal one mile south east of Bplt Point: thence North ten chains: thence East forty chains; thenos Bouth ten chains to High Water Mark; thence following high water mark back to stakmg pout: and containing fortv acres, more or lea TTtR ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITKDJ Per "W E Walker." Agent. Dated May 17th, 1828 FOR SALE FOR SAEE Studebaker coach, mechanically guarantee!. Burns, and Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE -New five roomed furnished hquse, No. 9S1 Co-mox Avenue. Apply Eox 195 Daily News. 1S4 FOR SALE Large double corner, Section 6, Block SI, Lots 28 and 29. Price 5200. Phene Black 396. 181 FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Ranges, Dining Room "SuHes, Chesterfield Suites, Beda, Sprinrs and Mattresses, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Carpets, Window DHnds. MACKENZIE FURNITURE Phone 775 GOODYEAR TIRES Raybestos Brake Lining KAIEN GARAGE Chevrolet Dealers Sellable Wrecking Super-Serrlrc HOME GAS Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVEUSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, GlaWand Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PnONE 22 LAM) RKOlSTKV ACT NOTICE HI Certffloate ot Tlfte No. U7-1 to . Lot 30. Btook S6. jSeetioa 5. OIr of rnnee wupen, uap van. WHEREAS XUtuctoTf proof of loss of the above CeMlfleate of Title Issued in the name a? SutOarison has been fBed In OA Mflee, Mttee la hereby given that I shall at the ecplMtlon of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, Issue a provisional oarttHeate in lieu of tt aaM lost Cer-tlfleate, unless In the meantime valid objection la made to me In writing. Dated at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C. ttas 3tn day of May, 1990. ii. r. MACLEOD. neglHtrar. LAND ACT otlre of Intention to Apply to LeoNe Land In the Prtete Rupert nd Reoordiflg eistrrat of ITtxce Rupert. and attuate an he 'Sou weet goasi as waies is- land Imiiiir Saston Islands. Take orxice ttwt The Anflo British CMunrbla Packing Company. LUnlted. of Vancouver. B C ocoupailon. Salmon tanners, Intends to apply for a leafle of the folloWtng described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the South West Coast of Wales Island opposite Boston Mands: thence North ten chains: thence East forty chains: tbe tire South ten obalns to High Walter Mark: thenoe toUowteg High WMer Mark West to -staking poet: and eetalaing 40 acres, more or less. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKING COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. t. Walker, Agent. Dated May 17th. 198. LAND ACT Notice ot Intention tn Apply to Leane l.and In the Prince Rupert Land Reoordlng DMtliot of Prince Rupert, and situate v. a.. I. ni r. mre ju - w ! the East shore ot Portland Canal. . Take notice that Anglo British Oolum- I tola PaeMng Oompany Limited of Van- j oouver, B.C . occupation. Salmon Oan- I ners. intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: 1 Commencing at a post planted one mUe South East of Spit Point on the East shore of Portland Canal; hence Bast 0 chains following High water mark: i thence South 8 ehaina to low water mark; thence West 40 Chains following ' Jow wator mark; thence North 8 ( chns - o acres, more or leas. ' ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO muPANY. T.TxtrnBn i "W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated Mar 32nd. 1828. Dr Alexander rilONE 87S I1KSNIK BLOCK DENTIST BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY M'ACPIE Experienced operator modern methods in all lines of beauty culture and hair dressing. Make appointment by phoning Red 9. DRESSMAKING MISS E. S. SMITH Experienced dress and coat maker, Weatenhaver Block Second Avenue. Phone Bloc 701. SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it'", on or under the water we do It" PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Rew Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Blerrk, Easthope, Hicks & Uallantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Goolidge Propellers Phone, Day oi Night, 564 P. O. Box 15W AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEBT AUCTION AlAltT. we buy, sell or exchange anjr kind or furniture tr household goods, muica1i in-strumerrts, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, pacing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone WacK 120 and we wfll call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block A. L. HENDERSON, Auctioneer and appraiser. Phone Hlnok 411. . U LAND ACt Notice of Intention tn Apply to Lease Land La the Prince Rupert Laad Recording District of Prince BaneH, and situate I on mile South Bast of Bartartt Point I on the South West ooast of Wales Island. Take notice that Anglo Brrtlah Columbia Packing Oompany Limited of Van couver. B.C., oooupatton. salmon Can- I nn. Intends to apply for a lease of the. folio wing dMselbed land: foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on i mile South Sast of Bartlett Point tbe South West ooast of Wales bland; thence East forty chains following high water mark: thence South West five ofcams to low water mark: thence West forty chain following low waler mark: thence North Bast five chains to locating post: and containing 30 acres nor or leas. ANOLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. W. E Walker," Agent. Dated May 32nd. 1928. on this TELEPHONE It't kept too busy. Car owners in this town know that this number answers with IMMEDIATE SERVICE Anytime Anywhere New tiret put on in a jiffy. Old one repaired -quickly and efficiently by experts. A COMPLETE LINE OP DOMINION ROYAL. CORDS and ROYAL MASTERS IN STOCK S. E. PARKER Limited FOM) DEALERS DOMINION TIKES 3rd Ave East Phone 83 i CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS ig j if", Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATINp G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DUYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 383 DEMAND "Rupert -JSJ Brand" DDers "THE DAINTIEST BUEAIvFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Prince BOX CUTTINGS $3.50 per Large Load HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 171 3rd Avenue East Heated Storage IN THE MATTER OF THE "COMPANIES Art" NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVBN that the undersigned wUl apply to the Registrar o: Companies, Victoria. B.C., after the publication of this Notice for four weeks, to change Its nam to that of ' MoCatfery. Orb ban & Collar t, Limited." DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 21xt day of May. A D , 1838. UrC AFTER Y as OIBBONS. UMITBO. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Hepresentatlves for MILLER COUUT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt eftecti-j tion of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Cul-gary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice dally. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Colli 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Itunert ILC. Cold Storage Co., Ltd. KuperL B.C Prince Rupert Feed Co. Received fresh supply Prstts' Baby Chick Food, Bulkley Valley Hay and grain, Robin Hood Flour, Spratts' Dog and Bird 8ui-pfles and COAL guaranteed to please you . PHONES 58 AND 5S8 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. We hnve been appointed sole agents in Prince Rupert for the famous BROOKS-HANK CERTIFIED MILK. Price. 25c per quart. The sume in Prince Rupert as in Vancouver . VALENTIN DAIRY Tcltphone5T 3s .SJJL Si I i