rinesday, September 25, 1929 No. 1 A Folding Kodaks-prom $1255 No. 2 C Folding Kodaks From -$18.50 KODAK TIME Brownies from .$ Vest Pocket Kodak $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks From $1155 No. 3 A Folding Kodaks From $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), F. 3.5 Lens $100.00 Kodak Films, all sizes hi stock. Developing and printing for amateurs, Dally service. Quality finish. rr j 9:t km ZThc Pioneer Druacjists THIRD AVE. In si. Tc.LlPiIUNF.S N?,200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED SiUln From Prince Uupert for VAM OriEU. VI( TOH1A, Swaiwon nay. ButedaJe. Alert Day. etc, Tom day. 3:30 P ni lor VAM'Ol K. V1CTOKU. Huledale. Alrrt 1UJ. etc.. rYkUy. midnight lor ALICE A KM. ANVOV, STtHAUT, Kui Klver, -urt Slmpwu, tun- day, :oo p.m. I'tr HIST M.MrON AND M ALES ISLAM!. TTlDI5aT. p.m. 1SJ 2nd .wrnue l(. M M1TI1 Agent I Tine It o pert. II. C. llmujli llrkrl nuld to Ylilurla and Seattle .and butt checked ttirnuth to Uct.ll nation. CANADIAN; LPACinc V Ird Ave B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES hAII.IMlM t'KOM riUNCE KVPEKT To Ketchikan. lVranrctl, Junau and Sluiiwa Srutrmbr 7, 1R. tS. To Vaniouver. Victoria and Seattle r KeptcmlM-r 7, 11, 8S. I'KIMESS Ml KY--Ocean talk rtr., Vanowver and Victoria every Friday 10 p.m. Arenti tor all Meammlp Unci W. C ObrilAKII. CiENEU.lL AGENT IThice lUpert. I! C rhone SI Canadian National QTie Largcfl Kailway Splcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailints from FUINCE KUPEKT for VANCOUVER VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 pjn. For ANYOX and STEWART, each Wednesday, 1 p.m. For STEWAKT and KETCHIKAN, eath Saturday, 4 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEHN -CHAHLOTTB ISLANDS fortnightly. rAh.SENOEK TRAIM LEAVE rillM'L IttTEKT DAILY EXCEPT SINIHY at U:S a m for PKISCE OfcOHOE. EDMONTON, WlNNIl'LU. all points Eatrrn Canada. Inlted Mate. AOENCY ALL DrEAN !TEAIMtIr LISKS City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave- Prince Kupert I'hone 26ft LUMBER 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap -..$25.00 1x6 No. 2 Sprue Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14", S4S, No. 1 ComoMO. , . .$26.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14", S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.005 Kiln Dried Flooring Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath. Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office. Seal Cove, Telephone. Ml Retail Yard, Cow fiay, Telephone 423 l!luK.XLLiiuiii.lmniini fclfirTTi itff r3 N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under roof where rain will suit trouble: build boats any -izc or kind at surprisingly low prices. Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling Roats For Sale ' I generally have a boat to 'lit any requirements. Mooring spaces for boats' winter quarters. Agencies any engine required. Repairs Why pay more when your work cm be done for less with botter accomodation? PHONE GREEN 429 BgaaBnangranTin Coal? Coal? Til advantage of low rke to put In your winter Mippl.v, tlMS aud CASMDY-WULLIXO-10 In any quantttle. Alo llodf, lUy. drain and led. Itilcc Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 Dr Alexander nioNC sis HF.8M K lllOCK DENTIST If youwant anything, try a classified ad. Local Items 4 a Taxi rhone 4, Rig 4 Taxt. tf now due and payable -at the Col ?taked,H4teB n a Ttr the i wnrj r e. ituA THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Dentist Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone 686. Presbyterian tea and sale of home cooking will be held at the This afternoon's train, due from me of Mrs J. R. Mitcneii, the east at 3:30, was reported this urday afternoon. morning to be on time. Loal improvement taxes I Organ recital by Ewart Lyne at First United Church on Sunday, are September 29 at 9 pin. ! lector's Office. City Hall. Ten per k. c McCanell. Junior forester, I cent penalty added after October left on this afternoon's train for I. yw the interior to cruise timber up the Kltwancool Valley from Klt- I The regular monthly business wanga and also near Hazelton. luncheon of the Prince Rupert He will be away a week or 10 I Gyro Club which was to have days. I ueen neiu tuuay was yuaivucu ui a week. Afternoon tea and sale of home E. E. Gregg, assistant district forester, left yesterday aboard the Forest Branch Dower cruiser rooking at Mrs. O. MAfee's, 132 , Lillian D. for a two weeks' Inspec-Fourth Ave. E., Thursday ( Sept'tlon trip to Moresby Island and 26, from 3 to 6, for WJMJS. of the west coast of the Queen Char-United Church. lotte Islands. Mrs. Oreee Is ac After unloading a cargo of coal at the dry dock. CJiJU. steamer Prince John, Cap. William Thomas, sailed at 6 o'clock last evening for the south. company him on the trip. DAVIS RAFTS IN Klngcome Navigation Co.'s tug St. Faith arrived In port at 2 o'- The Redirjoint sencus are still v.n i i- u..U), eoing and the chdo like Uiem. & wTuHwo DavE' rafte on'-there are enou?h left for ev eryone Utaln8 about two mllllon feet of to iret one who wishes to do a Uttle , f Big Baj Lumber Co.'s work. One new nibacriotion to the . ra(11 hAr- Daily News gets a pencil if brought in by a scnooi Doy or scnooi giri. Clarence Insutander. who has been soendlne a month's holiday Halibut Sales at nu none nire, leu on inia ai-i Summary ternoon's train to resume nis ci- American 262,000 pounds, 13c ecwicai engineering sruaiei near. arrij 8c to iiSc an(j 8c Chicago. . Canadian 41.000 pounds. 13J5c 'and 8c to 133c and 9c. Mr. Justice W. A. Maedonald., vho Is presiding at the session of i American the Supreme Court Assizes which' Portlock, 43,000, Pacific!, 13c and onened here this morning, arrived 8c. on the Prince Rupert this afternoon i Polaris. 40000,. " Cold Storage, from Vancouver. i 13.1c and 8c. Transferred south in the ser- 8c Mltkof, 36,000, Royal, 13.4c and vice of the bank, C. Porter, for the McKlnley, 46,000, last few years on the staff of the and 8c. ranadian Bank of Commerce Franklin 31,000, Cold here, sailed yesterday afternoon 13.2c and 8c. Taku River die- 13c BP6 wiu 9c crw. -They Intend to re- next serine, havlnz ere. jMUrlntendnt dock, returned to the cltv tm the Prince RuDert this nnernntm,iTva a trio to K el own on du te'tu p a Oki WEtiDIjfo ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS Cntholk Basaar, October 2 aad : 8. 153 United Church BaQtet. OcttiMr 7. Ttejjfl Purple Bridge, Whttt and Dance, Elks' Home, October 36. Presbyterian Bammar November Moose Annual Basaar Nov. 21 and n. ST. CHARLES MILK is "Made in British Columbia' It is pure, rich milk produced by the herds of our own fertile Fraser Valley, with part of the water removed. It is packed in sanitary, sealed cans for your convenience. Writ u lot Ft Book olF.ooiptt VANCOUVER "Support Dritlth Columbia Indu$trie$m jl 5 i7 " PrincevKurert' H. A Darbey. Van& slngton. Booth, 132c q Y i Storage on the Catala for Vancouver. i Yakutat, 42,000, Atlln, 13.4c and 8c. Mrs. O. A Rlx left on this af- Sherman. 17,000, Cojd Storage, frnoon train lor Montreal wnere i4.c ana sc. he will attend an Antrlican Condor, 7,000, Booth, 14.6c and Church women s meeting. It Is 8c. i:yirwtmti RixVinn and Mra T?iY n-lll tw iMvlnir ahnrt.lv fnr n trln Canadian to England. O. M. Barbeau. Ottawa?- W. Roval nJP.J Dr. J. connection with Crawford. Stewart: Al Falconer. e mat are to be Alice Arm; Mr. ana Mrs. ue ner- yard. for service rommeaux. Premier: Lee Wing National Railways and Jsme Donaldson (iPbrt Es- J. A. Black. Vancouvrs Mr. and The marrtatre of W E. Pender- uaninhm. Port Essinsjton; H. gast to Mlw C. McLeod. will take F. Anderson. Porcher Island; W. nlace in Um Ffct Presbvterlan Wrathall, dty. rhurch on Tlnittrlay, September 26 at 7 jyn. (214) 'rentral A. Peterson. Hvder: C. , Bystrom, Premier; A. Weber. Mill Bay; iy. rjia, vanoouvvr. Savoy H. L. Hamersley. Big Falls; E. Brown and W. Duff. city. WEATHER REPORT B. AnniYersary Prtnce Rupert ciar, calm; tf temperature. 44. i Port Simpson Light north wmo. clear. 4Z. ' Haysport Light wind,' clear, 58. Terrace Clear, calm, 40. Rosewood Clear, calm, 30. Alyansh Clear, calm, 32. Alise Arm Clear, calm, 43. Anyox Clear, calm, 4ft.-8twart Clear, calm 28. Haselton Foggy, calm, 32. smitners Clear, cairn. 4U. ' Burns Lake Part cloudy, calm, 30. Vanderhoof Foggy, calm, 30. Eighth Cabin Clear, calm. AtUn Part clear, east wind, 47. Whltehorse Clear, calm, 49. Carmacks Clear, calm. 44. Dawson Foggy, calm, 38. Victoria Boy Is , Making Good With Westmr. Glee Club VICTORIA. Sent. 25 Word has wen received irom worman Clarke, who gave a farewell recital lait June in the Memorial Hall here, and Is now on tour with the Westminster Glee Sintt-ers. that, he is now one of the principal boy so'olsU in the com-oanv. staring to crowded houses in Honolulu, it will be recalled mat Norman ciarre won me nenn Co for bov Mloists at the B.C. Musical Festival this year from 38 other competitors, the adjudicator being tlw director of the Toronto iCopervtorv of Music, Dr. Mac-mlUin Norman Clarke took voice production for two years at the Victoria School of Expression, or which school Mr. Bransoombe, the director of the Westminster Glee Singers. Is an enthusiastic supporter. Bpfore leavlna Victoria Norman Clarke passed his entrance examination into high achool. in it of a ereat deal oftlme spent on musical studies. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courteiy S. D. John ton Co.) B. C. Silver, 1.30, 158. Bayvlew, 2. 3. Big Missouri, 1.03, 1.06. Cork Province, 8, 9. Cotton Belt, Nil, 45. DunweU, Nil, 18. ' Duthie Minea,153,. 54.,u. J George'-Cttprjer,1 556,5.70. Georgia River,' 27, 28. ' -Golconda, 85, 88. Independence, 6, 7. Indian Mines, Nil, 7. Kootenay Florence, 12, 13. L. & L., l'-i. Nil. Lucky Jim. 13 Vi. 14. Mohawk, 3. VA. Morton Woolsey, 3Vi. 4. Marmot River Gold,.2Vi, Nil. Marmot Metals, 3, 4&. National SUver, 12, 13. Noble Five, 59, 60. . Orpcon Conrjer. 23VS! 24. Pend Oreille. 4.50. 4.75. Pioneer Gold, NU. 125. Premier. 1.76, 1.78. Porter-Idaho, 35. 36. Reeves Maedonald, 1.50, 153. Rufus-Argenta. 18, 20. Silver Crest, 6V. 7. Silversmith, 8, Nil. Slocan King, 1, 4. SnowHake, 28, 28ft. Sunloch, 1.10. Nil. Terminus. NIL 5. Topley Richfield, 13, 14. Toric Mines, 70, IM. Wellington, 5, 8. Whitewater. Nil. 50. Woodbine, Nil, 3. Oils Advance, . Nil, 250. A. P. Consolidated, 3.70, 3.75.' Calmont, 350. 333. Dalhousie, 2.65. 2.75. Devenish. 30, 35. Home, 18.10, 1825. Mayland, 9.40, 950. McLeod, 3.00, 3.25. Hargal. 1.77. 135. Freehold. 1.75. 1.76. United, 1.13, 1.14. Girls Now Busy Earning Pencils Break Made Monday When First One Got Busy and She Is Pleased . Monday the first air' to rrlve one of our fine presentation Redl-i4nt n-nila went out of the of- Jobanna. 12.000. 'Cold Storage, flee nleased with the nice Dresent! ana sc. aone up so neauy in a utue dox. William MeWrlane and NU Covenant, 10,000, Atlln, 135c, All she did was net a new ib-Forbes. who returned to the city ' 1 scriber to the DaUy News and the a lew days aro irom a nrosDeeit- .-U"TCVV? Xr nu",iac' s'L1-. "CiS- trie trtn Ui Mn Th Derr-.t'n are not premiums, i P. Dorreen, 10.000, Atlln, 13.6c! They are presents made to school HOTEL ARRIVALS ofler: .'""iHtre- who work for us. They are quite easily secured. Almost : any schoolboy or schoolgirl has a . friend who is now buying the rHDy News on the street but would like to subscribe regularly. Brino: In the first navment nnH a Tienrll 1 goes to the lucky pupil. Vour Kids Need Sugar It supplies body fuel for the energy that keeps them going and growing. No need to stuff or get fatand-lazy. - Use WRIGLEV'S chewing sweets for sugar and flavor, and see how f ruddiiy the boys and girls respond. It's the new science of health-building. Try WRIGLEY'S yourself and stay thin. WRIGLEYS f Shandy packs CJ0 For Every Purpose There's a dependable R.V.C. Radiotron for every socket in all-electric or battery-operated radios. UX-280 (rectifier) $4.50 RKCRadiotroris CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited FOR SALE BY POWER CORPORATION. OF CANADA y FREE!! Boys and Girls This Genuine REDIPOINT Koraooa Pencil Ml Just for bringing us one newsubscription. That's all! You wi'l have pleasure in using this fine pencil. There, are still a few people .in Prince Rupert who do not subscribe for The Daily News to be delivered to them every day. Boys and girls who secure their subscriptions for us Will receive a pencil. A Redipoint Pencil Free!; THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert British Columbia