IMGE SIX SEVEN-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Rich in Woods and Finish Time-honored design . . . rich woods . . . and masterful workmanship . . . recommend this beautiful suite to the most discriminating home-maker. In new French Walnut effect, the beautiful maple overlay Bed, Spring and Mattrese, Chest of Drawers, full size vanity and Bench nishes any bedroom fully. Geo. J. Dawes Furniture Store Sol Agency for Gurney Stoves and Ranges Northern Agency for The Famous "Nachman" 'Spring-Filled Mattress FEDERAL BLOCK, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PHONE BLACK 120 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PnONES 43 AND 385 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" s "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST F00D Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. TRINCE RUPERT, B.C. District News VANDERHOOF Headquarters for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in this district are about to be moved from Prince Oeoree to Vander- hoof. Sergeant A. O. Birch will be head of the local detachment which wfll also include two constables. The Hammond Building on Burrard Avenue has been rented for offices and living quarters. A Young Peoole's Society has been organized in connection with h- United Church here. Officers have been elected as follows: president, R. Price; vice-president. Miss Velma Clark : secretary, R, E. Vick; treasurer. E. Lamb. Mrs. J. M. Johnston left last Thursday morning for a trip to Edmonton. Mrs. E. O. Barnes and Miss Margaret Baynes left' last week by motor on their return to Vancouver after a visit at Douglas Lodge, 'tuart Lake. The Ftnmoore School has been reopened with Miss McCaUum of Agassis as teacher. Jack Wat -of Victoria has Milled the stall of J. it Johnston's departmental store here. &irs. warren Johnson has returned home after a two months' visit in Prince George. W H. Hicks, superintendent of he Agasstz Experimental Farm, and A. E. Richards, supervisor of lhrf ration stations in Central British Columbia, spent a couple Pickling Specials The Pickling Season Is Here and This Is the Best Time to Get Good Quality in Everything. GREEN TOMATOES 4 lbs. GREEN PEPPERS 2 lbs.. CUCUMBERS 4 for CELERY 3 for CAULIFLOWER Per head VEGETABLE MARROW Per lb TOMATOES 3 lb. . PICKLING ONIONS White; 2 lbs. PICKLING ONIONS Brown; 3 lbs. COB CORN 3 doz. PRUNES ARE GOINO UP Per crate PEACHES Per crate PRESERVING PEARS Per box CRAB APPLES Per box Ladies I I I I hi. 25c 35c 25c 50c 20c 5c 25c 35c 25c I THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, September 25 10 I of days fa the district but week. Boui were pleaanuy sorprtsea to Isee the splendid crops that are iDewg wrestled here. j Miss Jean UcGeachy and Miss 1 Evelyn Smedley have left for Van-1 conver to attend the University of British Columbia: J. O. VTntUfccre arrived here at ue .eoo Qi. iast wees: anat ra spend a month on his Maiidalay ranch m toe Stuart River coun try. Hon. W. A. McKensie. minister of mines, and Robert Dunn, deputy minister, haw been spending a couple of days here in the course of their tour of the central In terior. attle ar here on their war into toe nortnera mining districts. It I exoeeted thit 1O0 carknd? of oat be shipped east from nere trns season. J. V Wfflrinton of ttw MMtwfal -taff o the Vancouver D0y Pro- vmre. h been a recent vtsito n this district. M Coot'-hta of Mane ' attPHin t!- Provincial Nor mal School in Victoria. STEWART Dr. Victor Dolmaae. teokMrtst for stewan. Hatter, and associate. 'eft last week for Vancouver after having spent a month here exam into proper for wtit'h bis con cern are consulting engineers. W S. Bacon, prominent Van couver miniar endneer. returned south Lit veek after having scent a Tortnignt nere examining pro perties. M. FtherraVe mineral surveyor connected with Stewart. BUn nd awoHatM left last week for the south after hsvtnc spent sev eral weetcs m tne district. A R Root BC1.JS. returned to town la week after hsvtnc com- Dieted the snrvevtn of the Dot eroup ownMJjy Frank Haoch sort Geora Rath and located In the viemity of the George Copper. w. A. Tretheway. Vancouver BHH engineer wa hate racentlv xamfnni4rUavDe. LomVe. T Jv qno Rnbv rwm American Ore o- hHif on Montreal rn-ren wMrh banded the properties last fan. North m Promertor Rrndtea oro-ne-tors have returned to town hv WHjtii Canada Atrwavs olane fro roth vWnltv of Mount Knin-nl in the Bowwtr Lake section Work has now been snsnended for the winter by the syndicate. Wi5 E Tohnwm hiu arrived from Sidney NS to oin the nursing staff of the local hospital. Good reoorts cotir.-ie to come In from th? Mayou property on sli5 Week-End 8165; 1 1 S2.65' specials $2.35 CALL OR PHONE 18 OR 81 417 and 123, 5th Avenue East Mussallem Grocery C0.1 Limited 0. Box 575. Will yon please let us talk RINGS with you some of these days? We don't mean in an ad. What we request is that you step into the store and ask to see our Ladies rings. Don't expect us to particulate here. Always clad to answer your questions and assist you In selecting. I cJEwELLEKp Tat STORE WITH THE CLOCK SWIFT8 PICNIC HAM onti o a avw, raxvm 5'j-lb. average. Each SWIFT8 PREMIUM CON Sliced. Ut LIBBY'C CORN BEEP 2 tins HOR8E8HOE . s. 2 tins HALLO WI DATES 2 lbs ira . . . SSI HEAJIB Willi j PORK 2s. 2 Una LIBBY S CRUSIIB) PINEAPPLES 2s. Thl T NABOB PUMPKIN 2s. 2 tins ROYAL CITY RED PLUMS is. Tin ERY BUTTER 3 lbs. MALKIN"S BEST HONEY 4-lb. tin Sliced 2s. 2 tins RIPE TOMATOES Basket S1.35 A 55c u :45c BRENTWOOD PEAS Sieve OPn 5. 3 tins AO, SALMON 45c 25c 25c 25c 25c 15c BROOKFIKLD CRBAM- C1 111 75c BLUE MOUNTAIN PINEAPPLES 25C NABOB APRICOT JAM G(n 4-lb. tin OUL PRESERVING PEACHES g ITALIAN PRUNES Crate 81.10 45c SUNKIST ORANGES Mo; QCn dlumsize. 5 doz 7ul Alberta Market l GAMULA. Proprietor , fifth Street, Phone 203 Cousin of Duff Pattullo Loses Arm by Gangrene J. M. Pattullo. ccusln of T. D PattaHo. -M.L-A.. peovinolal-LibeVa leadar. and - managinsidtcector of Caroline Court' aoarftnlrlt hcnie, Vancouver, hvi his arm amputated at Everett Wash., last- week, re- ; moval of the member beins; neces- ' sltated on account of Rancrane d-"elonlna followmc tnlury to his htifib in a motor arcident on La-hor Dav. M's Pattullo and daughter ako wntined In furies In the tame accident which occurred "vhen M' Pattn'lo dmve his car: nto a ditch on the Pacific hlgh-i w?.y nea" MarysvWe in order to ! -vokl collision with another car. j They were on their first dav outi -n a dive which was otenned to j have taken them to Toronto. ii mci i.Rm. 110 lunnru arc ue-i - nm nc driven, each foUowins: veins ZmStJ h'ch have cood ore in the face.1 The mnaernent still hopes to get out a shipment this fall. Samples broocht in to town from 'he Bayview property run Irom mo to 1000 ounces of stiver per. on A smao crew was reeenuy out to work on the property by Geonte Cameron, one of the or-tinal owners. A coal truck which recently went Into the canal from Craw-'ordli wharf was taten oat of the ntn last week, little the worse or its experience. Snrty-six pnpus are now In attendance at the Stewart Superior '-"rxjo' The teachers are E. R. O. Vi-prrtrm. d. Cameron and Miss Da vies. H w m. Rolston. pahUaber of the Portland Canal News and stock broker, left last week for a business trip to Vancouver. THE LITTLE MOTHF.U In a church, at the font, her Vother aged eight is being christened. Little Girl hoarsely Behind his ears. too. Reverend Smythe. It Pays to Advertise The - -Daily News Nearly 3,000 Daily KaprjsB rnri-v--rrVVViVvvjiV Emil Jennings In "EDS. & TUl'R. Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. "THE BETRAYAL" Twv Short Comedies "THAT'S MY WIFE", "DON'T GET JEALOUS" PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission, 15c and 50c COAL! MINE HEAD LUMP Per ton .' MINE HEAD EGG Per ton $12.5- PEMBINA EGG Per ton S12.0U SPECIAL PRICES FOR WINTER'S SUPPLY HYDE TRANSFER 171 THIRD AVENUE EAST ritONESM HEATED STORAGE BAGGAGE COAL I have something you want; you have something I ant. Wo cot. together through the classified ads. Mr . Merchant Are you Content with your . present small Turnover ? Maybe you are, but just figure this out 100 customers spending $50 a month with you amounts to $5,000 500 customers spending $20 a month with you amounts to $10,000 1000 customers spending only $15 a month with you amounts to $15,000 THE DAILY NEWS reaches many more consumers than this 1000 every day right here in town and as many more again in the district surrounding. IT'S TOTAL DISTRIBUTION IS NEARLY 3000 DAILY Advertising Means More Customers! More Customers Mean More Turnover! More Turnover Means More Profits! Let your advertisements in The Daily News be the link connecting your store with new customers-and turnover with profits! IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Phone 98