Local and Personal News In Brief THE VERY LATEST IN Toilet Preparations is iiy Langlois See These New Things at Jftc Pioneer THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. L Records Onhpponle A Gay Caballero Comedian Frank " ' i.iu , i i Twistissi The HapplneM Boy tetl you a few thing about radio broadcasting! A M-rrnmina hurletqutf Sonny Boy Tlume Song of "The Singing Foot" Fox Trot Geo. OIen and 211SJ UlsMutic Orfcan Jet Crawford 2172S Vocal Gene Austin 21779 Intru- Victor Salon Croup J5MJ mental It Goes Like This (Tiaf Funny Melody) FpxTrot Johnny Johnvm and HH Statler Penn.yUanlan. 21701 Vueul California Huimnlnft Blrdt 7 All the latest Hcd Seal records by famous Victor Artists V Victor Talking Machine Co. oktjiophonic wctrolas and records McRae Bros. Rlehurd Gosee, manager of the It. C. Packer Co. Ltd., and J. PiVld Strang, commodore of the company's fleet; mailed by the Prince Runert this niornlnr on their return to Vancouver after having spent a couple of days in the city on business. TALCUM LIPSTICK BATH SALTS IUHLLIANT1NE SOAP POWDER N EVERYTHING ELSE NEEDED BY MODEKN WOMEN. Druttista TELEPHONES HOOO Crumlt 21715 You're the Ceamim-r?!' My Coffee Fox Tret Tut Wem and 21717 ' HUOrch. the Dials 35953 There's a Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder . t k 1LL Fox Trot AH atar urcnrir ' Vocal Johnny Marvin 21781 of Canada, Limited VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS 1 Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Beau l.t ofrir in the city on yes ni.v ofisrnnon'a train from iva - aMfAM fn u-ifri noint they ac K?4iiaviiva d i - companled Cnpt. C. H. Nicholson a party, and nailed this morning by .the Prince Rupert on their return to Vancouver. ' &Ctiti 6 F CHARGES The, followimr is tne scale-Frs of charges made for reading , notices: Birth Notices, 60c. ... ' Cards, of Thanks, $2, Funeral Notices,.!. Funeral Flowers 10c. rev la name. . , , i it - , Marriage and Engagement announcements: 52. r :t ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 Social n CathoMe Hall, Friday 18, at 8:00. i Eagles Whist-Drive and.Dance. January 31. i ,,,. C.N.R. Employee. 6th Annnal Hall. Mowe Hal., .'February 8. Preisbyterians Valentine Tea. February 14. Dentist. Dr. J. IL (iose. Vhonr C86. 4, Week-en di: Specials X SMALL NAVEL ORANGES-' dfl . lor ..$1.00' GRANUITJSPiSUGAR nnivitrr Kiar on. - n ' , ' .1 vnnl JTL '' i' ' 5 A iwhw r. ,w , uw.i IK . ) , ....... .fl.UU 1.UU NAEOh fiftAKfSR.ilAnMAlAnR 4-lb. tin ......;....'.". :50 ' COLUMBIA PURE. STRAWDBIt- RY J.Ui Mb, n .60e NABOB RfiILULJAM ............,.. WW ' QUAKER PQHK 4 BKANS-s. TJa v..l6 DEI, MAIZ ,FANOY .SNVBBT CORN 2a . Ti . ; . . . . .30e ROYAL CITY , CUT GRMEN UEANS 2a, $118 36c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR Pkg 20c 4 ROGERS SYRUPWb. tin 4c PURE SWIFTS LARD 3-H. tin c Per Mb. tin $1.06 Per 1Mb. tin 58.00 COLUMBIA PBARS Z l-. Tin ICING SUGAR 2-R. pkg. 29c EMPRESS JELLY POWDER 12 4 -o. pkgs. 8e v .11 ' iinlnn Pthtl Anil.Kmwk . rcLwS lo ish on 0 Yiti'l your ga toniv here. : ; tirnll Hatnrduv ntrrht at a-i.n A r JL ' D. D. Monro of the Land Settle- linent Bpard arrived in the city ;from Smtthera on vostprrinv nf. iternoorfs train and sailed this imoroing by the Prince Rupert on trip to Victoria. . Hill 60 Chapter I.O.D.E. will hold a tea. and sale of home-cook- ing fn the Prince Rupert Hotel "' Dining Room on Saturday, Jan George Keep of the investigation uary 15 from 3 to 5.30 p.ra. 14 department of the Canadfan Nat-' ional Railways arrived in the city 4 4 4. 44 CARD OF THANKS The Sim familv desire to convey their sincere thanks for the liind exnreMfona of rmitby and floral tribute ".t .dmAA. in tk. . 1. 1 I. I ravemnt. . ':. 4 aHD OF THANKS- To the Elector, of Prince n.. upcn To those who aunnnrtpd . 4w the j t j. me at polls yesterday, I tender ray sincere thanks. To all I wish a most pros- nerous year. M. M. STEPHENS JMi4 tthe Pr,nCe Rupert th'8 mornin2 4.Atfrom Anyox to attend , ding tonight of Miss Alice Nel- , , son and William Watts. CARD OF THANKS - ttAwlnff iK i1avAlnmAni rf R,.Tl.'J. Roue deaires to nh J. hi frtnH. . . " - i supporter" for the confidenfle , hw" ,h i,m th e,ection yesterday. ; - x ' i l ' - CARD OF THANKS C. H. Orme deairet to con- rer h alnere thanks to hte many frien,!. for their sue- aeaafaV aWKrt of his can- Mature at the aldermanic election yeaterday. 4 wt '4 TO THE ELECTORS OF l'lllUK KurEIiT I thanking you for your confidence in my ability to represent your interests on the School Roard for 1920 you nave mere- -- t irapo 1 ,han endeavor , , , A .i.nv iha hMt - .T. i. You sincer"(Sly, u W. J. E. 11ARRIE 4.444.44.4.4-.4.4 4 'i'lT The annual meeting of - the Conservative Association will be lield in the Emad Hall on Monday pvonincr Janimrv 91 IK . Ewart Lyne (Pianist, Capitol Theatre)' teacher of pianoforte, Studio 10 Federal Block. Phona Red ,70L tf Week End Specials Fresh Ful- Jet, extra ggs,f35c per tloz., 3 doz. for $1.00. Bush Groceteria. Phone 211 -212. 13. from Prince George on yesterday afternoon's train. Mayor and Mrs. McMordie en- tertained at an Impromptu party ,a8t niKht to celebrate the elect- 'on results. Many Iiends called t offer thefr congratulations. J 4f '0' Hanson returned to the city on yesterday afternoon s -train from a, brief .trip, to thslKn: terior and sailed this morning the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver; , ... 11 Some fifty carloads of grain were reported this morning on the divfgion Wfit of Jagper ParR i it t.ii .... cars arrived during the past i. George Pearson, manager of the drug department in the Gran-1 by stores, arrived in the c.itv on I t J it l tvl -i- j . I.. t-.yx. mmij mujo, a iMtiiciu a ain. will Je given in ho Baptist Church twniKht aUHUlU by Frank Webb. win!on"-orgahr2ing ill 1-4 J m. ."'l"l.eu. ' f Invitation, " hare r been isaued by Dy I n. T A , "fl ' Z ZL.u,." Z .11- race to the. wedding of their J.,,.11., Miss Elsie McDonald " n Vk. mL h" TL "SIS' 7"" gj"!- .ft tVvnlns' Jaftuar 8t 7 . c,OCK 1 To enable the. owner to carry out extensive alterations in our retail store, we are monng tern- porarily to the vacant store next the Capitol Theatre, from Mon- a day morning January 21 until i lurtner notice, same telephone1 numbers 62, and 01. Uurna & Co. Ltd. 14 ju Inspector William -Spiller. pro - 1 vnclal police, sailed thia morning on on the tne prjnce rnnce RuDert Kupen for lor the tne f Mith having in his custody three . . , . A wllo na5 ueen Bemenceu 10 six W. H. Toley, divisional super- . . . i 1 A J .1 1 iixcnucni i prcsiuiuK u cun-1 fereace of C.NJt. operating and. traffic officials which is being held here today. Others in attendance, besides those mentioned yeaterday include A. R. Ayerst of Edmonton and A. Fisk of Prince George of the boarding car department. Interior officials, who arrived yesterday after-jnoon to ajtted the meeting, will return to their posts up the line tomorrow morning. - NOTICE TO THE PURLIC The placing or installation of aerials, clothes lines or other foreign wires or attachments on poles carrying electric light, telephone or signal wire, or the f,laf,n or installation or any foreign wires over or under any electric light, telephone or signal, wires is strictly forbidden and. i-ontrary to regulations. ' Any foreign wlrta or attach-' ments causing or liable to cause a conflict with any electric light, ! telephone or signal wires must be remvved a! once. I i ' i 1 . . ... i Superintendent of Utilities. ; - wfwu,., mcniiin iur me months lmprwonment lor as-1 II . nn 1 .. i ehildren of wr oity coupledaultAJex .Dennis who will de. A IllPVrli IlftirOr1''' f b cm,but n& .l the -Mne; tnontba teeit--an4,Samuer niUCI La iflUI of atficlencll. I rtf- McConnell' of 'Smithera who rhe haaj haai P. GAMl'LA. Pioprlrfor . hi Ant i j j;in )it,eci. i-none eun , 4 a Tax 1,'hone 4. Blg4 TaiL If TSVJ p! ' 1 T' ' ' Scandinavian dance, Mttropole AT T AlK III I TTl HC O VV AA jrl il xTlV11i vVm JLi X U January Special Clearance Prices SEE OUR WINDOWS PHONE 9 3RD AVE. & FULTON STREET. Asfc o? Salada Orange Pekoe at is the Sinest Gro TKA 'Fresh Srem the gardens' eery BACON- Finest side. Machine sliced. . ' u lb. 52c QUAKER OATS Tin nsj 5s 72c COOKING APPLES 5 lbs 25c Watfs Grocery Quality Right Prices Right. PHONE 55. PHONE 56. Inspector Jam8 M. Tujpper :R'.iffl62EBfiSES M. v. returned to tne city on yeiterdayfiKiehioohi- train from WHS UIV.W iuiuivv"" itlal idu'UeaU ' ' At the annual meetin f th,e Terrace Board of Trade this week 1 better expressing regret at his iHriM" and hope for a speedy re- was ordered to be sent to Ceorge Little who is ill faa hos- t Montreal. II. F. Glaasey sailed this morn- ing ly the rrinee Rupert on a 'trip to Vaaeouver and Victoria, H, attend the meeting of the exeeutrve of the B.C. yberai Association on Monday at "which nouM L,der will be chosen. jt B. C. Packing Co. Ltd. I panning on taking quavers in the jmr Block for the rir-e it here w lb rj j,. en in charge. A location on the waterfront would have been pre- fwd erred bnt n s-ji: one conld not be tetaistod. Bring Your FURS to Goldbloom He pays the highest prices. Coal! Nanaimo-Wellingtan Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut NanaimWelllngton Mine-Run. Reacon Hard Bootless Lump. Beacon Hard Bootless Egg. Telkwa Lump. Of he above there U ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advise you Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 11C and 117 specials ORANGES New navel.' l3dqz. ......62c SUNLIGHT SOAP Per carton 20c ,:S.LARD- .'tms 67c (CLUSTER RAISINS A ftyw pligs. left. To clear, 2 pkgs. 35c LIQUID AMiilOiIA Per bottle 22c Comforters SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON Comforters Jaboiir Bros. Ltd. PRE-INVENTORY sale Specials FLOUR Any brand, 98s, . . .$4.60 FLOUR Any brand, 49s, . . .2.::r. PASTRY FLOUR 10s. 2 ax $1.15 ROLLED OATS 6-lb. sx. . . .40c ROLLED OATS B & K. 7s 56c PILCHARDS Is, 3 tins ....50c PORK & BEANS Hedlands. 7 tins, $1.00 RAKlO PpVVDER Malkin's . 12. -At.. 26c BAKING FOWDER-tMalkJn's. 21-Ba 86c COOKING APPLES Per box $1.G0 Mussallem Grocery Co. Lim'ted 017-123 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84