Page 2 THR OAIL? SEW Saiememaeate ‘ ee —-—_ --——-—— eee eeaeeeaeeene see —— ; ae Pe Se ee : . Cepiiel an osertee. . - : ow THE DaILy News” Dt eresec Total Asscte, Nov. 30th, 1918, over 8155.00 eeeeeeteeeeeaeeeeee ie Mt . es omennns wrt ay * PRIN . E Bi : ERT . BRITISH J COLUM bi A iv ; > a Pobiuned r ery fts ee e1cet Sundar by The News . e . > ) th Money Earns Money rintiry, and Publishing Co., Third Avenue M ui a. mes | | A men served s sam of moces in cam of & : . i F. PULLEN AKAGING EptTo gency. He left it in bis bank a . BL OF. PULAZ Ma) AGING LDITOR ° 5 ates wear, fie Gaaliy @ ieatey iain ee a te “8 * > . it, Ge 5 at ‘ a4 q . < SUBSCRIPTION RATES iH OT nad Gas & toe eon mounts - + oe — . ' 4 on Ge nine coment and ah genes City Delivery. by carrier or mail, ger month 75c. ee Gr j k g iF a tert a savings sccount and pour mone; a, . ' Lil ears more morry By Mail—Canada or Great Britain. in advance, per year 4H. : tj et ’ ” ~~ ‘ : + the Prix ; i To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. K ¢ 3 : ‘|| UNION BANK OF CANADA TeLzrnoxe & voll Mes THE PIONTER BANK OF WESTERN CAKADA ats : o- 4 rt 7 . B. Moffett, F. B. A nd F ; HEAD OFFICE : WINNIPEG, MAN THANSIENT DISPLAY ADV EETISIN > — 75 cents per inch foffett. Jr. of Weyburn Sasi — c ‘ ‘ a andl a — ——- . ” n - ~~ _ Canitract Rates on spplicatix ast} PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH, | E ‘ . 6 ire Bd : A. T. BRODERICK, . - . Manager. DAILY EDITION. <Gpepe frie; July 1 w days bet “ etensienniiaianaa ; J QE = . — \ 3 2g ‘. . = . bail . * . a Provision for , aes -* I re e lore — Fishing Industry. S See SUS , . << aint j i Lia th gh passengers ‘ . The fishing industry i the best asset Pr Rut Jabour Brothers, Ltd eee” THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA | ; only the best but the = eas evelove or —__ ______—— tt adie “caeeiaaie of Prince Rupert realize that in 1914 : Barber shops will be close cnetaen Gs Grae aiden MONEY ORDERS - ere a tae a ; 4 ght os Ene pres © i As asafe and ecor al method of 1 ing se there are ove registered here his en és 7 cht in being 2 ‘ ' nat to $50. , to show that Prince Rupert ts fast be = — . LAND en ACT fee fortat agais These Money Orders are payable without charge at any br ; port on the North Paci 7 . . . bank in Canada (Yukon excepted in Newfosu ar at ‘ Prince Rupert people are vit terests e deve — o. = « Pringle. * was expect-| cities of the | ted States as are negotiable at over * o tine Gichin . koe trace on — © Sgpticetce 5 $77 Pile 6,001./ ‘ % . a Scoala in Great Britain and Ireiar ment © on & : F ora a ’ . an : : & &54% : hes ber ” . . . . . $5 and under - : - ents «> : $1 t exceecing > towards the accomplishment of such an im; ; lore | us esr teary Saath “ilast night, will not : nt Over $5, not exceeding $10, 6 cents Over $30 not excee i ate ne hoaond * r xe Peinee Rumert the * . - - © Sacer). 4 — i of ’ “ besis'are bows : Ruj s Tax Ss tre - lay nig He left 17 Prince Rupert Branch - - - A. W. Geiacee, Manager sietse@« SPiep ' 7s oF - for inner : , Rule ir arnt sau ” » & ogo * Seendaw ¢ he : ‘ facsstie sid ; ged for Sof Ail ANDI 5 day la : in order to get them here ; as parcel or tract : i « ght that he may have The independent fishermen and fist ers €%3 . a Sa Se | of i off to visit with friends — oe some kind of faciistees which w Z tee em the bes«t 1 : : : : escribed as x elee bas not made good n- for their fich. or allow them to =! hemselves on the stern {i ’ > of tice Rupert, (ites . market if they so wish The present ie ge even ¢ a eh ons - — es ied will be too sma very short time ‘ he | ‘ ‘ . - ‘ ~* aser Within 35 Gays free \ far ly ’ rea niger . Ir rf % that % wene thi« we : : ‘ - Fg t s > Zi. ans stepped 7 the train last ve denees Gls tm Geena WS ae, eee tin = auly mewspret. and Four sueatelevening. In rather gaudy gart a S.S. PRINCE GEORGE ony the past throug? 4 : Bd : bis port when the G. 1 sat fs muenteents, and & tbe | the mother with her littiec baby on | P. Railway bad io se beir own e to the fishermer nd tt oe Peg - Ae ny her ba lied along the piat-/| SAILING —— a ees Serene ion Of ‘ne present year wher wing t eens 60 gg i ner ow F assins THURSDAY an¢ SUNDAY BIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FAL\5 a strike so many lishermen has Ww dispose ineir Leh at Dutedaie bre : i mer inempers of U VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. 7 Ketchikan, Vancouver end Seatiie, ge g a very small price f tages 7H [happy group straggied along a} WEDNESDAY en¢ SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. it and a very poor return for their labor. r under 4 t in front. ‘ie of core s étees hate to @ ee teametdien it Ze ; ae : & S&S PRINCE JOHN {KD PRINCE ALBERT o 3 vas pik ; aii) sore e uf 2 » - ¢ July ath ot & at fisherman ought to be assured that he can always land his fist a NOTICE ed Port ments 3 a = ot _ : _ ' - “ t : : and store it here whatever happens ' { registered und axoeinngitts 18th and : [ ts Act. Stall be IN THE MATTER of an application for senenmnatipeiiaiinaiats ieetiennate When the fishermen feel that they ca tle here saieiy 4 a1 5900 and debarred frum setun the issue of 6 fresh Certificate of Tithe for | far as selling fish is concerned. they will come in reas gl any <cietm +t <> cena — a a iis . Bi = nen three TRAIN SERVICE land so sodd for es a tb nei 1 (23 Section five . City of Prince Ku-} Monés Wenesds Sat : numbers both to the benefit f the fishermen themseives and of tres +8 register the person ¢m- pert Map #23 ' Passenger ¥ 7 one éey 8 " rehan oil sol «tiiae: mais oa a . : ' e¢ under such tax sale a8 owner NOTICE ts hereby given that ft ts my! Prince George, Edmonton end Winnrer, making ihe merchants and aii th OmMmMmunty, be sse this is the oni zz sold for taxes intention to isswe after the expiration of = ints cast and sowtl : an application has been/ ot month from the fret publicet om “ fe - or them. : bP aa nD e Tr mato ir af ii 18 oe — — “ore place or - made for 4 fieate of feasibie Tithe | hereof, a fresh Certificate of Tithe to the w i bove-mentioned lands, im the name | above med iand in the name of AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Good Market " rt Henry Smith | Kriss an jiium, which. certificate was For information end reervations apply 1 iD >. o . D ss t. pe s oun For the Product. a, Pp, FS a FO " “ eomber, Ors, ane & sum City Ticket OMce, G26 Third Avenue. Phont 260 t | app inet prior the f 2 ¢ red so There is no industry with a better market outlook than ti nd oct -< addy ms on _ b om i. F. MACLEOD aa “ aid land s&s] for ove © tate District Registrar of Titles fishing industry at present and for years to come. Europe wi 4 were the registered and assessed own-| Land Registry Office 4 4 4 et and meat is goir in he h in oF » 4 r thereof Prince Rupert, B.C. provice 4 g000 marke: 420nG Mm going to be high in p e 10 FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the 1¢t bh June, 1919 323 many yeare. in the Allied countries in Eur pe, 0 of ninety-eight |*sme tame I shall effect registration in _ million head of cattle eighteen millions have been destrove ' : . aed soi aa whan ~~ ys LAND REGISTRY ACT. , mg the war. or one-f fil f the er se «t ‘ In R ry thers 1 t hobert Henry Sm Sections 36 and 134 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY) re c ree nor e4 : : : 7 o % . ' : ps po » ov =. a perl * e507 4 . ditties, fib are no horses nor cattle lk i out of sixty-nine s of pigs eLogs ie Grea i} Re Application -— 10,597-1 and 10,598-1 CAMADIA = thirty millions have been sacrificed. ; ia er an peniianal Mise Taam any Fish és the natal Bie og Song ‘a wachne | CAKE Os ibe Lake Bees Otten lg ee TOS Se ee ee ea tnia © Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points : : : - ; Prince hupert E this 13h 4 ofl _ ” re gis . 5 _ : . om . rig ; : eters Peed sat aiterd to tag tosah ob high pouna tes paar oll mages 8c os weet, fer, coae feat Set §— via Steamer to Vancouver and the ' 3 ? 4 . . - ‘ . Any kind of fish will find a tiet in Europe, especially th District Registrar of Titles iy of Frmee Kupert, Dearing date tse : Canadjan Pacific Railway vin Gay { December, 1916, of AJL Ai . southern countries like Italy and the Balkans. Italy took a he {T° Francis F. Tepper, Esq, SINGLLAK thal certamm parcel or tract of : } Ditethiid adit talines dex anne Mila, Queens County, iad ond premises situate, lying and being Meals and Berth included on Steamer : it "2 - e558 : ave oA tata m the City of Prince Kupert, more par- - is an undeniable ut that ar underta : x ok « e cular KnOWR and Gescribed a5 lw Ssialy ; : a j me is + thet a y undertaking which is th WATER NOTICE oun 164), beak tape 418), Gecuen Tee S&S. PRINCESS ALICE 5&6. PRINCESS MARY : means of increasing the food production is bound to be a financia DIVERSION AND USE 2), Lots tree four (3 and 4), Block For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert 2 SUCCES 7 he market is always « ager for good fish of any kind 7 — er ee fe vinine (40 : Lot see Derag Suly ens Ange every Gauurday pee : n , . ’ oTl t ae : - . ° — etchitan, Juneau. rengell, Stagw Alaske, from % and all the fish that can be caught can be sent into eastern Canada |, ae oe os : ea Bi dang. Seattle,| Even (2, Bd Lut Sixteen (16), Block ee . D i a os _— 4 and the United States and fetch good prices. Was * apply for @ licence to take a (2%, Section eigh: (5s) (Map uring July August every Monday at noon _ : and use fifty (50) feet per second (25,000 a. ——— aa Japan is a wood market for fis and the te tates Sa feats ae “ of Cle ise You are freQuired to contest the claim y oe g ; for fish and the United States ha See eee eee eee ker at of the tax purchaser within 35 days from CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES i already started a good trade there. South America at presen | westerly and drains into Kitzauit Kiver,| 2, 98 OF We service of this motice For rates, rerervations and sailings, apply to also is 4 good field. So is Mexico, where the Japanese are selling | 4)0¥! 'wenty four miles from its mouit “Golly talehtoes, ape Jour attention ts W. GC. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. he water will be diverted from the stream r ; smoked and dried fish, Barbadoes, Jamaica ¢ ‘ . ‘es! ; < 00 feet fre , ,| sited to section 36 of the “Land Kegisiry i , ; | 8, Jamaica and all the West |at « poiot ap it 200 Toot Trou the moulh| cr” with amendments, afd Ww the fuuow- 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C Indies are equally good markets, and since the opening of the |2%,“‘csrmater Panama Canal, products from this part of British Columbia ough ng eatract Werefrom:— “and im default of @ caveat or cer- tincate of lis pendens beimg fied be- upon the Las Chance scr d as the Last Chance group of mineral claims af . : ' 7 ; ‘ ° 2 t _-_—— _—_—— — lo be landed quickly and cheaply at any port of the Aflantic. This notice was posted on the ground FR ey et caner of the a m the 27th day of June, 1919. A copy ail persons. ae ee with ._= Present Cold Storage 7 this notice anc » a4pplicatlio sursuan SEEPEEFESEREEEEEEEEEESESSEEEEREEE EEE EER eee is Good hereto and ts the “Meter hate tea somn, ‘ana ait perecs me a — s Institution. wale fied ‘in ‘the oMee of the Water) of Under them, ai persone © © * 7 ( Recorder at Prince Rupert, B. C. ing any interest im the jand by virtue he nion COAST SERVICE. ‘ he Canadian Fish and Cold Storage plant has done an im- Objections to the application may be of auy unregistered insirument, and . mense lot for Prince Rupert and its usefulness has only com-| ed with the said Water Recorder or witht th) PARGME “escent ‘whose title x St hi For Vancouver, Tues., 8 p.m.;Sat.,4 4 : . the Compt € 0 ale ights ariia- menced. With its increasing capacity it is bound to do more | ment Buildings, Victoria, B.C, within hot registered under the provisions eams ip p.m. : . ‘ , shirt 44 after the first - . f of this Act, shall be for ever estopped Any . . . business and be a profitable undertaking. That is as it should)” y cays = - ine ae Sone 0 and debarred frum setting up any f B nyox, Alice Arm and Port Simpson, $ iis olice J ew ep Pp . : ~~ be. If there were an independent cold storage here. however Ww . TONRES. Applicant. — oS ae 4 Co. Oo C ‘ Mondays, 7 a.m. . - . , JI @ se A ’ : > ; aes . many more fishermen would come to the port a* any Suggestion The date of the first pablication Of abis — bor aap ‘ae an a the Naas River Points, Friday a.m. ; of monopoly would be taken away. The present institution would |®%_* 2 _12, 1919 omnuiiilitin fend ‘90 sold cru ss Ltd. oP Jack Barnsley, General Agent ; ot do less business bi , . . ‘ cae cian > AND WHEKEAS application has been , & : no » less business but the port would do more. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH | aie for a Certiicate of Indefeasibie Title athihh dete tetetrtetetrtrtrtetete o 2 = COLUMBIA. lo the above-mentioned lands, in the name wits ies PRRAERERAARERRRRR ERE R ER * isi eel ‘ f Dora Stephens. s iN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- - AND WHEHEA®S on investigating the eee ——_ — a ~ a TION ACT litle it appears that prior to the ivth day — and f October, 1917 (the date on which the ee IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF|® ¥ taxe Ry PHONE A B C [ AXI SERVICE WILLIAM. McKENZIE LOGAN, .DE-|%0q were the registered and assessed || Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 é © ° e CEASED, INTESTATE owner of the lots opposite your respective —— ia ili * Ride in Comfort TAKE NOTICE that in order of His|"“AhrHER TAKE NOTICE that at the ; Honour FP. McB, Young, made the 9th day|, FURTHER, TARE Tot i For Comfort, Courtesy and Service eS 3 Modern 7 Passenger Cars at your of June, ATD. 1949," 1 was appointed }Puruahee of such application and issue & 7 sl . “ Adminisirator to the estate of Willlam/’-tincate of Indefeasible Title w the said go to Service Day or Night Mekensie Logan, deceased, and all parties) jig, in the name of Dora Stephens having claims against the said estate sre hereby, reauired furnish ‘same, property jumiess Joe, tke ad prosecute, the, proper THE SAVOY HOTEL verified, to me, on or before the 23rd day of july, A.D. 1919, and all parties tn- 00% Se ar oe ce Cee Oa Leet dant or tine iodebieaacss ‘> Max | bated at the Land Kegisiry Ofee, Prince | Se eee forthwith, ee Sh Oe oe oe C om | Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. STAND *** *sirir site ROYAL HOTEL JOUN H. MeMULLIN, 1919 7 OMeial Administrator. eT. Bactsca, f Titles DATED this 23rd day of June, A.D, 1919 nese © | To Edna Wilson, assessed owner of Lot Home Cookin Runni Ho Water IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH 66, Block 12, Section 2; Francis F. Tupper, . ng t and Cold Georgetown Lumber Co. IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTRA registered and assessed owner of Lot 10, COLUMBIA registered and assessed owner of Lots 3 and 4, Block 15, Section 5; John Lilleros, f A I : : T” Block 4%, Section 7; Dondid Brown, 45- ‘ PHONES 120 ang 423. — P. O. BOX 1632 — coat Isessed owner of Lot sixteen (16), Block IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF|2® Section 8. __ : siecle Dalila” Assortmen . Cc. 5 . Largest t of Lumber in Centrai 8B. C KKISTIAN THEODOR SKIELLUM, DE-| cxpena, LAND RECORDING DIVISION- FISH BOXES 4 SPECIALTY DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that in order of His — _ SLANDS. : TAKE NOTICE that Oliver Brown, ©) onour Me 2 . SPRUCE FIR CEDAR ot May, X D Miele, twats pointed rd Victoria, B.C., occupation machinist, in ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS minisirator to the estate of Kristian Teo-| 248 © ap ly for permission to prospect Consult Us. dor Skjellum, deceased, and all parties| for coal an petroleum on the West Coas: ! having ¢laims against the said estate are} Of Graham Island, in the vieinity of West . = hereby required to furnish same, properly River, commencing at a post planted one oint oe verified, to me, on or before the ist day mile south of the southeast corner of C. L. of August, A.D. 1919, and all parties in-| 10342 thence east 80 chains, thence south jebied to the estate are pe 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence t the '§ as Oe the are remeives Wo Dey 80 chains to point of commence ccoun the amount of thelr indebtedness to me} north forthwith ment. JOHN HH. MeMULLIN, OLIVER BROWN, yo , NOTICE TO FISHERMEN OMelal Administrator. Per Austin Brown, Agent. A Joint Bank Account ‘ 4 DATED this Sra day of July, 1919 Dated May 18, 1019. on io d if / pr _ ak leona limasdinied 7 ; ables an an wile, or 7. IM THE MATTER of an application for the|SKEENA LAND RECORDING | DIVISION , it) i issue of a freah Certificate of Tithe for DISTRICT OF Ot EEN CHARLOTTE two members of the same Wi) the Kast Half (%) of Lot 03%, Range] o.ce notice that William Traeger, ‘of oo h Wi ‘ 5, Coast Distriet I 4 raeger, “O | 3 NOTH f Is HEREBY GIVEN that it is my Anyox, B. ¢.. oecupation machinist, intends amuy, to have a Savings | ; intention tw issue, aft ir to apply for permission to prospec or q and Ice at Butedale Cannery One (1), month trom the date af the Ares coal and petroleum on the following de Account in common, and i | ‘a vublication hereof, a fresh Certificate of | s¢ribed lands on the west coast o Grabam > . . a Wile to the above mentioned lands = he island, in the vicinity of West river; com make deposits and with- Lf } name of Albert F. Young, whieh Certifeate|mencing 4t & post planted at the south WESTERN ACKERS LIMI E of Tithe is dated the sixth day of July,jeast corner of ©. Lb. 10912; thence weal) drawals individually, dis nw ered 6 chains; thence soutl oh Ss; thence P ? T D eee “oP : MACLEOD, esas $0 chains; the - aort $0 chains to WINNIPEG BRANCH ! ' 2 int of munencement BUTEDALE is - me B.C. re net of Titles. point of co e ITT TRAEORA, : and Registry sry . + : an h. Prince Rupert, B.C Per Austin Brown, Agent, H. ST. G, LEB, Manager, " Prince Rupert Branc June 13th, 1619," Dated May 18, 1919,