esday, October 1029 TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIIIIEE Special Special 3-lb. tins MALT EXTRACT, RLAIN . 1-lb. jars y- 9-jb. tins ....j...... ....f.:......35c 55c Parke Davis & Co. .$1.00 Anders, large .$1.00 small ; J. : '. .buc Anders, . . . . . . . . . Pabst hop flavor malt syrup . . . ' 80c Ormes Z7lw Pioneer Drfiocists THIDD AVE. & SIXTH ST, -TELEPMONF.S 8?f,20C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing! Krorn I'rlncc Buprrt 1 mr VAMOUVEK, VICTOUIA, Swauwn luy, Ilutrdale. Alert I tor. He, Tues. iJt S.3U p.m. MVAV'UttMI. VICTOR! K. HutMale. Mm luy. tit.. I'rldaf- mldnKht tat il ICE A KM, ANYOX, STEYYAUT. Nu. Kltrr, I'urt Hlmpiton. bun-Car ;CO p in. intr i Astuuf K. M. SMITH Asrnt Prim Kuprrl. B.C. ,1 rovih (Irkrti told to VlrtorU and Brittle .mil btunt clieckrd liroucii to destination. ,CIU0lHJ Acinci sr B, C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FROM TRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Oct. 9, 19. 30. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Oct. 2, 13, 23. Princess Mary Oceans Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents For All steamship Lines IV C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave., Prince Kupert, Phone 31 Canadian National !ht Largcft Kailway SyAem in America STttiiiMtir AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PUINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, each Thursday and Sunday lfp.njn. ' For ANYOX and STEWART, each Wednesday, 1 p.m. For STEWART and KETCHIKAN, each Saturday, 4 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. P.ISMEMIEK TRAl.tR- LEAVE rKIM f. rtl I'KHT DAILY EXCEPT Pl'MiAY at ll:SH a m for I'KINtt' (1EOIK1E. tliHO.-TON, HINNirtO. all point! taMrrn Canada, tnlted Statra. acienct Mi- orrAV nrr.AMMiir iixeh Cily Ticlttt OfncC, J28 Third Ave. Prince Rupert-Phone 26ft LUM BER 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14 S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14', S4S, No 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Cove. Telephone, 361 Retail Yard, Cow Day, Telephone 423 The Seasons Big Smash in Radio RADIOLA 60 1929 MODEL $190 We consider those sots to be the most marvelous cvnr offered at this remarkable price. A nine-tube fcuper-Hetercdyne Circuit employing seven UY 227 tubes, one 171 and one 280. These sets haygnp ,el"aj rl r t0ne' at thfs price?1" TOM B ALLINGER 3 1 8 5th St RADIO AND BICYCLE SHOP Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results 1 have somcthinir vou want: you have something vnnt. We get together through the classified ads. Local Items 4 a Tax! Phone 4, nig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, Dr. J. It. Gosse. Phone CE6. This afternoon's train, due from trie east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time.- ' ': ' SJS. Salvor has arrived with a full cargo of coal for Albert & McCaffery Limited, phone 116 and 117. (256) The appointment of Rev. C. M. Lancaster of Ocean Falls as Issuer of marriage licenses has been T. B, Campbell, C.NJt. totem pole preservation engineer, arrived in! ine city on yesterday afternoons train from Hazelton. Nick Coulter of Port Edward Is spending a few days In town, naving arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train. Oscar Smith of the Customs House staff has been confined to his home for the past few days suffering from' a severe cold. Morris Dahlqulst, interior pole operator, arrived in the city from Cedarvale on yesterday afternoon's train lor a Drier business visit. Programs of the unveiling ceremony of the Prince Rupert and District war Memorial are now on sale at several stores in the flty. Mrs. F. E. Alexander of Vancou ver is expected in the city from the south tomorrow morning, to attend 'he funeral of her brother, the late F O. Dawson. O. A. McNicholl, general passenger agent. Canadian National Railways, will arrive in the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning to attend the funeral of the late F. 6. Dawson. H. Creelman, passenger traffic manager of the Canadian National hallways with headquarters in Winnipeg, arrived in the city on ' his afternoon's train to attend the funeral of the late F. O. Dawson. Elmer Frederick Little, collector it Prince George, is gazetted as deputy government agent and de- outy registrar, deputy land commissioner, deptuy water recorder, deputy mining recorder, and other government positions. j' , John Dawson. C P.R locomotive engineer nf Calrarv. Is now on hi-. noon's train to, attend the funenl that afternoon of his brother, the late F. O. Dawson. Mrs. O. Rothwell of New West-mlnstf r. sister-in-law of Miss Jessie Rothwell and of the former Mrs. F. O. Dawson, Is expected to arrive In the city tomorrow morning aboard the Prince Rupert from the outh to attend the funeral of the late F. G. Dawson. Telegrams continue to arrive from friends in all parts of Canada extending condolences to the family following the death of the late f. O. Dawson. Among those who have been heard from are Sir Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National Railways; Walter Thompson, director of publicity for the C.N.R.: A. M. Manson. K.C., T. D. Pattullo, Rev. Dr. H R. Grant, and many others. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED PRESSED Uc Delivtr lo Any City. A Nil Lin?, the Tailor fMlLr.wAv.wjtiaf uTrMMiwaOTrttfigan N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder ' Marine Ways . SEAL COVE I ftake you out of water Hinder roof where rain will not trouble; build boats any size or kind at surprisingly low prices. Halibut. Pleasure, . .. , Trolling "Boats For Sale 1 generally have a boat to suit any requirements. Mooring spaces for boats' winter quarters. Anencles any engine required. Repairs Why pay more when your work can be done for less with better accomodation? PHONE GREEN 429 ur Child's Cold Needs this ) Double Treatment Children hate to be "dosed." When rubbed ofi, Vicks relieves colds 2 ways at once wf hour" "dosing": (1) Its healing Vapors, released by the body heat, are inhaled direct to the air passages; (2) "It draws out" the soreness like an old-fashioned poultice. MCKS ?VAPORUB Okr t? Million Jars UsEDYCMur Rupert Legion No. tonight. 45 meeting (252) Mrs. J. S. MacDorfald'ls sailing this afternoon on thq. Catala for Vancouver. A meeting of the Cenotaph Committee will be held tonight in the Legion Rooms at 7; 30. Scandinavians look here! Wednesday .dance In the Boston Hall. Hanson,, and Farstadt with their snappy music. Dancing from 9 till 1. j (252) The B. C. Gazette announces the rescinding of the appointment of J. R. Tannock as deputy coroner and registrar under the marriage act. Mrs. Oreen, mother of Mrs. Hubert Ward, and Mrs. Cork, sister, will sail by the Catala this afternoon on their .return to Vancouver I after having been visitors here for the past few weeKS. yox. Stewart ana oiner norwern points and will sail at 3:30 this afternoon for the southi Power Corporation tot Canada. Electric rights on thi?north sWe of Third Avenue in the business section of the city were out for aboufan hour this morning when a-'triftyormer lii front of 'the Cafmdtin National Telegraph of-fTe tflew out. There was, a spurt Of fire which could be seet) for considerable distance. E. O. Davidson. Vancouver mining engineer, who has-been spending the past week at Alice Arm Inspecting a number of properties 6. Presbyterian Basaar' November Bagitaf whtst drive and dance, November 7. Rupert Dat United Church ba- 'url of tin . Dance, November 8. Anglican W. A. Bazaar, November 14. L.Q,nj. whist drive and dance. November 14. Gyro !aftdown In Auditorium. November IB.. . ftf) Moose Annual Basaar and 22. j. NOTICE Nov. 21 United Church Bazaar, 5. Pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act all persons desiring to be entered on the Voters' List for the forthcoming Municipal Elections as Houebo'ders or Holders of Trade Licenses must rBL$jUr their names with tlje. Glty i n?rMdVlng.AUe monhi o October on a statutoryitform t- be supplied by the City Clrk. The Citv Clerk's Office will be open fro 9 a.m. until 5 n.m. each and very dv dur- In the month of October with the exception of Satur- day, when It will 'be open from 9 a.m. until 12:30 njn. E. F. JONES. Oct. 5, 15. City. Clerk. 28, 29, 30, 31. Everybody's going Friday night,' Elks' Hallow'een dance. Spooks,1 punch and smaiies' orchestra. (252) H. R. Frost J.P. Is appointed district registrar of vital statistics for the registration district of Inspector William Splller, provincial police, is calling on, the Catala tlais afternoon for; a .trip 'to Vancouver, and Victoria. Lew Lum, well known Chinese merchant of Anyox, and Mrs. Lew HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms '' Rooms 50c and up SWANSON and BESNER Proprietors Central A. O. Holby, Salt Lake City; N. J. Coulter, Port Edward; J. L. Wallace, C.N.R.; J. La Orsklne. Montreal; A. Grant and Carl Barstad, city. Prince Runert Northern Boats CMnged Result Recent Collision Owing to the recent between the steamers STORKSTO LEAVE CITY Well Known Pioneers of Prince Rupert Moving on After Qver 20 Years' Residence Here Mrs. Fred Stork- and daughters. Kathleen and Patricia, will sail Thursday night on the Prince Ru- ipert for the. south while Fred Lum arrived in the city from the storlc and Mr and Mrs Douglas onici. wmi w w. KtorK expect to loiiow next week. P. O. Russell, assistant superintendent for the Canadian National Railways at Smithers, arrived In the city yesterday afternoon-and, returned to the Interior this morning. They will go to Seattle and then proceed to Los Angeles where they will spend the winter. They have not as ' yet decided upon their future location. Departure of the Stork family from Prince Rupert will be regret-! ted by many friends. They are numbered among the nrnmlnent George Sellara manager of Sel-1 nloneers of the cltv and for manv lars' Grocery, has left for Anyox years have taken an active part in to resume a former position he affairs here. Mr. Stork sr. was held in the Granby Stores there, first mayor of the city and also Meantime, Robert Arthur sr. is in Member of Parliament for several charge of the local store. j years as well as otherwise taking la prominent part in public life. J. M. MacRae, general freight , Douglas Stork was considered one agent, Canadian National Rail- of Prince Rupert's promising i ways, Vancouver, wm arrive m. young Dusinessmen. socially, tney, the city on the Prince Rupert to- as well as the women folks, have morrow morning from the south been very popular. to attend the funeral of the late j It is a matter of regret that the F. G. Dawson. i family has decided to move on. Disposal of the hardware business has been completed and household effects are now being auctioned at the store. They have also disposed of most of their realty holdings. NEW BOAT OF POLICE M. L. X, Staunch and Handsome Craft, Leaves Victoria for Prince Rupert The fine new 52-foot raised deck type cruiser for use of the provln- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stork, city; cial police out of Prince Rupert, R. W. Sinclair, Inverness; M. construction of which was recently - . . a 1 - . v. T 1 I.A.J I - . TT1. 1 ........ . i uaiuuum. ueaarvaie n. rt. muim. cummeiea oy xarrows viciuria, union "famer I Owen Lake; R. H. Fleming. Ket- left the capital at 10:30 this rnorn- ?Am1fi?whX- IZzZSfS ELE? 1 chikan; Henry Fransen, Hamburg, ing for the north and Is expected to iu ........... .... Ohi0 : arrive nere nv tne ena or tnis weeK I or early next week. Constable Har- i Roval ' old Raybone is in charge of the ves- Mr. und Mrs. H. G. Reld and sel as skipper, while Constable V. MrnT"T WAnaJwBewln, Port C. Prior and CrrotaUe Gordon Da- . .i ".' . . .r aXl Essingum . js. .uonuaeon ana i. w. mcus, uuui new men ioi um uu-JSffiS!U?Teli2:.Hle L02.2C I Wilson. CM.; W. M. Stevenson, trict, have been placed aboard her ubtoiu iu iiiwiiuw uwn Nanalmov ' ' arc 1 wrirre Mr. uouinn1 uas utoi 1 J 1 AW.. ... way here from the oralrlei and wUl S ht JtJFnZ of mrtttow wrttf for the reach the city on Thursday after- I as engineer and radio operator, re- . ispecuveiy. ' Savoy , I Fifty-two feet over all and with Mrs. McKinnon and Mrs. Green, beam of 12 feet two inches, draft of Terrace; William F. Duff, CJI.Jt. five feet six inches and moulded depth of seven- feet three inches. I the P. M. L. 8 is equipped with a 75 , h. p two cycle full diesel .engine. ; The vessel, which from the speci-' fications would appear to be a very ' handsome craft, is of raised deck ! type with pilot house forward and . trunk over the after portion of the cabin. The engine room is situated about ) amidships and the main cabin aft. There is additional sleeDinz accom- colllslon odation in the pilot house and in Princess the forward cabin and foscle, there Marguerite and Princess Louise In being altogether berths for six men. inoiiuHnir th nw Riirhnrn hi. ' me soutn. ine princess Auce nas Heating oi tne caDins is proviaea Dy nnverv at Haatinog Arm u a m-' now been D'aced on the Vancou- hot water radiators with the central senger returning south aboard the, ver-Vlctorta-Seattle run and the heating boiler in the galley. steamer Catala today. ANNOUNCEMENTS , ........ r s ... Elks' Hallowe'en dance. Friday, November 1 in Elks'r Home. Hi" BO Annual Baaaar, November 2. Princess Mary will be here tomor- The vessel Is of staunch construc- row morning northbound instead tion, mainly of fir with 2" by 3" of the Princess Alice on the Skac- steam bent oak frames spaced at wav route. The Princess Marv will intervals of ten Inches on the cen- roake two Alaska trips and then tres. The hull planking is 1 inch the Princes Norah will come on dressed fir. The keel is a sinele Inch gumwood shoe in addition, making a good backbone for the vessel There Is also an 8" by 12" fir keelson which is slotted to receive the heels and frame. Eight-inch sided timber Is used for the engine bearers which extend well forward and aft, providing additional stiffening for the hull as well as a solid engine bed. The stem and stern posts are of gumwood with yellow cedar knees. To prevent dry rot, the whole of the Inside of the hull Is creosoted as well as the top sides of the deck and the outside of the frames before they were planked. All exposed surfaces are also creosoted. Equipment includes a mast with boom and tackle for hoisting the dinghy, ground tackle to reach to any reasonable depth and two anchors, one 75 pounds and the other 125 pounds. There Is fuel capacity of 475 gal lons, with tanks in the wings of the engine room and a third under the focsle floor. Fresh water tanks are located under the focsle floor and also aft. All in all, the vessel appears to be one which should be well adapted to the use of the police out of this port. that run for the winter. In the piece of 7'V by 9 4" fir with a two- and 10c. meantime, the Princess Maqulnna will take the local run between here and Vancouver via Ocean Falls for three or four trips. i THE WEATHER Fr'nce Ri'oert--Raining, strong southeast wind; temperature. 47. QUESTION OF PRECEDENCE Sympathiser And did her fath- er ome be'ween you? 1 TIMH Ciiim Mr,- KitVllnrl m.l V WW ' 11.1 . S , AfMAAAAAA . Premier Orchestra Whoopee . Halifax Chronicle. Goldbloom has Just returned front the East and has on display a wonderful selection of furs. Goldbloom Is a keen buyer and can offer his customers prices at least 35 Per Cent Less Than Similar Goods Can lie Purchased EIsc- where! " Goldbloom. the Old Reliable, after being in business for twenty years, has not yet had a dissatisfied customer. See Goldbloom First Third Avenue, Next Bank of Montreal and now OVNER OF NEW MINE Walter McDonald of Alice Ann Is Spending a Few Days in City Walter McDonald, well-known Alice Arm prospector and brother of Phil' McDonald, formerly of this city who is now located in northern Manitoba, arrived in the city on the Catala this morning from the north and will spend the next few days here. Mr. McDonald Is one of the owners of the Elkhorn group on Hastings Arm on which an important gold discovery was made. He has with him some interesting samples of the ore in which much gold can be plainly seen. The vein, values from which have assayed $800 in gold, Is one foot wide. Snow came soon after the discovery was made, so the length can not be traced untU next spring. The find is at an elevation of about 3000 feet and not far from the Saddle property. Above the gold discovery was located another eight-foot vein of promising ore. The find has directed considerable atention to the Hastings Arm region. Mr. McDonald ii identified with J. Flynn and J. gouins ;n Ke ownership of the Elkhorn property. It is named after the' falmous 'old Elkhorn at Greenwood. which. for thirty years has been shipping ore. Mr. McDonald is a guest at the Central Hotel. Halibut Sales Summary , , American 141.000 pounds, i7c ind 8c to 175c and 9cP',j;T,7 ' Canadian 12.000 pounds, 17c and 10c to 18c and l(Qe. ( ,( American Eagle. 40,000. Booth, 17.8c and 9c. Havana, 30,000, Royal, 17.9c and Oc. Alten, 38,000, Cold Storage, 17c and 8c. Venture, 28,000. Atlln, 17.4c and Mlddleton, 5,000, Cold Storage, 17c and 8c. Canadian Katen.' 3,000, Atlln. 18c and 10c Atll. 1.500, Atlln. 17c and 10. P. Dorreen. 7,500. Pacific. 17.1c the new baby i is on EAGLE BRAND 3Wfl"hi 0r4'YlJa fyiJLljjUsJ) 4a to ALe OyJi L6 f OrltimiUlUr jJr . MAIL XOUPON"TODATI . Th Bvnkn C., Limit d. Dept. A. I lonwr Arc.J. IUJ Vmhouvit KSJfry-rrr&l WUr Book mnd Btbf rOeAJJ!C4 Rxrd Book Safelfe: